Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Antihypertensive agents and the danger of road traffic,1964,14,,898-902,Turrian On the CO content of the blood in acute carbon monoxide poisoning,1966,16,11,1553-1555,Mallach Comparative experimental study on the effect of bencyclane in drivers,1970,20,10,Suppl 10a:1455+,Horváth Amantadine-HCl and its effect on driving ability,1970,20,2,274-277,Seus Analgesic drugs and traffic ability. Effects of single and repeated applications of combination of 5-allyl-5-isobutylbarbituric acid dimethyl aminophenazone and caffeine,1971,21,1,47-51,Wegener Effect of two weeks' treatment with chlordiazepoxide or flupenthixole alone or in combination with alcohol on psychomotor skills related to driving,1975,25,7,1088-1092,Saario The effect of the analgesic flupirtine on automobile driving,1985,35,1,77-81,Biehl The effect of celiprolol on driving ability. An experimental psychological and comparative clinical study,1985,35,12,1850-1853,Hoffmann Comparison of midazolam and triazolam for residual effects,1985,35,11,1700-1704,Wehli Effect of flutoprazepam on skills essential for driving motor vehicles,1990,40,5,533-535,Moser Pyrogens and early poison,1953,3,4,181,Marquardt Animal experiments on the pathogenesis of burns. II,1957,7,12,721-725,Rehn Animal experiments on the pathogenesis of burn injuries. I,1957,7,11,637-649,Rehn Principles of toxicological methods,1957,7,8,449-456,Druckrey Toxicological findings for the practical use of the systemic insecticide O O-dimethyl-(ethyl-thioethyl)-thiophosphoric acid ester,1958,8,7,365-369,Pfaff A 1-second occlusion of the bronchi induced by irritant poison,1960,10,,953-955,Pulewka The sinificance of the study of drugs by blood and urine tests after traffic accidents on the basis of the examination of 2060 cases,1961,11,,992-995,Wagner The effect of some drugs important to traffic medicine on the human capacity of performance,1961,11,,995-1000,Klein The effect of vitamin c on automobile driving competence,1963,13,,814-819,Grossjohann Chronic effects of poisons from natural products,1964,14,,1363-1366,Druckrey Experimental studies on deathcup poisoning,1964,14,,1257-1259,Obauer A contribution to the effects of crude coffee oil,1964,14,,1249-1252,Fricker On the pathogenesis and pharmacological influence of myocardial necroses caused by isoprenaline poisoning,1964,14,,1196-1198,Strubelt Appraisals of safe and questionable drug activity,1964,14,,923-929,Osterhaus Legal aspects of the theme "drugs and traffic",1964,14,,915-922,Haendel Hypertension and the assessment of fitness in the federal german railways,1964,14,,912-915,Pohle Tests for traffic safety after administration of fluphenazine dihydrochloride and alcohol,1964,14,,907-912,Doenicke Clinical and experimental checks of performance after treatment with 10-methoxydeserpidine,1964,14,,905-907,Wagner Effects and side effects of current antihypertensive agents from the aspect of traffic medicine,1964,14,,902-905,Knick The permeability of a cellophane membrane for arsenic,1964,14,,217-219,Goldhahn Efficiency in traffic under the influence of anesthetics hypnotics analgesics and ataractics,1962,12,,1056-1059,Frey Efficiency in traffic after the use of central stimulants,1962,12,,1071-1074,Kraft Infringement of traffic safety by barbiturate medication and the barbiturate/alcohol combination,1962,12,,1050-1054,Doenicke Review of performance under the effects of various anthistaminics,1962,12,,1065-1070,Wagner On the problem of the chemical detection of drug-induced driving insecurity for forensic evaluation and to establish blame,1962,12,,1079-1081,Osterhaus Sex specific action differences of a combination of alcohol and meprobamate on psychically stable and labile experimental individuals,1962,12,,1059-1065,Soehring Psilocybin reactivity and time contraction as measured by psychomotor performance,1966,16,2,180-185,Fischer