Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Burn injuries in small children a population-based study in Sweden,2006,15,2,129-134,Carlsson Hip fracture: family caregivers' burden and related factors for older people in Taiwan,2005,14,6,719-726,Lin An exploration of the potential risks associated with using pet therapy in healthcare settings,2002,11,4,444-456,Brodie Health promotion model for childhood violence prevention and exposure,2007,16,1,38-45,Skybo The attitudes of casualty nurses in Taiwan to patients who have attempted suicide,2007,16,2,255-263,Sun Injured road users' experience of care in the emergency department,2007,17,6,726-734,Franzen Innocent or culpable? Meanings that emergency department nurses ascribe to individual acts of violence,2007,17,8,1071-1078,Jackson Well-being of institutionalized elders after Yang-style Tai Chi practice,2007,16,5,845 - 852,Chen Deliberate self-harm: emergency department nurses' attitudes triage and care intentions,2007,16,9,1704 -1711,Harvey Violence in municipal care of older people in Sweden as perceived by registered nurses,2007,16,5,900-910,Josefsson Mobbing in the workplace by peers and managers: mobbing experienced by nurses working in healthcare facilities in Turkey and its effect on nurses,2007,16,8,1444-1453,Yildirim Factors associated with the occurrence of falls among older people with and without cataracts: structural equation modeling analysis,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Dos Santos Tavares Epidemiology and prevention of head injuries: literature review,2008,17,1,46-57,Abelson-Mitchell Falls and fall risk among nursing home residents,2008,17,1,126-134,Winblad Predicting child abuse and neglect: ethical theoretical and methodological challenges,2008,17,9,1193-1200,Taylor Commentary on Josefsson K Sonde Robins Wahlin T-B (2007): Violence in municipal care of older people in Sweden as perceived by registered nurses. Journal of Clinical Nursing 16 900-910,2008,17,9,1255-6; di,Manthorpe Violence in nursing homes: perceptions of female caregivers,2008,17,12,1660-1666,Aström A theory to guide families and carers of people who are at risk of suicide,2008,17,14,1939-1948,Sun Development of a fall-risk checklist using the Delphi technique,2008,17,17,2275-2283,Huang Screening the risk of falls: a general or a specific instrument?,2008,18,3,350 - 356,Dassen Medium-term post-Katrina health sequelae among New Orleans residents: Predictors of poor mental and physical health,2008,17,17,2335-2342,Kim Commentary on Luck L Jackson D and Usher K (2008) Innocent or culpable? Meanings that emergency department nurses ascribe to individual acts of violence. Journal of Clinical Nursing 17 1071-1078,2008,17,16,2235-2237,Winstanley Nurses' experience in clinical encounters with children experiencing abuse and their parents,2008,17,20,2718-2724,Tingberg The qualitative evaluation of a suicide prevention and management programme by general nurses,2008,17,21,2884-2894,Chan Safety and security in acute admission psychiatric wards in Ireland and London: a comparative study,2008,18,9,1346-1353,Bowers Injured road users' health-related quality of life after telephone intervention: a randomised controlled trial,2009,18,1,108-116,Bjornstig Commentary on Taylor J Baldwin N and Spencer N (2008) predicting child abuse and neglect; ethical theoretical and methodological challenges. Journal of Clinical Nursing 17 1193-1200,2009,18,4,621-622,Harbison Visual impairment and falls: a register study,2009,18,3,366-372,Källstrand-Ericson Psychometric evaluation of Chinese version of Violence Scale for objective rating among inpatients with schizophrenia,2009,18,13,1889-1896,Chen Nurses' perceived facilitators and barriers to assessing for alcohol use in Taiwan,2009,18,14,2078-2086,Tsai Factors associated with the prevalence of violent behaviour among residents living in nursing homes,2009,18,7,972-980,Sandman 'I can actually talk to them now': qualitative results of an educational intervention for emergency nurses caring for clients who self-injure,2009,18,20,2838-2845,Zimmer-Gembeck Effectiveness of psychoeducation intervention on post-traumatic stress disorder and coping styles of earthquake survivors,2008,17,5,677-687,Hatipoglu Care for emergency department patients who have experienced domestic violence: a review of the evidence base,2007,16,9,1736-1748,Olive Older people and falls: health status quality of life lifestyle care networks prevention and views on service use following a recent fall,2009,18,16,2261-2272,Howell Nurses' perception of disaster: implications for disaster nursing curriculum,2009,18,22,3165-3171,Olivia The lived experiences of brokered brides who have