Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Differences in Mental Health Outcomes among Whites African Americans and Hispanics Following a Community Disaster,2005,68,3,250-265,Boscarino Effects of adolescent trauma exposure on risky behavior in college women,2005,68,4,363-378,Goodman Parent suicide: pathways of effects into the third generation,2006,69,3,204-227,Cain Ernest hemingway: a psychological autopsy of a suicide,2006,69,4,351-361,Martin Marijuana use among adults,1970,33,4,433-443,McGlothlin Emotional first aid for a suicide crisis: comparison between Telephonic hotline and internet,2007,70,1,12-18,Shahar The long reach of violence and aggression,1993,56,2,163-165,Reiss Sexual abuse and psychopathology,1993,56,2,205-16; discussion 217-27,Fenton The horror! The horror! Reflections on our culture of violence and its implications for early development and morality,1993,56,1,119-123,Emde Impact of violence on children and adolescents: Report from a community-based child psychiatry clinic,1993,56,1,124-126,Benoit The NIMH community violence project: ii. Children's distress symptoms associated with violence exposure,1993,56,1,22-35,Martinez Community violence and children's development: toward a research agenda for the 1990s,1993,56,1,3-6,Richters Chronic community violence: What is happening to our children?,1993,56,1,36-45,Fick Community violence and children on Chicago's southside,1993,56,1,46-54,Bell Children's exposure to community violence: Following a path from concern to research to action,1993,56,1,55-65,Lorion Community violence children's development and mass media: In pursuit of new insights new goals and new strategies,1993,56,1,66-81,Friedlander The NIMH community violence project: i. Children as victims of and witnesses to violence,1993,56,1,7-21,Martinez Child sexual abuse: a model of chronic trauma,1993,56,1,82-95,Putnam Torture: psychiatric sequelae and phenomenology,1992,55,2,177-184,Doerr-Zegers Assumptions Underlying Tarascan Political Homicide,1962,25,4,315-327,Friedrich Suicide and Risk-Taking in Tikopia Society,1961,24,1,1-17,Firth Violent and aggressive behaviors in youth: a mental health and prevention perspective,2001,64,4,285-295,Osofsky Five essential elements of immediate and mid-term mass trauma intervention: empirical evidence,2007,70,4,283-315,Bell The Mental Health Consequences of Disaster-Related Loss: Findings from Primary Care One Year After the 9/11 Terrorist Attacks,2008,71,4,339-348,Weissman Legal events as predictors of posttraumatic stress in injured trauma survivors,2009,72,1,70-78,Zatzick The psychology of suicide terrorism,2009,72,1,13-31,Weine Chance happenings in life and psychotherapy,2009,72,1,1-12,Shaw No name--a study of anonymous suicidal telephone calls,1965,28,,79-87,Tabachnick Eleven deaths of Mr. K.: contributing factors to suicide in narcissistic personalities,2008,71,2,169-182,Ronningstam Acute disaster exposure and mental health complaints of Norwegian tsunami survivors six months post disaster,2008,71,3,266-276,Weisaeth The protective effect of religiosity under terrorism,2008,71,1,46-58,Levav Social and psychological resources associated with health status in a representative sample of adults affected by the 2004 Florida hurricanes,2009,72,2,195-210,Resnick Environmental factors preceding the onset of severe depressions,1970,33,3,293-311,Leff The liberal society Black youths and the ghetto riots,1970,33,2,265-281,Boesel Anonymous suicidal telephone calls: a research critique,1970,33,4,526-532,Tabachnick Field study of the problems of adaptation of Mackenzie Delta Eskimos to social and economic change,1969,32,4,447-458,Lubart Conversion hysteria in Appalachia,1969,32,3,334-341,Weinstein Suicide and nonymity,1969,32,3,303-312,Wilkins A high incidence of suicide in a preliterate-primitive society,1969,32,2,200-210,Hoskin The taboo of suicide,1968,31,2,173-183,Noyes Suicide among patients in mental hospitals. A study of the psychiatrists who conducted their psychotherapy,1968,31,1,32-43,Kahne SUICIDAL BEHAVIOR IN CHILDREN,1965,28,,157-168,Shaw Commentary on "Seven institutionalized children and their adaptation in late adulthood: the children of Duplessis",2006,69,4,333-335,Putnam Les Enfants de Duplessis: perspectives on trauma and resiliency,2006,69,4,328-332,Shaw Comentary on "Seven