Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Suicide attempt psychopathology and genetics,2005,20,1,18-24,Bondy Do the antidepressants increase suicide risk?,2005,20,5,380-387,Rihmer The prevalence of suicide ideas and their psychosocial backgrounds among physicians,2005,20,5,370-379,Gyorffy Review of the results and developments of the research on suicide notes,2005,20,4,281-292,Pusztai Analysis of suicide notes from persons commiting completed suicides,2005,20,4,271-280,Pusztai The effect of public holidays on the suicide drive (frequency) in Hungary (1970-2002),2005,20,6,463-471,Veres Symptom specificity of adolescents with self-injurious actions,2005,20,6,456-462,Csorba Interaction patterns in male and female suicide attempters,2005,20,6,442-455,Varga The influence of alcohol use and violent behaviour on the beliefs related to alcohol use and aggression,2006,21,1,68-76,Bacskai Prevalence of hazardous alcohol use,2006,21,1,45-56,Bacskai Criminal responsibility in drunkenness,2006,21,1,30-44,Egedi Alcohol and crime,2006,21,1,18-29,Lévay Spectrum of hazardous alcohol use,2006,21,1,4-17,Gerevich Distal antecedents and sociodemographic characteristics of suicidal attempts among treatment seeking alcoholics,2006,21,1,57-67,Bacskai Sex and drugs: relationship of risk perception and behavioural patterns among I.V. drug users,2006,21,3,241-255,Márványkövi Frequency of smoking drinking and substance use and their relationship to psychiatric comorbidity in depressed child and adolescent population,2006,21,5,371-378,Kiss Maladaptive strategies dysfunctional attitudes and negative life events among adolescents treated for the diagnosis of "suicidal behaviour",2007,22,3,200-211,Csorba Relationship between suicide and antidepressant consumption in an elderly population (over 60 years) from Bacs-Kiskun county and the Kiskunhalas region in Hungary between 1999 and 2005,2007,22,6,430-442,Kalmar Out of hopelessness - problem solving training in suicide prevention,2008,23,1,4-21,Perczel Features of borderline suicidality. Review of the literature,2008,23,1,22-33,Kuritárné Programs for prevention of depression and suicide in Kiskunhalas,2008,23,4,244-8; discussion 248,Kalmar Screening childhood behavior problems using short questionnaires - I: The Hungarian version of the strengths and difficulties questionnaire,2008,23,5,376-384,Kopp Violent behaviour and stigmatisation among psychiatric patients,2008,23,6,420-429,Filipovits Experience with the Hungarian program of the European Association Against Depression,2008,23,4,252-4; discussion 254,Kopp The analysis of negative life events hopelessness and coping strategies among psychotic patients,2008,23,1,56-63,Perczel Forintos Investigation of problem solving skills among psychiatric patients,2008,23,1,42-55,Póos Hopelessness in patients presenting to their family physician,2008,23,1,34-41,Perczel Forintos An investigation of the short version of the Beck Hopelessness Scale in a national representative survey in Hungary,2007,22,5,375-389,Kopp Study of suicides and homicides between 1867 and 2004 with a historical epidemiological method,2006,21,6,444-446,Tibor Quality analysis of life events and their relationship to depressive symptoms in a school age population,2006,21,5,360-370,Mayer The effect of child abuse and neglect on the later appearance of substance abuse,2009,24,3,185-192,Gerevich The effect of birthday in the fluctuation of suicides in Hungary(1970-2002),2010,25,1,74-79,Veres Dream quality trauma and suicide in in adjustment disorder,2010,25,1,62-73,Kovács [Psychiatric and somatic morbidity among Hungarian psychiatrists.],2010,25,1,55-61,Gyorffy "Risk factors for childhood depression"--research design implementation proceedings: history of 13 years: experience in grant preparation writing organization in connection with an American NIMH Grant,2009,24,1,6-17,Csorba Childhood trauma in the etiology of borderline personality disorder,2005,20,4,256-270,Kuritárné Polemic letter to the article of Ilona Kardos: Introduction to developmental pathology: report on the institutional care of infants,2005,20,3,238-9; author reply 240-3,Füzéki Psychotherapy and psychosocial care for refugees,2008,23,4,255-9; discussion 259,Hárdi Determination of suicide type on the grounds of contentanalyse of suicide notes,2011,26,2,87-101,Pusztai Sleep disturbances and nightmares as risk factors of suicidal behavior among men and women,2011,26,4,250-257,Susánszky Aggression in psychiatric disorders,2011,26,6,434-443,Gyuris The examination of callous/unemotional traits and interpersonal traits among Hungarian adolescents - the first research results,2011,26,6,427-433,Halasz Symptoms of depression in