attempted suicide in Taiwan,2009,18,24,3409-3420,Chen Response to Harbison J (2009) Commentary on Taylor J Baldwin N and Spencer N (2008) Predicting child abuse and neglect: ethical theoretical and methodological challenges. Journal of Clinical Nursing 17 1193-1200 in Journal of Clinical Nursing 18 621-6,2009,18,20,2922-2923,Taylor Stress perceived support resourcefulness and depressive symptoms in Taiwanese adolescents,2009,18,23,3271-3279,Huang Patients and nurses' perceptions of ward environmental factors and support systems in the care of suicidal patients,2006,15,1,83-92,Sun Risk factors for workplace violence in clinical registered nurses in Taiwan,2011,20,9-10,1405-1412,Pai Development and psychometric evaluation of workplace psychologically violent behaviours instrument,2008,17,10,1361-1370,Dilek Social capital age and religiosity in people who are lonely,2006,15,3,334-340,Lauder Aggressive and violent incidents: perceptions of training and support among staff caring for older people and people with head injury,2004,13,4,526-533,Mullan Night admission to the emergency department: a factor delaying time to surgery in patients with head injury,2010,19,19-20,2763-2770,Kim Preventing aggressive incidents and seclusions in forensic care by means of the 'Early Recognition Method',2010,19,11-12,1529-1537,Nijman The inner door: toward an understanding of suicidal patients,2010,19,9-10,1396-1404,Tzeng A systematic review of care needs of people with traumatic brain injury (TBI) on a cognitive emotional and behavioural level,2010,19,9-10,1198-1206,Jennekens Community-based interventions to reduce falls among older adults in Taiwan - long time follow-up randomised controlled study,2010,19,7-8,959-968,Huang Examining the characteristics of workplace violence in one non-tertiary hospital,2010,19,3-4,479-488,Chapman Editorial: Domestic violence - time for a rethink?,2010,19,3-4,301-302,Corbally Perceived aggression towards nurses: study in two Italian health institutions,2010,19,15-16,2329-2341,Buja Review of risk factors and preventative strategies for fall-related injuries in people with intellectual disabilities,2010,19,15-16,2100-2109,Mitchell An integrative literature review of interventions to reduce violence against emergency department nurses,2010,19,17-18,2520-2530,Anderson Nurses' emotional experience of caring for children with burns,2010,19,19-20,2907-2915,O'neill A typology of bullying behaviours: the experiences of Australian nurses,2010,19,15-16,2319-2328,Wilkes The effects of patient suicide on nursing staff,1996,5,2,115-120,Stanley A systematic review of the literature: workplace violence in the emergency department,2011,20,7-8,1072-1085,Taylor Why carers of frail older people are not using available respite services: An Australian study,2010,19,13-14,2057-2064,Moyle Factors associated with patient and visitor violence experienced by nurses in general hospitals in Switzerland: a cross-sectional survey,2010,19,23-24,3535-3546,Muller Verbal and physical violence in emergency departments: a survey of nurses in Istanbul Turkey,2011,20,3-4,510-517,Pinar Commentary on Flinck A Paavilaninen E and Astedt-Kurki P (2005). Survival of intimate partner violence as experienced by women. 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Journal of Clinical Nursing 17 2718-2724,2009,18,22,3202-3204,Corlett Attitudes toward dementia-related aggression among staff in Japanese aged care settings,2009,18,6,807-816,Moyle Staff activities and behaviour are the source of many feelings: relatives' interactions and relationships with staff in nursing homes,2001,10,3,380-388,Axelsson Attitudes toward patient aggression amongst mental health nurses in the 'zero tolerance' era: associations with burnout and length of experience,2002,11,6,819-825,Whittington Nurses' perceptions of the nature and frequency of aggression in general ward settings and high dependency areas,2000,9,4,602-610,Young Commentary on Eley R Hegney D Buikstra E Fallon T Plank A and Parker V (2007) Aged care nursing in Queensland--the nurses' view. 