institutionalized children and their adaptation in late adulthood: the children of Duplessis",2006,69,4,322-324,Michels Commentary on "Seven institutionalized children and their adaptation in late adulthood: the children of Duplessis",2006,69,4,314-321,Eth Maltreatment attachment and resilience in the orphans of Duplessis,2006,69,4,306-313,Stein Surviving unspeakable trauma: numbing the inner life,2006,69,4,302-305,Fritsch Case studies of the orphans of Duplessis: the power of stories,2006,69,4,325-327,Cozza Associations of parental personality disorders and axis I disorders with childrearing behavior,2006,69,4,336-350,Cohen Seven institutionalized children and their adaptation in late adulthood: the children of Duplessis (Les Enfants de Duplessis),2006,69,4,283-301,Perry The "street addict role": implications for treatment,1971,34,4,351-357,Stephens The Kennedy airport snow-in: an inquiry into intergroup phenomena,1971,34,3,301-308,Astrachan The changing psychopathology of Amok,1972,35,4,345-351,Teoh A perspective on adolescent social relations,1972,35,1,32-47,Poveda Suicide notes reconsidered,1973,36,4,379-394,Shneidman A note on the possible iatrogenesis of suicide,1973,36,2,213-218,Andriola A reverberating psychic mechanism in the depressive processes,1974,37,4,372-386,Meyersburg G. I.'s against themselves. Factors resulting in explosive violence in Vietnam,1974,37,3,221-228,Bey Suicide and culture in Fairbanks. A comparison of three cultural groups in a small city of interior Alaska,1974,37,1,60-67,Parkin Territoriality and boundary conflicts in the subway,1974,37,1,47-59,Fried American Indian suicide--Fact and fantasy,1975,38,1,87-91,Shore Racial patterns of military crimes in Vietnam,1976,39,1,51-64,Kroll The human meaning of total disaster. The Buffalo Creek experience,1976,39,1,1-18,Olson The consciously rejected child: legal and social issues,1979,42,4,338-350,Guyer The natural history of a psychotherapy group for battered women,1979,42,1,63-78,Rounsaville An object-relations approach to the phenomenon and treatment of battered women,1980,43,4,346-358,Gillman The persisting negative effects of incest,1983,46,4,312-332,Gelinas The risk of suicide in young psychiatric patients hospitalized out-of-state,1984,47,4,342-350,Eisen Genocide and mass destruction: doing harm to others as a missing dimension in psychopathology,1986,49,2,144-157,Charny Parental mental disorder and offspring criminal behavior: an adoption study,1987,50,4,346-360,Moffitt Family functioning and suicidal behavior in psychiatric inpatients with major depression,1987,50,3,242-255,Miller The child victim as witness in sexual abuse proceedings,1988,51,2,221-232,Eth Suicide and parasuicide in multiple personality disorder,1989,52,3,365-371,Norton Intergenerational transmission of maltreatment: insights from attachment theory and research,1989,52,2,177-196,Zeanah Violence and social structure on mental hospital wards,1990,53,3,262-277,Katz Family functioning social adjustment and recurrence of suicidality,1990,53,1,17-30,Miller Avoidance of criminality in abused and neglected children,1991,54,2,162-174,Widom Suicide in Alaska Natives 1979-1984,1991,54,1,55-63,Kettl Cold hands and feet as a sign of abusive neglect in infants and children,1992,55,3,303-309,Feehan Mood influences on reasons for living in older adolescents,1992,55,3,216-222,Ellis On chronic suicidality,1992,55,1,16-21; dicussion 22-7,Lewin Impact of hurricane Rita on adolescent substance use,2009,72,3,222-237,Sussman Depersonalization in the face of life-threatening danger: a description,1976,39,1,19-27,Noyes A critique of conceptual and treatment approaches to borderline psychopathology in light of findings about childhood abuse,1993,56,2,188-203,Arnold Toward a model of family and political victimization: implications for treatment and recovery,1993,56,2,178-187,Sluzki Levels of trauma: a multidimensional approach to the treatment of PTSD,1993,56,2,166-177,Eth Toward an ecological/transactional model of community violence and child maltreatment: Consequences for children's development,1993,56,1,96-118,Lynch The safety prone; an approach to the accident-free person,1952,15,4,465-468,Le shan The deliquent integration,1952,15,3,297-303,Bloch The effect of brain damage on the personality,1952,15,3,245-260,Goldstein Dynamics in