Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Suicide among patients with schizophrenia: a consideration of risk and protective factors,2005,17,3,173-182,Montross Self-poisonings with antidepressants and other psychotropics in an urban area of Sweden,1995,7,3,113-118,Wasserman A comparison of studies from the United States and western Europe on psychiatric hospitalization referrals for youths exhibiting suicidal behavior,1996,8,3,161-168,Safer Self-reported suicide attempts by adolescents,1997,9,4,263-269,Safer Adolescent/adult differences in suicidal behavior and outcome,1997,9,1,61-66,Safer Child psychiatric symptoms in consecutive suicides among young people,1998,10,2,69-73,Runeson Diagnoses psychosocial stressors and adaptive functioning in attempted suicide,1999,11,3,119-128,Runeson Suicide risk and symptom reduction in patients assigned to placebo in Duloxetine and Escitalopram clinical trials: analysis of the FDA summary basis of approval reports,2007,19,1,31-36,Schwartz Violence toward women and illicit androgenic-anabolic steroid use,1994,6,1,21-25,Pope Managing depression in geriatric populations,2007,19,4,221-238,Beyer Does acute treatment with sedatives/hypnotics for anxiety in depressed patients affect suicide risk? A literature review,2008,20,3,157-169,Rich Reducing potential risk factors for suicide-related behavior with a group intervention for clients with recurrent suicide-related behavior,2009,21,1,17-25,Links Phenomenology and epidemiology of panic disorder,2009,21,2,95-102,Yates Is trichotillomania a stereotypic movement disorder? An analysis of body-focused repetitive behaviors in people with hair-pulling,2008,20,4,194-198,Stein Adverse childhood experiences smoking and mental illness in adulthood: a preliminary study,2007,19,2,89-97,Prigerson Efficacy of sertraline in posttraumatic stress disorder secondary to interpersonal trauma or childhood abuse,2006,18,4,243-249,Stein Evaluation of suicidality during pharmacologic treatment of mood and nonmood disorders,1993,5,4,209-224,Fawcett Efficacy of psychotropic drugs for reducing self-injurious behavior in the developmental disabilities,1993,5,3,171-188,Aman Clinical correlates of self-mutilation among psychiatric inpatients,1993,5,1,45-51,Pfohl Paraphilias in adult psychiatric inpatients,2010,22,2,129-134,Davis Impact on suicidality of the borderline personality traits impulsivity and affective instability,2010,22,2,121-128,Rihmer The association between psychiatric diagnoses and severe behavior problems in mental retardation,1993,5,3,163-170,Rojahn Reported suicidal behavior and current suicidal ideation in a psychiatric outpatient clinic,1994,6,1,27-31,Zisook Divalproex sodium in the treatment of aggressive behavior,1994,6,1,17-20,Wilcox Drug detection in a suburban psychiatric emergency room,1996,8,2,59-69,Dhossche Primary prevention of psychiatric illness in special populations,2010,22,4,262-273,Sajatovic Primary prevention in geriatric psychiatry,2010,22,4,249-261,Madhusoodanan Primary psychiatric prevention in children and adolescents,2010,22,4,220-234,Madhusoodanan Bipolar disorder and diabetes mellitus: epidemiology etiology and treatment implications,2005,17,2,83-93,McIntyre Antisocial patients: a comparison of those with and those without childhood conduct disorder,1998,10,2,53-57,Black Suicide methods and presence of intoxicating abusable substances: some clinical and public health implications,1998,10,4,169-175,Rich Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders 3rd ed. (DSM-III) adaptive functioning in young Swedish suicides,1994,6,3,181-183,Rich Seasons and bipolar disorder,1995,7,1,11-18,D'Mello Divalproex: a possible treatment alternative for demented elderly aggressive patients,1997,9,3,145-147,Holt Salutary change after frontal brain trauma,1997,9,1,27-30,Warden Early childhood adversity and later hypertension: data from the World Mental Health Survey,2010,22,1,19-28,Stein Brain SPECT findings and aggressiveness,1996,8,3,129-137,Amen Traumatic grief in a convenience sample of victims seeking support services after a terrorist incident,2001,13,1,19-24,Tucker Neurocognitive and symptom correlates of self-reported childhood sexual abuse in schizophrenia spectrum disorders,2001,13,2,89-92,Meyer The course of posttraumatic stress disorder in a follow-up study of survivors of the Oklahoma City bombing,2004,16,4,209-215,North The effect of loss and trauma on substance use behavior in individuals seeking support services after the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing,2002,14,2,89-95,Pfefferbaum Media exposure in children one hundred miles from a terrorist bombing,2003,15,1,1-8,Brandt Anabolic androgenic steroids and suicide,1999,11,4,223-231,Runeson Biological correlates of direct exposure to terrorism several years postdisaster,2010,22,3,186-195,North Performance characteristics of the PTSD Checklist in retired firefighters exposed