Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Adolescent decisional autonomy regarding participation in an emergency department youth violence interview,2005,5,5,70-4; discussion W14,Fein Response to commentary on "adolescent decisional autonomy regarding participation in an emergency department youth violence interview",2005,5,5,W14,Cohn Strange bedfellows? Reflections on bioethics' role in disaster response planning,2006,6,5,3-5,Berg Morality of suicide in dementia,2007,7,6,64-65,Outomuro Suicide fails to pass the categorical imperative,2007,7,6,51-53,Perry Kant condemned all suicide,2007,7,6,49-51,Latham Can suicide be a rational and ethical act in persons with early or pre-dementia?,2007,7,6,47-49,Rabins A Kantian duty to commit suicide and its implications for bioethics,2007,7,6,45-47,Rhodes A Kantian moral duty for the soon-to-be demented to commit suicide,2007,7,6,37-44,Cooley Response to open peer commentaries on “A Kantian moral duty for the soon to be demented to commit suicide”,2007,7,6,W1-3,Cooley Accidental communities: race emergency medicine and the problem of polyheme,2006,6,3,7-17,Holloway Mechanisms underlying an ability to behave ethically,2008,8,5,10-19,Pfaff The target of the self and the arrows of volition and self-representation,2009,9,1,46-47,Braude Body integrity identity disorder (BIID)--is the amputation of healthy limbs ethically justified?,2009,9,1,36-43,Muller Expanding the vision of visual bioethics,2008,8,12,63-64,Wu Breaching confidentiality to protect the public: evolving standards of medical confidentiality for military detainees,2007,7,8,1-5,Wynia Medical ethics and the interrogation of Guantanamo 063,2007,7,4,5-11,Miles Ethics and public health emergencies: encouraging responsibility,2007,7,4,1-4,Wynia Indecent medicine: in defense of the absolute prohibition against physician participation in torture,2006,6,3,W34-44,Matthews Qualifying confidentiality obligations,2006,6,2,28-9; discussion W32-4,Banja Qualifying confidentiality: historical and empirical issues and facts,2006,6,2,26-7; discussion W32-4,Klitzman Letter to the editor: a commentary on M. K. Wynia's "consequentialism and harsh interrogations",2006,6,2,W36; author reply W37,Kottow The terrorist and the doctor: a legal and ethical response,2009,9,10,49-51,Marks Medical care for terrorists-to treat or not to treat?,2009,9,10,40-42,Rivkind Bioethics after the terror,2002,2,1,60-64,Moreno Disaster in the Gulf: public health and public responsibility,2010,10,7,1-2,Johnson Research exceptionalism,2010,10,8,45-54,Wilson Defining conscience and acting conscientiously,2007,7,12,19-21; discussion W1-2,Emerson Consequentialism and harsh interrogations,2005,5,1,4-6,Wynia The "window of opportunity:" helping parents make the most difficult decision they will ever face using an informed non-dissent model,2009,9,4,55-56,Kon Separating the 'rights of' and 'justice for' bombers,2009,9,10,59-61,Brassington Physician where art thou?,2009,9,10,58-59,Godley Terrorists are just patients,2009,9,10,56-57,Davis Ethical caring and the treatment of terrorists,2009,9,10,55-56,Jotkowitz No exceptionalism needed to treat terrorists,2009,9,10,53-54,Danis The psychology of repugnance and the duty to trust,2009,9,10,51-52,Ashcroft The obligations of health workers to "terrorists",2009,9,10,45-48,Lunstroth Medical care of terrorists is "Beyond the letter of the law",2009,9,10,43-45,Zivotofsky Medical care for terrorists--yes to treat!,2009,9,10,W3-4,Rivkind Bioterror and public health infrastructure: a response to commentators,2006,6,1,W29-31,May Rethinking adolescent assent: a triangular approach,2005,5,5,75-76,Trivedi Medical ethics and non-lethal weapons,2004,4,4,W1-2,Moreno It is not unethical though it is often unwise to override patents,2002,2,3,50-51,Leventer Who are the guardians guarding?,2002,2,3,46-48,Trachtman Nontherapeutic circumcision is ethically bankrupt,2003,3,2,W8,Hampton Detainee ethics: terrorists as research subjects,2003,3,4,W32-W33,Moreno Altruistic violence,2008,8,5,28-30; discussion W1-3,Wu Wetware game theory and the golden rule,2008,8,5,30-1; discussion W1-3,Graber Fear and loathing in the work place,2008,8,5,20-1; discussion W1-3,Senior Physicians' Silent Decisions: Because Patient Autonomy Does Not Always Come First,2007,7,7,33-38,McCullough Review of George J. Annas "Worst Case Bioethics: Death Disaster and Public