Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author History of suicide attempts in pediatric bipolar disorder: factors associated with increased risk,2005,7,6,525-535,Brent Pilot sample of very early onset bipolar disorder in a military population moderates the association of negative life events and non-fatal suicide attempt,2006,8,5 Pt 1,475-484,Pettit Family-focused treatment of the suicidal bipolar patient,2006,8,5 Pt 2,640-651,Miklowitz Decreased risk of suicides and attempts during long-term lithium treatment: a meta-analytic review,2006,8,5 Pt 2,625-639,Goodwin Suicidal risk in bipolar I disorder patients and adherence to long-term lithium treatment,2006,8,5 Pt 2,618-624,Baldessarini Antidepressants and suicidal behavior in bipolar disorder,2006,8,5 Pt 2,596-617,McElroy Prospective study of risk factors for attempted suicide among patients with bipolar disorder,2006,8,5 Pt 2,576-585,Suominen Prospective predictors of suicide and suicide attempts in 1556 patients with bipolar disorders followed for up to 2 years,2006,8,5 Pt 2,566-575,Oquendo A comparison of the medical lethality of suicide attempts in bipolar and major depressive disorders,2006,8,5 Pt 2,558-565,Sher Correlates of suicide attempt history in bipolar disorder: a stress-diathesis perspective,2006,8,5 Pt 2,551-557,Sher Rational approaches to the neurobiologic study of youth at risk for bipolar disorder and suicide,2006,8,5 Pt 2,526-542,Mann Risk of suicide attempt and suicide death in patients treated for bipolar disorder,2007,9,5,526-530,Fireman Post-traumatic stress disorder among adolescents with bipolar disorder and its relationship to suicidality,2007,9,6,649-655,Benazzi Differences in incidence of suicide attempts during phases of bipolar I and II disorders,2008,10,5,588-596,Haukka Conceptualizing impulsivity and risk taking in bipolar disorder: importance of history of alcohol abuse,2009,11,1,33-40,Mintz Rapid switching of mood in families with familial bipolar disorder,2008,10,5,597-606,Depaulo Comorbid anxiety in bipolar disorder: does it have an independent effect on suicidality?,2008,10,4,530-538,Mann Lithium and suicidal risk,2008,10,1,114-115,Baldessarini Homicidal ideation with intent during a manic episode triggered by antidepressant medication in a man with brain injury,2008,10,1,111-113,Dealberto Mood-stabilizing pharmacological treatment in bipolar disorders and risk of suicide,2008,10,1,87-94,Andersen Association between brain-derived neurotrophic factor gene and a severe form of bipolar disorder but no interaction with the serotonin transporter gene,2008,10,5,580-587,Leboyer Neuropsychological task performance in bipolar spectrum illness: genetics alcohol abuse medication and childhood trauma,2008,10,4,479-494,Stein Social phobia is associated with suicide attempt history in bipolar inpatients,2007,9,7,713-721,Leboyer Heterogeneity of the risk of suicidal behavior in bipolar-spectrum disorders,2007,9,4,377-385,Robertson Coffee and cigarette use: association with suicidal acts in 352 Sardinian bipolar disorder patients,2009,11,5,494-503,Baldessarini Comorbidity in bipolar disorder: clinical and research opportunities,2006,8,6,645-647,Keck Cigarette smoking is associated with suicidality in bipolar disorder,2009,11,7,766-771,Perlis The interactive computer interview for mania,2010,12,5,521-527,Leon The impact of environmental temperature on lithium serum levels,2007,9,6,603-608,Egberts Aggression hostility and irritability in children at risk for bipolar disorder,2007,9,5,496-503,Brent Retrospective parent report of psychiatric histories: do checklists reveal specific prodromal indicators for postpubertal-onset pediatric bipolar disorder?,2008,10,1,56-66,Rucklidge Increased trait-like impulsivity and course of illness in bipolar disorder,2009,11,3,280-288,Swann Comparison of manic and depressive symptoms between children and adolescents with bipolar spectrum disorders,2009,11,1,52-62,Goldstein Suicidal ideation and depressive symptoms among bipolar patients as predictors of the health and well-being of caregivers,2009,11,8,876-884,Dickinson Age at onset in Sardinian bipolar I patients: evidence for three subgroups,2008,10,3,443-446,Del Zompo Substance use disorders among adolescents with bipolar spectrum disorders,2008,10,4,469-478,Esposito-Smythers Aggression and substance abuse in bipolar disorder,2006,8,5 Pt 1,496-502,Mann African-American participants in a bipolar disorder registry: clinical and treatment characteristics,2005,7,1,82-88,Houck Age at onset in bipolar affective disorders: a review,2005,7,2,111-118,Henry Canadian Network for Mood and Anxiety Treatments (CANMAT) guidelines for the management of patients with bipolar disorder: consensus and controversies,2005,7,Suppl 3,5-69,Alda Suicide risk in bipolar patients: the role of co-morbid substance use disorders,2003,5,1,58-61,Mundo Illness characteristics and their association with prescription patterns for bipolar I disorder,2001,3,1,41-49,Gershon Suicidality in pediatric bipolar disorder: predictor or outcome of family processes and mixed mood presentation?,2011,13,1,76-86,Youngstrom Criminal conviction impulsivity and course of illness in bipolar disorder,2011,13,2,173-181,Swann Relationship of childhood physical and sexual abuse to adult bipolar disorder,2000,2,2,131-135,Dunner Predictors of trait aggression in bipolar disorder,2008,10,2,285-292,Goldberg Posttraumatic stress disorder and substance use disorder in adolescent bipolar disorder,2009,11,2,198-204,Wilens Suicidal behavior: is there a genetic predisposition?,2001,3,6,335-349,Turecki Employment functioning and disability among community residents with bipolar affective disorder: results from an Australian community survey,2007,9,1‐2,166-182,Chant Human MIP synthase splice variants in bipolar disorder,2007,9,7,766-771,Shamir Rates types and psychosocial correlates of legal charges in adolescents with newly diagnosed bipolar disorder,2007,9,4,339-344,Barzman Social adjustment based on reported behaviour in bipolar affective disorder,2007,9,1‐2,53-62,Morriss Social functioning in bipolar patients: the perception and perspective of patients relatives and advocacy organizations – a review,2007,9,1‐2,144-157,Elgie Cognitive functioning in euthymic bipolar I and bipolar II patients,2008,10,8,877-887,Dittmann A prospective study examining the effects of gender and sexual/physical abuse on mood outcomes in patients with co‐occurring bipolar I and substance use disorders,2009,11,4,425-433,Fitzmaurice Suicidal attempts in bipolar disorder: results from an observational study (EMBLEM),2011,13,4,377-386,Lukasiewicz Dimensional psychopathology in offspring of parents with bipolar disorder,2011,13,7-8,670-678,Goldstein Cognitions in bipolar affective disorder and unipolar depression: Imagining suicide,2011,13,7-8,651-661,Goodwin Left prefrontal transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) treatment of depression in bipolar affective disorder: a pilot study of acute safety and efficacy,2003,5,1,40-47,Nahas Olfactory acuity is associated with mood and function in a pilot study of stable bipolar disorder patients,2012,14,1,109-117,Harkavy-Friedman Relationship between suicidality and impulsivity in bipolar I disorder: a diffusion tensor imaging study,2012,14,1,80-89,Wu Perspectives on lithium treatment of bipolar disorder: action efficacy effect on suicidal behavior,1999,1,1,5-10,Schou Atypical antipsychotics and suicide in mood and anxiety disorders,2003,5,Suppl 2,48-52,Sharma Bipolar disorders and suicidal behaviour,2002,4,Suppl 1,21-25,Rihmer Is bipolar disorder specifically associated with aggression?,2012,14,3,283-290,Goldstein Comorbid prevalence of alcohol dependence substance abuse and external cause of injury in patients with bipolar disorder in a nationwide representative sample in Taiwan,2012,14,6,677-679,Tang Risk factors related to lifetime suicide attempts in acutely admitted bipolar disorder inpatients,2012,14,7,727-734,Morken Emotional hyper-reactivity in normothymic bipolar patients,2009,11,1,63-69,Henry Is impulsivity a common trait in bipolar and unipolar disorders?,2013,15,2,223-227,Swann The impact of child sexual abuse on the course of bipolar disorder: a systematic review,2013,15,4,341-358,Maniglio Bipolar disorder. III: Harm avoidance a risk factor for suicide attempts,2004,6,2,130-138,Cloninger Suicide in prisoners with bipolar disorder and other psychiatric disorders: a systematic review,2013,15,5,491-495,Fazel Clinical assessment and crisis intervention for the suicidal bipolar disorder patient,2013,15,5,575-583,Saunders Community-based care for youths with early and very-early onset bipolar I disorder,2004,6,4,299-304,Shugart Suicide risk in people with epilepsy taking antiepileptic drugs,2013,15,5,622-627,Sander Epidemiology of suicide in bipolar disorders: a systematic review of the literature,2013,15,5,457-490,Pompili