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A Review of Traumatic Injury Patterns and Anesthesia Techniques for Disaster Relief After Major Earthquakes,2013,117,4,934-941,Pretto A foreign-body hazard in the neonate,1977,56,5,726-727,Milstein Mitigating operating room fires: development of a carbon dioxide fire prevention device,2014,118,4,772-775,Culp Psychomotor performance following exposure to trace concentrations of inhalation anesthetics,1979,58,6,475-482,McCallum Psychomotor tests and "street fitness",1985,64,2,182,Healy Fall-prevention strategies and patient characteristics that impact fall rates after total knee arthroplasty,2014,119,5,1113-1118,Johnson Women with red hair report a slightly increased rate of bruising but have normal coagulation tests,2006,102,1,313-318,Liem Changes in coagulation in standard laboratory tests and ROTEM in trauma patients between on-scene and arrival in the emergency department,2014,120,3,627-635,Theusinger The risk of falls after total knee arthroplasty with the use of a femoral nerve 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