Health",2011,11,7,62-63,Bhattacharya Soldiers as agents,2008,8,2,46-7; discussion W4-6,Dees Assessing the importance of maintaining soldiers' moral responsibility--possible trade-offs,2008,8,2,44-5; discussion W4-6,Lev Ethical use of cogniceuticals in the militaries of democratic nations,2008,8,2,39-41; discussion W4-6,Russo Performance-enhancing technologies and moral responsibility in the military,2008,8,2,28-38,Wolfendale Caring for and about enemy injured,2008,8,2,23-7; discussion W1-3,Gross Just liability and reciprocity reasons for treating wounded soldiers,2008,8,2,19-21; discussion W1-3,Selgelid Just healthcare for combatants,2008,8,2,13-4; discussion W1-3,Jecker Why treat the wounded? Warrior care military salvage and national health,2008,8,2,3-12,Gross Informed passion: addressing the intersection of violence against women and contemporary obstetrical practice,2011,11,12,67-69,Weitlauf Obstetricians and violence against women,2011,11,12,51-56,Charles Children in clinical research: a conflict of moral values,2003,3,1,W-IF 2,Sharav Why being alive matters,2003,3,1,21-22,Menikoff Sport sex segregation and sex testing: critical reflections on this unjust marriage,2012,12,7,21-23,Dworkin Telecare surveillance and the welfare state,2012,12,9,36-44,Draper Coercion harm and complicity in research integrated with mandatory public health programs,2004,4,1,57-59,Buchanan Adolescents as doubly-vulnerable research subjects,2004,4,1,50-52,Kopelman "What is legal is not necessarily ethical": the limits of law and drug-testing programs,2004,4,1,41-43,Luna Drug-testing research in high school students: is there a will or a way?,2004,4,1,33-35,Koski A response to commentators on "Ethics of research involving mandatory drug testing of high school athletes in Oregon",2004,4,1,W29-30,Moreno Ethics of research involving mandatory drug testing of high school athletes in Oregon,2004,4,1,25-31,Moreno Building a global health ethic without doing further violence,2012,12,12,59-60,Young Spinning SATURN,2004,4,1,59-61,Eder Criticisms of SATURN mirror criticisms of any mandatory student drug-testing policy,2004,4,1,52-53,Verma Orbiting SATURN: countering politically-charged misinformation with facts,2004,4,1,43-48,Moe Coercion and the SATURN study,2004,4,1,38-40,Resnik Mandatory drug testing of high school athletes: unethical evaluation unethical policy,2004,4,1,35-36,Louria When "minimal risk" research yields clinically-significant data maybe the risks aren't so minimal,2004,4,2,W32-6,Sharp Response to open peer commentaries on "withdrawal of nonfutile life support after attempted suicide",2013,13,3,W3-5,Brown The distinction between completing a suicide and assisting one: why treating a suicide attempt does not require closing the "window of opportunity",2013,13,3,26-27,Spike Respect and rationality: the challenge of attempted suicide,2013,13,3,24-25,Bhavsar Is the principle of proportionality sufficient to guide physicians' decisions regarding withholding/withdrawing life-sustaining treatment after suicide attempts?,2013,13,3,22-24,Terman Attempted suicide LGBT identity and heightened scrutiny,2013,13,3,20-22,Halady After the suicide attempt: offering patients another chance,2013,13,3,14-16,Blackall Suicide in the context of terminal illness,2013,13,3,13-14,Jankowski Withdrawal of nonfutile life support after attempted suicide,2013,13,3,3-12,Brown Suicide and the sufficiency of surrogate decision makers,2013,13,3,1-2,Taye Premarket approval regulation for lie detections: an idea whose time may be coming,2005,5,2,50-2; discussion W5,Greely Concussion in sports medicine ethics: policy epistemic and ethical problems,2013,13,10,15-17,McNamee Sports medicine and ethics,2013,13,10,4-12,Benjamin If I could just stop loving you: Anti-love biotechnology and the ethics of a chemical breakup,2013,13,11,3-17,Savulescu From complicity to advocacy: the necessity of refugee research,2010,10,2,65-67,Kirmayer AJOB case presentation: hunger strike or suicide by starvation: is force feeding a prisoner ethical?,2014,14,7,46, Community context and the contrasting roles of clinicians and researchers: challenges raised by statutory rape,2014,14,10,55-57,Finder Informed consent and the implications for statutory rape reporting in research with adolescents,2014,14,10,54-55,Silber Accountability for doctors who torture,2014,14,3,59,Miles Alcohol liberty and societal change: what should