Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Alcohol and Injury: A Risk Function Analysis from the Emergency Room Collaborative Alcohol Analysis Project (ERCAAP),2006,12,1,42-52,Bond What characterizes substance abusers who commit suicide attempts? Factors related to Axis-I disorders and patterns of substance use disorders. A study of treatment-seeking substance abusers in Norway,2006,12,2,102-108,Vaglum Trait aggression and hostility in recovered alcoholics,2007,13,2,89-93,Zalar Results of two emergency room studies [re alcohol and injury risk],2006,12,4,169-175,Moskalewicz Overdoses and suicide attempts: Different relations to psychopathology and substance abuse? A 5-year prospective study of drug abusers,1999,5,2,63-70,Vaglum Crack cocaine: a five-year follow-up study of treated patients,2007,13,1,11-19,Laranjeira Maintenance therapy with synthetic opioids and driving aptitude,2004,10,2,80-87,Fischer Socioeconomic differences in alcohol-specific parenting practices and adolescents' drinking patterns,2008,14,1,26-37,Spijkerman College Students' Drinking Patterns: Trajectories of AUDIT Scores during the First Four Years at University,2008,14,1,11-18,Leifman Spreading or concentrating drinking occasions - who is most at risk?,2008,14,2,71-81,Miller Wetter and better? Changes in associations between drunkenness and other problem behaviors among Norwegian youth,2008,14,2,61-70,Rossow Relationship between negative experiences and drinking experience among 15- to 16-year-old adolescents in Finland,2008,14,3,169-178,Lintonen Beyond drinking: differential effects of demographic and socioeconomic factors on alcohol-related adverse consequences across European countries,2008,14,3,150-160,Miller Alcohol drinking in young adults: the predictive value of personality when peers come around,2008,14,3,125-133,Engels Violence among Street-Involved Youth: The Role of Methamphetamine,2008,15,1,32-38,Martin Joint Use of Drugs and Alcohol,2009,15,2,113-120,Metso Influence of peak and trough levels of opioid maintenance therapy on driving aptitude,2007,13,3,127-135,Fischer Perceived causal and treatment factors related to substance abuse: gender differences,2006,12,2,109-112,Lev-Wiesel Alcohol Expectancy and Hazardous Drinking: A 6-Year Longitudinal and Nationwide Study of Medical Doctors,2009,16,1,17-22,Ekeberg Population Drinking and Fatal Injuries in Eastern Europe: A Time-Series Analysis of Six Countries,2009,16,1,43-52,Landberg Changes in neuropsychological functioning during alcohol detoxification,2008,14,4,226-233,Marshall The Influence of Drinking Pattern at Individual and Aggregate Levels on Alcohol-Related Negative Consequences,2010,16,3,115-123,Graham Alcohol Consumption and Expectations of Its Effects in the Border Region of Pomerania: Comparison of German and Polish Adolescents,2010,16,3,170-178,Preuss Is There an Association between the Use of Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids and Criminality?,2010,16,4,213-219,Engstrom Do Smooth Waters Run Deep? Alcohol Intoxication and the Effects of Water Consumption on Driving-Related Cognitions and Behavior,2010,17,1,21-28,Engels Alcohol Habits in Sweden during 1997-2009 with Particular Focus on 2005 and 2009 Assessed with the AUDIT: A Repeated Cross-Sectional Study,2010,17,2,90-96,Källmén Determinants of health-related quality of life of opiate users at entry to low-threshold methadone programs,2006,12,2,74-82,Villeneuve Long-term effects of family functioning and child characteristics on problem drinking in young adulthood,2005,11,1,32-37,Vermulst Changes in alcohol-related harm after alcohol policy changes in Denmark,2009,15,4,224-231,Rossow Theory of Mind Deficits following Acute Alcohol Intoxication,2011,17,3,164-168,Beck Sensitivity of the Addiction Severity Index physical and sexual assault items: preliminary findings on gender differences,2001,7,4,193-197,Van Den Brink Role of aggressivity on reactivity and craving before and after cue exposure in recently detoxified alcoholics: results from an experimental study,2001,7,4,184-192,Soyka Myths versus evidence with respect to cocaine and crack: learning from the US experience,2001,7,4,159-160,Krausz West German drinking patterns in 1984 and 1990,1998,4,4,163-171,Bloomfield Alcohol and disinhibition,1998,4,4,150-162,Gustafson Patterns of use and their relationship to DSM-IV abuse and dependence of alcohol among adolescents and young adults,1998,4,1-2,50-57,Wittchen Structure content and reliability of the Munich-Composite International Diagnostic Interview (M-CIDI) substance use sections,1998,4,1-2,28-41,Wittchen Substance use abuse and dependence in Germany. A review of selected epidemiological data,1998,4,1-2,8-17,Wittchen Recent changes in Danish law on drugs and drug offences,1998,4,3,113-127,Jepsen Why Do Young People Start Drinking? Motives for First-Time Alcohol Consumption and Links to Risky Drinking in Early Adolescence,2011,18,1,34-39,Kuntsche Alcohol Use Disorders among Patients Examined in Emergency Departments after a Suicide Attempt,2011,18,1,26-33,Casalino Desire Thinking across the Continuum of Drinking Behaviour,2011,18,2,64-69,Spada Reducing Dropout among Traumatized Alcohol Patients in Detoxification Treatment: A Pilot Intervention Study,2011,18,2,54-63,Odenwald Subculture Affiliation Is Associated with Substance Use of Adolescents,2012,18,2,91-96,Reijneveld Anabolic Androgenic Steroids in the General Population: User Characteristics and Associations with Substance Use,2012,18,2,83-90,Berglund Synthesis of qualitative research on drug use in the European Union: report on an EMCDDA project. European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction,1999,5,1,4-20,Griffiths Can light or moderate drinking benefit