Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Violence and aggression: how nurses perceive their own and colleagues' risk,2005,13,7,12-15,Landy Terrorism: the reality of blast injuries,2005,13,8,22-25,Taylor Preventing accidents by forming multidisciplinary partnerships,2012,20,7,37,Davis The Paddington rail disaster,1999,7,8,14-15,Horsfall Evaluating suicidal intent in emergency care settings,2006,14,7,20-24,Farmer Crush injury and crush syndrome: a consensus statement,2003,11,6,26-30,Greaves Elbow injuries,2007,15,7,14-18,Ritchie A stance against violence,2007,15,8,6-7,Woollam Helping people who self-harm,2008,16,3,14-17,Palmer Reporting violence,2008,16,4,16-21,Pawlin Road safety is no accident,2008,16,7,1,Picton Involving users in self-harm services,2009,16,9,14-17,Palmer Manubriosternal dislocation in children,2009,17,2,20-21,Summers Services for people who self-harm,2008,16,7,16-18,Palmer Improving emergency care for patients who self harm,2007,15,8,30-36,Price Emergency healthcare professionals can use motivational interviewing techniques to help change people's unhealthy or violent behaviour,2008,16,5,39,Ambrose Managing wounds in patients who self harm,2007,15,6,20-25,Tanner Suicidal behaviour. A study of emergency nurses' educational needs when caring for this patient group,2007,15,3,30-35,Doyle Elder abuse: the same old story?,2007,15,3,11-13,Cronin Analysing aggression,2007,15,4,8-9,Brewer Care pathways for domestic violence,2007,15,2,7,Pittman Tackling violence head on,2006,13,10,5,Donnelly Working together for child protection in A and E,2003,11,7,30-37,Joughin High-pressure injection injuries,2007,15,7,22-23,Loveday Suffer the children,2006,14,2,17-19,Soanes Beating the bullies,2004,12,2,35,Beech Interpersonal approaches to managing violence and aggression,1999,7,1,12-16,Morcombe Health promotion in relation to domestic violence,1998,6,1,26-29,Lane Teenage bereavement,2005,13,2,13-16,Mortlock Speed kills,2005,13,2,1,Picton Hidden risk of cars,2009,17,5,8,Simkins Road Safety Week,2009,17,5,8,Keeler Getting it right: caring for people who self-harm,2010,18,6,32-33,Tate Ambulance responses at a disaster site,2002,9,10,22-27,Suserud Demographics of people who self-harm deliberately,2010,18,8,28-32,Gwashavanhu Farm accidents: their causes and the development of a nurse led accident prevention strategy,2000,8,7,24-31,Walsh Acute iron overdose: clinical features and management,1999,7,5,18-23,McCrea Ending violence in A and E,1998,6,3,1,Dolan Managing actual and potential hostage taking incidents,1998,6,6,12-15,Brennan What about us? The psychological implications of dealing with trauma following the Omagh bombing,2001,8,10,9-13,Collins Non accidental injury vs staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome. A case study,2001,9,1,26-30,Murphy Silent conflict. Helping the survivor of sexual violence,2001,9,1,15-18,James Turning the tables. Violent or abusive patients can now be banned from NHS treatment,2002,9,8,7,Lipley Children abused through prostitution,2002,10,4,27-30,Knight When enough is enough,2007,15,1,5,McDowell Recognising the survivors of torture,2000,8,4,9-11,James Safeguarding children in emergency departments,2008,16,1,30-35,Conway Troubled times,2008,16,6,12-13,O'Hanlon Drumcree. Ready for peace preparing for disaster,1999,6,10,8-12,Martin Emergency department revamp could cut violence,2011,19,1,6-7,Sprinks Principles of wound ballistics,1999,6,8,12-15,Johnson Trauma scoring in A&E,1998,6,7,15-17,Dadley Dealing with the effects of domestic violence,2011,19,4,12-16,Gibbons Assessing deliberate self harm: a team approach,1998,6,1,21-24,Cook Major incident planning particularly those including chemicals,1998,6,1,12-16,Wheeler Besieged,1998,6,3,8-11,Bell Driving after discharge: Advising injured patients,2011,19,5,14-18,Macpherson Cwilted,2001,8,9,18-22,Willis Overdose of cough and cold remedies,2003,10,9,20-25,Hartley Spinal cord injury: causation and pathophysiology,2005,12,9,29-38,Sheerin A shot in the dark,2005,12,9,5,Lipley Writing may be on the wall for violent and aggressive patients,2011,19,8,6-7,Lipley Managing major incidents. A dynamic educational initiative,1999,7,1,21-25,Dethick Acute poisoning: antituberculosis drugs--clinical features and management,1999,7,1,17-20,McCrea Electrical injuries,1999,7,2,27-31,Bird Pesticide poisoning: herbicides,1999,7,2,22-26,Northall I'm talking to you! Managing bullying and harassment in the workplace,1999,7,2,16-20,Brennan Risk management in major incident and emergency planning,1999,7,2,10-15,Dethick Refusing to be anyone's victim,1999,7,2,1,Dolan Declaring a major incident,1999,7,3,21-25,Dethick Pesticide poisoning: insecticides,1999,7,3,14-19,Northall Co-ordinating major incident trauma care: international responses,1999,7,4,8-12,Dethick Carbon monoxide poisoning,1999,7,6,18-22,McParland