accident-prone behavior,1952,15,1,73-80,LeSHAN Adaptive problems and mechanisms in severely burned patients,1953,16,1,1-20,Hamburg The development of interpersonal maturity: applications to delinquency,1957,20,4,373-385,Sullivan The gamble with death in attempted suicide,1957,20,1,17-25,Weiss Patterns of parent-child interaction in a disaster,1958,21,2,159-167,Bloch Suicide and risk-taking in Tikopia society,1961,24,,1-17,Firth On death and death symbolism: the hiroshima disaster,1964,27,,191-210,Lifton On the relationship of a characterological type of delinquent to the milieu,1964,27,,6-16,Kobrin Assumptions underlying Tarascan political homicide,1962,25,,315-327,Friedrich Aggression in a boys' street-corner group: an analysis and reinterpretation,1962,25,,281-284,Douglas A study of techniques of psychotherapy with youthful offenders,1962,25,,147-159,Gladstone Association between COMT PTSD and increased smoking following hurricane exposure in an epidemiologic sample,2009,72,4,360-369,Kilpatrick Are there any successful men from criminogenic backgrounds?,1988,51,2,116-130,Farrington Hallucinations psuedohallucinations and parahallucinations,2010,73,1,34-42,Walker The role of parental disciplinary practices in the development of depression and alcoholism,1988,51,1,24-36,Holmes Violence and severe mental disorder in clinical and community populations: the effects of psychotic symptoms comorbidity and lack of treatment,1997,60,1,1-22,Swartz Peacekeeping and peacemaking: the conceptual foundations of a plan to reduce violence and improve the quality of life in a midsized community in Jamaica,1996,59,2,156-174,Twemlow Family images of borderline adolescents,1995,58,2,164-172,Young Emergency evacuations panic and social psychology,2005,68,2,121-129,Aguirre Understanding mass panic and other collective responses to threat and disaster,2005,68,2,95-113,Mawson A psychotherapeutic encounter with a self-mutilating patient,1967,30,1,91-100,Crabtree Homicide and hospitalization: a case report,1967,30,1,73-78,Belleau Comprehensive vocationally oriented psychotherapy: a new treatment technique for lower-class adolescent delinquent boys,1967,30,3,229-236,Shore Northern children under desegregation,1968,31,1,1-15,Coles The firesetter syndrome,1968,31,3,277-288,Mack Children in poverty: Resilience despite risk,1993,56,1,127-136,Garmezy Reactions to terror attacks in ultra-orthodox jews: the cost of maintaining strict identity,2010,73,2,190-197,Shalev Matricide: primal aggression in search of self-affirmation,2000,63,3,264-287,Holcomb A two-factor model of aggression,1997,60,3,224-232,Lambert Effect of exposure to terrorism on sleep-related experiences in Israeli young adults,2010,73,3,264-276,Shahar Exposure to Prolonged Socio-Political Conflict and the Risk of PTSD and Depression among Palestinians,2010,73,3,219-231,Galea Fighting the psychological war on terrorism,2004,67,2,123-136,Foa Televised trauma and viewer PTSD: implications for prevention,2002,65,4,310-312,Putnam Lessons learned since September 11th 2001 concerning the mental health impact of terrorism appropriate response strategies and future preparedness,2004,67,2,147-152,Felton Symbolic aspects of presidential assassination,1969,32,1,1-11,Weinstein Psychiatric observations on an adolescent inmate social system and culture,1969,32,3,292-302,Allen Female arsonists: key features psychopathologies and treatment needs,2010,73,2,173-189,Gannon Arson and fiction: a cross-disciplinary study,1973,36,3,244-265,Axberger Illness in the therapist: the eye patch,1984,47,4,378-386,Kriechman Approaching a comparative typology of assaultive female offenders,1977,40,3,270-276,Felthous Management of manic states: the problem of fire setting,1974,37,2,137-146,Gunderson The impact of psychiatric symptoms interpersonal style and coercion on aggression and self-harm during psychiatric hospitalization,2010,73,4,365-381,Daffern Grief and mourning in schizophrenia,2007,70,2,154-166,Wittmann Problems to anticipate in treating difficult patients in a long-term psychiatric hospital,1986,49,4,350-358,Colson Attitude change following near-death experiences,1980,43,3,234-242,Noyes Children of imprisoned fathers,1977,40,2,163-174,Sack The experience of dying,1972,35,2,174-184,Noyes A journey from blame to empathy in a family assessment of a