we do about our drinking problem?,2015,15,3,12-14,Dawson Medical ethics and school football,2016,16,1,6-10,Miles An ethical exploration of barriers to research on controlled drugs,2016,16,4,36-47,Rhodes Keeping an eye on power in maintaining racial oppression and race-based violence,2016,16,4,25-27,Karkazis Bioethicists can and should contribute to addressing racism,2016,16,4,3-12,Danis No more militaristic and violent language in medicine: response to open peer commentaries on "Healing without waging war: beyond military metaphors in medicine and HIV cure research",2016,16,12,W9-W11,Nie A broader understanding of moral distress,2016,16,12,2-9,Ulrich Moral distress moral injury and moral luck,2016,16,12,29-31,McAninch Wearable technologies in collegiate sports: the ethics of collecting biometric data from student-athletes,2017,17,1,67-70,Sade Biometrics and antidoping enforcement in professional sport,2017,17,1,77-79,Gleaves Collegiate sports: professionals all but in name raise unique bioethics concerns in the collection of biometric data,2017,17,1,70-72,Lazan Saving life limb and eyesight: assessing the medical rules of eligibility during armed conflict,2017,17,10,40-52,Gross Medically unexplained symptoms and the diagnosis of medical child abuse,2018,18,5,24-26,Eichner Provider conscientious refusal of abortion obstetrical emergencies and criminal homicide law,2018,18,7,43-50,Nelson Physician sexual assault: the moral imperative for gender equity in medicine,2019,19,1,4-6,Burgart Why the duty to research falls on institutions rather than individuals,2019,19,6,44-46,Laurion Research participant communication via social media platforms remains risky,2019,19,6,66-68,Spino Psychological maltreatment and medical neglect of transgender adolescents: the need for recognition and individualized assessment,2019,19,2,72-74,Shapiro Informed consent in a pragmatic emergency suicide trial: rejecting the research-practice distinction,2019,19,10,103-105,Canavera A stepwise approach to ethically assess pragmatic cluster randomized trials: implications for informed consent for suicide prevention implementation research,2019,19,10,101-103,Weijer Physician aid-in-dying and suicide prevention in psychiatry [Response to open peer commentaries],2019,19,10,W14-W17,Battin Physician aid-in-dying and suicide prevention in psychiatry: a moral crisis?,2019,19,10,29-39,Kious A pragmatic trial of suicide risk assessment and ambulance transport decision making among emergency medical services providers: implications for patient consent,2019,19,10,97-98,Wilfond The ethics of suicide in mental illness: novel neuroscientific perspectives,2019,19,10,94-96,Malhi Eliminating categorical exclusion criteria in crisis standards of care frameworks,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Halpern Suicide attempts and the obligations of medical providers,2020,20,8,121-122,Salter Honoring a request for comfort measures only after self-harm,2020,20,8,125-127,Krohmal Artificial intelligence social media and suicide prevention: principle of beneficence besides respect for autonomy,2021,21,7,43-45,Zhang Trauma-informed ethics consultation in the ICU: exploring best practices in a case involving a self-inflicted gunshot wound,2023,23,1,96-97,Tarzian Medicalized oppression: labels of "violence risk" in the electronic medical record,2023,23,4,28-31,Boyd Materialized oppression in medical tools and technologies,2023,23,4,9-23,Liao Systems wrongs and moral aggregation [letter],2023,23,4,24-25,Hutchison Non-invasive prenatal testing for "non-medical" traits: ensuring consistency in ethical decision-making,2023,23,3,3-20,Savulescu Chemical restraints for obstetric violence: anesthesiology professionals moral courage and the prevention of forced and coerced surgeries,2024,24,2,4-7,Burgart We are not okay: moral injury and a world on fire,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ray Medical sanctions against Russia: arresting aggression or abrogating healthcare rights?,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gross Think like a journalist and act as a risk and crisis communicator in the context of public health emergencies,2024,24,4,86-89,Buquicchio Synergies in risk communication: integrating ethical frameworks and behavioral economics in public health emergencies,2024,24,4,92-94,Nabi Health and data equity in public health emergency risk and