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Home Education Activities Drug and alcohol use Sexuality and Suicide youth psychosocial assessment tool,2013,22,23-24,3280-3288,Eade Safety incidents involving confused and forgetful older patients in a specialised care setting: Analysis of the safety incidents reported to the HaiPro reporting system,2013,23,17-18,2442-2450,Isola Validity of the Morse Fall Scale implemented in an electronic medical record system,2013,23,17-18,2434-2440,Lee The mediating effect of severity of client aggression on burnout between hospital inpatient and community residential staff who support adults with intellectual disabilities,2014,23,9-10,1332-1341,Dewa Predicting falls using two instruments (the Hendrich Fall Risk Model and the Morse Fall Scale) in an acute care setting in Lebanon,2014,23,11-12,1620-1629,Nassar Effects of a suicide prevention programme for hospitalised patients with mental illness in South Korea,2014,23,13-14,1845-1856,Jun Healing and recovering after a suicide attempt: a grounded theory study,2014,23,11-12,1751-1759,Sun Evaluation of crush syndrome patients with extremity injuries in the 2011 Van Earthquake in Turkey,2014,23,1-2,243-249,Oncü 'Let other people do it…': The role of emergency department nurses in health promotion,2014,23,1-2,232-242,Shoqirat Patient factors associated with incidents of aggression in a general inpatient setting,2014,23,7-8,1144-1152,Trauer Workplace physical violence among hospital nurses and physicians in underserved areas in Jordan,2014,23,13-14,1937-1947,Abualrub Dealing with aggressive behaviour in nursing homes: Caregivers' use of recommended measures,2013,23,17-18,2542-2553,Kok The duality of suffering and trust: Abused women's experiences of general psychiatric care - an interview study,2013,23,15-16,2303-2311,Sunnqvist The lived experience of relationships after major burn injury,2014,23,15-16,2323-2331,Moi Domestic abuse awareness and recognition among primary healthcare professionals and abused women: A qualitative investigation,2014,23,21-22,3057-3068,Kroll Physical and sexual intimate partner violence women's health and children's behavioural functioning: Entry analysis of a seven-year prospective study,2014,23,19-20,2909-2918,McFarlane The determinants of nurses' therapeutic attitude to patients who use illicit drugs and implications for workforce development,2008,17,18,2452-2462,Bammer How does the mining industry contribute to sexual and reproductive health in developing countries? A narrative synthesis of current evidence to inform practice,2013,22,23-24,3597-3609,Dawson Sexual risk factors for partner age discordance in adolescent girls and their male partners,2013,22,23-24,3289-3299,Morrison-Beedy Fear of falling in robust community-dwelling older people: results of a cross-sectional study,2014,24,3-4,393-405,Liu Nurses' views of forensic care in emergency departments and their attitudes and involvement of family members,2014,24,1-2,266-274,Benzein Workplace violence against clinicians in Cypriot emergency departments: a national questionnaire survey,2014,24,9-10,1210-1222,Mavrikiou Risk assessment and absconding: perceptions understandings and responses of mental health nurses,2014,24,5-6,855-865,Muir-Cochrane User involvement in structured violence risk management within forensic mental health facilities - a systematic literature review,2014,23,19-20,2716-2724,Fluttert Construct validity and reliability of the Chinese version of the Disaster Preparedness Evaluation Tool in Taiwan,2014,24,7-8,1132-1143,Chou Living in a family with a child with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: a phenomenographic study,2014,23,21-22,3166-3176,Hedelin Depressive disorder in pregnant Latin women: does intimate partner violence matter?,2015,24,9-10,1289-1299,Nakano Public health nurses' perception of their roles in relation to psychotropic drug use by adolescents: a phenomenographic study,2015,24,7-8,970-979,Nordström Catalysts of worker-to-worker violence and incivility in hospitals,2015,24,17-18,2458-2467,Arnetz Health needs of older Aboriginal people in Taiwan: a community-based assessment using a multidimensional instrument,2015,24,17-18,2514-2521,Lee A qualitative investigation into nurses' perceptions of factors influencing staff injuries sustained during physical interventions employed in response to service user violence within one secure learning disability service,2015,24,13-14,1926-1935,Lovell Job satisfaction and horizontal violence in hospital staff registered nurses: the mediating role of peer relationships,2015,24,15-16,2286-2294,Blegen Editorial: Practising with our hearts and minds: nurses and intimate partner violence,2015,24,15-16,2055-2056,Wilson Nurses' attitudes towards professional containment methods used in psychiatric wards and perceptions of aggression in Turkey,2015,24,19-20,2881-2889,Bilgin Meaning given to spirituality religiousness and personal beliefs: explored by a sample of a Norwegian population,2015,24,23-24,3355-3364,Saeteren To ask or not to ask: the hesitation process described by district nurses encountering women exposed to intimate partner violence,2015,26,15-16,2256-2265,Hylander A systematic review and meta-analysis of factors that relate to aggression perpetrated against nurses by