Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author The relationship between extreme heat and ambulance response calls for the city of Toronto Ontario Canada,2005,101,1,94-103,Dolney A qualitative review of housing hazard assessment protocols in the United States,2006,102,1,13-21,Jacobs General and specific mortality among the elderly during the 2003 heat wave in Genoa (Italy),2006,103,2,267-274,Conti Prior heat illness hospitalization and risk of early death,2007,104,2,290-295,Wegman Understanding international crime trends: The legacy of preschool lead exposure,2007,104,3,315-336,Nevin Pesticide exposure among farm workers,2007,105,2,285-286,Burns A game theory approach for risk analysis and security force deployment against multiple coordinated attacks,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wu How lead exposure relates to temporal changes in IQ violent crime and unwed pregnancy,2000,83,1,1-22,Nevin South African farm workers' interpretation of risk assessment data expressed as pictograms on pesticide labels,2008,108,3,419-427,Rother Evaluation of the critical value of driving fatigue based on the fuzzy sets theory,1993,61,1,150-156,He Lead in housing paints: An exposure source still not taken seriously for children lead poisoning in China,2009,109,1,1-5,Chen An examination of interventions to reduce respiratory health and injury hazards in homes of low-income families,2009,109,1,123-130,Fowler Temporal and spatial variation of heat-related illness using 911 medical dispatch data,2009,109,5,600-606,Schwartz Human responses to highway noise,1973,6,3,306-326,Suedfeld Interviews and mailed questionnaires for the evaluation of annoyance reactions,1974,8,2,166-170,Berglund Safety glasses in welding,1976,11,2,283-284,Tengroth Occupational illness and accidents reported from California shipyards,1976,11,2,271-279,Baginsky Emotional complications of shipyard injuries,1976,11,2,220-225,Lipsett Marine gas hazards control. 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Pedestrian and bicyclist crashes near parks in Los Angeles,2016,151,,742-755,Macleod Effects of noise on telephone calls to the Madrid Regional Medical Emergency Service (SUMMA 112),2016,152,,120-127,Linares Association between aircraft road and railway traffic noise and depression in a large case-control study based on secondary data,2016,152,,263-271,Seidler Potential human exposure to halogenated flame-retardants in elevated surface dust and floor dust in an academic environment,2016,153,,55-62,Allgood Airborne pollen and suicide mortality in Tokyo 2001-2011,2017,155,,134-140,Stickley MRI-related magnetic field exposures and risk of commuting accidents - a cross-sectional survey among Dutch imaging technicians,2017,156,,613-618,Kromhout Decompose the association between heatwave and mortality: which type of heatwave is more detrimental?,2017,156,,770-774,Tong Heat-related morbidity and mortality in New England: evidence for local policy,2017,156,,845-853,Smith Managing hazards in place: the risks of residual risks,2017,158,,806-811,Silbergeld Risk of hospitalization for fire-related burns during extreme cold weather,2017,158,,393-398,Kosatsky Calls to Florida Poison Control Centers about mercury: trends over 2003-2013,2017,159,,422-426,Gribble Ambient temperature and added heat wave effects on hospitalizations in California from 1999 to 2009,2017,160,,83-90,Basu Urban residential greenspace and mental health in youth: different approaches to testing multiple pathways yield different conclusions,2017,160,,47-59,Hartig Pesticide monitoring on soccer fields via shoe wipes and urine samples,2016,147,,294-296,Gilden Using local knowledge and sustainable transport to promote a greener city: the case of Bucharest Romania,2017,160,,331-338,Lafortezza Accounting for adaptation and intensity in projecting heat wave-related mortality,2017,161,,464-471,Zanobetti Projecting future climate change impacts on heat-related mortality in large urban areas in China,2018,163,,171-185,Kinney Cold-related mortality vs heat-related mortality in a changing climate: a case study in Vilnius (Lithuania),2018,166,,384-393,Linares Google search patterns monitoring the daily health impact of heatwaves in England: how do the findings compare to established syndromic surveillance systems from 2013 to 2017?,2018,166,,707-712,Bone Assessing heatwave impacts on cause-specific emergency department visits in urban and rural communities of Queensland Australia,2018,168,,414-419,Tong The effects of ambient temperatures on the risk of work-related injuries and illnesses: evidence from Adelaide Australia 2003-2013,2018,170,,101-109,Barnett New approach to identifying proper thresholds for a heat warning system using health risk increments,2018,170,,282-292,Hwang Deltamethrin toxicity: a review of oxidative stress and metabolism,2018,170,,260-281,Anadón Health-risk perception and its mediating effect on protective behavioral adaptation to heat waves,2019,172,,27-33,Jiang Characterisation of personal exposure to environmental radiofrequency electromagnetic fields in Albacete (Spain) and assessment of risk perception,2019,172,,109-116,Ramirez-Vazquez Mortality attributable to high temperatures over the 2021-2050 and 2051-2100 time horizons in Spain: adaptation and economic estimate,2019,172,,475-485,Sáez Social disparities in exposure to noise at public schools in the contiguous United States,2019,175,,257-265,Collins Association between early lead exposure and externalizing behaviors in adolescence: a developmental cascade,2019,178,,e108679,Ayotte Heatwaves hospitalizations for Alzheimer's disease and postdischarge deaths: A population-based cohort study,2019,178,,e108714,Wang Earth fissure hazard prediction using machine learning models,2019,179,Pt A,108770,Shamshirband Environmental injustice and Hurricane Harvey: a household-level study of socially disparate flood exposures in Greater Houston Texas USA,2019,179,,e108772,Collins Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis incidence following exposure to inorganic selenium in drinking water: a long-term follow-up,2019,179,Pt A,e108742,Rothman Association of childhood blood lead levels with firearm violence perpetration and victimization in Milwaukee,2019,180,,e108822,Cisler Barriers to the safe use of chemical household products: a comparison across European countries,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Siegrist Environmental predictors of survival in a cohort of U.S. military veterans: a multi-level spatio-temporal analysis stratified by race,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lipfert Global impact of ciguatoxins and ciguatera fish poisoning on fish fisheries and consumers,2020,182,,e109111,Costa Dragons black swans and decisions,2020,183,,e109127,Ale Is a liveable city a healthy city? 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