Antifreeze poisoning,1999,7,7,14-18,Butler Acid and alkali injury,2000,7,8,21-26,Bates Identification and management of frostbite injuries,2000,7,8,17-19,Bird Antipsychotic drug overdose,2000,7,9,17-22,Pickford Hand injuries in children: a reflective case study,2007,14,9,30-32,Auburn Compulsory cycle helmets,2012,20,2,9,Bancewicz The Glasgow Coma Scale: clinical application in emergency departments,2006,14,8,30-35,Iankova Water hemlock poisoning,2006,14,7,18-19,Short Compulsory cycle helmets,2012,20,6,7,Rideout Tackling incidents of violence aggression and antisocial behaviour,2013,21,1,16-20,Houghton Caring for people who experience domestic abuse,2013,21,2,12-16,Allard Reducing violence and aggression in the emergency department,2013,21,4,26-29,Powley Gathering evidence of violence,2013,21,8,14,Fouracre Too many people who self-harm receive too little follow-up care,2013,21,8,6, Campaigners divided over review of drink and drug driving law,2010,18,4,7,Gillen Patients asked to join research project into domestic violence,2014,21,10,6, Violence reduction,2014,22,1,39,Dean Ocular injuries in people with multiple trauma,2014,22,3,27-32,Kane Helping people who have been subjected to abuse,2014,22,4,16-22,Morris Universities urged to train all students in suicide prevention,2014,22,4,7, People who are violent in care settings face more criminal sanctions,2014,22,8,6, Effects of snake envenomation: a guide for emergency nurses,2015,22,9,24-29,Finnegan Domestic violence project shortlisted for national award,2015,23,1,9, Poisoning from carbon monoxide is not simply a winter problem,2015,23,2,9,Dent Attacks on children reduced by one fifth in England and Wales,2015,23,2,7, Awarded nurse of the year for tackling domestic violence,2015,23,2,7, Dealing with natural disasters,2015,23,2,5, Death anxiety among emergency care workers,2015,23,4,32-37,Brady Boxer's fracture: management and outcomes,2015,23,4,24-30,Eldridge National alert system to pick up early signs of abuse,2015,23,5,11,Dean Revised Purple Book highlights ways to spot sexual abuse in children,2015,23,5,6, How regional trauma systems improve outcomes,2015,23,6,24-29,Cole Collision-prevention scheme may save urban cyclists,2015,23,6,11,Mulholland Accident-prevention initiative needed for children under five,2015,23,8,9,Lipley Identifying signs of intimate partner violence,2016,23,9,25-29,McGarry Skills development at a paramedic accident simulation centre,2016,23,9,22-24,Donaghy Mobile device identifies head injuries,2016,23,9,7, Guide launched to keep children safe on the way to school,2016,24,1,6, Intimate partner violence,2016,24,2,12,Pibernat Effect of minor injuries on school attendance,2002,9,8,11,Holt Deprivation and triage category in children,2001,9,1,5,Holt Mandatory training urged to tackle violence,2001,9,1,3,Lipley Zero tolerance towards patients behaving violently,1999,7,2,4,Scott Ready for peace preparing for disaster Major incident planning in Craigavon A&E department is a necessary fact of life in preparing for the 'Drumcree situation' each year. Garrett Martin discusses how its potential for violence has affected his colleagues,1999,6,10,8-12,Garrett Mortality/morbidity in elderly patients,1999,7,3,9, A&E staff praised for disciplined response to London bomb attacks,1999,7,3,3,Dolan Should paracetamol sales be curtailed?,1997,5,3,8, Stabbing injuries,1997,4,4,18-19,MacKenzie Think before you bounce,2016,24,4,16,Paul Closed circuit TV does not reduce violence,1999,7,5,10, Staff demand protection after violent attack in A&E,1999,7,6,3,Burke Automobile airbags not without risk,1998,6,6,6, Action against violence,1998,6,6,4,Stephen Pinpointing the problem of violence,1998,6,8,8-10, Information on violence,2012,20,7,13,Williams Victims of violence,2012,20,7,9,Pittman Violent assaults,2012,20,3,13, Injury prevention,2012,20,3,13, Screening for 'hazardous drinkers',2007,15,5,3, Violence against nurses,2007,15,4,4-5, Nurses asked to tackle domestic violence,2007,15,1,2,Lipley Major changes in minor injuries,2006,14,5,1, New guidance on antidotes to poison,2006,14,5,3, Limiting self harm,2006,14,5,8-10,Pembroke Injury prevention,2005,13,7,6,Ambrose Sports injuries,2005,13,7,6,Ambrose Recognising and assessing victims of torture in emergency departments,2001,9,2,7-11,Pank Passengers increase risk of deatH in young drivers,2000,8,2,5,Holt Child injuries/fatalities from alcohol related car crashes,2000,8,3,7, Teenage self-harm 'soars',2000,8,4,4, Falls predictor of subsequent injury among elderly people,2000,8,4,5, Praise for train crash A&E teams,2000,8,8,3, Permanent sequelae in sports injuries,1999,7,8,6, Childhood injury prevention prevalence,1999,7,8,6, Noise trauma from air bags,1999,7,1,5, Bicycle safety for children,2016,24,6,11, Deliberate self-harm,2012,20,1,15,Angrave NICE updates