patients/relatives or staff,2015,25,3-4,289-299,Stephenson Effects of a strengths-based perspective support group among Taiwanese women who left a violent intimate partner relationship,2016,25,3-4,543-554,Hou Australian nurses' perceptions of the use of manual restraint in the Emergency Department: a qualitative perspective,2016,25,9-10,1273-1281,Chapman Tough love or bullying? New nurse transitional experiences,2016,25,9-10,1356-1366,Leong Nursing staffs' attentiveness to older adults falling in residential care - an interview study,2016,25,9-10,1405-1415,Mahler A longitudinal qualitative study of health care personnel's perceptions of simultaneous implementation of three risk assessment scales on falls malnutrition and pressure ulcers,2016,25,13-14,1912-1922,Skytt Domestic violence and abuse: an exploration and evaluation of a domestic abuse nurse specialist role in acute health care services,2016,26,15-16,2266-2273,McGarry 'It's much worse than dying': the experiences of female victims of sexual violence,2016,26,15-16,2353-2361,dos Reis Predictors of effective de-escalation in acute inpatient psychiatric settings,2016,25,15-16,2180-2188,Bowers Risk of vicarious trauma in nursing research: a focused mapping review and synthesis,2016,25,19-20,2768-2777,Taylor Physical psychosocial and social health of men who identify as Bears: a systematic review,2016,25,23-24,3484-3496,De Santis Coping styles used by sexual minority men who experience intimate partner violence,2016,25,23-24,3687-3696,Snipes Violence against women and cervical cancer screening: a systematic review,2016,26,15-16,2126-2136,Gigante Intimate partner violence and pregnancy intentions: a qualitative study,2016,26,15-16,2399-2408,Baird Identification and assessment of intimate partner violence in nurse home visitation,2016,26,15-16,2215-2228,MacMillan The Glasgow Coma Scale and evidence-informed practice: a critical review of where we are and where we need to be,2016,26,1-2,280-293,Braine Workplace bullying among nurses in South Taiwan,2016,25,17-18,2450-2456,Fang Nonsuicidal self-injury among lesbian gay bisexual and transgender populations: an integrative review,2016,25,23-24,3438-3453,Bockting Cumulative trauma and partner conflict predict posttraumatic stress disorder in postpartum African-American women,2016,26,15-16,2372-2383,Chiodo Intimate partner violence and pregnant and parenting adolescents in out-of-home care: reflections on a data set and implications for intervention,2016,26,15-16,2409-2416,Herrman Development of a practice framework for improving nurses' responses to intimate partner violence,2016,26,15-16,2495-2502,Taylor A training program for nurses to improve child abuse reporting,2016,26,15-16,2297-2306,Lee An exploration of paediatric nurses' views of caring for infants who have suffered non-accidental injury,2016,26,15-16,2274-2285,Barrett Predicting family health and well-being after separation from an abusive partner: role of coercive control mother's depression and social support,2016,26,15-16,2468-2481,Ford-Gilboe Association among components of resilience and workplace violence-related depression among emergency department nurses in Taiwan: a cross-sectional study,2016,25,17-18,2639-2647,Wang Patterns of 'at home' alcohol-related injury presentations to emergency departments,2016,26,1-2,157-169,Usher Workplace bullying among nurses and their related factors in Japan: a cross-sectional survey,2016,25,17-18,2478-2488,Igarashi Nurse and midwifery education and intimate partner violence: a scoping review,2016,26,15-16,2100-2125,Reisenhofer First contact: acute stress reactions and experiences of emergency department consultations following an incident of intimate partner violence,2016,26,15-16,2317-2327,Olive Supporting same-sex mothers in the Nordic child health field: a systematic literature review and meta-synthesis of the most gender equal countries,2016,25,23-24,3469-3483,Wells Student nurses' knowledge and attitudes towards domestic violence: results of survey highlight need for continued attention to undergraduate curriculum,2016,26,15-16,2286-2296,Hutchinson Sexual identity development: relationship with lifetime suicidal ideation in sexual minority women,2016,25,23-24,3545-3556,Bostwick Violence and depression in a community sample,2016,26,15-16,2392-2398,Montesó-Curto Older women intimate partner violence and mental health: a consideration of the particular issues for health and health care practice,2016,26,15-16,2177-2191,McGarry Seeing for themselves - healthcare professionals views about the presence of family members during brainstem death testing,2016,26,11-12,1597-1607,Doran When the woman gets violent: the construction of domestic