mother and her sons,1997,60,2,104-110,Zinner Narrative constructions of historical realities in testimony with Bosnian survivors of "ethnic cleansing",1995,58,3,246-260,Laub Autobiographical memory for childhood events: patterns of recall in psychiatric patients with a history of alleged trauma,1995,58,3,199-208,Balon The long-term consequences of early childhood trauma: a case study and discussion,2006,69,4,362-375,Pynoos Predictors of peritraumatic reactions and PTSD following the September 11th terrorist attacks,2006,69,2,130-141,Ahern A comparison of stigmatizing attitudes toward persons with schizophrenia in four stakeholder groups: perceived likelihood of violence and desire for social distance,2005,68,2,152-163,Van Dorn Crowds and other collectives: complexities of human behaviors in mass emergencies,2005,68,2,115-120,Raphael Media exposure to bioterrorism: stress and the anthrax attacks,2005,68,1,28-42,Baum War correspondents as responders: considerations for training and clinical services,2005,68,3,283-293,Osofsky Commentary on Munczek's "short-term treatment of a Central American torture survivor.",1998,61,4,330-334,McGorry Short-term treatment of a Central American torture survivor,1998,61,4,318-329,Munczek Clinical perception: a study of intimate partner violence versus methamphetamine use as presenting problems,2009,72,4,382-392,Haaken The debate over recovered memory of sexual abuse: a feminist-psychoanalytic perspective,1995,58,2,189-198,Haaken Lifetime axis I and II comorbidity and childhood trauma history in dissociative identity disorder,1996,59,3,255-266,Ross The relationship between attachment and dissociation in adult survivors of incest,1996,59,3,240-254,Anderson Television exposure in children after a terrorist incident,2001,64,3,202-211,Foy Responses to trauma: normal reactions or pathological symptoms,2004,67,2,170-173,Charney Commentary on a first-person account of sexual abuse: from experience to theory and treatment,2004,67,3,239-245,Fritsch The legacy of child sexual abuse,2004,67,3,217-221,Shaw Does television viewing satisfy criteria for exposure in posttraumatic stress disorder?,2002,65,4,306-309,North Exposure to traumatic images: symptom or cause?,2002,65,4,304-305,Michels Television viewing as risk factor,2002,65,4,301-303,Eth Television images and psychological symptoms after the September 11 terrorist attacks,2002,65,4,289-300,Ahern A cry from the darkness: women with severe mental illness in India reveal their experiences with sexual coercion,2003,66,4,323-334,Carey An action model of socially disruptive behaviors committed by persons with severe mental illness: the role of self-reported childhood abuse and suspiciousness-hostility,2003,66,1,42-52,Shahar Peculiarity and reported childhood maltreatment,1999,62,1,21-35,Berenbaum PTSD in a One Year Old Girl After the Wenchuan Earthquake in Sichuan China,2011,74,1,87-92,Deng Bio-psychosocial foundations of contemporary terrorism,2010,73,3,244-247,Post Painting by numbers: capturing the pathology of socio-political conflict,2010,73,3,239-243,Saathoff PTSD and depression among Palestinians: reactions to a study,2010,73,3,234-238,Krupnick War sociopolitical adversity and mental illness,2010,73,3,232-233,Michels Sudden infant and child death as a cultural phenomenon: a Tlaxcalan case study,1994,57,3,225-243,Fabrega Age differences in the personality characteristics of suicide completers: preliminary findings from a psychological autopsy study,1994,57,3,213-224,Conwell Calculated risks in the treatment of intractably suicidal patients,1994,57,3,199-212,Maltsberger Children who witness the homicide of a parent,1994,57,4,287-306,Eth Fear of suicide during sleepwalking,1996,59,2,206-211,Lauerma Cultural factors in the emergence of borderline pathology,1996,59,2,185-192,Paris Suicide prevention in a deployed military unit,2011,74,2,127-141,Grieger Impact of soldier suicide on unit and care givers: implications for education and training,2011,74,2,124-126,Benedek The impact of soldier suicide on a base in Afghanistan: Lessons for prevention and postvention,2011,74,2,121-123,Mann Lessons Learned from a Soldier's Suicide in Iraq,2011,74,2,115-117,Ghahramanlou-Holloway Fighting the war within: Suicide as an individual and public health challenge in the U.S. Army,2011,74,2,110-114,Cersovsky