Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author The relationship between males' attitudes to partner violence and use of contraceptive methods in Turkey,2005,10,3,199-206,Akin An unaddressed issue: domestic violence and unplanned pregnancies among pregnant women in Turkey,2003,8,2,93-98,Sahin Aspects of sexuality education in Europe - definitions differences and developments,2010,15,3,169-176,Loeber Social and ethical determinants of human sexuality: 2. Gender-based violence,2010,15,4,220-231,Benagiano Contraception reproductive health and pregnancy outcomes among women exposed to intimate partner violence in Nigeria,2011,16,1,18-25,Jansson Hercules and Barbie? Reflections on the influence of pornography and its spread in the media and society in groups of adolescents in Sweden,2012,17,1,40-49,Tydén Sexual health problems of adolescents attending a sexual health service,2012,17,1,50-54,Black Backgrounds of women applying for hymen reconstruction the effects of counselling on myths and misunderstandings about virginity and the results of hymen reconstruction,2012,17,2,93-105,van Moorst An unaddressed issue: domestic violence and unplanned pregnancies among pregnant women in Turkey,2003,8,2,93-98,Sahin Limited impact of an intervention regarding emergency contraceptive pills in Sweden--repeated surveys among abortion applicants,2006,11,4,270-276,Westerling Are survivors of intimate partner violence more likely to experience complications around delivery? Evidence from a national Bangladeshi sample,2013,18,1,49-60,Nakamura Multiple visceral injuries suffered during an illegal induced abortion - A case report,2013,18,4,319-321,Akaba Early sexual initiation and risk factors in Serbian adolescents: data from the National Health Survey,2014,19,3,211-219,Matejic Intimate partner violence and repeat induced abortion in Italy: a cross sectional study,2015,20,5,344-349,Citernesi The pandemic of violence against women - the latest chapter in the history of misogyny,2015,20,1,1-3,Bitzer Multiple violence victimisation associated with sexual ill health and sexual risk behaviours in Swedish youth,2015,21,1,49-56,Danielsson Pornography consumption among adolescent girls in Sweden,2016,21,4,295-302,Nilsson Delinquency and sexual experiences across adolescence: does depression play a role?,2017,22,4,298-304,Kaltiala-Heino A maternal death from self-induced medical abortion: a call for action,2017,22,5,393-395,Stray-Pedersen Prevalence and risk factors for domestic violence among infertile Egyptian women: a cross-sectional study,2019,ePub,ePub,1-6,Lotfy Pill depression and suicide: a never-ending story of myth and reality,2020,25,3,240-242,Capobianco The impact of disasters on contraception in OECD member countries: a scoping review,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Dale Characterisation of pregnant women in a maternity hospital in Brazil who ever suffered domestic violence,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Strufaldi Interference with and abuses of sexual and reproductive health and rights: a new proposal for classification and terminology,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rowlands The effect of hysterectomy on sexuality and psychological changes,2006,11,1,23-27,Antsaklis