Biological basis of suicide and suicidal behavior,2013,15,5,524-541,Pandey Risk assessment and psychosocial interventions for suicidal patients,2013,15,5,584-593,Stanley Suicidal ideation and suicide attempts in children and adolescents with bipolar disorder: a systematic review of prevalence and incidence rates correlates and targeted interventions,2013,15,5,507-523,Correll Modeling bipolar disorder suicidality,2013,15,5,559-574,Malhi Impact of psychotropic drugs on suicide and suicidal behaviors,2013,15,5,594-621,Yerevanian Familial transmission of parental mood disorders: unipolar and bipolar disorders in offspring,2013,15,7,764-773,Mann Fighting on the side of life: a special issue on suicide in bipolar disorder (Editorial),2013,15,5,453-456,Baethge Antidepressant tolerability in anxious and depressed youth at high risk for bipolar disorder: a prospective naturalistic treatment study,2014,16,5,523-530,Chang Public health significance of bipolar disorder: Implications for early intervention and prevention,2013,16,5,548-556,Conus Prospective longitudinal course of aggression among adults with bipolar disorder,2014,16,3,262-269,Brent Risk factors for suicidal ideations in patients with bipolar disorder,2014,16,6,642-651,Grover Differences in incidence of suicide attempts between bipolar I and II disorders and major depressive disorder,2014,16,6,652-661,Oquendo Bipolar polygenic loading and bipolar spectrum features in major depressive disorder,2014,16,6,608-616,Rietschel Impulsivity across the course of bipolar disorder,2010,12,3,285-297,Shear Immune dysfunction in bipolar disorder and suicide risk: is there an association between peripheral corticotropin-releasing hormone and interleukin-1β?,2014,16,7,741-747,Lara Cognitive styles and clinical correlates of childhood abuse in bipolar disorder,2014,16,6,600-607,Hadzi-Pavlovic Suicide in bipolar disorder: characteristics and subgroups,2014,16,7,732-740,Schaffer The prediction of study-emergent suicidal ideation in bipolar disorder: a pilot study using ecological momentary assessment data,2014,16,7,669-677,Bernert Post-discharge suicides of inpatients with bipolar disorder in Finland,2014,16,8,867-874,Pirkola A genetic analysis of the validity of the Hypomanic Personality Scale,2014,17,3,331-339,Joormann Blocking blue light during mania - markedly increased regularity of sleep and rapid improvement of symptoms: a case report,2014,16,8,894-898,Grønli International Society for Bipolar Disorders Task Force on Suicide: meta-analyses and meta-regression of correlates of suicide attempts and suicide deaths in bipolar disorder,2014,17,1,1-16,Goldstein Suicidal behaviour in bipolar disorder: understanding the role of affective states,2014,17,1,24-26,Hawton Identification of suicide risk in bipolar disorder,2014,17,1,22-23,Oquendo A bold meta-analysis on suicidality in bipolar disorder,2014,17,1,17-18,Baethge Thoughts on suicidal thinking in bipolar disorder,2014,17,1,19-21,Malhi Cannabis use disorder as a correlate of suicide attempts among people with bipolar disorder,2014,17,1,113-114,Brady Risk factors for rapid cycling in bipolar disorder,2015,17,5,549-559,Vieta Suicide attempts in major depressive episode: evidence from the BRIDGE-II-Mix study,2015,17,7,795-803,Perugi Acute risk factors for suicide attempts and death: prospective findings from the STEP-BD study,2016,18,4,363-372,Tohen Sex differences in mortality among patients admitted with affective disorders in North Norway: a 33-year prospective register study,2016,18,3,272-281,Nesvåg Blue-blocking glasses as additive treatment for mania: a randomized placebo-controlled trial,2016,18,3,221-232,Grønli Incidence and predictors of suicide attempts in bipolar I and II disorders: a 5-year follow-up study,2017,19,1,13-22,Suominen Systematic assessment of environmental risk factors for bipolar disorder: an umbrella review of systematic reviews and meta-analyses,2017,19,2,84-96,Stubbs Dangerously mixed,2017,19,4,314-315,Suominen Lithium and suicide in mood disorders: updated meta-review of the scientific literature,2017,19,7,575-586,Cipriani Old treatment and new curiosity: lithium in drinking water,2017,19,7,597-598,Grof Is "early intervention" in bipolar disorder what it claims to be?,2017,19,8,627-636,Malhi Neural mechanisms underlying suicide behavior in youth with bipolar disorder,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Yurgelun-Todd Modeling suicide in bipolar