Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author For and against: controlled drinking as useful and necessary treatment alternative,2005,32,7,324-326, Suicidal tendencies of physicians - an overview,2005,32,8,381-385,Reimer Suicide behind bars - an international review,2006,33,1,6-13,Fruhwald Risk factors for suicide in substance-related disorders,2006,33,2,81-87,Schneider Choice of method in relation to the initiating motive in suicide: a population based study,2006,33,6,282-286,Biermann Suicide date and rates in a comparison of Germany Bavaria and Upper Frankonia,2003,30,Suppl 2,S176-8,Wolfersdorf Aggressive and suicidal behavior. A cluster analysis study of suicidal and nonclinical subjects,2001,28,1,24-28,Zapotoczky Comparative studies on in-patients following suicide attempts,2004,31,1,23-27,Krauss Comparison of suicide attempts by male and female adolescents. Results of a 10-year patient population of a child and adolescent psychiatry clinic,2000,27,1,14-18,Hummel Assessment of custodial suicide risk--jail and prison suicides in Austria 1975-1996,2000,27,4,195-200,Eher Suicide mortality during psychiatric inpatient treatment 1970 - 2003,2007,34,1,160-162,Adler VISCI - Viennese instrument for suicidality in correctional institutions,2007,35,1,21-27,Fruhwald Driving capacity and antidepressive drugs,2003,30,Suppl 2,S102-5,Brunnauer Alcohol and drug abuse as risk factors for violence and delinquency in schizophrenic patients,1993,20,5,172-175,Soyka Aggression and autoaggression,1993,20,1,1-8,Wolfersdorf "So many questions and no answers"- the situation of the bereaved of suicide,2008,35,5,247-250,Schmid Development and validation of an overall instrument to measure craving across multiple substances: the Mannheimer Craving Scale (MaCS),2009,36,2,72-78,Mann Suicides and social neighbourhood characteristics: an ecological analysis in an urban German area,2009,36,3,137-141,Vennemann Suicidal Behaviour of Elderly Psychiatric Inpatients - Prevalence and Risk Factors,2009,36,5,225-231,Schmid Epidemiology and care of mentally ill prison inmates in Europe,2008,35,7,353-360,Dressing Mental health services research: trends in psychiatric inpatient care from 1996 up to 2006,2008,35,8,387-391,Hajak Therapy effectiveness with violent and sex offenders,2008,35,1,8-14,Urbaniok Thesis from the workgroup prevention of violence and compulsion on current developments in psychiatric hospitals,2008,35,5,261-262,Steinert Effects of aggression management trainings for mental health care and disability care staff: Systematic review,2007,34,1,7-14,Richter Characteristics of psychiatric patients in the accident and emergency department (ED),2007,34,2,72-75,Ziegenbein Pharmacological suicide prevention under special consideration of lithium salts,2007,34,Suppl 3,S292-5,Muller-Oerlinghausen From the Nuremberg Alliance Against Depression to a European network (EAAD)--extending community-based awareness-campaigns on national and European level,2007,34,Suppl 3,S261-5,Hegerl The advisor team in the psychiatric hospital: assignments and experiences in coping with aggression and compulsion,2007,34,6,306-310,Ketelsen Case report on a fatal suicide attempt with an electrical stove at a Hospital Ward,2007,34,6,305-306,Böcker Media coverage on suicide in Nuremberg's daily papers--frequency and form of the reporting before and during media-intervention with guidelines,2006,33,3,132-137,Althaus Developmental conditions and subjective experiences of children with a schizophrenic parent--qualitative and quantitative studies from the Mannheim Study of Children at Risk,2006,33,6,269-276,Maurer Suicide among convicts,1977,4,3,171-175,Biener Suggestions made by adolescents to prevent suicide by adolescents,1981,8,1,31-33,Biener It is possible to achieve a reduction of the suicide rate in psychiatric clinics,1981,8,1,25-30,Mitterauer Therapeutic interactions with aggression,1982,9,5,131-137,Verres Suicides during treatment in a psychiatric hospital,1982,9,1,20-26,Schlosser Epidemiological evaluation of suicide prevention programmes,1982,9,1,12-19,Moller Legal aspects of suicide,1982,9,1,1-11,Mollhoff Psychiatric