mental health?,1999,5,2,74-81,Chick Co-Occurrence of Addictive Behaviours: Personality Factors Related to Substance Use Gambling and Computer Gaming,2012,18,4,167-174,Hanewinkel How Important Is the Context of an Adolescent's First Alcoholic Drink Evidence that Parental Provision May Reduce Later Heavy Episodic Drinking,2012,18,3,140-148,O'Flaherty Alcohol consumption in heroin users methadone-substituted and codeine-substituted patients--frequency and correlates of use,2003,9,1,45-50,Meyer The social cost of alcohol tobacco and illicit drugs in France 1997,2003,9,1,18-28,Kopp Role of Two Clusters of Male Alcoholics in Treatment Retention,2012,18,4,201-211,Baltieri Reduced blood alcohol concentration in suicide victims in response to a new national alcohol policy in Slovenia,2012,19,1,7-12,Zupanc Determinants of seeking treatment for cocaine abuse: a case-control study,2012,19,2,61-67,Pavarin Alcohol use and hazardous drinking among medical specialists,2012,19,2,89-97,Dom Gender differences in alcohol choice among Russians: evidence from a quantitative study,2012,19,2,82-88,Minagawa Mental disorders associated with driving under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs: a register-based study,2012,19,3,113-120,Lintonen Leisure time activities parental monitoring and drunkenness in adolescents,2012,19,3,141-145,Reijneveld Screening questionnaires for problem drinking in adolescents: performance of AUDIT AUDIT-C CRAFFT and POSIT,2012,19,3,121-127,Bischof Alcohol consumption among middle-aged women: a population-based study of Swedish women. The Women's Health in Lund Area (WHILA) study,2004,10,1,15-21,Ojehagen Alcohol and non-fatal drug overdoses,2004,10,4,168-172,Rossow Relationship between prescribing and risk of opiate overdose among drug users in and out of maintenance treatment,2004,10,1,35-40,Best The relation of a family history of alcoholism obstetric complications and family environment to behavioral problems among 154 adolescents in Germany: results from the children of alcoholics study in Pomerania,2004,10,1,8-14,Barnow Marketing of alcohol to young people: a comparison of the UK and Poland,2004,10,1,1-7,Moskalewicz Validation of the four-dimensional structure of drinking motives among adults,2013,19,4,222-226,Kuntsche Risk Perception and Emotional Coping: A Pathway for Behavioural Addiction?,2013,20,2,49-58,Grivel Cellular photo digital breathalyzer for monitoring alcohol use: A pilot study,2013,20,3,137-142,Weinmann Violent behavior and driving under the influence of alcohol: Prevalence and association with impulsivity among individuals in treatment for alcohol dependence in Poland,2013,20,3,151-158,Ilgen Influence of parental alcohol-related attitudes behavior and parenting styles on alcohol use in late and very late adolescence,2014,20,5,233-240,Stafstrom A predictive microsimulation model to estimate the clinical relevance of reducing alcohol consumption in alcohol dependence,2014,20,6,269-284,Toumi A retrospective analysis of psychosocial risk factors modulating adolescent alcohol binge drinking,2014,20,6,285-292,Zimmermann Prevalence of and Potential Influencing Factors for Alcohol Dependence in Europe,2014,21,1,6-18,Gmel Criminal involvement and crime specialization among crack users in the netherlands,2014,21,2,53-62,Korf Is binge drinking in young adults associated with an alcohol-specific impairment of response inhibition?,2014,21,2,105-113,Loeber Impulsivity in cocaine-dependent individuals with and without attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder,2015,21,3,131-143,Dom Comparison of WEB and Interactive Voice Response (IVR) methods for delivering brief alcohol interventions to hazardous-drinking university students: a randomized controlled trial,2015,21,5,240-252,Andersson Is drinking with parents associated with high-risk drinking among adolescents?,2015,21,6,291-299,Rossow Brief in person interventions for adolescents and young adults following alcohol-related events in emergency care: a systematic review and European evidence synthesis,2016,22,1,17-35,Thomasius Methadone-related overdose deaths in a liberal opioid maintenance treatment programme,2016,22,5,249-258,Skurtveit The impact of enrolment in methadone maintenance therapy on initiation of heavy drinking among people who use heroin,2016,22,4,210-214,Hayashi Transient retinal dysfunctions after acute cannabis use,2016,22,6,287-291,Giersch Does emotion dysregulation mediate the relationship between early maltreatment and later substance dependence? Findings of the CANSAS Study.,2016,22,6,292-300,Barnow Contextual factors and mental distress as possible predictors of hazardous drinking in Norwegian medical doctors: a 15-year longitudinal nationwide study,2016,23,1,19-27,Tyssen Predictors of persistence of risky drinking in adults: an 11-year follow-up study,2017,23,5,231-237,Lintonen Fatal overdoses of opioids in Israel 2005-2014,2017,23,6,276-283,Haklai Family-related stress versus external stressors: differential impacts on alcohol and illicit drug use in young men,2017,23,6,284-297,Gmel Executive impairments in binge drinking: evidence for a specific performance-monitoring difficulty during alcohol-related processing,2018,24,3,118-127,Billieux The impact of childhood maltreatment on age of onset of alcohol use disorder in women,2018,24,6,278-285,Engstrom Feasibility and acceptability of an intervention providing computer-generated tailored feedback to target alcohol consumption and depressive symptoms in proactively recruited health care patients and reactively recruited media volunteers: results of a pilot study,2019,25,3,119-131,Bischof Posttraumatic stress disorder is a risk factor for multiple addictions in police officers hospitalized