Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Depression and adolescent pregnancy,2005,18,2,137-138,Tonelli Identifying and supporting young women experiencing dating violence: what health practitioners should be doing Now,2004,17,2,131-136,Davidson Guidelines for medical care of children who may have been sexually abused,2007,20,3,163-172,Starling Bacterial colonization in suspected sexually abused children,2007,20,5,289-292,Kohlberger Genital and anal injuries requiring surgical repair in females less than 21 years of age,2008,21,4,207-211,Jones Rape: when the exam is normal,2009,22,1,7-10,Henry Teens and drug facilitated sexual assault,2009,22,3,187,Nicoletti Detecting and treating depression among adolescents presenting for reproductive care: realizing opportunities,2007,20,6,371-376,Omar Vaginal Laceration as a Result of Blunt Vehicular Trauma,2009,22,5,e166-8,Starling Practice Variation in Screening for Sexually Transmitted Infections with Nucleic Acid Amplification Tests During Prepubertal Sexual Abuse Evaluations,2009,22,5,292-299,Christian Vaginal Burn Injury Due to Alkaline Batteries,2009,22,5,e133-6,Hillard Outcome of Exposure to Community Violence in Female Adolescents,2010,23,4,202-208,Logsdon Child sexual abuse examination: is there a need for routine screening for N. gonorrhoeae?,1996,9,2,79-80,Speck A survey of pregnant women's knowledge about sexual abuse,1999,12,4,219-222,Olsen Long-term vaginal sequelae secondary to pediatric pelvic fracture,2009,22,1,e15-9,Goodman Depressive symptoms and birth outcomes among pregnant teenagers,2010,23,1,16-22,Belcher Predictors of repeat pregnancy in a program for pregnant teens,2003,16,2,77-81,Pfitzner Past physical abuse is significantly correlated with pregnancy as an adolescent,1999,12,3,133-138,Adams Childhood Pregnancy as a Result of Incest: A Case Report and Literature Review with Suggested Management Strategies,2011,24,3,e83-6,Stechna Child sexual abuse examination: is there a need for routine screening for N gonorrhoeae and C trachomatis?,2005,18,5,343-345,Simmons Absence of the clitoris in a 13-year-old adolescent: medical implications for child and adolescent health,2005,18,6,415-418,Bellemare False allegations of pregnancy resulting from incestuous rape and physician misconduct: proof positive,1998,11,4,181-184,Walker Genital trauma in pediatric and adolescent females,2009,22,2,129-133,Benjamins A prospective cohort study of the impact of domestic violence on young teenage pregnancy outcomes,2001,14,1,17-23,Quinlivan The medical evaluation in cases of child sexual abuse,2001,14,2,55-64,Muram Adolescent dating violence: are we ready to screen?,2004,17,1,53-55,Griffith Screening for dating violence: should we screen or not?,2004,17,1,53-55,Omar Medical evaluation of suspected child sexual abuse,2004,17,3,191-197,Adams Teens and intimate partner violence,2004,17,6,421-422,Tonelli Appearance of the genitalia in girls selected for nonabuse: review of hymenal morphology and nonspecific findings,2002,15,1,27-35,Heger Child testimony in sexual abuse cases. When children testify in court,2002,15,3,170-174,D'Angelo Child testimony in sexual abuse cases. The pros and cons of children testifying in court,2002,15,3,169-170,Veltkamp Vaginal discharge due to undiagnosed bilateral duplicated collecting system with ectopic ureters in a three-year-old female: an initial high index of suspicion for sexual abuse,2002,15,4,213-216,Moon Positive Chlamydia culture with normal ano-genital findings following single incident of incestuous abuse,2007,20,3,187-189,Matthesen The medical evaluation of sexually abused children,2003,16,1,5-14,Muram Evidence-based medicine (EBM) in pediatric and adolescent gynecology,2003,16,2,63-64,Muram Genital injuries,2003,16,3,149-155,Merritt Recognizing teen dating violence,2000,13,2,79-80,Nicoletti Genital findings in prepubertal girls: what can be concluded from an examination?,2008,21,4,177-185,Pillai Management quandary. Premenarchal valvar lesions,1999,12,1,39-40,Russo Diagnostic accuracy of colposcopic photographs in child sexual abuse evaluations,1999,12,2,58-61,Muram