Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Road accidents,1962,32,,91-92,Fishbein The enigma of whiplash injury. current management strategies and controversies,2001,109,3,179-80 183-6,Young Evaluation of fitness to drive. The physician's role in assessing elderly or demented patients,2000,107,3,229-236,Kakaiya Traveling with children. it's the little things that count,1983,74,4,373-374,DeWitt Heatstroke and other heat-related illnesses. The maladies of summer,1995,98,1,26-8 31-3 36,Lee-Chiong Depression in children and adolescents. When "moodiness" merits special attention,2002,112,3,53-6 59-61,Lopez Maternal sexual abuse of male children. When to suspect and how to uncover it,1993,94,1,169-72 175-7 180,Elliott Traumatic injuries during pregnancy,1991,89,5,27 30,DeBehnke Putting sleep apnea to rest. Tailored therapy reduces fatigue-related risks,2006,119,3,46-53,Lee The Accident Repeater: Psychiatric and Statistical Considerations,1961,29,6,563,McLean Drug Automatism As A Cause of Pseudo Suicide,1961,30,1,A34,Jansson Evaluation of Suicide,1961,30,1,31,Gysin Prevention of Accidents to Aged,1963,33,1,96,Rowe Prevention of Suicide,1962,32,2,160,Bennett Road accidents,1962,32,1,91,Fishbein Self-Help Devices - Homemaking - Kitchen Area Safety Measures,1961,29,6,628,Rusk Suicide - Causes and Prevention - Statistics and Public Health Significance,1962,32,2,154,Robinson Advice about pool safety,1991,90,5,38,Erman Suicide in adolescents,1970,47,5,220-223,Schechter Suicide: motivation and prevention,1970,47,3,182-187,Noyes Suicidology,1969,45,2,229,Fishbein Suicide and homicide. An analysis in two countries,1966,40,6,A20 passim,Hartmann Pickers pluckers and impostors: a panorama of cutaneous self-mutilation,1965,38,6,620-630,Waisman Attempted suicide by drug overdose,1971,49,5,184-186,Weddige Unexpected ethanol in drug-intoxicated persons,1973,54,2,53-57,Hirsch Pharmacotherapy of depression,1973,53,2,147-152,Johnson Clinical assessment of suicidal risk,1974,55,3,85-89,Fawcett Psychiatric problems of alcoholics,1978,64,6,123-128,Huey Alcohol-related problems in adolescents and women,1978,64,6,111-3 116-9,Morrissey Suicide the hush-hush killer,1981,70,6,13 16,Fleming Nuclear war and the physician,1981,70,2,33 36,Smith Violence: the role of chemical agents,1981,69,6,27-8 30,Fleming Intervention in family violence. A role for the physician-and for society,1982,72,5,163-5 168-70,Pelton Suicide in the elderly: are we heeding the warnings?,1982,72,2,123-130,Osgood Suicide potential: evaluation by nonpsychiatrists,1982,72,1,203-5 208-12,West Family violence: aids to recognition,1982,71,5,115-122,Viken Are you complying with reporting statutes?,1983,73,6,283-287,Murphy Sexual abuse in children. A compassionate yet thorough approach to evaluation,1986,80,2,201-4 213-5,Levitt Lessons learned from a broken arm,1986,80,1,15-6 25 28,Howard The suicidal patient. The primary care physician's role in evaluation and treatment,1986,79,8,195-202,Smith Dealing with the violent patient. Management strategies to avoid common errors,1985,78,5,329-335,Levenson The alcohol-suicide connection in late life,1987,81,4,379-384,Osgood Chemical injuries to the eyes. Emergency intermediate and long-term care,1987,81,4,62-6 69-71 75,Nelson Emergencies from hazardous materials. An overview,1987,81,3,127-9 132-6,Chen Death from potassium chloride overdose,1988,84,1,97-8 101-2,Saxena Heavy metal music and drug abuse in adolescents,1988,83,5,295-301 304,King Arsenic poisoning. Ongoing diagnostic and social problem,1988,83,1,233-4 241-4,Fuortes Suicidal adolescents. How to help them before it's too late,1989,86,5,223-5 229-30,Atala Incest. Its causes and repercussions,1989,85,8,81-6 89 92,Lande Heat-related illnesses. When are they