Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Child and adolescent suicides in Virginia: 1987 to 2003,2005,15,4,655-663,Vieweg Overdoses and ingestions of second-generation antipsychotics in children and adolescents,2005,15,6,970-985,Antia Evaluation of suicidal thoughts and behaviors in children and adolescents taking Paroxetine,2006,16,1-2,77-90,Lipschitz Antidepressant side effects in children and adolescents,2006,16,1-2,147-157,Gualtieri Treatment benefit and the risk of suicidality in multicenter randomized controlled trials of sertraline in children and adolescents,2006,16,1-2,91-102,March Postmarketing surveillance of suicidal adverse events with pediatric use of antidepressants,2006,16,1-2,33-36,Mosholder Suicidal adverse events in pediatric randomized controlled clinical trials of antidepressant drugs are associated with active drug treatment: a meta-analysis,2006,16,1-2,25-32,Willy Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors in pediatric depression: is the balance between benefits and risks favorable?,2006,16,1-2,11-24,Emslie Substance use suicidality and adolescent-onset schizophrenia: an Israeli 10-year retrospective study,2006,16,6,767-775,Sher Behavioral disinhibition suicidal ideation and self-mutilation related to clonazepam,2008,18,4,409,Kandemir Psychopharmacology of aggression in children and adolescents with autism: a critical review of efficacy and tolerability,2008,18,2,157-178,Parikh Serotonin transporter polymorphism (5-HTTLPR) and citalopram effectiveness and side effects in children with depression and/or anxiety disorders,2007,17,6,741-750,Brent Rebound effects with long-acting amphetamine or methylphenidate stimulant medication preparations among adolescent male drivers with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder,2008,18,1,1-10,Kovatchev Parental attitudes toward children's use of antidepressants and psychotherapy,2009,19,3,289-296,Gardner Adjunctive quetiapine targets self-harm behaviors in adolescent females with major depressive disorder,2006,16,3,235-236,Good Impulsive aggression in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: symptom severity co-morbidity and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder subtype,2010,20,2,119-126,Connor Case report: development of precocious puberty in two children treated with clonidine for aggressive behavior,1993,3,2,127-131,Murphy Effectiveness of medication combined with intensive behavioral intervention for reducing aggression in youth with autism spectrum disorder,2010,20,3,167-177,Sinclair Development and validation of the outburst monitoring scale for children and adolescents,2007,17,4,511-526,Kronenberger A preliminary study of cytokines in suicidal and nonsuicidal adolescents with major depression,2009,19,4,423-430,Gabbay Two recent updates for psychiatric conditions,2009,19,2,207,Silva A review of co-morbid depression in pediatric ADHD: etiology phenomenology and treatment,2008,18,6,565-571,Daviss Reboxetine maintenance treatment in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: a long-term follow-up study,2007,17,6,803-812,Weizman Psychopharmacology news,2007,17,4,531-532,Silva Psychotropic medication utilization in a child and adolescent mental health service,2006,16,3,273-285,McDermott Olanzapine overdose in children and adolescents: two case reports and a review of the literature,2005,15,6,986-995,Remschmidt Comorbid anxiety in phenotypes of pediatric bipolar disorder,2005,15,4,534-548,Pine Coexistent hypothyroidism psychosis and severe obsessions in an adolescent: a 10-year follow-up,2004,14,2,315-323,Bhatara Psychopharmacology news,2004,14,2,159-160,Silva Safety of subchronic treatment with fluoxetine for major depressive disorder in children and adolescents,2004,14,3,412-417,Nilsson Clinical correlates of episodicity in juvenile mania,2003,13,4,507-514,Pine Lamotrigine and borderline personality disorder,2002,12,4,365-366,Rizvi Pediatric quetiapine overdose: a case report and literature review,2002,12,4,355-361,Catalano Atypical antipsychotic overdose in the pediatric population,2001,11,4,425-434,Catalano Efficacy and safety findings from naturalistic fluoxetine drug treatment in adolescent and young adult patients,2000,10,2,91-102,Linden Childhood inattention-overactivity aggression and stimulant medication history as predictors of young adult outcomes,1999,9,3,169-184,Loney Predictors of nonresponse to psychosocial treatment in children and adolescents with disruptive behavior disorders,2011,21,1,51-55,Masi Effects of serotonin reuptake inhibitors on aggressive behavior in psychiatrically hospitalized adolescents: results of an open trial,1997,7,1,31-44,Constantino A naturalistic evaluation of intramuscular ziprasidone versus intramuscular olanzapine for the management of acute agitation and aggression in