disorders,2018,20,4,334-348,Malhi Preventing suicide: a multicausal model requires multimodal research and intervention,2018,20,6,558-559,Ballard Could an allied health care approach reduce the unacceptable incidence of suicide after psychiatric hospital discharge?,2018,20,4,403-404,Weston-Green Embracing complexity when moving towards an integrated model of suicide for bipolar disorder,2018,20,6,560-561,O'Connor Toward a parsimonious understanding of suicide: comparing the Three Step Theory to Malhi and colleagues' Integrated Model,2018,20,6,568-569,Klonsky Modeling suicide,2018,20,6,564-565,Tondo Modelling suicide in bipolar disorders: limitations and opportunities,2018,20,6,566-567,Cipriani A parsimonious approach to suicide prevention in mood disorders,2018,20,6,570,Manchia Agitated depression in bipolar disorder,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jones Neuroimaging of suicidal thoughts and behaviors in bipolar disorder: ideas and considerations for future research,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,van Velzen Childhood maltreatment and polygenic risk in bipolar disorders,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Henry Characteristics of bipolar I and II disorder: a study of 8766 individuals,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Landén Network analysis of mood symptoms in adolescents with or at high risk for bipolar disorder,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Miklowitz Symptom trajectories in the months before and after a suicide attempt in individuals with bipolar disorder: a STEP-BD study,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ballard Clinical and neuroendocrine correlates of childhood maltreatment history in adults with bipolar disorder,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Monteleone Latent class analysis of bipolar disorder symptoms and suicidal ideation and behaviors,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lamis Lithium in drinking water and suicide prevention: the largest nationwide epidemiological study from Japan,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Terao Alterations in resting-state global brain connectivity in bipolar I disorder patients with prior suicide attempt,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cao Prevention of suicidal behavior in bipolar disorder,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Baldessarini Putting away the crystal ball: a call for clinical guidelines in mood disorders to emphasize suicide prevention interventions over assessments of risk,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Schaffer The association between lifetime and recent stressful life events and the early course and psychopathology in patients with newly diagnosed bipolar disorder first-degree unaffected relatives and healthy controls. Cross-sectional results from a prospective study,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kessing Neurostructural differences associated with self-harm in youth bipolar disorder,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Goldstein A commentary on youth onset bipolar disorder,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chang The rise and fall of cognitive-behavioral approaches to the treatment of bipolar disorder: a critical overview from a quaternary prevention perspective,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Samamé Llithium in drinking water and suicide: a sex difference and dose-response relationship,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kawada A risk calculator to predict suicide attempts among individuals with early-onset bipolar disorder,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Yen An fMRI examination of the neural basis of suicide attempts: the role of mentalizing in the context of mood,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Calhoun Neuroimaging as an approach to advancing research on suicide risk among youth with bipolar disorder,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Dimick Real world effectiveness of repeated ketamine infusions for treatment resistant bipolar depression,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,McIntyre Detailed assessment of suicidal ideation in youth with bipolar disorder verses major depressive disorder,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Renshaw How are you dreaming? 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