a true emergency?,1989,85,8,154-6 161-4,Scott Neurologic aspects of the abused child syndrome,1989,85,5,135-137,Lehman Human inhumanity,1989,85,3,24 26,Davis What to do in case of an unthinkable chemical warfare attack or accident,1990,88,7,70-6 81-4,Sidell When patients consider suicide. Risk factors to watch for,1990,88,3,205-6 209 212-3,Siomopoulos Summer heat illnesses. Conditions that range from mild to fatal,1990,87,8,67-70 73,Sterner The dangerous agitated patient. What to do right now,1990,87,2,231-236,Citrome Child abuse. When to be suspicious and what to do then,1990,87,2,153-6 161-2,Altieri Elder abuse. From definition to prevention,1990,87,2,139-144,Bourland Spouse abuse. Care goes beyond the office door,1990,87,2,130-135,Hunt Torsion of the testis,1990,87,1,69-70 73-4,Cass Assessing an adult patient's suicide risk. What primary care physicians need to know,1991,90,4,59-62,Westreich Violent patients. Are you prepared to deal with them?,1991,90,2,201-206,Lippmann 'Designer drugs'. Treating the damage caused by basement chemists,1991,89,6,67-71,Evanko Salicylate poisoning from enteric-coated aspirin. Delayed absorption may complicate management,1991,89,5,61-2 64,Pierce Preventing eye injuries. What to tell patients,1991,89,5,121-2 127-8,Farber Münchausen's syndrome by proxy. A little-known type of abuse,1992,91,5,197-204,Leonard Patients with antisocial personality disorder. Are they bad or mad?,1992,91,4,341-4 349-52 355,Cusack Acute immersion syndrome,1970,48,2,89-91,Mullanney Drugs and carbon monoxide in fatal accidents,1968,43,3,152-155,Rieders The severely injured patient,1967,42,4,291-297,Murphy Prevention of burns: dollars and sense,1973,54,2,85-86,Day Prevention of sports injuries,1972,51,1,125-129,Garrick Adolescents and accidents,1971,49,3,238-239, Of catastrophes nuclear and otherwise,1979,66,1,27-28,Howard Drowning and near-drowning. Pathophysiology and therapy,1978,64,1,71-3 76-9,Donaldson Electrocution: an ever-present hazard,1977,61,5,127-30 133,Burchell Immersion injury. Drowning and near drowning,1989,85,8,183-7 190-1; discussion 192,Shepherd Let the sports spectator beware,1989,85,8,140 142-3,Lehman 'Don't worry insurance will cover it!' This attitude is destroying the economy,1989,85,5,17 20 22 passim,Griffin Falls in the elderly. Is prevention possible?,1988,83,2,241-3 247-8,Barclay Loss of function in the frail elderly. A method for determining the underlying causes,1987,82,4,75-80 85,Lutz Accidental hypothermia. Giving 'dead' victims the benefit of the doubt,1987,81,3,38-43 47,Smith Asleep at the wheel. The physician's role in preventing accidents 'just waiting to happen',1986,80,5,233-5 238 240,Aldrich Falls in the elderly,1985,78,6,87-88,Rousseau Functional overlay in work-related injury. A system for differentiating conscious from subconscious motivation of persisting symptoms,1985,77,8,97-100 104 108,Florence Drowning and near drowning. Can the victim be saved?,1983,74,1,85-97,Redding "Rustproofing" people: wellness in perspective,1982,71,1,179-82 184,Treffert Accidental hypothermia: a community hospital perspective,1981,70,5,42-49,Grant Posttraumatic stress disorder after a car accident,1981,69,2,82 84 86,Walker Medical responsibility for juvenile delinquency,1951,10,6,499-503,Blackman Accident prevention and the general practitioner,1951,10,5,442-445,Wheatley Brain injuries attributable to boxing,1951,10,4,348-349,Fishbein The local treatment of dog bites,1951,10,4,322-326,Vinnard Men of medicine. A pattern of medicine flying and guns,1951,9,2,180-189,Burns Poisoning accidents and their prevention,1952,11,3,245-246,Arena Accidental ingestion of poisons in childhood,1952,11,3,239-243,Alway Suicide and insanity from the pathologist's viewpoint,1954,16,5,A50-A6,Rezek