A Soldier's Suicide: Understanding its Effect on Fellow Soldiers,2011,74,2,107-109,Nock When a soldier commits suicide in Iraq: Impact on unit and caregivers,2011,74,2,95-106,Carr The student revolt: totem and taboo revisited,1971,34,2,156-167,Levitt The motivations for self-injury in psychiatric inpatients,1999,62,4,334-346,Putnam "You are not your body": commentary on "The motivations for self-injury in psychiatric inpatients",1999,62,4,331-333,Cardeña Commentary: deconstructing self-destruction,1999,62,4,329-330,Spiegel Posttraumatic stress disorder: cerebellar regulation of psychological interpersonal and biological responses to trauma?,1999,62,4,325-328,Ursano On sudden death,1972,35,2,160-173,Levinson The burning and the healing of children,1972,35,1,57-66,Galdston Nightmare after trauma as paradigm for all dreams: a new approach to the nature and functions of dreaming,1998,61,3,223-238,Hartmann Psychological first aid following trauma: implementation and evaluation framework for high-risk organizations,2011,74,3,224-239,Ruzek Psychiatric epidemiology of an Indian village,1973,36,1,70-81,Pattison A night in crisis,1973,36,1,23-36,Cooper Rite ritual and defense,1983,46,1,16-30,Smith The relaxation response,1974,37,1,37-46,Benson The individual incest and exogamy,1974,37,2,171-180,Schwartzman Correlates of student drug use in a suburban high school,1974,37,2,129-136,Lawrence The adaptive consequences of drinking,1974,37,3,209-215,Davis The contribution of early traumatic events to schizophrenia in some patients: a traumagenic neurodevelopmental model,2001,64,4,319-345,Connolly Increased alcohol use in a treatment sample of Oklahoma City bombing victims,2001,64,4,296-303,Pfefferbaum Coercive and disruptive behaviors in pediatric obsessive compulsive disorder: a qualitative analysis,2011,74,4,362-371,Omer Genetic testing in psychiatry: a review of attitudes and beliefs,2011,74,4,315-331,Appelbaum Elements of psychotherapy in Navaho religion,2011,74,4,283-292,Leighton Describing traumatic responses and distress of community residents directly and indirectly exposed to an aircraft crash,1999,62,2,125-137,Chung Bereavement and mental health after sudden and violent losses: a review,2012,75,1,76-97,Heir Can people remain engaged and vigorous in the face of trauma? Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza,2012,75,1,60-75,Galea Commentary on "conceptions of modern psychiatry": from attachment to intersubjectivity,2012,75,1,32-39,Allen Presidential assassination: an American problem,1976,39,3,291-293,Weinstein Prison homosexuality and its effect on post-prison sexual behavior,1976,39,3,245-257,Sagarin The fathers (not the mothers): their importance and influence with infants and young children,1976,39,3,209-226,Earls An assessment of suicide in an urban VA Medical Center,2002,65,4,327-337,Brown Explanations of firesetting in mentally disordered offenders: a review of the literature,2012,75,2,150-166,Gannon Nonuse and dropout attrition for a web-based mental health intervention delivered in a post-disaster context,2012,75,3,267-284,Ruggiero Conservation of resources and disaster in cultural context: the caravans and passageways for resources,2012,75,3,227-232,Hobfoll What legal risks should mental health care providers take during disasters?,2012,75,4,323-330,Howe An attachment model of depression: integrating findings from the mood disorder laboratory,2013,76,1,68-86,Holmes Peer deviance social support and symptoms of internalizing disorders among youth exposed to Hurricane Georges,2013,76,2,169-181,Canino Reflections on suicide among soldiers,2013,76,2,126-131,Jobes Suicide among soldiers: a review of psychosocial risk and protective factors,2013,76,2,97-125,Nock Suicide: a national health challenge an army health threat,2013,76,2,95-96,Ursano A characterization of adult victims of sexual violence: Results from the national epidemiological survey for alcohol and related conditions,2013,76,3,223-240,Olfson Andrew wyeth and N.C. Wyeth: A psychodynamic perspective on father and son,2013,76,3,187-202,Shaw Hospitalized adolescents who act out: A treatment approach,1982,45,2,147-158,Crabtree Pathological narcissism and acute anxiety symptoms after trauma: A study of Israeli civilians exposed to war,2013,76,4,381-397,Neria Male imprisoned firesetters