abuse experience from heterosexual men's perspective,2016,26,15-16,2328-2341,Entilli The Culture of Pretence: a hidden barrier to recognising disclosing and ending domestic violence,2016,26,15-16,2202-2214,Loxton An exploration of screening protocols for intimate partner violence in healthcare facilities: a qualitative study,2016,26,15-16,2192-2201,Williams Sibling sexual abuse: why don't we talk about it?,2016,26,15-16,2482-2494,Yates Is population flow an unintended consequence of alcohol management plans?,2016,26,5-6,668-677,Usher Intimate partner violence: psychological and verbal abuse during pregnancy,2016,26,15-16,2426-2438,Debono An isolated involvement in mental health care - experiences of parents of young adults,2016,26,7-8,1053-1065,Andershed Unveiling self-harm behaviour: what can social media site Twitter tell us about self-harm? A qualitative exploration,2016,26,11-12,1690-1704,Hilton The feeling of discomfort during vaginal examinations history of abuse and sexual abuse and post-traumatic stress disorder in women,2016,26,15-16,2362-2371,Karaçam The family health functioning social support and child maltreatment risk of families expecting a baby,2016,26,15-16,2439-2451,Paavilainen Factors related to fear of falling among community-dwelling older adults,2016,26,1-2,68-76,Hoang Characterisation of aggression in Huntington's disease: rates types and antecedents in an inpatient rehabilitation setting,2016,26,19-20,2922-2931,Fisher Violence against women. Knowledge attitudes and beliefs of nurses and midwives,2016,26,15-16,2307-2316,Bagnasco Work-related fear and the threats causing fear among emergency department nursing staff and physicians in Finland,2016,26,19-20,2953-2963,Huhtala Vital signs as predictors of aggression in hospital patients (VAPA),2016,26,17-18,2593-2604,Sands Classificatory multiplicity: intimate partner violence diagnosis in emergency department consultations,2016,26,15-16,2229-2243,Olive The care network of the families involved in family violence against children and adolescents: the Primary Health Care perspective,2016,26,15-16,2452-2467,Silva Domestic violence and abuse screening in emergency department: a rapid review of the literature,2016,26,21-22,3271-3285,Ali Screening tools for identification of elder abuse: a systematic review,2017,26,15-16,2154-2176,Gallione Sexual violence in the college population: a systematic review of disclosure and campus resources and services,2017,26,15-16,2137-2153,Gonzalez-Guarda Effectiveness of a psychoeducational programme in enhancing motivation to change alcohol-addictive behaviour,2017,26,21-22,3724-3733,Yeh Predictors of postoperative falls in the first and second postoperative years among elderly hip fracture patients,2017,26,21-22,3710-3723,Wu Domestic violence in pregnancy: prevalence and characteristics of the pregnant woman,2017,26,15-16,2417-2425,Duarte Factors predicting recovery from suicide in attempted suicide patients,2017,26,23-24,4404-4412,Sun Print media representations of United Kingdom Accident and Emergency treatment targets: winter 2014-15,2017,26,23-24,4425-4435,Grant Liberating burdensomeness of suicide survivorship loss: a critical interpretive synthesis,2017,26,23-24,3843-3858,Gilje Nurses' contribution to short-term humanitarian care in low to middle income countries: an integrative review of the literature,2017,26,23-24,3950-3961,Jackson Abuse and violence in families,2017,26,15-16,2097-2099,Wilson Understanding management and support for domestic violence and abuse (DVA) within emergency departments: a systematic literature review from 2000 to 2015,2017,26,23-24,4013-4027,McGarry Antecedents and consequences of workplace violence against nurses: a qualitative study,2018,27,1-2,e116-e128,Ahmadi Safety and service. Reframing the purpose of nursing to decision makers,2017,26,23-24,3761-3763,Leary When people with dementia are perceived as witches. Consequences for patients and nurse education in South Africa,2018,27,1-2,e169-e176,Hanssen Factors contributing to serious adverse events in nursing homes,2018,27,1-2,e354-e362,Sandman Social support and depression across the perinatal period: A longitudinal study,2017,26,17-18,2776-2783,Li Nursing diagnoses related to psychiatric adult inpatient care,2018,27,3-4,e463-e475,van Achterberg Violated and vulnerable: women's experiences of contracting a sexually transmitted infection from a male partner,2017,26,15-16,2342-2352,Jackson I was yelled at intimidated and treated unfairly'. nursing students' experiences of being bullied in clinical and academic settings,2018,27,5-6,e903-e912,Pich The patients' perspective of sustaining a fall in hospital: a qualitative