Gunshot wounds,1954,16,3,A 68-72,Fisher Traumatic heart diseases especially myocardial contusion,1954,15,2,114-119,Kissane Tumor and trauma,1955,18,6,A34-50,Rezek Trauma in rural areas,1955,18,4,332-339,Snyder Deaths during fires,1955,17,1,A-30,Freimuth Barbiturates,1955,17,1,A-28; passim,Fisher Foreign bodies in the air and food passages,1956,20,6,619-624,Holinger The recognition and management of poisoning,1956,20,5,A-38; passim,Kaye Trauma,1956,20,4,423-435,Curry Psychiatric disturbances following trauma and stress,1956,19,4,A36-46,Badal Responsibility to the injured,1956,19,3,298-301,Curry Newer concepts of protein metabolism in relation to acute phases of disease or injury and to convalescence and rehabilitation,1956,19,3,206-215,Rusk The accidental chemical poisoning problem,1957,22,3,283-298,Jacobziner Drivers drinks and drugs,1957,22,1,A-38 passim,Camp Traumatic neurosis,1957,21,6,A-36; passim,Tuchler Traffic enforcement and its relationship to accident prevention,1957,21,1,A-38; passim,Martz Self-help devices: drinking,1959,25,6,752-753,Rusk Football injuries in a Big 10 university,1959,25,6,702-707,Patton An unusual case of strangulation,1959,25,6,A-46,Bornstein What's new in toxicology,1958,24,6,A-40-6,Forney Trauma,1958,24,5,530-549,Stack Insecticides rodenticides herbicides; household hazards,1958,24,3,278-288,Dubois The practice of toxicology,1958,24,3,271-277,Camp Medicolegal aspects of head injuries,1958,24,1,A-34 passim,Walker Treatment of aggressive ADHD in children and adolescents: conceptualization and treatment of comorbid behavior disorders,2009,121,6,158-165,McBurnett Stramonium poisoning,1960,28,,364-367,Weintraub Barbiturates automatism and suicide,1960,28,,A-56-72,Long Sports injuries in persons over 30 years of age,1960,28,,121-129,Levinthal Chest injuries in automobile accidents,1960,28,,A-58-70,Rubenstein Radium poisoning,1960,27,,A-79-83,Hasterlik Juvenile delinquency: a 1960 perspective,1960,27,,639-644,Falstein Traumatic cyanosis: a report of two cases,1960,27,,A-58-62,Al-naaman Two problems in the causes of death,1961,30,,A42-A50,Shapiro Aging and driving,1961,30,,523-524,Fishbein Drug automatism as a cause of pseudo suicide,1961,30,,A34-A40,Jansson Blunt violence,1961,30,,A42-A51,Hatch Evaluation of suicide,1961,30,,31-35,Gysin Fractures in the aged,1963,34,,410-416,Lipscomb Prevention of accidents to the aged,1963,33,,96-98,Rowe Accidental poisoning in childhood,1965,38,,78-82,Lowrey Myocardial contusion,1965,38,,100,Fishbein Assassination. Psychopathology and social pathology,1965,37,,650-658,Freedman Juvenile delinquency--always a hopeless prognosis?,1964,36,,551-554,Christ Child abuse and the physician's responsibility,1964,35,,446,Dennis The problem of the battered child,1964,35,,426-431,Pfundt Trauma and diabetes,1964,35,,A62-70,Cammarn Motor vehicle injuries,1962,32,,A85-A90,Thompson Trunk trauma in children,1962,32,,239-245,Keeley Suicide--causes and prevention; statistics and public health significance,1962,32,,154-159,Robinson The physician's role in preventive medicine and public health,1953,13,4,287-291,Leavell Immediate care to vehicle accident victims,1967,41,4,407-413,Kossuth Self-poisoning and accidental poisoning,1967,41,6,578-584,Hyman Poisonous snakebites causing no venenation,1966,39,3,265-269,Parrish Homicidal arsenic poisoning. Medicolegal investigation of four cases. 