to the World Trade Center disaster,2011,23,2,95-104,Prezant PTSD following bereavement,1998,10,4,157-163,Zisook Physiological reactivity in children of Oklahoma City bombing survivors 7 years postdisaster: A pilot study,2011,23,3,202-207,North Lack of replication of the association of low serum cholesterol and attempted suicide in another country raises more questions,2011,23,3,163-170,De Leon Priapism following trazodone overdose with cocaine use,1998,10,2,81-83,Markowitz An open-label trial of aripiprazole in the treatment of aggression in male adolescents diagnosed with conduct disorder,2011,23,4,270-276,Holman Factor structure of manic symptoms in adolescents,2011,23,4,243-249,Praharaj Neuropsychiatric aspects of carbon monoxide poisoning: a review and single case report suggesting a role for amphetamines,1999,11,1,21-27,Murray Postpartum period: a risk factor for neuroleptic malignant syndrome,1999,11,1,13-15,Fido Characteristics of children with juvenile bipolar disorder or disruptive behavior disorders and negative mood: Can they be distinguished in the clinical setting?,2012,24,4,261-270,Connor Impulse control disorders: clinical characteristics and pharmacological management,2004,16,1,27-34,Potenza Factors that distinguish college students with depressive symptoms with and without suicidal thoughts,2013,25,1,41-49,Nock Interfering with the reconsolidation of traumatic memory: Sirolimus as a novel agent for treating veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder,2013,25,1,33-40,North A prospective study of the onset of PTSD symptoms in the first month after trauma exposure,2013,25,2,E8-E17,North Modifiable risk factors for depressed mood among farmers,2013,25,2,83-90,Peek-Asa Gun violence and mental illness: No clear path,2013,25,2,81,Black Childhood Molestation Reported by Women with Somatization Disorder,1989,1,1,25-32,Morrison Prevalence of stimulant use in a sample of US medical students,2013,25,1,27-32,North Capgras delusion with violent behavior in Alzheimer dementia: case analysis with literature review,2014,26,2,E9-E13,Kaufman Hypersexuality after self-inflicted nail gun penetrating traumatic brain injury and neurosurgery: Case analysis with literature review,2014,26,4,E1-E4,Kaufman Hypersexuality after self-inflicted nail gun penetrating traumatic brain injury and neurosurgery: case analysis with literature review,2015,27,1,65-68,Kaufman College students with depressive symptoms with and without fatigue: differences in functioning suicidality anxiety and depressive severity,2015,27,2,100-107,Fava Near-lethal violent suicide attempt in a 15-year old adolescent with no prior psychiatric history following ingestion of 'N-Bomb' drug,2015,27,3,221-222,Davis A Deese-Roediger-McDermott study of trauma memory among employees of New York City companies affected by the September 11 2001 attacks,2015,27,3,165-174,North Psychometric properties of the Self-Report Wender-Reimherr Adult Attention Deficit Disorder Scale,2015,27,4,267-282,Gift The risk of suicide after clozapine discontinuation: cause for concern,2015,27,4,253-256,Kelly Psychiatric disorders after terrorist bombings among rescue workers and bombing survivors in Nairobi and rescue workers in Oklahoma City,2016,28,1,22-30,North Alcohol use in an academic medical school environment: a UC San Diego Healer Education Assessment and Referral (HEAR) report,2016,28,2,85-94,Zisook The evolution of PTSD criteria across editions of DSM,2016,28,3,197-208,North Efficacy of stimulants for psychiatric symptoms in individuals with traumatic brain injury,2016,28,3,156-166,Tampi Life events substance use psychological distress and quality of life in male and female French gamblers,2016,28,4,263-279,Guignard Suicidal and death ideation among adults with obsessive-compulsive disorder presenting for intensive intervention,2017,29,1,46-53,Storch Memories of intimate partner violence and the process of change,2017,29,1,35-45,North Biological treatment of acute agitation or aggression with schizophrenia or bipolar disorder in the inpatient setting,2017,29,2,92-107,Correll Somatization disorder and somatoform symptoms in systematically studied survivors of 10 disasters,2017,29,3,182-190,North Renal concerns relative to the use of lithium in geriatric bipolar disorder patients,2017,29,4,283-290,Grossberg The prevalence characteristics and correlates of anger among survivors of the 9/11 World Trade Center attacks,2017,29,4,235-241,North The association of adverse mental health effects with repeated exposure to disasters,2018,30,1,17-24,North Moral injury posttraumatic stress disorder and religious involvement among U.S. veterans,2018,30,2,113-121,Currier Experiences of gender incongruence and the relationship between social exclusion psychological distress and dysfunction among South African transgender adults: a field-study for ICD-11,2018,30,3,168-174,Stein Interest among veterans in