Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Vision aging and driving: the problems of older drivers,1992,47,1,27-34,Fozard On the driving of automobiles by older people,1964,19,,190-197,McFarland Age differences in divided attention in a simulated driving task,1988,43,6,151-156,Brouwer Aging and fatal accidents in male and female drivers,1994,49,6,S286-90,Hakamies-Blomqvist Violence and violent feelings: what causes them among family caregivers?,1992,47,4,S165-72,Pillemer Suicide and Attempted Suicide Among Old People,1951,6,3,233-236,Kiorboe Psychiatric and Psychologic Factors in Accident Susceptibility in the Aged,1951,6,4,125,Meltzer The Environmental Aspects of Accident Causation,1951,6,4,72-72,Cole Medical conditions associated with driving cessation in community-dwelling ambulatory elders,1993,48,4,S230-4,Campbell Traffic accident problems and exposure characteristics of the aging driver,1971,26,2,224-230,Fowler The availability of personal transportation residential location and life satisfaction among the aged,1972,27,3,383-389,Cutler Acute drug reactions among the elderly,1975,30,5,552-556,Thomas Variables associated with the winter camping location of elderly recreational vehical owners in southwestern Arizona,1976,31,3,346-351,Born Changes in aged white male suicide: 1948-1972,1978,33,5,763-768,Marshall Socialization to violence among the aged,1981,36,3,350-361,Dowd Factors influencing the nighttime activity of old persons in their community,1984,39,4,485-491,Golant Suicide in middle age and later life: sex and race specific life table and cohort analyses,1987,42,2,219-227,Blazer Older driver involvement in fatal and severe traffic crashes,1988,43,6,S186-S193,Evans Psychological symptoms in older adults following natural disaster: nature timing duration and course,1989,44,6,S207-17,Norris Age differences in decision making: a process methodology for examining strategic information processing,1990,45,2,P75-8,Johnson Adolescent and elderly white male suicide trends: evidence of changing well-being?,1991,46,1,S43-51,McCall Changes in grief and mental health of bereaved spouses of older suicides,1992,47,6,P357-66,Farberow Are older people most afraid of crime? Reconsidering age differences in fear of victimization,1992,47,5,S233-44,LaGrange Philadelphia's recreational project for older people,1948,3,3,215-219,Bowen Recreation for the aged,1949,4,4,310-313,Schulze Epidemiological study of accidents among residents of homes for the aged,1970,25,4,342-346,Margulec Current publications in gerontology and geriatrics,1969,24,3,378-394,Shock Driving cessation and changes in mileage driven among elderly individuals,1993,48,5,S255-60,Foley Fear of falling and low self-efficacy: a case of dependence in elderly persons,1993,48 Spec No,,35-38,Tinetti Kinematics of recovery from a stumble,1993,48,3,M97-102,Grabiner Functional reach: predictive validity in a sample of elderly male veterans,1992,47,3,M93-8,Studenski The influence of visual factors on fall-related kinematic variables during stair descent by older women,1991,46,6,M188-95,Leibowitz Risk factors for injurious falls: a prospective study,1991,46,5,M164-70,Nevitt Fear of falling and postural performance in the elderly,1991,46,4,M123-31,Maki Causes and correlates of recurrent falls in ambulatory frail elderly,1991,46,4,M114-22,Lipsitz Falls efficacy as a measure of fear of falling,1990,45,6,P239-43,Tinetti Gait assessment in the elderly: a gait abnormality rating scale and its relation to falls,1990,45,1,M12-9,Tobin Visual vestibular and somatosensory contributions to balance control in the older adult,1989,44,4,M118-27,Woollacott Risk factors for falls in a community-based prospective study of people 70 years and older,1989,44,4,M112-7,Campbell A hypothesis: the causes of hip fractures,1989,44,4,M107-11,Nevitt Senile dementia of the Alzheimer's type: an important risk factor for serious falls,1987,42,4,412-417,Morris A community plans a recreation program for the