2,1966,39,2,A-46-60,Adelson Homicidal arsenic poisoning. Medicolegal investigation of four cases. I,1966,39,1,A-72-86 contd,Adelson Understanding sexual deviations,1968,43,2,125-129,Auerback Who commits suicide?,1968,43,6,198, What to do when foreign bodies are inhaled or ingested,1968,44,4,135-138,Goff Perils of poisoning,1968,44,4,119-122,Butler Invasion of the 'killer' bees. Separating fact from fiction,1993,94,2,92-4 97-8 101-2,Clark Management of depression. Current options for this highly treatable disorder,1994,95,1,137-42 45,Citrome Massive blood loss in trauma patients. The benefits and dangers of transfusion therapy,1994,95,4,61-2 67-72,Kauder Abdominal trauma in pregnancy. When is fetal monitoring necessary?,1990,88,6,89-91 94,Rosenfeld Practical advice on rattlesnake bites,1994,96,8,143,Livermore Ready set go! Sports medicine on and off the field,1996,99,5,237-9 243-4,Leonard Peripheral neuropathy: an often-overlooked cause of falls in the elderly,1996,99,6,161-172,Ashton-Miller Management of concussion in collision sports. Guidelines for the sidelines,1995,97,2,53-6 59-60,Fick Gait disorders in the elderly. Distinguishing between normal and dysfunctional gaits,1993,93,6,185-190,Rubino The association of bullying and health complaints in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder,2010,122,5,62-68,Holmberg Reducing violence: education not regulation,1999,106,3,33-34,Riegel Clinical and societal consequences of obstructive sleep apnea and excessive daytime sleepiness,2009,121,1,86-95,Rakel The hidden health menace of elder abuse. Physicians can help patients surmount intimate partner violence,2003,113,4,21-4 30,Dyer When biotoxins are tools of terror. Early recognition of intentional poisoning can attenuate effects,2002,112,2,89-92 95-6 98,Blazes Domestic violence screening rate leaves much to be desired,2001,109,3,16,Robinson Screening for domestic violence. Identifying assisting and empowering adult victims of abuse,2000,108,2,135-141,Little Spontaneous pneumothorax pneumomediastinum and pneumopericardium in a 16-year-old drug-abusing motorcyclist surrounded by a pack of coyotes,1989,86,5,79-80,Haines Detection of unknown early pregnancy. A matter of safety,1988,83,8,129-31 135,Lippmann Violence in adolescence,1969,45,3,190-195,Schechter Arthrogryposis multiplex congenita. Susceptibility to injury,1969,46,4,61-63,Neuhauser Are antidepressants safe for adolescents?,2005,118,3,33-34,Winters Commentary: bipolar disorder is a potentially fatal disease,2005,117,2,9-11,Citrome Suicide prevention,2000,108,6,155-156, Suicide prevention in primary care. Careful questioning prompt treatment can save lives,2000,108,6,81-4 87,Hamilton Treatment of the depressed outpatient,1974,55,3,77-81,Falk Near drowning. Rescuing patients through education as well as treatment,1998,103,6,141-4 149-53,Thanel Psychiatric illness in female physicians. Are high rates of depression an occupational hazard?,1997,101,5,233-6 239-40 242,North When your patient is a batterer. What you need to know before treating perpetrators of domestic violence,1997,101,4,219-21 225-8,Mintz Farm injuries. How can the family farm be made a safer place?,1991,90,2,141-2 147 150,Sterner Burns in children,1970,47,3,203-209,Smith The alcohol withdrawal syndrome: theory and practice,1970,47,4,68-72,Victor Alcoholism: denial and the physician,1970,47,4,165-171,Ruprecht Domestic violence. Do you know when and how to intervene?,1996,100,1,103-6 111-4 116,Lippmann Violence in the emergency department. Managing aggressive patients in a high-stress environment,1999,105,1,143-8 154,Kuhn Can you spot the signs of elder mistreatment?,1999,106,2,169-73 177-8 183,Moon Managing common behavioral problems in dementia. How to improve quality of life for patients and families,1999,106,5,131-4 139-40,Burke Salicylate intoxication,1970,48,3,243-249,Pierce Extremity fractures in children. 