treatment and suicide: methodologic problems in the study of suicide in psychiatric treatment,1983,10,4,103-108,Finzen Ambulatory psychiatric treatment and suicide,1984,11,4,120-124,Finzen Help-seeking behavior and compliance of suicidal patients,1984,11,1,6-13,Moller Transcultural social psychiatric treatment. Case report of a suicide attempt,1984,11,1,20-25,Zinck Suicidal behavior of the elderly,1984,11,1,14-19,Wächtler Psychiatric treatment and suicide. Can psychiatric treatment prevent patient suicide?,1984,11,1,1-5,Finzen Role of genetic factors in suicide. Discussion based on 4 studies in an epidemiologically closed area (Salzburg Federal District Austria),1986,13,6,231-235,Mitterauer Risk of suicide in the psychiatric clinic in relation to compulsory security guarantees and freedom as adjunct to therapy,1986,13,6,226-230,Helle Criminal offenses by committed patients during compulsory treatment in a psychiatric hospital (Paragraph 63 of the Germany Penal Code). A contribution to the borderline between improvement and safety,1986,13,3,88-93,Bischof Treatment of patients following attempted suicide within the scope of a liaison service,1986,13,2,72-75,Moller Description of sociodemographic and psychiatric data of 295 patients following attempted suicide by poisoning--inpatient treatment within the scope of a psychiatric liaison service at an internal medicine clinic of a large municipal hospital,1986,13,2,63-71,Moller Liberal or controlled approach--the management of violent patients in psychiatric clinics,1985,12,4,124-129,Zeiler The origin of violence in psychiatry--a contribution to double-bind rage,1985,12,4,116-123,Knoll Suicide in psychiatric therapy: problem sketch and consequences for forensic psychiatry evaluation,1985,12,3,90-93,Rösler Fatalities in the course of hospitalization in a psychiatric hospital (paragraph 63 StGb),1985,12,3,84-89,Bischof Aggressive conflicts in physician-patient relations in the course of inpatient treatment--considerations based on case examples,1988,15,5,171-175,Steinert Indirect forms of iatrogenic violence in clinical psychiatry,1988,15,5,165-170,Hinrichs Magical thinking in suicidal acts,1988,15,1,24-29,Späte Suicide in schizophrenic patients,1989,16,4,136-140,Resch Suicidal tendency of epilepsy patients,1989,16,2,62-65,Möller Suicide of the schizophrenic patient and its relation to the therapeutic situation,1989,16,2,55-61,Muller Basic suicidality at a psychiatric hospital,1990,17,4,150-155,Wolfersdorf National socialist violent measures against psychiatric patients: ways of coping by family members,1991,18,2,64-69,Delius The value of psychotropic drugs in treatment of suicidal behavior,1992,19,4,100-107,Wolfersdorf Risk Profiles for Suicide of Schizophrenic and Depressive Inpatients - A Psychological Autopsy Study,2010,37,3,119-126,Schmid Social workers in the commitment procedure,1993,20,5,188-190,Straub The aggressive patient--comments on the social psychology of violence,1993,20,4,130-135,Zeiler Endangerment by the environment--on the origin and psychopathology of environmental anxiety,1993,20,2,41-46,Lübeck Absconding of a patient from an acute psychiatric ward. Whom do the courts hold liable?,2010,37,2,89-91,Fähndrich Schizophrenia and suicide--results of a control group comparison of schizophrenic inpatient suicides with schizophrenic inpatients without suicide,2003,30,5,272-278,Wolfersdorf Suicide in depression lost years of life and gross social consequences. What is the outcome of suicide prevention?,1998,25,3,139-141,Martinez The pedophilic offender--an attempt at perpetrator typology,1995,22,1,24-26,Möller Suicide prevention in inpatient psychiatric treatment. II: Intraindividual and interindividual suicide prevention,1994,21,2,54-57,Milch Suicide prevention in inpatient psychiatric treatment. I: Review of the literature,1994,21,2,50-53,Milch Forensic aspects in daily practice law and psychiatry. 