children and adolescents in relation to psychiatric comorbidities,2012,27,2,115-126,Mayer Characteristics and risk factors of suicidal behaviour in bipolar disorder,2012,27,2,103-114,Rihmer An efficient form of therapy in suicide prevention: problem solving training in clinical population,2012,27,2,92-102,Szilágyi Prevention of depression-related suicides in primary care,2012,27,2,72-81,Rihmer Suicide from a transcultural aspect - preliminary findings,2012,27,3,174-179,Osvath Comparing the comorbidity of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in childhood and adolescence,2012,27,3,165-173,Balazs Screening of depression in primary care in Hungary and its importance in suicide prevention,2012,27,4,224-232,Rihmer The presence of callous/unemotional traits among students in different roles of bullying,2012,27,5,350-360,Pataky The epidemiological etiological and motivational aspects of alcohol use and binge drinking: Review of literature,2012,27,5,335-349,Kuntsche The pictorial expression of aggression in the drawings of adolescents between the ages of 14 and 16,2013,28,1,57-69,Bargmann The relationship between reactive/proactive aggression callous/unemotional traits and behavioural problems in Hungarian adolescents,2013,28,1,48-56,Halasz Problems of aggressive behaviour and its measurement in various age levels. Introduction into two questionnaires,2013,28,1,13-29,Csorba Posttraumatic stress symptoms dysfunctional attitudes and ways of coping in a clinical sample of PTSD patients,2013,28,1,5-12,Perczel Forintos Substance use among homeless and family deprived adolescents,2005,20,5,348-356,Gerevich Impulsivity - aggression - depression: Study of adolescents' problem behavior in light of their personality traits,2014,29,1,48-55,Pikó Psychosis and violence - literature review from a preventive point of view,2014,29,1,35-47,Halmai Gender interactions in the recognition of emotions and conduct symptoms in adolescents,2014,29,2,131-137,Halasz The correlation of parental-nursing style and school aggression in adolescence,2014,29,3,343-350,Hal Sequence learning in major depressive disorder,2014,29,3,295-300,Gonda Antidepressants and suicide - Did the FDA Black Box Warning back fire?,2014,29,3,252-256,Rihmer Conduct symptoms and emotional decision making in non-clinical adolescents,2014,29,4,378-385,Halasz The effect of summer Olimpic Games on Hungarian suicide rates,2014,29,4,360-368,Osvath Prevalence of psychiatric disorders in homeless population,2015,30,1,60-67,Gazdag Trait-aggression and conscious poetic attitude in the background of Attila Jozsef's suicide,2015,30,2,210-221,Gerevich Trait-aggression and suicide of Vincent van Gogh,2015,30,2,201-209,Gerevich The effect of the media on adolescent's drawings,2015,30,2,192-200,Hortoványi The role of shame in development of the mental disorders II. measurement of shame and relationship,2015,30,3,278-296,Unoka [Posttraumatic stress symptoms dysfunctional attitudes and ways of coping in a clinical sample of PTSD patients],2013,28,1,5-12,Perczel Forintos Investigation of the effects of region of residence and marital and educational statuses on suicide: a census based negative binomial regression study,2016,31,1,15-29,Osvath Ecological study of the Hungarian suicide data using complex statistical methods,2016,31,1,5-14,Bozsonyi Being online without a purpose - study of background variables of problematic internet use,2016,31,2,146-156,Pikó Results of investigations on the association between lithium levels in drinking water and suicidal behaviour in the population: a narrative review,2016,31,3,221-230,Rihmer Recognition care and prevention of suicidal behaviour in adults,2017,32,1,4-40,Rihmer Forensic aspects of sexul assault,2017,32,2,238-245,Kereszty Two contrasting emotional states immediately before suicide: anger or fear,2017,32,3,340-343,Ferenczy Lottery and suicide - the effect of number of lottery tickets on Hungarian suicide rates,2017,32,3,288-295,Osvath Reflections on Attila Nemeth's "Three neuralgic points of psychiatric services: suicide prevention treatment of dementia and the care of homeless psychiatric patients" article,2018,33,2,155-164,Rihmer Three neuralgic points of psychiatric services: suicide prevention treatment of dementia and the care of homeless psychiatric patients,2018,33,2,150-154,Nemeth Experiences of a Extreme absolutist expressions may be marker-specific to depressive or anxious states and suicide,2018,33,2,145-147,Osvath Fear appealing health communication and coping style,2018,33,2,106-124,Balazs Reflections on Attila Nemeth's "Three neuralgicpoints of psychiatric services: suicide prevention treatment of dementia and the care of homeless