Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Predictors of alcohol misuse and abuse in older women,2005,37,4,329-335,Stevenson Differences in survival length of stay and discharge disposition of older trauma patients admitted to trauma centers and nontrauma center hospitals,2005,37,4,361-366,Scheetz Workplace violence against nursing students and nurses: An Italian experience,2011,43,2,203-210,Magnavita Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) program goals and patient care practices,2006,38,2,180-186,Patterson Outcome from serious injury in older adults,2006,38,2,133-140,Richmond Correlates of recent suicide attempts in a triethnic group of adolescents,2001,33,4,361-367,Beuhring Injury as a global phenomenon of concern in nursing science,2006,38,4,314-320,Sommers Workplace violence among Iraqi hospital nurses,2007,39,3,281-288,Abualrub Using geographic information systems in injury research,2007,39,4,306-311,Edelman Household composition and fatal unintentional injuries related to child maltreatment,2008,40,1,91-97,Ewigman Predictors of health-related quality of life 3 months after traumatic injury,2008,40,1,83-90,Wallis Evaluation of injury databases as a preliminary step to developing a triage decision rule,2008,40,2,144-150,Allen Maternal worries home safety behaviors and perceived difficulties,2008,40,2,137-143,Hendrickson Soldiers with musculoskeletal injuries,2008,40,3,268-274,Jennings The lived experience of genocide rape survivors in Rwanda,2008,40,4,379-384,Brysiewicz The legacy of childhood sexual abuse and family adversity,2008,40,4,333-340,Martsolf Effect of abuse by a close family member on health,2008,40,4,311-318,Svavarsdottir Why do Jordanian women stay in an abusive relationship: implications for health and social well-being,2009,41,4,376-384,Oweis Factors influencing disclosure of abuse by women of Mexican descent,2009,41,4,359-367,Reininger Human rights barriers for displaced persons in southern Sudan,2009,41,3,284-292,Ho Racial disparities in acute outcomes of life-threatening injury,2006,38,3,241-246,NeSmith Challenging the myths about parents' adjustment after the sudden violent death of a child,2003,35,4,359-364,Murphy Children's exposure to community violence,2001,33,2,167-173,Veenema Intentions of older homebound women to reduce the risk of falling again,2010,42,1,101-109,Matsuda Violence toward nurses the work environment and patient outcomes,2010,42,1,13-22,Roche Conceptualization and measurement of coping during adolescence: a review of the literature,2010,42,2,166-185,Garcia A comparison of three measures of elder abuse,2004,36,3,247-250,Meeks-Sjostrom Development and Evaluation of an Undergraduate Training Course for Developing International Council of Nurses Disaster Nursing Competencies in China,2010,42,4,405-413,Fung An integrative review of factors associated with falls during post-stroke rehabilitation,2010,42,4,395-404,Campbell Feeling safe: the psychosocial needs of ICU patients,2000,32,4,361-367,Hupcey Childhood maltreatment and mental and physical health in Haitian adults,2004,36,4,293-299,Martsolf Adult protective services use for older adults at the time of hospital discharge,2008,40,4,326-332,Popejoy Birth outcomes and maternal morbidity in abused pregnant women with public versus private health insurance,2003,35,4,345-349,Hawkins The relationship of violence and trichotillomania,2003,35,2,165-170,Boughn Attachment theory and violence toward women by male intimate partners,2000,32,4,353-360,Killeen College Students' Perceptions and Practices of Sexual Activities in Sexual Encounters,2002,34,2,133-138,Sadovszky Prevalence and Variation of Physical Restraint Use in Acute Care Settings in the US,2007,39,1,30-37,Mion Refinement of the Silencing the Self Scale—Work for Registered Nurses,2007,39,4,375-378,Norris Searching for the Intervention in Intervention Research Reports,2008,40,1,52-59,Conn Sexual Harassment Against Nurses in Turkey,2007,39,2,200-206,Celik Testing a Bioecological Model to Examine Social Support in Postpartum Adolescents,2008,40,2,116-123,Logsdon Posttraumatic Growth Among Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom Amputees,2011,43,4,412-420,Benetato Spirituality and distress in sheltered battered women,2000,32,3,273-278,Humphreys Turnings and adaptations in resilient daughters of battered women,2001,33,3,245-251,Humphreys Novice Nurse Productivity Following Workplace Bullying,2012,44,1,80-87,Gates Parental consent and adolescent risk behavior research,2003,35,3,283-289,Tigges Increasing perceptions of self-worth in preadolescents diagnosed with ADHD,2003,35,3,225-229,Bayley Perceptions and experiences of nurses in Turkey about verbal abuse in clinical settings,2003,35,1,81-85,Uzun Responses to "Rational suicide",2002,34,4,305,Tembrock Responses to "Rational suicide",2002,34,4,305,Mazanec Responses to "Rational suicide",2002,34,4,305,Newman Children's