aged,1953,8,1,86-89,Laue Aging and mortality from thermal injury,1954,9,4,456-464,Moyer Age and the problems of professional truck divers in highway transportation,1954,9,3,338-348,McFarland Effects of age presentation speed and sensory modality on performance of a "vigilance" task,1963,18,,366-369,Thompson Age differences on the bender visual-motor gestalt test and the archimedes spiral test,1965,20,,196-200,Gilbert Aging and recreation,1962,17,,302-309,Zborowski Age and responses to sequences of repetitive and interruptive signals,1967,22,2,143-150,Rabbitt The effects of physical conditioning on older individuals. II. Motor performance and cognitive function,1966,21,2,192-199,Rodahl The effect of magnesium pemoline on cognition and behavior,1968,23,3,283-288,Eisdorfer The impact of long-term exercise training on psychological function in older adults,1993,48,1,P12-7,Storandt Measuring functioning and health in the very old,1993,48,1,M10-4,Ouslander Social support and caregiving burden in family caregivers of frail elders,1993,48,5,S245-54,Gallagher-Thompson Dynamic stability in the elderly: identifying a possible measure,1993,48,5,M225-30,Yack Functional performance measures: are they superior to self-assessments?,1993,48,5,M196-206,Myers The influence of gender and age on Halstead-Reitan neuropsychological test performance,1993,48,6,P278-81,Walter Attentional blocks are not responsible for age-related slowing,1993,48,6,P263-70,Salthouse A prospective study of postural balance and risk of falling in an ambulatory and independent elderly population,1994,49,2,M72-84,Maki Multisensory training of standing balance in older adults: II. Kinematic and electromyographic postural responses,1994,49,2,M62-71,Hu Multisensory training of standing balance in older adults: I. Postural stability and one-leg stance balance,1994,49,2,M52-61,Hu Cognitive performance in older and middle-aged depressed outpatients and controls,1994,49,3,P129-36,Schneider Differential roles with aging of visual and proprioceptive afferent information for fine motor control,1994,49,3,P100-7,Chaput Predicting changes in physical performance in a high-functioning elderly cohort: MacArthur studies of successful aging,1994,49,3,M97-108,Tinetti Fear of falling and fall-related efficacy in relationship to functioning among community-living elders,1994,49,3,M140-7,Tinetti Age-related motor slowness: simply strategic?,1994,49,3,M133-9,Morgan Improved foot position sense as a result of repetitions in older adults,1993,48,3,P137-41,Stelmach Morbidity and mortality in rural community-dwelling elderly with low total serum cholesterol,1993,48,3,M103-7,Kuller Suicide and attempted suicide among old people,1951,6,3,233-236,KiØrboe Performance-based driving evaluation of the elderly driver: safety reliability and validity,1994,49,4,M153-9,Odenheimer Age differences in response accuracy for factual survey questions,1985,40,3,350-357,Herzog The effects of information load and speech rate on younger and older aircraft pilots' ability to execute simulated air-traffic controller instructions,1994,49,5,P191-200,Taylor Effects of age and available response time on ability to step over an obstacle,1994,49,5,M227-33,Ashton-Miller The risk of hip fracture among noninstitutionalized older adults,1994,49,4,S165-75,Fitzgerald Compliance with social and safety recommendations in an outpatient comprehensive geriatric assessment program,1994,49,4,M168-73,Renvall Physical function and social class among Swedish oldest old,1994,49,4,S196-201,Lundberg Age sex and task difficulty as predictors of social conformity,1972,27,2,229-236,Klein Coping strategies of older women with hip fractures: resources and outcomes,1992,47,1,P21-6,Roberto A mathematical model of aging processes,1974,29,1,46-51,Forbes Personality and values of women continuing their education after thirty-five years of age,1973,28,2,216-221,Storandt Perceptions of childhood: present functioning and past events,1973,28,2,202-206,Linn Long-term adaptation by