psychiatric patients" article,2018,33,3,282,Álmos Suicid risk in mood disorders - can we better prevent suicide than predict it?,2018,33,4,309-315,Pompili The risk of imagination or orgy of anger. Trying to reconstruct and understand the Sylvia Plath-phenomenon,2019,34,2,214-236,Gerevich "The grasses unload their griefs on my feet" - the therapy of Sylvia Plath,2019,34,2,199-213,Moretti Psychiatric disorder of Sylvia Plath,2019,34,2,185-198,Nemeth The "price" of creativity? Predictive and protective factors in the suicide of Sylvia Plath,2019,34,2,172-182,Zsédel On Sylvia Plath's personality,2019,34,2,160-171,Fabó From the experience to anger: the elaboration of the feelings against the parents in the art of Sylvia Plath,2019,34,2,131-140,Matuszka Failure in the construction of the ego in confessional poetry - Sylvia Plath and Attila Jozsef,2019,34,2,98-112,Bókay Mask and self - and the illness: injuries of the soul in Sylvia Plath's poetry,2019,34,2,87-97,Bollobás The oeuvre life history and illness of Sylvia Plath,2019,34,2,80-83,Gerevich Depression and suicide - the role of underlying bipolarity,2019,34,4,359-368,Rihmer Transdiagnostic study of impulsivity dimensions. Comparative analysis of impulsivity profiles in adult attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and borderline personality disorder,2020,35,2,136-145,Unoka Suicide risk assessment and suicide-specific syndromes,2020,35,2,126-135,Osvath Definition and characteristics of affektive temperaments their effects on psychiatric disorders and suicidal behavior,2020,35,3,254-268,Rihmer Suicide prevention contract: a possibility for reducing the risk of suicidality in outpatient psychoterapy care,2020,35,4,448-462,Perczel-Forintos When is self-injury nonsuicidal? Reviewing the relationship between suicial and nonsuicidal self-injury,2020,35,4,476-483,Balazs Aggression expression among League of Legends and Fortnite players - a brief report,2021,36,2,180-186,Tényi "Heavy mental" psychopathology in classical music,2021,36,3,303-335,Janka One goal two approaches: the theoretical and practical dilemmas of suicide risk screening,2021,36,4,518-535,Bérdi The snowflake family - integrative play therapy for traumatized child with complex developmental disorder induced by family environment. Case study,2021,36,4,557-596,Eigner Text and behavior - analysis of farewell notes - pilot study,2022,37,2,175-180,Osvath The number of deliberate self-poisoning suicide attempts in the first year of the Covid-19 epidemic in Budapest and Pest County,2022,37,3,215-219,Szilágyi Insanity as ground for total or partial exemption from criminal responsibility in the light of terrorist acts,2022,37,3,220-238,Szabó F Recent approaches in suicide research. The psychology and neurobiology of the pre-suicidal state,2023,38,1,17-27,Osvath The unexplored side of creativity: malevolent creative behavior and its measuring tools,2023,38,1,28-40,Pataky Borderline personality disorder and non-suicidal self-injury: the role of mindfulness training in risk reduction,2023,38,2,142-152,Perczel-Forintos The Barratt Impulsiveness Scale-Brief-8 in an incarcerated sample: suicide risk impulsivity and mindfulness,2023,38,3,203-217,Perczel-Forintos Self-harming behavior and suicide attempts in autism spectrum disorder: a systematic overview,2023,38,3,245-255,Czobor Fortification of drinking water with lithium to reduce suicide in the population,2023,38,3,256-259,Rihmer A comparative study of suicidal suicide ideator and nonsuicidal depressed adolescents,1999,14,1,32-38,Janos Retrospective analysis of correlations of high risk factors in suicide cases,1999,14,2,149-157,Sotonyi The family narratives of suicide,1999,14,6,667-673,Maria The Consensus Rorschach Test (CRT) an assessment tool of couple and family relationship and interactional characteristics,1999,14,6,715-725,Emoke Suicidal behaviour in Hungarian adult population,2000,15,2,127-133,Papp Study on construct validity of the M.I.N.I. Plus interview,2000,15,2,134-144,Balázs [Teachers' knowledge about suicide and its connection to burn-out and avoidant coping],2013,28,3,229-238,Lang Perfectionism and Suicide: A systematic review of qualitative studies,2021,36,1,4-11,Balazs [Is suicide a sin?],2020,35,4,551-555,Rihmer [When is self-injury nonsuicidal? Reviewing the relationship between suicial and nonsuicidal self-injury],2020,35,4,476-483,Balazs [Werther- and Papageno-effects in suicidology notes],2020,35,4,547-550,Osvath [Ministerial Conference of the WHO],2005,20,1,43-47,Tringer [Suicide and lithium prophylaxis. Case reports],2005,20,1,40-42,Szádóczky [Comments on the article by Bozsonyi et al. 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