study,2018,27,3-4,743-752,Gettens When holistic care is not holistic enough: the role of sexual health in mental health settings,2018,27,5-6,1015-1027,Brown Postnatal ER visits within 30 days - pattern risk factors and implications for care,2018,27,3-4,769-776,Johansson Risk assessment and subsequent nursing interventions in a forensic mental health inpatient setting: associations and impact on aggressive behaviour,2018,27,5-6,e971-e983,Daffern Risk factors associated with newly diagnosed psychiatric disorders resulting from spinal cord injuries: a retrospective cohort study,2018,27,5-6,e1038-e1047,Chuang Describing the healthcare experiences and strategies of women survivors of violence,2018,27,5-6,1170-1182,Humphreys The effectiveness of clinical pathway directed care on hospitalisation-related outcomes in patients with severe traumatic brain injury: a quasi-experimental study,2018,27,5-6,e820-e832,Mohamed Using the trauma patient experience and evaluation of hospital discharge practices to inform practice change: a mixed methods study,2018,27,7-8,1589-1598,Curtis The relationship between intention to leave the hospital and coping methods of emergency nurses after workplace violence,2018,27,7-8,1692-1701,Kim Child health care nurses' experiences of asking new mothers about intimate partner violence,2018,27,13-14,2752-2762,Almqvist Impact of workplace violence against nurses' thriving at work job satisfaction and turnover intention:a cross-sectional study,2018,27,13-14,2620-2632,Sun Attributions of victim blame in stranger and acquaintance rape: a quantitative study,2018,27,13-14,2640-2649,Grogan An exploration of predictors of children's nurses' attitudes knowledge confidence and clinical behavioural intentions towards children and young people who self-harm,2018,27,13-14,2836-2846,Carter Associations between patient symptoms and falls in an acute care hospital:A cross-sectional study,2018,27,9-10,1826-1835,Lerdal Increased care demand and medical costs after falls in nursing homes: a Delphi study,2018,27,13-14,2896-2903,Polinder Rates and features of methamphetamine-related presentations to emergency departments: an integrative literature review,2018,27,13-14,2569-2582,Usher Usability of a wearable fall detection prototype from the perspective of older people - a real field testing approach,2019,28,1-2,310-320,Hahn Relatives' strategies in sub-acute brain injury rehabilitation: the warrior the observer and the hesitant,2019,28,1-2,289-299,Willis The psychic readiness for destruction among contemporary adolescents,2019,28,3-4,469-479,Sitnik-Warchulska Social support network of family members of abused children and adolescents: perspectives and possibilities,2019,28,5-6,814-827,Gregory Views of key stakeholders on the causes of patients falls and prevention interventions: a qualitative study using the International Classification of Functioning Disability and Health,2019,28,3-4,615-628,Intepeler Workplace violence perpetrated by clients of healthcare: a need for safety and trauma-informed care,2019,28,1-2,116-124,Griffiths The associations of workload individual and organizational factors on nurses' occupational injuries,2019,28,5-6,902-911,Khanjani Attenuating Anxieties': a grounded theory study of mental health nurses' responses to clients with suicidal behaviour,2019,28,5-6,947-958,Higgins Caring for the older person with cognitive impairment in hospital: qualitative analysis of nursing personnel reflections on fall events,2019,28,7-8,1346-1353,Chaboyer Undocumented migrants' life situations: an exploratory analysis of quality of life and living conditions in a sample of undocumented migrants living in Norway,2019,28,11-12,2073-2087,Småstuen Workplace bullying biased behaviors and performance review in the nursing profession: a qualitative study,2019,28,9-10,1528-1537,Johnson Influence of work excitement and workplace violence on professional commitment and turnover intention among hospital nurses,2019,28,11-12,2171-2180,Wang Workplace incivility and its influence on professional quality of life amongst nurses from multicultural background: a cross-sectional study,2019,28,13-14,2553-2564,Alshehry Effects of nursing organizational culture on face-to-face bullying and cyberbullying in the workplace,2019,28,13-14,2577-2588,Park Domestic violence and suicide attempt among married women: a case-control study,2019,28,17-18,3252-3261,Rahmani Prevalence and factors associated with suicidal ideation among family caregivers of people with mental disorders,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kantorski The risk factors of antenatal depression: a cross-sectional survey,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Plummer