3. Lower extremity,1970,48,6,103-108,Derian No ice no butter. Advice on management of burns for primary care physicians,1995,97,5,151-5 159-60 165,Solem Severe gastroesophageal reflux disease. Medical and surgical options for long-term care,1995,97,5,98-106,Marshall Alcoholism in women. More common--and serious--than you might think,1996,100,4,221-4 230 232-3,North The changing pattern of childhood,1971,49,2,76-81,Kevy Hepatic trauma in a community hospital,1971,49,3,136-141,Tasto Injuries to the adolescent athlete,1971,49,3,72-78,Collins Injury and disease of scuba and skin divers,1971,49,4,134-139,Johnston Acute reaction to insect sting,1971,49,5,191-193,Henderson Foreign-body aspiration,1971,49,5,164-167,Rosenow Injuries of the trachea and major bronchi,1971,49,5,152-158,Payne Injuries in cross-country skiing. Trail markers for diagnosis and treatment,1999,105,1,89-91 95-8 101,Morris The downside of snowboarding. Common injuries in novices and those seeking 'hospital air',1999,105,1,83-88,Bindner Cold injuries. Protecting your patients from the dangers of hypothermia and frostbite,1999,105,1,72-78,Kanzenbach Carbon monoxide poisoning. Early awareness and intervention can save lives,1999,105,1,39-40 43-8 50,Tomaszewski Smoke inhalation injury,1999,105,2,55-62,Lee-Chiong Recognizing and managing drug eruptions,1972,52,5,119-125,Handwerger Drug dependence,1972,52,1,84-87,Benforado Deficiency diseases of the nervous system secondary to alcoholism,1971,50,3,75-79,Victor Safety of Accutane with possible depression,1998,104,4,38,Citrome Hip fracture in the elderly. An interdisciplinary team approach to rehabilitation,1998,103,1,157-8 163-4 167-70,Ethans Ankle sprains are always more than 'just a sprain',1991,89,1,251-255,Stanley Suicide: a dilemma for medicine law and society,1973,53,1,55-57,Schroeder Pseudocatatonia associated with abuse of amphetamine and cannabis,1977,61,1,275-277,Warner Managing the violent patient in the general hospital,1982,71,1,193-7 200-1,Atkinson A question of credibility,1973,54,4,33,McEvoy Senile osteoporosis. The effects of exercise,1984,75,2,147-59 163,Martin When to worry about spider bites. Inaccurate diagnosis can have serious even fatal consequences,1998,103,4,235-6 243-4 249-50,Koh Heat-related illness. Plan ahead to protect your patients,1998,103,6,107-8 114-5 119-20,Hett Bites and stings of the arthropod kind. Treating reactions that can range from annoying to menacing,1998,103,6,88-90 93-6 102 passim,Kemp Economical bee-sting kits,1975,57,7,139-140,Hildreth Sex and drugs. The interaction of two disapproved behaviors,1975,58,1,133-136,Fort Psychotropic drugs in the management of psychiatric emergencies,1975,58,4,87-93,Ketai Eye disorders: common ocular injuries: assessing the severity,1975,58,7,99-102,Goren Drug use as a way of life,1973,53,4,183-188,Bruhn Medicine and the law. Can trauma trigger latent diabetes,1976,59,4,231-235,Reveno Stinging insect allergy: changing concepts,1976,59,4,153-157,Reisman Case report: recovery from western diamondback rattler bite to mouth,1976,59,5,283-286,Pfeiffer The epidemiology of osteoporosis. Practical implications for patient care,1998,104,4,54-6 65 69-72,Kleerekoper A crash course in spinal cord injury,1998,104,2,109-10 113-6 119-22,Yu What happens after brain injury?,1998,104,2,91-4 99-105,Goldberg Alcohol-acetaminophen syndrome. Even moderate social drinkers are at risk,2000,107,1,189-195,Cox Are water supplies safe from bioterrorism?,2001,109,1,18,Homler What not to do after a whiplash injury,2002,111,2,22-23,Ferrari Steroid-induced osteoporosis. Are your asthmatic patients at risk?,1999,105,3,79-83 87-8 91,Niewoehner When acetaminophen use becomes toxic. Treating acute accidental and intentional overdose,1999,105,4,81-4 87 90,Salgia The medical impact of a bioterrorist attack. Is it all media hype or clearly a potential nightmare?,1999,106,2,121-4 129-30,Osterholm The 'sweet killer'. Can you recognize the symptoms of ethylene