Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author The new injury severity score: better prediction of functional recovery after musculoskeletal injury,2006,9,1,24-27,Sutherland Cost-of-illness studies in the United States: a systematic review of methodologies used for direct cost,2008,11,1,13-21,Clabaugh Economic impact on health-care costs related to major diseases including HIV/AIDS due to alcohol drinking among Thai populations,2009,12,Suppl 3,S97-S100,Chaikledkaew Domestic violence: Hospitalizations resulting from abuse by a spouse or partner,2003,6,3,217,O'Brien A Cost‐Benefit Analysis Using Contingent Valuation Techniques: A Feasibility Study in Spinal Surgery,2008,11,4,575-588,McIntosh Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Collaborative Care Management of Major Depression among Low-Income Predominantly Hispanics with Diabetes,2012,15,2,249-254,Ell Estimated united states incidence and cost of emergency department staff assaults perpetrated by agitated adult patients with schizophrenia or bipolar disorder,2010,13,3,A110-A111,Bronstone Work productivity of women experiencing domestic violence,2009,12,3,A170,Cerulli Modeling the risks and benefits of depression treatment for children and young adults,2012,15,5,724-729,Miller Cost-effectiveness of interventions for reducing road traffic injuries related to driving under the influence of alcohol,2013,16,1,23-30,Vos The association of burn injuries and Pseudoephedrine sales,2013,16,3,A9,Goodin Functional impairments and risky behavior among adults with ADHD in Europe and the United States,2013,16,3,A64,Able The economic burden of opioid poisoning in the United States,2013,16,3,A59-60,Carroll Age and gender distribution of outpatient care physiotherapy services for traumatic injuries in Hungary,2013,16,3,A230,Schmidt Cost-utility analysis of a complex intervention to reduce school-based bullying and aggression: an analysis of the inclusive RCT,2021,24,1,129-135,Bonell Time is money but how much? The monetary value of response time for thai ambulance emergency services,2014,17,5,555-560,Jaldell A different approach to health state valuation,2009,12,,S16-S17,Kahneman The changing face of the cost-utility literature 1990-2012,2015,18,2,271-277,Cohen Economic evaluations in the diagnosis and management of traumatic brain injury: a systematic review and analysis of quality,2015,18,5,721-734,Nathens Cost-effectiveness of a nonpharmacological intervention in pediatric burn care,2015,18,5,631-637,Kimble Practices of substance abuse and risky sexual behavior among Adama Science and Technology University undergraduate students in 2012/13 academic years,2015,18,7,A733,Mekonnen Health care policy and cost after earthquake in nepal,2015,18,7,A573-4,Poudel Effectiveness of a community-based falls prevention program for the elderly,2015,18,7,A540-1,Molina How important is the time factor? Saving lives using fire and rescue services,2015,18,7,A535,Jaldell The "efficacy-effectiveness gap": historical background and current conceptualization,2016,19,1,75-81,Abenhaim Health state preference weights for the Glasgow Outcome Scale following traumatic brain injury: a systematic review and mapping study,2017,20,1,141-151,Gabbe Predicting length of stay after road traffic accident accounting for competing endpoints with time-dependent variables,2016,19,7,A463,Hubloue The association of antidepressant use and traffic accident death,2016,19,3,A184,Lee Hospitalization for bicycle-related injuries in Taiwan 2007-2011,2014,17,3,A147-A148,Yang Associations of smoking physical inactivity heavy drinking and obesity with quality-adjusted life expectancy among US adults with depression,2018,21,3,364-371,Gottesman Preventable hospital admissions related to medication (HARM): Cost analysis of the HARM study,2011,14,1,34-40,Postma Uncertainty analysis is inherently Bayesian,2011,14,1,202-203,Stevens Impact of depression on work productivity and its improvement after outpatient treatment with antidepressants,2011,14,4,475-482,Frick A meta-analysis of osteoporotic fracture risk with medication nonadherence,2011,14,4,571-581,Ross Da2 a choice that matters: comparing methods of data synthesis in cost-effectiveness modelling,2011,14,7,A235,Al Trauma service utilization increases cost but does not add value for minimally injured patients,2020,23,6,705-709,Blitzer Development and validation of a hospital indicator of activity-based costs for injury admissions,2021,24,4,530-538,Cameron Cost-effectiveness of midazolam versus haloperidol versus olanzapine for the management of acute agitation in the accident and emergency department,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Li Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Smoking Cessation Interventions in the United Kingdom Accounting for Major Neuropsychiatric Adverse Events,2021,24,6,780-788,Munafò Impact of Google searches on suicide rates in Colombia,2023,26,12,S519,Mendoza Mental health disparities for young adults with arrest histories in the United States,2023,26,12,S206,Zeng