children and adolescents,2006,16,6,671-677,Khan The efficacy and tolerability of quetiapine versus divalproex for the treatment of impulsivity and reactive aggression in adolescents with co-occurring bipolar disorder and disruptive behavior disorder(s),2006,16,6,665-670,Adler A 26-week open-label study of quetiapine in children with conduct disorder,2007,17,1,1-9,Findling A double-blind placebo-controlled study of valproate for aggression in youth with pervasive developmental disorders,2005,15,4,682-692,Cook Prevalence and patterns of psychotropic and anticonvulsant medication use in children and adolescents referred to residential treatment,1998,8,1,27-38,Connor Lack of effect of stimulant combination with second-generation antipsychotics on weight gain metabolic changes prolactin levels and sedation in youth with clinically relevant aggression or oppositionality,2009,19,5,563-573,Correll Drug-metabolizing enzyme genotypes and aggressive behavior treatment response in hospitalized pediatric psychiatric patients,2009,19,4,385-394,Pathak Rates of psychotropic medication use over time among youth in child welfare/child protective services,2010,20,2,135-143,Raghavan Anterior cingulate N-acetylaspartate/creatine ratios during clonidine treatment in a maltreated child with posttraumatic stress disorder,2001,11,3,311-316,De Bellis A case series of eight aggressive young children treated with risperidone,2002,12,4,337-345,Demaso Risperidone treatment of preschool children with thermal burns and acute stress disorder,2007,17,2,223-232,Meighen Tolerability of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors in thirty-nine children under age seven: a retrospective chart review,2007,17,2,165-174,Vaughan Quetiapine addition in methylphenidate treatment-resistant adolescents with comorbid ADHD conduct/oppositional-defiant disorder and aggression: a prospective open-label study,2007,17,3,334-347,Kronenberger Long-acting methylphenidate has an effect on aggressive behavior in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder,2007,17,4,421-432,Fischer Meta-analysis of aggression and/or hostility-related events in children and adolescents treated with fluoxetine compared with placebo,2007,17,5,713-718,Tauscher-Wisniewski Mania in six preschool children,2003,13,4,489-494,Weller Open-label treatment with risperidone of 26 psychiatrically-hospitalized children and adolescents with mixed diagnoses and aggressive behavior,2000,10,1,19-26,Buitelaar Processing of differentially valued rewards and punishments in youths with bipolar disorder or severe mood dysregulation,2008,18,2,185-196,Pine Randomized controlled pilot study of quetiapine in the treatment of adolescent conduct disorder,2008,18,2,140-156,Connor Aripiprazole in children and adolescents with Tourette disorder with and without explosive outbursts,2008,18,5,509-515,Budman Effectiveness and tolerability of open label olanzapine in children and adolescents with Tourette syndrome,2008,18,5,501-508,Thakur Postraumatic stress disorder and reactive attachment disorder: outcome in an adolescent,2008,18,6,641-646,Coffey Thermal response to serotonergic challenge and aggression in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder children,1999,9,2,85-91,Sharma Neuroleptic malignant syndrome: a psychopharmacogenetic perspective,1996,6,2,151-152,Tu Serotonin syndrome in a teenager following overdose of dothiepine hydrochloride,1998,8,4,201-204,Radomski Co-morbid Disruptive Behavior Disorder and Aggression Predict Functional Outcomes and Differential Response to Risperidone Versus Divalproex in Pharmacotherapy for Pediatric Bipolar Disorder,2011,21,6,545-553,Pavuluri Experts' recommendations for treating maladaptive aggression in youth,2011,21,6,505-515,Findling An Open-Label Safety and Pharmacokinetics Study of Duloxetine in Pediatric Patients with Major Depression,2012,22,1,48-55,March A Preliminary Investigation of Corpus Callosum and Anterior Commissure Aberrations in Aggressive Youth with Bipolar Disorders,2012,22,2,112-119,Soares Psychosurgery for self-injurious behavior in Tourette's disorder,2004,14,4,531-538,Thomas Combined use of electroconvulsive therapy and amantadine in adolescent catatonia precipitated by cyber-bullying,2013,23,3,228-231,Hrdlicka Frequency characteristics and management of adolescent inpatient aggression,2013,23,4,271-281,Correll Sodium oxybate-induced psychosis and suicide attempt in an 18-year-old girl,2013,23,4,300-301,Chien Unremitting impulsive aggression in a child with childhood onset schizophrenia and pervasive development disorder-not otherwise specified: the role of stimulants atypical antipsychotics and mood stabilizers,2013,23,5,363-366,Taskiran Resilience and Trajectories of Posttraumatic Stress Among Youth Exposed to Disaster,2014,24,1,2-8,Weems Clinicians and journalists