1,1996,23,1,47-50,Dittmann Experiences with handling violence in the psychiatric clinic,1996,23,1,26-28,Hubschmid Patient suicide in the psychiatric hospital: selected results of the Clinic Suicide Working Group Study I/II 1970-1992 of the "Suicidal Behavior and the Psychiatric Hospital" Study Group,1996,23,2,84-89,Wolfersdorf Suicidal ideation in depressed patients with concomitant anxiety symptoms,1996,23,3,135-138,Keller Jealousy and jealous delusions as motive in homicide crimes--forensic and psychiatric aspects,1996,23,3,131-134,Soyka Driver's license expertise and psychiatric diagnosis. An analysis of 712 specialist expert assessments,1997,24,6,275-280,Gutierrez The expanded suicide attempt in depressive patients and its sequelae. The forensic and therapeutic considerations in 3 case reports,1997,24,6,270-274,Wolfersdorf The problems in dealing with the incest experiences of borderline patients,1997,24,6,265-269,Dulz Psychiatric Expert Opinions on Asylum Seekers in Germany,2011,38,1,38-44,Calliess Antiandrogenic pharmacotherapy of sexual offenders and home leave steps in the forensic psychiatric hospital Berlin,2009,36,5,232-237,Hill Coercive measures in psychiatry. Restraint on psychiatric units of the Hannover Medical University,1998,25,5,231-234,Haltenhof Schizophrenic Diseases Psychosis and Homicide: The Importance of Community Psychiatry for the Prevention of Offences,2011,38,2,82-86,Mokros Expert's and lay attitudes towards restrictions on mentally ill people,2003,30,7,379-383,Ajdacic-Gross Recording and reducing coercive measures in psychiatric hospitals,2004,31,Suppl 1,S18-20,Steinert Violent behaviour of patients in institutions,2002,29,2,61-67,Steinert The dilemma of violence in psychiatry,2002,29,2,59-60,Steinert Aggressive behavior of mentally incompetent psychiatrically ill criminals during inpatient treatment,2000,27,6,263-269,Schanda Who is dangerous? Problems of validity and reliability in assessment and documentation of socially aggressive behavior,1998,25,5,221-226,Gebhardt Intoxication or psychosis? Expert assessment of a crime,1997,24,1,43-44,Schröter Post-traumatic stress disorder and delusions. A case report,2000,27,8,412-413,Arenz Mentally ill and dangerous? Attitudes of female journalists and medical students,2000,27,7,336-339,Gutiérrez-Lobos Arson as a symptom of borderline personality disorder,1996,23,6,303-304,Haltenhof The European pact for mental health and well-being: can German psychiatry benefit from the exchange of examples of good practice at the EU level?,2010,37,4,161-163,Bramesfeld Assisted suicide in prime time: the "right to die",2009,36,4,155-156,Neuner Court decision on the duty of care of psychiatric clinics,2009,36,1,45-46,König-Ouvrier Descriptive analysis of drug-related deaths over a 5-year period,2003,30,5,266-271,Davids In-patient suicide -- a comparison of psychiatric in-patient suicides versus a control group of inpatients from the same treatment era without suicide,2003,30,1,14-20,Wolfersdorf Tabooisation of a family suicide - possible consequences for relatives,2001,28,7,345-347,Eichhorn Suicide! "Is Satan among us?",2001,28,7,314-315,Finzen The "Werther effect". Historical origin and background of a phenomenon,1999,26,1,37-42,Steinberg Suicide incidence and suicide methods in Saxony 1830-1990,1994,21,5,184-186,Bach Long-term patients at the acute psychiatric hospital--a status determination and catamnestic study,1987,14,2,52-59,Fähndrich Treatment terminations and transfers of schizophrenic patients in inpatient treatment with psychotherapeutic emphasis. A systematic study,1986,13,5,177-184,Teusch The influence of occupational stressors on the outbreak of psychic crises: a clinical study (author's transl),1980,7,3,172-177,Bolm Catamnestic examinations in a crisis intervention ward of a general hospital (author's transl),1980,7,3,165-171,Hauck Development of forensic psychiatry (section 63 StGB) in North-Rhine-Westphalia. Comparison of the current situation with introduction of the forensic psychiatry regulation (MRVG-NW) 10 years ago,1997,24,5,237-244,Seifert The suicide conference. An instrument for support of involved teams after inpatient suicides,1997,24,5,231-234,Fuchs Disintegrative psychosis with main symptoms of dysfunctional social behavior,1997,24,4,207-208,Albert "Gentle psychiatry--metamorphosis of violence?",1997,24,2,106,Steinert