Strategies nurses use when caring for patients with moderate-to-severe traumatic brain injury who have cognitive impairments,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Oyesanya Nurses' understanding and experience of applying painful stimuli when assessing components of the Glasgow Coma Scale,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Braine Can we stop the violence please? Moving forward to address domestic violence,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Keeling Sleep and fatigue in newly graduated nurses - experiences and strategies for handling shiftwork,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Dahlgren The association of malnutrition with falls and harm from falls in hospital inpatients: findings from a 5-year observational study,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lackoff Frailty screening in hospitalized older adults: How does the brief Dutch National Safety Management Program perform compared to a more extensive approach?,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,van Rossum The pandemic paradox: the consequences of COVID-19 on domestic violence,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bradbury-Jones Aggressive behaviour of persons with dementia towards professional caregivers in the home care setting - a scoping review,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Zeller I do not even tell my partner: nurses' perceptions of verbal and physical violence against nurses working in a regional hospital,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Beccaria Traumatic brain injury patients' family members' evaluations of the social support provided by healthcare professionals in acute care hospitals,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Turunen Comparison of the predictive validity of three fall risk assessment tools and analysis of fall risk factors at a tertiary teaching hospital,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Park Neonatal skin assessments and injuries: nomenclature workplace culture and clinical opinions - method triangulation a qualitative study,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,August Assisting clients experiencing family violence: clinician and client survey responses in a child and family health service,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Willis How does workplace bullying influence nurses' abilities to provide patient care? A nurse perspective,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gillespie Subordinated masculinities: a critical inquiry into the reproduction of gender norms in forensic psychiatric care,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Enmarker Experiences of nurses involved in natural disaster relief: a meta-synthesis of qualitative literature,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hayter Nurses' experiences and support needs following workplace violence: a qualitative systematic review,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Zheng Recognizing and responding to intimate partner violence using telehealth: practical guidance for nurses and midwives,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Campbell Development and validation of the Fall Risk Perception Questionnaire for patients in acute care hospitals,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Choi Polypharmacy and pattern of medication use in community-dwelling older adults: a systematic review,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chen Return to learn: an ethnographic study of adolescent young adults returning to school post-concussion,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wan Relationships among sex empowerment workplace bullying and job turnover intention of new graduate nurses,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wong Suicidality self-efficacy and mental health help-seeking in lesbian gay bisexual and transgender adults in Taiwan: a cross-sectional study,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wu Incidence and risk factors related to fear of falling during the first mobilization after total knee arthroplasty among elderly patients with knee osteoarthritis: a cross-sectional study,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Pi Nurses' exposure to violence and their professional commitment during the COVID-19 pandemic,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Özkan Şat A comparative analysis of the substance use and mental health characteristics of nurses who complete suicide,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Zisook Examining the utility of the Violence Prevention Climate scale: in a metropolitan Australian