Idiopathic calcinosis cutis presenting as labial lesions in children: report of two cases with literature review,1999,12,3,157-160,Bernardo Disclosure of Date/Acquaintance Rape: Who Reports and When,2005,18,1,17-24,Rickert Date rape among adolescents and young adults,1998,11,4,167-175,Rickert Employment and health-risk behaviors among pregnant adolescents,1998,11,2,79-84,Rickert Substance Use and Mental Health Disparities among Sexual Minority Girls: Results from the Pittsburgh Girls Study,2012,25,1,15-18,Hipwell Age group differences among pregnant adolescents: sexual behavior health habits and contraceptive use,2008,21,1,9-15,Rosengard Signs of genital trauma in adolescent rape victims examined acutely,2000,13,2,88,Faugno Adolescent Intimate Heterosexual Relationships: Measurement Issues,2013,26,1,3-6,Catallozzi Flunitrazepam: more than a date rape drug,2000,13,1,37-42,Rickert Advance Provision of Emergency Contraception in an Urban Pediatric Emergency Department,2011,24,6,392-396,Corliss Effectiveness of a Federal Healthy Start Program in Reducing Primary and Repeat Teen Pregnancies: Our Experience over the Decade,2011,24,3,153-160,Salihu Intimate partner violence and adolescent mothers,2012,25,2,158-159,Tonelli Kiss and tell: what do we know about pre- and early adolescent females who report dating? A pilot study,2007,20,1,45-49,Martin Urogenital symptoms after sexual abuse vs irritant contact in premenarchal girls,2012,25,5,334-339,DeLago Long-acting Reversible Contraception for Adolescents and Young Adults: Patient and Provider Perspectives,2013,26,2,86-95,Ethier Adolescence is risky business,2013,26,1,2,Dietrich Sexual victimization: incidence knowledge and resource use among a population of college women,2005,18,2,91-96,Allsworth Compensated dating in Hong Kong: prevalence psychosocial correlates and relationships with other risky behaviors,2013,26,3 Suppl,S42-S48,Lee Self-harm and suicide attempts among young Chinese adolescents in Hong Kong: prevalence correlates and changes,2013,26,3 Suppl,S26-32,Shek Examining links between sexual risk behaviors and dating violence involvement as a function of sexual orientation,2013,26,4,212-218,Stepp Severe vaginal laceration in a 5-year-old girl caused by sudden hydro-distention,2013,26,6,e131-2,Berkenbaum Patterns of Accidental Genital Trauma and Factors Associated with Surgical Management in Girls Visiting the Emergency Department of a Referral Center,2014,27,3,133-137,Rhee Experiencing sexuality in youth living in Greece: contraceptive practices risk taking and psychosocial status,2014,27,4,232-239,Tzavara Rope Swing Injuries Resulting in Vulvar Trauma,2014,28,1,e13-5,Merritt Awareness of a rape crisis center and knowledge about sexual violence among high school adolescents,2015,28,1,53-56,O'Riordan Vaginal burn from alkaline battery in an 8-year-old,2014,28,4,e99-e100,Griffin Severe Vaginal Burns in a 5-Year-Old Girl Due to an Alkaline Battery in the Vagina,2014,28,5,e147-8,Semaan The role of sexual abuse and dysfunctional attitudes in perceived stress and negative mood in pregnant adolescents: an ecological momentary assessment study,2014,28,5,327-332,Basu Updated guidelines for the medical assessment and care of children who may have been sexually abused,2015,29,2,81-87,Starling Domestic sex trafficking of minors: medical student and physician awareness,2015,30,1,102-108,Sharif A six-year longitudinal study of self-harm and suicidal behaviors among Chinese adolescents in Hong Kong,2015,29,1 Suppl,S38-48,Shek Misinterpretation of anogenital findings and misdiagnosis of child sexual abuse: the role of the forensic pathologist,2015,29,2,e29-31,Montisci Acute sexual assault in the pediatric and adolescent population,2015,29,6,518-526,Deye Case series: vaginal rupture injuries following sexual assault in children and adolescents,2015,29,3,e49-52,Merritt Posttraumatic stress disorder after sexual abuse in adolescent girls,2016,29,6,531-536,Ashby Genital findings in cases of child sexual abuse: genital vs vaginal penetration,2016,29,6,604-611,Gallion Domestic minor sex trafficking