have different characteristics than other imprisoned offenders and require specialist treatment,2013,76,4,349-364,Gannon Dream content and its relation to self-reported interpersonal behavior,1977,40,4,363-368,Harris Spatial play,1978,41,1,1-23,Forrest Oedipal equivalents in a clan culture: reflections on Navajo ways,1980,43,1,43-50,Proskauer The ethics of human experimentation in psychiatry: toward a more informed consensus,1981,44,2,113-132,Howell Paradoxes of maternal mourning,1991,54,1,1-12,Brice Criminal responsibility: an action language approach,1979,42,2,121-130,Miller Glock: The rise of America's gun. By Paul M. Barrett (Book review),2014,77,2,209-214, Examining disaster mental health workforce capacity,2014,77,2,199-205,Pirkis Psychological effects of disaster relief activities on Japan ground self-defense force personnel following the 2011 great East Japan earthquake,2014,77,2,190-198,Shigemura Commentary on "The Army Study to Assess Risk and Resilience in Servicemembers (Army STARRS)": Army STARRS: A Framingham-like study of psychological health risk factors in soldiers,2014,77,2,120-129,Ressler The Army Study to Assess Risk and Resilience in Servicemembers (Army STARRS),2014,77,2,107-119,Stein Falsifications in the psychiatric history: a differential diagnosis,1986,49,1,13-17,Kerns Parental behavior in the cycle of aggression,1988,51,1,14-23,McCord Posttraumatic stress disorder and psychiatric comorbidity following the 2010 flood in Pakistan: exposure characteristics cognitive distortions and emotional suppression,2014,77,3,289-304,Jalal Characteristics of interpersonal hostile-dominance in psychiatric inpatients,2014,77,3,275-288,Daffern Exploring the longitudinal trajectories of posttraumatic stress disorder in injured trauma survivors,2014,77,4,386-397,Rosenfeld Previous Exposure to the World Trade Center Terrorist Attack and Posttraumatic Symptoms Among Older Adults Following Hurricane Sandy,2014,77,4,374-385,Palgi Lifetime prevalence of and risk factors for suicidal ideation and suicide attempts in a Korean community sample,2014,77,4,360-373,Chung Comorbidity of PTSD major depression and substance use disorder among adolescent victims of the spring 2011 tornadoes in Alabama and Joplin Missouri,2015,78,2,170-185,Ruggiero The impact of first-episode psychosis on the sibling relationship,2015,78,2,141-155,McGorry Factors associated with follow-up attendance among rape victims seen in acute medical care,2015,78,1,89-101,Zatzick Hurricane sandy: shared trauma and therapist self-disclosure,2015,78,1,65-74,Rao Dysregulation of the caregiving system in the context of maternal depression: the role of mistrust in the development and causation of abusive parenting behavior,2015,78,1,42-54,Ostler From the outside looking in: sense of belonging depression and suicide risk,2015,78,1,29-41,Overholser The future of "big data" in suicide behaviors research: can we compare the experiences of the U.S. and U.K. Armed Forces?,2015,78,1,25-28,Fear Enhancing surveillance of suicide ideation and suicide attempt through integration of data from multiple systems,2015,78,1,22-24,Bossarte Nonfatal suicidal behaviors in U.S. Army administrative records 2004-2009: results from the Army Study to Assess Risk and Resilience in Servicemembers (Army STARRS),2015,78,1,1-21,Stein Anxiety-inducing media: the effect of constant news broadcasting on the well-being of Israeli television viewers,2015,78,3,265-276,Peleg Associations between childhood abuse posttraumatic stress disorder and implicit emotion regulation deficits: evidence from a low-income inner-city population,2015,78,3,251-264,Jovanovic Traumatic life events prior to alcohol-related admission of injured acute care inpatients: a brief report,2015,78,4,367-371,Zatzick Humor and trauma-related psychopathology among survivors of terror attacks and their spouses,2015,78,4,341-353,Neria A practical guide to assessing adult firesetters' fire-specific treatment needs using the Four Factor Fire Scales,2015,78,4,293-304,Gannon Posttraumatic stress disorder hostile cognitions and aggression in Iraq/Afghanistan era veterans,2016,79,1,70-84,Elbogen Social and Psychological Consequences at 10 Years Old of an Earlier Onset of Self-reported Delinquency,1991,54,2,133-147,Tremblay Age differences in the personality characteristics of