general hospital,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Brunero Nurses as 'second victims' to their patients' suicidal attempts: a mixed-method study,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Melnikov A unique disaster response in aged residential dementia care: can the experience inform future care models?,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Moir Workplace bullying personality traits and health among hospital nurses: the mediating effect of social support,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Fang Relation between hyponatraemia and falls by acute hospitalised patients: a case-control study,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Aranda-Gallardo Risk factors associated with frailty in older adults with type 2 diabetes: a cross-sectional study,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lin Emergency healthcare workers' preparedness for disaster management: an integrative review,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wilson Improving flood disaster preparedness of hospitals in central Thailand: hospital personnel perspectives,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rattanakanlaya Prevalence and determinants of workplace violence among nurses in the South-East Asian and Western Pacific Regions: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Varghese Effects of aromatherapy on agitation and aggression in cognitive impairment: a meta-analysis,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wang Workplace violence and turnover intentions among nurses: the moderating roles of invulnerability and organisational support - a cross-sectional study,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cakal Dimensions of hospital workplace violence: patient violence towards the healthcare team,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chesire Response to "Dimensions of hospital workplace violence: patient violence towards the healthcare team",2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Harrow Older adults' perceptions of their fall risk in the hospital: an integrative review,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Taylor-Piliae The impact of transition programmes on workplace bullying violence stress and resilience for students and new graduate nurses: a scoping review,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bradbury-Jones The role of nurses in recognising and responding to violence against women,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jackson Experiences of how brief admission influences daily life functioning among individuals with borderline personality disorder (BPD) and self-harming behaviour,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hultsjö Validity of the Morse Fall Scale and the Johns Hopkins Fall Risk Assessment Tool for fall risk assessment in an acute care setting,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kim Suicide literacy in nurses: a cross-sectional study,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Karakaya Effects of multicomponent exercise on the muscle strength muscle endurance and balance of frail older adults: a meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Liu Overtime and alertness of rotating-shift nurses: an observational study using ecological momentary assessment,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Scott Nursing management of emergency department violence-can we do more?,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bagnasco Risk stratification for early and late falls in acute care settings,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Satoh Associated factors of discrepancy between older adults and their family caregivers in reporting elder abuse,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Zhou Lived experiences and opinions of women of sub-Saharan origin on female genital mutilation: a phenomenological study,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Fernández-Sola A qualitative study on the perspectives and needs of oncology nurses about recognition and management of suicide risk in cancer patients,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Öztürk Workplace violence occupational commitment and intention among emergency room nurses: a mixed-methods study,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Koç Incidence of accidental falls and development of a fall risk prediction model among elderly patients with diabetes mellitus: a prospective cohort study,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Li Violence by clients and patients against social and healthcare staff - 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