From explanation to mythology--sexual abuse two more times and a helpful manual,1995,22,5,215-216,Hoffmann-Richter The police - there to serve and protect,2006,33,5,205-206,Kissling Why are guidelines more irrational than metaanalyses,2009,36,5,238-242,Steinert Neurobiology of violence: results of empirical and experimental studies of reactive violence,2004,31,Suppl 1,S50-1,Hajak Has violence among mentally ill persons increased?,2002,29,2,104-105,Finzen In-patient hypnotherapeutic trauma exposure for posttraumatic stress disorder: a case report,2002,29,2,97-100,Schopper Migrants from the former Soviet Union born in German families and their relatives as patients in forensic units,2007,34,7,320-324,Hoffmann A short questionnaire for assessing the social climate on forensic psychiatric wards,2008,35,4,175-181,Schalast Is disulfiram (Antabus) indicated in the treatment of offenders with alcohol use disorders?,2008,35,1,40-43,Stolpmann "Acquired psychopathy" and the neurobiology of emotion and violence,2003,30,Suppl 2,S221-5,Müller Post-traumatic stress disorder in police with long-term exposure to homicide and child abuse. A previously unrecognized occupational disease exemplified by 2 case reports,2003,30,Suppl 2,S88-9,Wolfersdorf Violence and the interaction between genes and environment,2003,30,3,172,Massing How does a general hospital psychiatric unit deal with violent patients? The border between community psychiatric services and forensic psychiatric hospitals,2003,30,3,127-132,Fähndrich Are coercive measures carried out arbitrarily?,2000,27,6,282-285,Gebhardt Problems in the treatment of mentally ill offenders--a problem of general psychiatry?,2000,27,Suppl 2,S72-6,Schanda D3 agonism: an augmentative treatment in tardive dyskinesia? A case report,2008,35,8,404-405,Conca Dealing creatively with laws regarding protective custody,1999,26,4,207,Frei Unimaginable violence in psychiatry--some reflections after a visit to Poland,1999,26,5,248-251,Bosshard Trauma Therapy in Crisis and Disaster Areas - A Critical Review of Standardized Interventions such as Narrative Exposure Therapy,2011,38,6,300-305,Heinz Small Numbers Big Results: Weiden - A Suicide Stronghold?,2011,38,5,253-255,Hajak The "Subjective Aspects" of Restraint and Violence in Psychiatry,2011,38,4,161-162,Meise A Comparison of Homicide-Suicide and Domestic Homicide in the Region of Basle Switzerland,2011,38,6,287-292,Völlm Countertransference problems with suicidal patients in inpatient psychiatric treatment,1994,21,6,221-225,Milch Attempted suicide with a coumarin derivative,1995,22,2,82,Hoffmann-Richter Bromine poisoning,1995,22,2,80-81,Erdmann Psychiatric sequelae of craniocerebral trauma--a review of the literature,1996,23,4,161-167,Müller Suicidal behavior in schizophrenia--on the verbal behavior of 2 suicidal patients in group therapy,1996,23,5,248-249,Weise Complications after benzodiazepine dependence,1996,23,5,248,Künstler Gentle psychiatry--metamorphosis of violence?,1996,23,5,209-212,Zeiler The "WunderBar"--a project for reducing drug abuse in the psychiatric hospital,1995,22,3,123-125,Hubschmid Occupational therapy and possibilities for interpersonal contact in a psychiatric department of a social psychiatry center,1995,22,3,119-122,Busse Psychiatric disorders after a single 34-methylenedioxyethamphetamine (MDE "Eve") and tetrahydrocannabinol (cannabis) use,1996,23,6,298-299,Assion Suicide in the psychiatric clinic: weekend leave as risk factor. A qualitative analysis,1999,26,1,32-36,Finzen Self-immolation as an effort of self-rescue during a psychotic episode,2005,32,5,252-254,Niethammer Community Care for Former Forensic Patients in the Local Mental Health Care System - Evaluation of the Basic Documentation in Two Regions,2011,38,8,376-381,Flammer Scopolamine poisoning as a cause of acute paranoid hallucinatory psychoses,1991,18,1,21-24,Ziegler Report of experiences in developing a "social-centre" (author's transl),1976,3,2,105-112,Rohde Suicide over weekend leave--a seldom regarded risk factor,1998,25,4,196-197,Hoffmann-Richter Depression and aggression. A control group study on the aggression hypothesis in depressive disorders based on the Buss-Durkee Questionnaire,1998,25,5,240-245,Wolfersdorf Aggression in the psychiatric hospital. 