responding to disasters,2014,24,1,32-38,Newman Perceived parenting change and child posttraumatic stress following a natural disaster,2014,24,1,18-23,Cobham Mental health interventions for children exposed to disasters and terrorism,2014,24,1,24-31,Pfefferbaum Thought control strategies and rumination in youth with acute stress disorder and posttraumatic stress disorder following single-event trauma,2014,24,1,47-51,Yule Policy and administrative issues for large-scale clinical interventions following disasters,2014,24,1,39-46,Scheeringa Medicaid expenditures on psychotropic medications for children in the child welfare system,2012,22,3,182-189,Raghavan Safety and Tolerability of Desvenlafaxine in Children and Adolescents with Major Depressive Disorder,2014,24,4,201-209,Findling A randomized controlled crossover trial of fish oil treatment for impulsive aggression in children and adolescents with disruptive behavior disorders,2014,24,3,140-148,Dean Gender and injuries predict stimulant medication use,2014,24,5,253-259,Leckman Meta-analysis of suicide-related behavior or ideation in child adolescent and adult patients treated with atomoxetine,2014,24,8,426-434,Bangs Lurasidone treatment in a child with autism spectrum disorder with irritability and aggression,2014,24,6,354-356,Coffey Review of The American Psychiatric Publishing Textbook of Suicide Risk Assessment and Management 2nd ed. edited by Robert I. Simon and Robert E. Hales,2014,24,,416-417,Trentacosta Misdiagnosis and a suicide attempt: the importance of accurate evaluation and treatment,2014,24,7,407-410,Maneta Youths' and their parents' attitudes and experiences about participation in psychopharmacology treatment research,2006,16,3,298-307,Wagner Risk-sensitive decision-making deficit in adolescent suicide attempters,2014,25,2,109-113,Bridge Melatonın treatment for childhood sleep terror,2014,24,9,528-529,Ozcan Perceived family and peer invalidation as predictors of adolescent suicidal behaviors and self-mutilation,2014,25,2,124-130,Yen Treatment of Aggressive Behavior Problems in Boys with Intellectual Disabilities Using Zuclopenthixol,2014,24,10,579-581,Hässler Fear of Stimulant Therapy for Children and Adolescents with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder,2015,25,2,182,Johnson Identifying adolescents at highly elevated risk for suicidal behavior in the emergency department,2015,25,2,100-108,King Impulsive aggression delay discounting and adolescent suicide attempts: effects of current psychotropic medication use and family history of suicidal behavior,2015,25,2,114-123,Brent Efficacy of atomoxetine for symptoms of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in children with a history of child abuse,2015,25,3,269-271,Someya Participant satisfaction in a study of stimulant parent training and risperidone in children with severe physical aggression,2015,25,3,225-233,Kolko Comorbid symptomatology moderates response to risperidone stimulant and parent training in children with severe aggression disruptive behavior disorder and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder,2015,25,3,213-224,Findling Comorbid anxiety and social avoidance in treatment of severe childhood aggression: response to adding risperidone to stimulant and parent training; mediation of disruptive symptom response,2015,25,3,203-212,Findling Treatment of Severe Childhood Aggression (TOSCA) studies,2015,25,3,201-202,Aman Trends in atypical antipsychotics prescribed to children six years of age or less on medicaid in Kentucky,2015,25,5,440-443,Lohr Significant reduction of aggression with guanfacine extended release in an adolescent with Prader-Willi syndrome,2015,25,4,376-377,Singh Fish oil and impulsive aggressive behavior,2015,26,8,766,Hibbeln Motor weakness related to risperidone,2015,25,6,520,Kandemir The neurobiology of impulsive aggression,2015,26,1,4-9,Blair Sociodemographic and clinical features of disruptive mood dysregulation disorder: a chart review,2015,26,2,94-100,Tufan An open pilot study of training hostile interpretation bias to treat disruptive mood dysregulation disorder,2016,26,1,49-57,Pine Behavioral interventions for anger irritability and aggression in children and adolescents,2016,26,1,58-64,Sukhodolsky Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder in a community mental health clinic: prevalence comorbidity and correlates,2016,26,2,123-130,Youngstrom Prevalence and treatment outcomes of persistent negative mood among children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and aggressive behavior,2016,26,2,164-173,Pliszka Impulsive aggression as a comorbidity of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in children and adolescents,2016,26,1,19-25,Saylor Confirmation of the factor structure and measurement invariance of the Children's Scale of