guideline on head injuries,2007,15,6,2,Lipley Preventing accidents,2006,14,7,5, Getting back in the driving seat,2006,14,3,10-13,Summers Silent conflict helping the survivor of sexual violence,2001,9,1,15-18,James Staff can help stop modern slavery,2016,24,7,7, Staff to wear body cameras to curb rise in hospital violence,2016,24,7,6,Keogh Opportunities to preserve forensic evidence in emergency departments,2016,24,7,20-26,Peel Grapes are common cause of food-related choking (comment),2017,24,9,12,No Author(s) Listed Nurses need training in suicide awareness,2017,24,9,6,No Author(s) Listed Students teach children to stay safe at home,2017,25,1,7, RCN congress discusses whether wearing helmets should be compulsory for cyclists,2017,25,3,7, Ability of parents to remember advice on head injury,2017,25,3,12, Reporting occupational violence in emergency departments,2017,25,4,12, When disaster strikes: how the emergency services provide a rapid response,2017,25,4,8-9,Dean Signs of domestic abuse,2017,25,4,e13,Pearce Assessing for head injury in alcohol-intoxicated patients,2017,25,5,30-33,Hoban Concussion in sport: the importance of accurate and reliable discharge advice,2018,25,10,35-42,Norton Fingertip injuries in children: a review of the literature,2018,26,3,17-20,Weir Responding to nerve agent poisoning: a guide for emergency nurses. Part 2,2019,27,3,20-24,Finnegan Nerve agents: a guide for emergency nurses. Part 1,2019,27,2,27-31,Finnegan Full-thickness burns due to contact with gastric acid,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Fenwick The provision of emergency healthcare for women who experience intimate partner violence: Part 1. An integrative review,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Meyer The provision of emergency healthcare for women who experience intimate partner violence: Part 2. Strategies to address knowledge deficits and negative attitudes,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Meyer Analysing ambulance data to ascertain the prevalence and demographics of individuals who have died by suicide,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hayden Hand injury: investigating the accuracy of referrals to a specialist trauma centre,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Faderani Managing violence and aggression in the emergency department,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Carver Care of patients with mental health issues in the emergency department: a quality improvement project,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Goldstein Ensuring effective intercultural communication in the emergency department,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tuohy Exploring the factors that influence trauma team activation in emergency department staff,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cooper Do educational interventions improve the attitudes of emergency nurses towards patients who self-harm? A systematic review,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Holt Accidental hypothermia: pathophysiology investigations and management,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chivers Assessment and management of pelvic fractures from high-energy trauma in adults,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jarman Bowing fractures of the forearm in children: pathophysiology diagnosis and management,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Worrall Maintaining a safe environment in emergency department waiting rooms,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Robinson Nitrous oxide tank cold burn to the forearm: a case study and discussion of the literature,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Allen Improving suicide risk screening in the emergency department,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Englund Characteristics and outcomes of people in suicidal crisis at two emergency departments: a service evaluation,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Shah Rhabdomyolysis: a case-based critical reflection on its causes and diagnosis,2020,28,3,24-28,Fenwick Why A&E nurses feel inadequate in managing patients who deliberately self harm?,1999,6,9,24-27,Perego Attitudes to patients who present with suicidal behaviour,2001,9,4,26-32,May Methaemoglobinaemia and poisoning,2001,9,5,18-22,McCrea Self harm on increase,2002,10,5,e2, Poisoning: sodium chloride and sodium bicarbonate,2003,11,2,33-37,Bates Turning lives around,2003,11,5,12-13,Shenfield Self-harm: reviewing psychological assessment in emergency departments,2005,12,10,20-24,Gillespie Hedonistic or suicidal?,2007,15,4,4-5; author reply 5,Pittman Treating patients who self-harm,2008,16,7,e7, Ensuring effectiveness and safety in emergency department triage,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gorick