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On the psychosomatic aspects of a convalescent process,1986,13,2,41-48,Böker Biperiden abuse as a partial factor in polytoxicomania,1988,15,2,53-56,Schulte Child maltreatment in binge eating disorder: a systematic literature review,2014,42,3,125-132,Wagner Fearlessness about death and suicidal behavior: psychometric properties of the German version of the Revised Acquired Capability for Suicide Scale (ACSS-FAD),2014,43,2,95-100,Glaesmer Impulsiveness among short-term prisoners with antisocial personality disorder,2014,42,5,274-277,Dudeck Psychiatric emergencies in the emergency room of the Ulm University Hospital in 2000 and 2010,2015,44,1,29-35,Schonfeldt-Lecuona Discharge on the day after admission following announcement of suicide - contra,2015,42,7,357-358,Spießl Discharge on the day after admission following announcement of suicide - pro,2015,42,7,356-357,Steinert Asylum law and mental health: an interdisciplinary analysis of the coaction of medical and legal aspects,2015,43,3,165-171,Gallhofer Medial stigmatization of mentally ill persons after the "Germanwings"-crash,2016,43,3,134-140,Dreßing The conflictual positioning of the American Psychiatric Association for the possession of firearms,2015,42,7,399,Steinert Assessment of aggressive assaults by patients from 2008 to 2015 in two German psychiatric hospitals: results and implications,2016,44,5,258-265,Müller 12-month prevalence and consequences of current experiences of physical and psychological violence in a sample of patients who entered first time a psychotherapeutic outpatient clinic,2016,44,6,323-331,Schlack Comparison of aggressive behavior compulsory medication and absconding behavior between open and closed door policy in an acute psychiatric ward,2016,44,3,141-147,Heinz Problems and implications of assessing the risk of violence of persons with mental illness,2016,43,7,355-356,Finzen Care of patients after attempted suicide: tasks problems and possibilities of improvement,1982,9,4,106-112,Torhorst Evaluation of suicide risk levels in hospitals: validity and reliability tests,2018,45,4,206-213,Steinert Suicides of psychiatric inpatients - a systematic recording in Switzerland of the years 2000 to 2010,2018,45,6,307-313,Reisch Who benefits from forensic psychiatric treatment? Results of a catamnestic study in Swabia,2018,45,7,375-382,Dudeck The impact of non-pharmacologic lifestyle interventions in people with severe mental illness - a systematic review,2018,45,7,347-357,Riedel-Heller Self-aggression as mediator between depression and aggression,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Dudeck Benzodiazepines and z-drugs - analyses of ambulatory prescriptions from 2006 to 2015,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Verthein A psychological autopsy study based on 626 German police records,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Brieger Which factors impede the uncovering of organized and ritual child sexual abuse? 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Thoughts on the relationship of forensic and general psychiatry,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Brieger Case report about an inpatient suicide by asphyxia without strangulation,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Böcker Utilization of outpatient psychotherapy and outpatient psychiatric treatment by men and women after inpatient treatment due to suicide attempt or acute suicidal crisis,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Glaesmer Suicides among children adolescents and young adults during the COVID-19 pandemic - an analysis of police data from three German federal states,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Genuneit Involuntary psychiatric hospital admissions according to public law - a retrospective analysis,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jäger Ingestion of metals and factitious disorders. 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