Hostility and Aggression: reactive/proactive in clinic-referred children with and without autism spectrum disorder,2016,26,1,10-18,Farmer Factors associated with management of teen aggression: child psychiatric clinical decision making,2016,27,5,445-450,Karnik Neural mechanisms of cognitive-behavioral therapy for aggression in children and adolescents: design of a randomized controlled trial within the National Institute for Mental Health Research Domain Criteria Construct of Frustrative Non-Reward,2016,26,1,38-48,Crowley Loss of temper and irritability: the relationship to tantrums in a community and clinical sample,2016,26,2,114-122,Klein Anxiety and gender influence reward-related processes in children and adolescents,2016,26,4,380-390,Ernst Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder and bipolar disorder not otherwise specified: fraternal or identical twins?,2016,26,2,138-146,Youngstrom On the challenge of maladaptive and impulsive aggression in the clinical treatment setting,2016,26,1,2-3,Connor Impact of irritability and impulsive aggressive behavior on impairment and social functioning in youth with cyclothymic disorder,2016,26,1,26-37,Findling Pharmacotherapy of aggression in child and adolescent psychiatric disorders,2016,26,1,65-73,Newcorn Correlates of subjective caregiver strain in caregivers of youth evaluated in a pediatric psychiatric emergency room,2016,27,5,451-461,Dicker New approaches to the assessment and treatment of suicidal adolescents (Comment),2015,25,2,99,Brent Impulsive aggression and the significance of bullying in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder,2016,27,1,101,Poulton Risperidone added to psychostimulant in children with severe aggression and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: lack of effect on attention and short-term memory,2016,27,2,117-124,Kolko Seizure induced by deep transcranial magnetic stimulation in an adolescent with depression,2016,26,7,637-641,Klimes-Dougan Adjunctive amantadine treatment for aggressive behavior in children: a series of eight cases,2016,26,10,935-938,McGrane Effectiveness of antidepressant medications for symptoms of irritability and disruptive behaviors in children and adolescents,2016,26,8,694-704,Boylan Psychopharmacotherapy of severe self-injury in an adolescent with gender dysphoria and comorbidity,2016,26,7,646-650,Coffey Beta-blockers for exams identify students at high risk of psychiatric morbidity,2016,27,3,266-273,Gislason The Treatment of Severe Childhood Aggression Study: 12 weeks of extended blinded treatment in clinical responders,2017,27,1,52-65,Kolko Micronutrient therapy for violent and aggressive male youth: an open-label trial,2017,27,9,823-832,Hambly Extent and risks of antipsychotic off-label use in children and adolescents in Germany between 2004 and 2011,2017,27,9,806-813,Garbe Predictors of long-term risky driving behavior in the multimodal treatment study of children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder,2017,27,8,747-754,Bloch Psychometric properties and factor structures of the Korean version of Children's Depression Rating Scale-Revised,2018,28,4,285-292,Kim Impulsive aggressive behavior triggered by headaches in a child with severe attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder,2017,27,6,555-558,Coffey Medication nonadherence secondary to choking phobia (phagophobia) in an adolescent with significant trauma history: addressing the issue of mental contamination,2017,27,7,667-672,Coffey N-acetylcysteine for nonsuicidal self-injurious behavior in adolescents: an open-label pilot study,2018,28,2,136-144,Klimes-Dougan Does acute propranolol treatment prevent posttraumatic stress disorder anxiety and depression in children with burns?,2018,28,2,117-123,Herndon Characteristics of children prescribed antipsychotics: analysis of routinely collected data,2018,28,3,180-191,Brophy Update on randomized placebo-controlled trials in the past decade for treatment of major depressive disorder in child and adolescent patients: a systematic review,2018,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ignaszewski Irritability and maladaptation among children: the utility of Chinese versions of the Affective Reactivity Index and Aberrant Behavior Checklist-Irritability Subscale,2019,29,3,213-219,Yeh Attendance and engagement in parent training predict child behavioral outcomes in children pharmacologically treated for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and severe aggression,2019,29,2,90-99,Findling Guanfacine extended release for the reduction of aggression attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder symptoms and self-injurious behavior in Prader-Willi syndrome-a retrospective cohort study,2019,29,4,313-317,Singh Youth 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