Speed of motor neural conduction under the influence of alcohol and dimethyl sulfoxide,1966,16,9,1226-1228,Mayer Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO): toxicology pharmacology and current clinical usefulness,1967,17,12,1553-1560,Jacob Pharmacological and experimental psychological studies with 2 components of fly agaric (Amanita muscaria),1968,18,3,311-315,Buch Acute toxicity and general pharmacologic properties of 15-dimorpholino-3-(1-naphthyl)-pentane: DA 1686,1968,18,9,1127-1132,Bianchi Concentrations ofmethylprylon and its metabolites in urine in poisoning cases,1969,19,1,123-125,Bösche Effect of a six-month therapy with alfacalcidol on muscle power and balance and the number of fallers and falls,2010,60,8,519-525,Runge On the effect of the antidepressant viloxazin on EEG and optimization of the system driver-vehicle-road (author's transl),1978,28,8,1308-1310,Bente Adverse medical aspects of hypnotic therapy with temazepam,1985,35,8,1336-1340,Schmidt Dipotassium chlorazepate. Clinical reports on a new anxiolytic,1970,20,1,130-137,Hofmann Risk reduction of falls and fractures reduction of back pain and safety in elderly high risk patients receiving combined therapy with alfacalcidol and alendronate: a prospective study,2011,61,1,40-54,Ringe Potency of a combined alfacalcidol-alendronate therapy to reduce the risk of falls and fractures in elderly patients with glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis,2011,61,2,104-111,Mazor Toxicological studies upon acetamide and its N-methyl and N-ethyl derivatives,1970,20,9,1242-1246,Caujolle Alkylans-alkylandum reactions. 10. Anti-alkylanting effect of bee poison melittine and apamine,1972,22,11,1921-1922,Rauen Transient syndromes due to acute alcohol effect. Psychopathometric and electroencephalographic findings in the drinking test,1972,22,7,1215-1220,Reinhardt Central nervous effects of a new tricyclic antidepressant (amitriptylinoxide),1978,28,10b,1874-1879,Wenzl Biochemical problems of the environment. I. The hepatotoxic effect of tensides: dodecyl sulfate,1973,23,,Suppl:134-6,Rauen The hepatotoxic effect of deoxycholate. A multivariant analysis model of experimental liver damage,1973,23,,Suppl:127-33,Rauen Circadian rhythms in man (author's transl),1978,28,10a,1820-1827,Aschoff The effect of tramadol on psychic and psychomotor performance in man (author's transl),1978,28,1a,179-180,Müller-Limmroth Multivariate investigation of reactions to tranquilizers dependent on personality variables (author's transl),1978,28,8,1306-1308,Boucsein The effects of repeated doses of temazepam taken in conjunction with alcohol on aspects of psychomotor performance the morning following night time medication,1978,28,12,2357-2360,Hindmarch The effect of a sub-chronic administration of three dose levels of a 15-benzodiazepine derivative clobazam on subjective assessments of sleep and aspects of psychomotor performance the morning following night time medication,1978,28,11,2169-2172,Hindmarch Neuroleptics and the extrapyramidal system,1978,28,9,1536-1537,Haase Experimental psychophysiological studies on the effects of fenetylline and mefenorex,1978,28,8,1310-1312,Netter A repeated dose comparison of the side effects of five antihistamines on objective assessments of psychomotor performance central nervous system arousal and subjective appraisals of sleep and early morning behaviour,1978,28,3,483-486,Hindmarch A novel psychometric test model applying tailored testing for economic and efficient collection of psychopharmacological effects (author's transl),1979,29,5,859-863,Schmitz The effects of combined sedative and anxiolytic preparations on subjective aspects of sleep and objective measure of arousal and performance the morning following nocturnal medication. II. Repeated doses,1980,30,7,1167-1170,Hindmarch The effects of triazolam and nitrazepam on sleep