the elderly to bereavement,1973,28,3,359-362,Gianturco Methodology in a study of residents of retirement housing,1973,28,3,351-358,Sherman Recreation paricipation patterns and successful aging,1974,29,4,416-422,DeCarlo Child performance as a determinant of elderly caretaker behavior,1974,29,5,534-542,Cone A longitudinal study of problem solving in adults,1974,29,6,650-658,Arenberg Reaction and movement time as a function of age and physical activity level,1975,30,4,435-440,Spirduso Maintenance of function in relocation of community-dwelling older adults,1975,30,5,608-612,Storandt Housing characteristics and the well-being of elderly tenants in federally assisted housing,1975,30,5,601-607,Lawton The effect of differential reinforcement of cautiousness in intellectual performance among the elderly,1975,30,5,578-583,Schaie Response of institutionalized geriatric mental patients to a twelve-week program of regular physical activity,1975,30,5,565-573,Wade Cognitive strategy training and intellectual performance in the elderly,1976,31,3,327-332,Labouvie-Vief The effect of age differences in ability-extraneous performance variables on the assessment of intelligence in children adults and the elderly,1973,28,1,73-80,Baltes Categorization behavior in aging subjects,1976,31,6,676-680,Cicirelli Relations of age and personality dimensions to cognitive ability factors,1976,31,6,663-669,Bossé Cautiousness in adulthood as a function of age and payoff structure,1977,32,4,451-455,Okun Morale of the urban aged: a regression analysis by race,1977,32,5,600-608,Sauer Cautiousness and verbal learning in adulthood,1978,33,1,94-97,George Incentive and practice in the psychomotor performance of the elderly,1978,33,3,413-415,Grant Age birth cohorts and drinking: an illustration of the hazards of inferring effects from cohort data,1981,36,3,362-369,Glenn The risk of personal victimization among the aged,1981,36,4,463-471,Liang Hip fracture in elderly women and reproductive history,1981,36,4,424-427,Wyshak Age-related effects of temporal contingencies on response speed and memory: an operant analysis,1985,40,1,60-70,Baron Age and aerobic power in women: a longitudinal study,1979,34,4,512-520,Drinkwater Fire at a home for the aged: a study of short-term mortality following dislocation of elderly residents,1978,33,4,601-602,Kowalski Effects of social incentives on task performance in the elderly,1978,33,4,562-566,Levendusky Predicting death from behavioral test performance,1978,33,5,755-762,West Effects of aging on sex differences in psychomotor reminiscence and tracking proficiency,1985,40,2,179-184,Wright A system of classifying leisure activities in terms of the psychological benefits of participation reported by older persons,1985,40,2,172-178,Tinsley The effects of videogame playing on the response selection processing of elderly adults,1987,42,1,82-85,Clark Indirect self-destructive behavior in the elderly nursing home patient,1980,35,6,949-957,Farberow Physical fitness aging and psychomotor speed: a review,1980,35,6,850-865,Spirduso Aging divided attention and processing capacity,1981,36,5,605-614,Wright Age differences in bimanual coordination,1988,43,1,P18-23,Stelmach Age differences in heart rate patterns during concentration in a precision sport: implications for attentional functioning,1989,44,3,P80-7,Bäckman The health impact of living with a cognitively impaired elderly spouse: depressive symptoms and social functioning,1989,44,1,S17-27,Berkman A longitudinal study of neuropsychological performance by hypertensives and normotensives: a third measurement point,1989,44,1,P25-8,Elias Cause specific mortality patterns among the oldest old: multiple cause of death trends 1968 to 1980,1986,41,2,282-289,Manton Age differences in depressive symptom experiences,1991,46,5,P224-235,Jensen Adolescent and elderly White male suicide trends: Evidence of changing well-being?,1991,46,1,S43-S51,McCall Suicide and attempted suicide among old people,1951,6,3,233-236,Kiørboe