perceptions of TV and health behavior effects,2002,34,3,289-294,Kools Chronic stress sense of belonging and depression among survivors of traumatic brain injury,2002,34,3,221-226,Gillespie Rational suicide in the terminally ill,2002,34,2,147-151,Fontana College students' perceptions and practices of sexual activities in sexual encounters,2002,34,2,133-138,Keller Factors associated with distress in urban residential fire survivors,2002,34,1,11-17,Shults Mexican American Female Adolescents' Perceptions of Relationships and Dating Violence,2012,44,3,215-222,Belknap Factors associated with resident aggression toward caregivers in nursing homes,2012,44,3,249-257,Kok Psychosocial antecedents and consequences of workplace aggression for hospital nurses,2012,44,4,376-384,Rodwell Effects of motivational interviewing intervention on blackouts among college freshmen,2013,45,3,221-229,Kazemi Israeli nurses' intention to report for work in an emergency or disaster,2014,46,2,134-142,Kagan The discrimination of using the Short Physical Performance Battery to screen frailty for community-dwelling elderly people,2014,46,3,207-215,Yang Workplace violence and occupational stress in healthcare workers: a chicken-and-egg situation-results of a 6-year follow-up study,2014,46,5,366-376,Magnavita Early recovery experience of patients with injury in taiwan,2014,46,4,245-252,Lee Unacknowledged threats proffered "in a manner of speaking": recognizing workplace bullying as shaming,2014,46,4,281-291,Kennison Prevalence and perpetrators of workplace violence by nursing unit and the relationship between violence and the perceived work environment,2014,47,1,87-95,Cho Reasons for and reservations about research participation in acutely injured adults,2015,47,2,161-169,Richmond Gender and race variations in the intersection of religious involvement early trauma and adult health,2015,47,4,318-327,Sharps Bullying and its prevention among intensive care nurses,2015,47,6,505-511,Ganz Factors of resilience in emergency department nurses who have experienced workplace violence in Taiwan,2015,48,1,23-30,Wang Disaster preparedness in Philippine nurses,2015,48,1,98-105,Labrague Girlhood betrayals of women: childhood trauma survivors in treatment for addiction,2016,48,3,232-243,Hall Illness representations of injury: a comparison of patients and their caregivers,2016,48,3,254-264,Lee Interpersonal violence and health in female university students in Spain,2016,48,6,561-568,Martín-Baena Occupational violence and aggression experienced by nursing and caring professionals,2016,49,2,236-243,Cooper Categorizing the magnitude and frequency of exposure to uncivil behaviors: a new approach for more meaningful interventions,2017,49,2,214-222,Evans Comprehensive care model for sex trafficking survivors,2017,49,3,259-266,Twigg Trauma exposure among women in the Pacific Rim,2017,49,3,286-293,Tiwari Factors influencing resilience of burn patients in South Korea,2017,49,5,478-486,Jang Associations of bullying and cyberbullying with substance use and sexual risk taking in young adults,2017,49,4,360-370,Kritsotakis Frailty as a risk factor for falls among community dwelling people: evidence from a meta-analysis,2017,49,5,529-536,Chang Challenges and resources for nurses participating in a Hurricane Sandy hospital evacuation,2017,49,6,635-643,Raveis Farmworker vulnerability to heat hazards: a conceptual framework,2017,49,6,617-624,McCauley Development of a course on complex humanitarian emergencies: preparation for the impact of climate change,2017,49,6,661-669,Williams Classification of heat-related illness symptoms among Florida farmworkers,2018,50,1,74-82,Elon Integrative review of the intersection of green space and neighborhood violence,2018,50,2,117-125,Campbell Postincident support for healthcare workers experiencing occupational violence and aggression,2018,50,4,344-352,Cooper Spirituality humor and resilience after natural and technological disasters,2018,50,5,492-501,Galea Firearm violence: a global priority for nursing science,2019,51,3,229-240,Richmond Validation of the nursing diagnosis "labile emotional control" in traumatic brain injury,2019,51,1,88-95,dos Santos Emergency preparedness training for hospital nursing staff New York City 2012-2016,2019,51,1,81-87,Berliner Nursing education cultural differences and political conflicts: Israeli first-person action research,2019,51,3,262-270,Arieli Plagiarism in predatory publications: a comparative study of three nursing journals,2019,51,3,356-363,Owens Barriers to education of Syrian refugee girls in Jordan: gender-based threats and challenges,2019,51,3,241-251,Hattar-Pollara Sustaining power of nurses in a damaged hospital during the Great East Japan Earthquake,2019,51,3,271-280,Nakayama Challenges to studying illicit drug users,2019,51,4,480-488,Ryan Women coping with a partner's dementia-related violence: a qualitative study,2019,51,4,368-379,Band-Winterstein