spiritually-oriented therapy for inner conflict/moral injury in the setting of PTSD,2018,30,4,262-270,Youssef Evidence for using PRN pharmacotherapy to treat undifferentiated acute agitation or aggression,2019,31,1,54-69,Tampi Suicide ideation and attempts in obsessive-compulsive disorder,2019,31,2,e2-e9,Stein Co-occurrence of depression with chronic diseases among the older population living in low- and middle-income countries: a compound health challenge,2019,31,2,95-105,Kowal Suicide attempt in the setting of cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome: a case report,2019,31,3,224-225,Moore Low high-density lipoprotein and psychopathology: a review,2019,31,3,209-213,Douglas The relationship between maternal psychopathology and parental perceptions of their children's reactions in survivors of the 1998 US Embassy bombing in Nairobi Kenya,2019,31,4,260-270,North The association between low vitamin D levels and suicide attempts in adolescents,2020,32,2,106-113,Gokalp Firearm ownership among young adults: associations with impulsivity and impulse control disorders,2020,32,3,176-181,Grant The effects of yoga on depression and motor function in patients with Parkinson's disease: a review of controlled studies,2020,32,3,209-215,Nasrallah The association between parent-reported child disaster reactions and posttraumatic stress disorder in parent survivors of disasters and terrorism,2020,32,4,256-265,North Ketamine for treatment of mood disorders and suicidality: a narrative review of recent progress,2022,34,1,33-43,Mathew Association between headache and suicidality: an analysis of universal suicide screening data at a large urban county hospital,2022,34,2,114-122,North Dissociation and psychopathology in Kenyan survivors of a terrorist bombing,2022,34,3,183-191,Cloninger COVID-19 leading to new-onset psychosis and suicide [letter],2022,34,3,207-208,Semple Depressed patients who do not believe they deserve to get better: prevalence clinical characteristics and treatment outcomes,2023,35,1,e1-e10,Zimmerman A systematic review of alcohol consumption and disorders in relation to disasters,2023,35,1,40-60,North A longitudinal follow-up study of Oklahoma City bombing survivors in the first quarter century after the disaster,2023,35,2,93-100,North Problematic internet use and suicidal behavior in adolescents: a review,2023,35,4,272-279,Weller Does gambling differ in people with a minority sexual orientation?,2023,35,1,23-30,Grant Risk of suicidality in depression with serotonergic antidepressants,2000,12,1,43-50,Matthews Cross-cultural comparison of compulsive stealing (kleptomania),2015,27,1,e11-e12,Tavares The association between low vitamin D levels and suicide attempts in adolescents,2020,32,2,106-113,Gokalp Diagnostic problems in a case of arsenic encephalopathy in a schizophrenic patient: Case report and review of the literature,1992,4,1,43-47,Llorente Depressive symptoms in schizophrenic outpatients,1990,2,3,205-210,Zisook Self-mutilation and the chronically suicidal patient. An examination of the frequent visitor to the psychiatric emergency room,1990,2,3,217-222,Bongar Drug overdoses seen in the emergency department. Assessment disposition and follow-up,1991,3,3,223-231,Reder Syndrome malin during treatment with thiothixene and ECT neuroleptic malignant syndrome or malignant hyperthermia?,1991,3,4,287-290,Lazarus A comparison of suicide notes written by completed and attempted suicides,1991,3,1,43-45,Brevard Outcome of psychogeriatric intervention in an old-age home: a 3 years follow-up study,1999,11,3,109-112,Swartz Sleep and suicide in psychiatric patients,2001,13,2,93-101,Balon The last straw--suicide: prevention policy and prevalence,2001,13,1,11-12,Kaufman Improving outcome in schizophrenia: the potential importance of EPS and neuroleptic dysphoria,2002,14,1,47-57,Gerlach Somatoform disorders in children and adolescents: a comparison with other internalizing disorders,2002,14,1,23-31,Dhossche The relationship between DST results and suicidal behavior,2002,14,2,83-88,Black The ups and downs of bipolar disorder,2003,15,2,81-84,Kaufman 3 case reports of edema associated with quetiapine,2009,21,2,77-80,Fiedorowicz Antisocial personality disorder in incarcerated offenders: Psychiatric comorbidity and quality of life,2010,22,2,113-120,Gunter Giving personality disorders their due,2010,22,2,e73,Black Primary prevention in psychiatry--adult populations,2010,22,4,239-248,Madhusoodanan The relationship of marital status and clinical characteristics in middle-aged and older patients with schizophrenia and depressive symptoms,2010,22,3,172-179,Zisook Suicidality in psychiatrically hospitalized children and adolescents: Demographics treatment and outcome,2017,29,4,258-265,Strawn Differences in clinical presentations of patients seeking care for treatment-resistant depression across sexual orientations and gender identities,2023,35,3,199-208,McDonald