glycol poisoning?,1999,106,4,221-4 227 230,de Chazal Teenage alcohol use,1976,60,7,73-76,Harford Sleep deprivation in resident physicians work hour limitations and related outcomes: a systematic review of the literature,2012,124,4,241-249,Ramar Burns from out of the blue. Lightning strike,2003,113,6,67-8 85,Gibbs When lightning strikes. Pathophysiology and treatment of lightning injuries,1986,79,4,109-12 121-4,Craig Pyogenic granuloma: yet another motorcycle peril,2012,124,6,124-126,Tatusov Alcoholism a local and national problem,1959,26,,841-847,Rainie Excessive sleepiness and self-reported shift work disorder: An internet survey of shift workers,2013,125,3,162-171,Lieberman Easy bruising in children,1977,61,3,224-6 228,Hathaway Are motivation deficits underestimated in patients with ADHD? A review of the literature,2013,125,4,47-52,Modesto-Lowe Child Abuse: When to Be Suspicious and What to Do Then,1990,87,2,153-156 161-162,Altieri Community medicine. Injury and illness in al Illinois town. Why people seek medical help,1977,62,3,187-195,Doege Poisoning in children under age 5: identification and treatment,1978,63,3,79-86 89,Lovejoy Meningitis as late complication of head injury,1978,63,6,128-131,Simberkoff Decision for alcohol detoxication: a method to standardize patient evaluation,1981,69,5,65-9 72-5 78,Knott Secondhand cigarette smoke as a cause of chronic carbon monoxide poisoning,1981,70,1,77-79,Kachulis Acute poisoning emergencies. Resolving the gastric decontamination controversy,1992,91,2,179-82 185-6,Krenzelok The "neuroleptic" antipsychotic drugs. 2. Neurologic side effects,1979,65,4,123-128,Baldessarini Poisoning in children: an approach for the primary physician,1979,65,5,177-9 182-6,Keller Examination of the rape victim,1982,71,3,173-6 177-80,Wertheimer Alcohol intoxication and the alcohol withdrawal syndrome,1978,64,6,133-138,Sellers Alcohol caffeine and nicotine as factors in pregnancy,1979,66,3,165-7 170-1,Weathersbee Holiday depression both fact and fiction,1980,68,6,185-190,Himmelhoch Is this child developing properly? A practical tool for monitoring,1985,77,3,101-5 108-9,Holmes Effects of sports and exercise in pregnancy. With guidelines for patients,1985,77,2,112 114,Maeder Human infections derived from dogs,1985,77,4,169-73 176-8 180,Roth Western diamondback rattlesnake (Crotalus atrox) poisoning,1982,71,6,223-7 230,Sivaprasad Sexual abuse of adolescents,1982,71,6,213-5 218-9,Shen Posttraumatic stress disorder. No longer just for war veterans,1986,79,3,26-9 32 37 passim,Modlin Bite of the venomous lizard the Gila monster,1986,79,2,297-9 302,Streiffer Blunt abdominal trauma in children. Special considerations in evaluation and management,1986,79,2,169-174,Evans Can aggressive behavior in humans be modified by beta blockers?,1988,Spec No,,163-168,Volavka Clinical strategies for the primary health care professional to minimize prescription opioid abuse,2012,124,3,131-138,Gudin OxyContin abuse and overdose,2009,121,2,163-167,Marques-Baptista Hand injuries and disorders. Principles of management for the family physician,1983,73,4,171-5 178-85,Bennett Impotence and bicycling. A seldom-reported connection,1987,81,1,99-100 102,Solomon Low-dose radiation: risks vs benefits,1981,70,6,34-7 40-1 45-7,Upton Bites and stings of uncommon arthropods. 1. Spiders,1981,70,2,91-102,Hunt Bites and stings of uncommon arthropods. 