suicide completers,1994,57,3,213-224,Conwell Delinquency drug abuse and alcoholism,1988,51,2,113-115,Reiss Can the phenomenology of a suicidal crisis be usefully understood as a suite of antipredator defensive reactions?,2016,79,2,107-119,Joiner Disaster mental health epidemiology: methodological review and interpretation of research findings,2016,79,2,130-146,North The legacy of suicide observations on the pathogenic impact of suicide upon marital partners,1966,29,4,406-411,Cain Suicidal ideation and interpersonal needs: factor structure of a short version of the Interpersonal Needs Questionnaire in an at-risk military sample,2016,79,3,249-261,Joiner Psychological sequelae of the 2013 Super Typhoon Haiyan among survivor-responders,2016,79,3,282-296,Hall Female fire-setters: gender-associated psychological and psychopathological features,2016,79,4,364-378,Gannon An evaluation of the buffering effects of types and sources of support on depressive symptoms among natural disaster-exposed Chinese adults,2016,79,4,389-402,Hall Gang membership: links to violence exposure paranoia PTSD anxiety and forced control of behavior in prison,2017,80,1,30-41,Wood Psychotic depression and suicidal behavior,2017,80,1,17-29,Walby Persistent complex bereavement disorder and culture: early and prolonged grief in Nepali widows,2017,80,1,1-16,Tol Self-disclosing trauma and post-traumatic stress symptoms in couples: a longitudinal study,2017,80,1,79-91,Solomon Prevalence and course of symptom-defined PTSD in individuals directly or indirectly exposed to terror: a longitudinal study,2017,80,2,171-183,Heir Role of pain-based catastrophizing in pain disability distress and suicidal ideation,2017,80,2,155-170,Shahar The maintenance of order on an adolescent inpatient unit: an analysis of work on the evening shift,1981,44,3,253-262,Joy Medicalized killing in Auschwitz,1982,45,4,283-297,Lifton Technology use preferences and capacity in injured patients at risk for posttraumatic stress disorder,2017,80,3,279-285,Jurkovich A common factors approach to psychotherapy with chronically suicidal patients: wrestling with the angel of death,2017,80,3,207-220,Yager Differentiating gang members gang affiliates and violent men on their psychiatric morbidity and traumatic experiences,2017,80,3,221-235,Coid Risk-taking propensity in older adolescents: internalizing symptoms gender and negative reinforcement,2017,80,3,252-264,Macpherson The psychological impact of the Great East Japan Earthquake on Japan Ground Self-Defense Force personnel: a three-wave one-year longitudinal study,2018,81,3,288-296,Shigemura Posttraumatic stress among Syrian refugees: trauma exposure characteristics trauma centrality and emotional suppression,2018,81,1,54-70,Chung Disaster victim identification: psychological distress and posttraumatic stress in dentists after the 2011 Fukushima disaster,2018,81,1,85-92,Shigemura Suicidality risk and (repeat) disaster exposure: findings from a nationally representative population survey,2018,81,2,158-172,Pirkis Nonfatal suicidal behaviors in the administrative records of activated U.S. Army National Guard and Army Reserve soldiers 2004-2009,2018,81,2,173-192,Stein Soldiers and leaders with combat experience: unit health and climate,2018,81,4,391-407,Thomas PTSD from a suicide attempt: phenomenological and diagnostic considerations,2019,82,1,57-71,Joiner Mediators in the association between affective temperaments and suicide risk among psychiatric inpatients,2018,81,3,240-257,Pompili Enhanced interrogation: inside the minds and motives of the Islamic terrorists trying to destroy America,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Frederickson Suicide: resources for understanding treating and preventing,2018,81,3,217,Ursano Mentally disordered firesetters: an examination of risk factors,2019,82,1,27-41,Gannon Variability in suicidal ideation is associated with affective instability in suicide attempters with borderline personality disorder,2019,82,2,173-178,Mann Measuring the cognition of firesetting individuals using explicit and implicit measures,2019,ePub,ePub,1-4,Gannon Risk factors and timing of suicide attempts among US Army Reserve Component Soldiers during deployment to the Afghanistan and Iraq wars: results from army 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