for alcohol,2019,25,4,198-206,Ballon The use of the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test - consumption as an indicator of hazardous alcohol use among university students,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,de Boer Mortality risk among cocaine users before and after the economic recession: results of a longitudinal study,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Pavarin Unrecorded alcohol consumption in seven European Union countries,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Moskalewicz When the burden gets overwhelming: testing an inverse U-shaped relation between work-family conflicts and alcohol use,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kuntsche The role of psychological distress in the relationship between drinking motives and hazardous drinking in older adults,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Franck Shiftwork and alcohol consumption: a systematic review of the literature,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Riedel-Heller Screened attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder as a predictor of substance use initiation and escalation in early adulthood and the role of self-reported conduct disorder and sensation seeking: a 5-year longitudinal study with young adult Swiss men,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gmel Preventive interventions for young adults in nightlife: coproduction for a systematic literature assessment followed by a stakeholder dialogue process,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Brunn The epidemiology of substance use disorders among the adult Jewish population in Israel,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lev-Ran Prevalence and sociodemographic determinants of substance use in Turkey,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ünübol Validation of the Opioid Overdose Knowledge (OOKS) and Attitudes (OOAS) Scales in French Spanish and German Languages among a sample of opioid users,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Stöver A 6-month randomized trial of a smartphone application UControlDrink in aiding recovery in alcohol use disorder,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hagerty Country-level heavy episodic drinking and individual-level experiences of harm from others' drinking-related aggression in 19 European countries,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Room High prevalence and early onsets: legal and illegal substance use in an urban cohort of young adults in Switzerland,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Quednow A smarter way to use your smartphone: an intervention to limit smartphone-related distractions reduces hyperactivity but not inattention symptoms,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Alpers Substance use substance use disorders and co-occurring psychiatric disorders in recently incarcerated men: a comparison with the general population,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Thomas Men and women's alcohol consumption by 4- to 8-year-olds: a longitudinal investigation of gendered drinking norms,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kuntsche Injuries poisonings and other external causes of morbidity among drug crime offenders: a follow-up study of former adolescent psychiatric inpatients,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hakko High incidence of signs of neuropathy and self-reported substance use disorder for nitrous oxide in patients intoxicated with nitrous oxide,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,de Lange Towards a new definition of the typical day in the alcohol use disorder identification test-consumption,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mathijssen Effects of acute exercise on affect anxiety and self-esteem in poly-substance dependent inpatients,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Clausen Incidence and determinants of COVID-19 in patients seeking treatment for substance use disorder: a patient-based linkage study,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Palacio-Vieira Association between cannabis use disorder and mental health disorders in the adolescent population: a cohort study,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Segura Legal approaches to new psychoactive substances: first empirical findings,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,van den Brink The role of adverse childhood experiences on people in opiate agonist treatment: the importance of feeling unloved,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,de Vries Accuracy of the Depression Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS-21) for screening on comorbid internalizing disorders among youth in substance use disorder treatment,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Goudriaan Mediational analyses of the effects of social behaviour and network therapy on alcohol use,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Heather Prevention of suicide by naltrexone in a recently detoxified heroin addict,2001,7,2,87-88,Zvartau Self-reported substance misuse in Greek male prisoners,2004,10,2,56-60,Livaditis Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder among pathological and at-risk gamblers seeking treatment: a hidden disorder,2011,17,5,231-240,Grall-Bronnec Cause-specific mortality among patients in treatment for opioid use disorder in multiple settings: a prospective comparative cohort study,2023,29,4,272-284,Skurtveit The role of perceived stress in the relation between childhood maltreatment and severity of alcohol use disorder: a mediation analysis,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Vollstädt-Klein