patients: a retrospective analysis of medical presentation,2016,30,1,109-115,Barron Surgical repair of an impalement genital injury from inline skating accident in a 7-year-old prepubertal girl: a case report,2016,30,1,e11-e13,Csorba Reproductive coercion in high-school-aged girls: associations with reproductive health risk and intimate partner violence,2017,30,6,603-608,Silver Ano-genital findings in 3569 pediatric examinations for sexual abuse/assault,2018,31,2,79-83,Shouldice Interpretation of medical findings in suspected child sexual abuse: an update for 2018,2018,31,3,225-231,Kellogg Psychosocial correlates of marijuana use among pregnant and non-pregnant adolescent girls,2018,31,5,490-493,Blow Medical child abuse: a case presenting as ano-genital bleeding of unknown origin in an older child,2018,31,6,637-639,Isaac Risky health behaviors of teenage mothers and infant outcomes in the Japan Environment and Children's Study: a nationwide cohort study,2019,32,2,146-152,Konishi Understanding commercially sexually exploited youths' facilitators and barriers towards contraception use: i didn't really have a choice,2019,32,3,316-324,Abrams Knowledge of reproductive health and perception of violence among rural schoolgirls in Egypt,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kamal Elden Medical child abuse: an unusual "source" of vaginal bleeding,2019,32,3,334-336,Kelley Patients referred for domestic minor sex trafficking: a comparison of confirmed and suspected youth,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Barron Sexting and young adolescents: associations with sexual abuse and intimate partner violence,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Silver Effects of an interprofessional student-led sexual education program on self efficacy and attitudes about sexual violence in youths in juvenile detention,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Shekar Dating violence in adolescence: implications for girls' sexual health,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Joppa Racial/ethnic disparities in female sexual health from adolescence to young adulthood: how adolescent characteristics matter?,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Min "No you need to explain what you are doing": obstetric care experiences and preferences of adolescent mothers with a history of childhood trauma,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Spitzer The high risk of gender-based violence for migrant women and girls,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bellizzi Characterizing multiple perpetrator sexual assaults in the adolescent female population,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Christian Intimate partner violence and contraception among adolescent girls and young women: a longitudinal analysis of the Girl Power-Malawi cohort,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Maman The flood crisis in Pakistan and the need for protection of young girls against gender-based violence,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Nivoli Anogenital HSV in children: should providers be concerned for sexual abuse?,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Goldberg Sexual violence against young and adolescent girls: the case of the 2023 Sudan crisis,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Nivoli An unusual presentation of syphilis in the context of child sexual abuse,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Moore Psychological symptoms and service utilization in prepubertal and pubertal transgender and gender-diverse patients,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kazak Practice guidelines in the assessment and treatment of depression and suicidality in adolescent females,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Yardley A comparison of the prevalence of premenstrual dysphoric disorder and comorbidities among adolescents in the United States of America and Nigeria,2011,24,6,397-403,Omigbodun Medical Students' Acquisition of Adolescent Interview Skills after Coached Role Play,2018,31,2,102-106,Kaul