Relational-level factors influencing suicidal behaviors among Korean adolescents,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Noh Addressing the needs of abused chinese women through a community-based participatory approach,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tiwari Workplace violence is associated with impaired work functioning in nurses: an Italian cross-sectional study,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Magnavita A positive side of deployment: vicarious posttraumatic growth in U.S. Military nurses who served in the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Doherty A critical review: moral injury in nurses in the aftermath of a patient safety incident,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,van Ryn "On the recovery journey:" an integrative review of the needs of burn patients from immediate pre-discharge to post-discharge period using the Omaha system,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wong Sleep quality as a mediator of the relationship between cyber victimization and depression,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Livingston Psychosocial bullying among nurse educators: exploring coping strategies and intent to leave,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wunnenberg Mediating effects of anger expression in the relationship of work stress with burnout among hospital nurses depending on career experience,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jang Information models offer value to standardize electronic health record flowsheet data: a fall prevention exemplar,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Johnson How emergency nurses develop resilience in the context of workplace violence: a grounded theory study,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chen Effectiveness of mHealth-Safe Kids Hospital for the prevention of hospitalized children safety incidents: a randomized controlled trial,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Oh Predictors of nurses' reporting for work at the time of epidemics and natural disasters; solutions for hospital surge capacity,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Shabanikiya Suicide attempts among Taiwanese lesbian gay bisexual and transgender adults during the 2018 Taiwan referendum on same-sex issues,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Miao Predictors for psychological distress of young burn survivors across three years: a cohort study of a burn disaster in Taiwan,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lee Rethinking "zero tolerance": a moderated mediation model of mental resilience and coping strategies in workplace violence and nurses' mental health,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Huang The phenomenon of caring for older patients who are dying from traumatic injuries in the emergency department: an interpretive phenomenological study,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ryan Which factors are associated with cannabis use among adolescents in Andalusia? An application of the I-Change model,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,de Vries A model to understand antecedents of nursing attitudes and perceptions influencing outcomes of patients with SUD,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Vottero Transgender and nonbinary young adults' depression and suicidality is associated with sibling and parental acceptance-rejection,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chiodo Erasure of the young trans person: a critical discursive review of contemporary health care literature,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Luck Healthcare providers screening for childhood abuse among adult patients in Saudi Arabia: a cross-sectional study,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Alhowaymel Nurses' preparedness opinions barriers and facilitators in responding to intimate partner violence: a mixed-methods study,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Campbell Relations between concussion symptoms and depression among patients with mild traumatic brain injury: a moderated mediation model,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hueng The effect of motivational interviewing on peer bullying and cyberbullying in adolescents: a randomized controlled trial,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ayaz-Alkaya Systematic review of healthcare interventions for reducing gender-based violence impact on the mental health of women with disabilities,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ruiz-Perez Obstructive sleep apnea and injury events in Taiwanese adults: A retrospective cohort study,2022,54,1,38-45,Chien Effectiveness of digital interventions to reduce school-age adolescent sexual risks: a systematic review,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lima-Serrano