Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Splenic rupture in utero following a road traffic accident. case report,1991,98,3,318-319,Siddall-Allum Seat belt injury in pregnancy resulting in fetal death -- a need for education? Case reports,1991,98,3,320-321,Griffiths Genital herpesvirus infection in a prepubertal girl,1977,84,2,141-142,Hare Seat belt hazards in pregnancy. Case report,1986,93,4,395-396,Fakhoury Massive vulval condylomata acuminata in a 10-months-old child with suspected sexual abuse. Case report,1985,92,11,1201-1203,Sadan Gynaecological impact of sexual and physical abuse by spouse. A study of a random sample of Norwegian women,1989,96,12,1379-1383,Schei Domestic violence: one outlook,1989,96,12,1367-1369,Klein An unusual case of traumatic primary amenorrhoea,1993,100,8,784-785,Murphy Maternal trauma and cerebral lesions in preterm infants. Case reports,1991,98,12,1292-1294,Ahmed Physical abuse and low birthweight: a case-control study,1997,104,11,1281-1287,Schei The role of the gynaecologist in the diagnosis and management of child sexual abuse,1994,101,4,283-285,MacFadyen The role of the gynaecologist in the diagnosis and management of child sexual abuse,1995,102,1,82-83,Taroni Domestic violence and pregnancy,1997,104,5,528-531,Bewley Employment during pregnancy in relation to risk factors and pregnancy outcome,1994,101,10,858-865,Savitz Recurrent spontaneous uterine rupture in a nulliparous young woman,1995,102,5,420-421,Wells Female Victims of Rape and Their Genital Injuries,1997,104,5,617-620,Bowyer Mortality in a cohort of long-term users of hormone replacement therapy: an updated analysis,1990,97,12,1080-1086,Hunt