Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author The costs and benefits of a screening program to detect dementia in older drivers,1994,14,4,315-324,Retchin Calling while driving: laws economics and commandments,1999,19,1,101-102,Tsevat Visual analog scales standard gambles and relative risk aversion,2001,21,1,17-27,Robinson A Test of Numeric Formats for Communicating Risk Probabilities,2008,28,3,377-384,Weinstein Quality-Adjusted Life Years Lost from Nonfatal Motor Vehicle Accident Injuries,2008,28,6,819-828,Nyman Recommendations for Modeling Disaster Responses in Public Health and Medicine: A Position Paper of the Society for Medical Decision Making,2009,29,4,438-460,Brandeau Modeling Bioterrorism and Disaster Preparedness: SMDM's Recommendations for Design and Reporting,2009,29,4,412-413,Sanders The risk of falling in the elderly: a subjective approach,1990,10,3,195-200,Fos Time Lost by Driving Fast in the United States,2010,30,3,E12-9,Redelmeier Effects of Game-Like Interactive Graphics on Risk Perceptions and Decisions,2011,31,1,130-142,Kukafka Shared decision making decision aids and risk communication,2007,27,5,516-517,Helfand Modeling the logistics of response to anthrax bioterrorism,2008,28,3,332-350,McDonald Modeling the public health response to bioterrorism: using discrete event simulation to design antibiotic distribution centers,2002,22,5 Suppl,S17-25,Mushlin Cost-effectiveness of regulations against using a cellular telephone while driving,1999,19,1,1-8,Redelmeier Medical students' and residents' estimates of cardiac risk,1989,9,3,170-175,Tape Risk attitude and time discounting,1997,17,3,355-356,Chapman Incorporating risk attitude into Markov-process decision models: importance for individual decision making,1997,17,3,340-350,Cher The cost-effectiveness of strategies to reduce mortality from an intentional release of aerosolized anthrax spores,2006,26,2,182-193,Braithwaite Treatment choices by seriously ill patients: the Health Stock Risk Adjustment model,1998,18,1,84-94,Yabroff Measurement of individual preferences. The importance of "situation-specific" variables,1982,2,4,483-495,Ciampi Health-related quality of life in economic evaluations for osteoporosis: whose values should we use?,1999,19,2,141-148,Melton The discrepancy between risky and riskless utilities: a matter of framing?,1999,19,4,435-447,Stalmeier How should effectiveness of risk communication to aid patients' decisions be judged? A review of the literature,1999,19,4,428-434,Edwards "Don't know" responses to risk perception measures: implications for underserved populations,2013,33,2,271-281,Waters Risk perception of prescription drugs: results of a survey among experts in the European Regulatory Network,2013,33,4,579-592,Fasolo Expressing death risk as condensed life experience and death intensity,2013,33,6,853-859,Ioannidis Validating a vignette-based instrument to study physician decision making in trauma triage,2014,34,2,242-252,Farris Confusing relative risk with absolute risk is associated with more enthusiastic beliefs about the value of cancer screening,2014,34,5,686-692,Binswanger Quality-adjusted life years utility theory and healthy-years equivalents,1989,9,2,142-149,Mehrez The effect of different graphical and numerical likelihood formats on perception of likelihood and choice,2015,35,4,487-500,Timmermans Are there scenarios when the use of non-placebo-control groups in experimental trial designs increase expected value to society?,2015,36,1,20-30,Braithwaite Valuation of child behavioral problems from the perspective of US adults,2015,36,2,199-209,Reeve Medical decisions of pediatric residents turn riskier after a 24-hour call with no sleep,2016,37,1,127-133,Aran Experienced probabilities increase understanding of diagnostic test results in younger and older adults,2017,37,6,670-679,Spaniol Health professionals prefer to communicate risk-related numerical information using "1-in-x" ratios,2018,38,3,366-376,Garcia-Retamero Estimating long-term drinking patterns for people with lifetime alcohol use disorder,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Timko The precision-bias distinction for evaluating visual decision aids for risk perception,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Witt Risk ladder table or bulleted list? Identifying formats that effectively communicate personalized risk and risk reduction information for multiple diseases,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Waters Estimates of quality-adjusted life-year loss for injuries in the United States,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sullivan Testing explanations for skepticism of personalized risk information,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Waters How do people process different representations of statistical information? Insights into cognitive effort representational inconsistencies and individual differences,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gaissmaier Tradeoffs in triage of motor vehicle trauma by rural 911 emergency medical services practitioners,2023,43,3,311-324,Benson The stability of preferences for life-sustaining care among persons with AIDS in the Boston Health Study,1999,19,1,16-26,Cleary Using separate single-outcome risk presentations instead of integrated multioutcome formats improves comprehension in discrete choice experiments,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Zikmund-Fisher