quality morning vigilance and psychomotor performance,1980,30,7,1163-1166,Hindmarch The effects of combined sedative and anxiolytic preparations on subjective aspects of sleep and objective measures of arousal and performance the morning following nocturnal medication. I: Acute doses,1980,30,6,1025-1028,Hindmarch The differential effects of short- and long-acting benzodiazepines upon nocturnal sleep and daytime performance,1980,30,5a,891-894,Roth Alterations of sleep stage pattern in human beings and hang-over effects under the influence of estazolam/2nd Comm.: Studies on the hang-over effect in psycho-physiological performance (author's transl),1982,32,4,456-460,Strasser Alterations of sleep stage patterns in humans and carry-over effects under estazolam / 1st comm.: effects of estazolam on sleep disturbed by jet fly-over noise (author's transl),1982,32,3,280-286,Müller-Limmroth Propafenon and alcohol: effect of this combination of behavioral performance and the subjective condition in healthy volunteers,1983,33,11,1598-1602,Bergemann Pharmacological and toxicological principles of research on drugs in man,1973,23,11,Suppl:1619-25,Gross Psychoexperimental studies on the effect of a valepotriate combination as well as the combined effects of valtratum and alcohol,1974,24,12,2066-2070,Springer Bromine concentration in urine following uptake of therapeutic and suicidal doses of carbromal,1975,25,3,432-435,Schütz Use of acetylcysteine as the life-saving antidote in Amanita phalloides (death cap) poisoning. Case report on 11 patients,1999,49,12,1044-1047,Montanini Acute poisoning with phenacetin and sedative combination preparations containing phenacetin,1959,9,,728-734,Engelhardt The amphetamines: clinical and pharmacokinetic implications of recent studies of an assay procedure and urinary excretion in man,1966,16,11,1369-1373,Rowland Spontaneous and experimental delirium,1966,16,2,226-229,Arnold Psychotherapy with the aid of hallucinogenic drugs,1966,16,2,253-255,Leuner Mescaline and psychotherapy,1966,16,2,251-253,Turns Experimental psychosis after administration of benactyzine,1966,16,2,240-242,Rysánek Personality dependant changes in the experimental psychosis induced by lysergic acid diethylamide,1966,16,2,249-251,Ziolko Clinical analysis of confusional syndromes induced by anticholinergic drugs in 70 cases,1966,16,2,233-234,Bauer Experimental psychological study of the effect of a hexobendine-etamivan-etofylline combination,1975,25,5,831-836,Klebel The effect of meclofenoxate on the fatigue syndrome in railroad engine drivers,1971,21,6,811-813,Zapletálek The effects of silybin on experimental phalloidine poisoning,1978,28,4,636-641,Choppin The effect of a new analgesic flupirtine on psychomotor performance in humans,1985,35,7,1089-1092,Müller-Limmroth The effect of a new antiparkinson agent Selegilin on psychomotor performance in humans,1985,35,6,998-1002,Müller-Limmroth Effect of midazolam and sleep deprivation on day-time sleep propensity,1985,35,11,1696-1699,Tobler Effects of the novel 5-hydroxytryptamine reuptake inhibitor indalpine and ethanol on psychomotor performance,1988,38,1,98-102,Seppala Acute effects of two dosages of orally administered midazolam on psychomotor performance in healthy volunteers,1989,39,3,395-398,Schaffler Comparison of the effect of flurazepam brotizolam and alcohol on psychomotor performance,1986,36,3A,616-620,Krueger Interactions of brotizolam and diazepam with some psychotropic drugs on motor performance in mice,1986,36,3A,606-609,Böke-Kuhn Pharmacological action of some known and possible metabolites of brotizolam,1986,36,3A,587-591,Böke-Kuhn Effect of nimodipine upon electroencephalographic vigilance in elderly persons with minor impairment of brain functions,1988,38,3,392-396,Ulrich Meta-analysis of flecainide safety in patients with supraventricular arrhythmias,2002,52,7,507-514,Wehling