2. Reduviids fire ants puss caterpillars and scorpions,1981,70,2,107-114,Hunt Effectiveness of oral and topical hydrogen for sports-related soft tissue injuries,2014,126,5,187-195,Ostojic Addressing attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in the workplace,2014,126,5,25-30,Sarkis Differential diagnosis of psychosis. A brief guide for the primary care physician,1989,85,4,273-4 279-80,Citrome Minor head injury may not be 'minor',1989,85,6,213-7 220 225,Mandel Lightning injuries. A unique treatment challenge,1989,85,8,197-8 201-3 207-8,Ghezzi Stinging insect allergy. How management has changed,1989,85,8,173-180,Graft Yet another hazard of smoking,1989,85,1,38,Grossman Muscarinic poisoning from medications and mushrooms. A puzzling symptom complex,1989,85,1,341-345,Edes Treating minor burns. Ice grease or what?,1989,85,1,219-22 226 231,Robson Sports Illustrated gets an 'F' on NFL drug testing article!,1989,86,3,13-4 16,Griffin Use of anabolic steroids by athletes. Do the risks outweigh the benefits?,1987,82,3,67-8 71-2 74,Bierly Sports injuries in children. Necessary consequence of competition?,1985,78,1,279-81 284-5 289,MacDonald Polypharmacy and falls in older people: balancing evidence-based medicine against falls risk,2014,127,3,330-337,Tan Energy drinks and their adverse health effects: a systematic review of the current evidence,2015,127,3,308-322,Ali Conduct behaviors and oppositional defiant behaviors in children and adolescents with ADHD,2015,127,3,289-294,Ghanizadeh Traumatic injuries,1976,60,4,233-237,Appen Comparison of abuse suspected suicidal intent and fatalities related to the 7-day buprenorphine transdermal patch versus other opioid analgesics in the National Poison Data System,2016,129,1,55-61,Coplan Current and future development of extended-release abuse-deterrent opioid formulations in the United States,2017,129,1,102-110,Webster Barotrauma after liquid nitrogen ingestion: a case report and literature review,2018,130,6,511-514,Yang A proposed anti-maladaptive aggression agent classification: improving our approach to treating impulsive aggression,2019,131,2,129-137,Marcus Falls frailty and metabolic syndrome in urban dwellers aged 55 years and over in the Malaysian elders longitudinal research (MELoR) study - a cross-sectional Study,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tan Clinical features and management of animal bites in an emergency department: a single-center experience,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Teksam Are bipolar disorder major depression and suicidality linked with Toxoplasma gondii? A seromolecular case-control study,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Oner Health-related impact of illness associated with excessive daytime sleepiness in patients with obstructive sleep apnea,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Grandner Is physician-assisted suicide constitutional?,1997,101,6,e3,Setness Suicide and Homicide An Analysis in Two Countries,2016,40,6,A-20,Hartmann Recognizing acetaminophen hepatotoxicity in chronic alcoholics,1992,91,4,241-245,Kumar Severe rhabdomyolysis after doxylamine overdose,1993,93,8,227-229 232,Miller Are you recognizing depression in your patients?,1993,94,3,85-89 92-93,Simpson Clues to depression in primary care practice,1996,100,1,85-88 93-96,Lippmann Principles of suicide risk assessment. How to interview depressed patients and tailor treatment,2002,112,3,65-66 69-71,Frierson Latest therapies for bipolar disorder. Looking beyond lithium,2005,117,2,25-26 29-32 35-36,Goldberg The expert consensus guideline series. Pharmacotherapy of depressive disorders in older patients,2001,Spec No Pharmacotherapy,,1-86,Katz Association between frailty status and falling in older adults with hip fracture: a cross-sectional study,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jiang Further observations on orbital : prefrontal lobotomy in treatment of chronic mental illness,1948,3,3,179-184,Smolik Men of medicine: no more neuroses,1950,7,6,455-460,Gonzales Suicide and insanity from the pathologist's viewpoint,1954,16,5,A50-A56,Gonzales