crisis communication (PHERCC),2024,24,4,102-104,Ho Optimizing the PHERCC matrix for risk communication: integrating action-guiding models for enhanced accessibility and applicability,2024,24,4,89-91,Rudra Using the PHERCC matrix to define essential workers during public health emergencies,2024,24,4,94-96,Berkman Ethical tradeoffs in public health emergency crisis communication,2024,24,4,83-85,Faden Capacity rationality and the promotion of autonomy: a trauma-informed approach to refusals of care after opioid poisoning,2024,24,5,48-51,Hyshka An Ethics for Public Health Surveillance,2020,20,10,61-63,Lee Big Data Corporate Surveillance and Public Health,2020,20,10,79-81,Martinez-Martin Incidental Findings in Public Health Research: The Importance of Maintaining Trust,2020,20,10,70-72,Moses From Subject to Fellow Researcher: Reconceptualising Research Relationships to Safeguard Potentially Vulnerable Survey Participants,2020,20,10,72-74,Brooks Structural Deprioritization and Stigmatization of Mental Health Concerns in the Educational Setting,2020,20,10,67-69,Brendel Comments Confirm That Student Health Surveillance Needs Ethics Guidelines to Act on Risk-Cluster Findings,2020,20,10,W4-W7,Wynia Duties When an Anonymous Student Health Survey Finds a Hot Spot of Suicidality,2020,20,10,50-60,Wynia How Obvious is Obvious? The Role of Technology in Public Health,2020,20,10,77-79,Zulueta The Importance of Assessing Mental Health Issues and Preventing Suicidality in Studies on Healthy Participants,2020,20,10,75-77,Lieb We Are People Not Clusters!,2020,20,10,1-4,French Where Data Meets Action: Linking Health Surveillance with Community Partnership,2020,20,10,63-65,Brooks-Russell The Fundamental Ethical Concern Is Lack of School Resources to Ensure Student Well-Being,2020,20,10,65-66,Miller Comfort Care after Self-Immolation: Is the Physician Complicit?,2020,20,8,123-125,Teven Dementia as a moral harm,2007,7,6,59-60,Lanoix Are concerns about the ethics of placebos a stalking horse for other issues?,2002,2,2,17-19,Healy Haves and have nots,2006,6,2,63-64,Klugman A modest proposal for reducing imperfection and resolving world hunger,2007,7,6,53-55,Powell Lucinda among the bioethicists,2007,7,6,61-62,Ackerman Is there life not worthy of living?,2007,7,6,62-63,Jotkowitz Vast tracts of land: rural healthcare culture,2008,8,4,57-58; author reply W3-4,Klugman Precautionary harm disclosure in clinical trials,2009,9,8,43-45,Wu A Pragmatic Trial for Emergency Medical Service Providers' Prehospital Response to Suidality: Consent Is Not Essential but Limited Patient Engagement May Be Meaningful,2019,19,10,105-107,Dickert Deep Uncertainties in the Criteria for Physician Aid-in-Dying for Psychiatric Patients,2019,19,10,54-56,Żuradzki Evaluating PAD Requests in Psychiatry: The Importance of Involving Others,2019,19,10,63-65,Widdershoven Euthanasia for Mental Suffering Reduces Stigmatization But May Lead to an Extension of This Practice Without Safeguards,2019,19,10,57-59,Walter Improving Care for Suicidal Patients While Protecting Human Subjects: Addressing Ethical Challenges in Mental Health Research Involving Emergency Medical Services Providers,2019,19,10,99-101,Decou Irremediability Is Key,2019,19,10,59-60,van Veen Involuntary Hospitalization of Suicidal Patients: Time for New Answers to Basic Questions?,2019,19,10,90-92,Priebe Kious and Battin's Dilemma Resolved: Outlaw Physician Aid-in-Dying,2019,19,10,50-51,Foster Medical Aid-in-Dying is an Ethical and Important End-of-Life Care Option,2019,19,10,8-9,Diaz Moralities of Method: Putting Normative Arguments in Their (Social and Cultural) Place,2019,19,10,40-42,De Vries Parity Arguments for 'Physician Aid-in-Dying' (PAD) for Psychiatric Disorders: Their Structure and Limits,2019,19,10,3-7,Gastmans Physician Aid-in-Dying for Individuals With Serious Mental Illness: Clarifying Decision-Making Capacity and Psychiatric Futility,2019,19,10,61-63,Oquendo Physician Aid-in-Dying and Suicide Prevention in Psychiatry: A Moral Imperative Over a Crisis,2019,19,10,68-70,Calkins Reweighing the Ethical Tradeoffs in the Involuntary Hospitalization of Suicidal Patients,2019,19,10,71-83,Dubov Social Determinants of Mental Health and Physician Aid-in-Dying: The Real Moral Crisis,2019,19,10,52-54,Ho Taking Off the Blinders: The Critical Phase of Suicidality Doesn't End With Discharge From Inpatient Treatment,2019,19,10,93-94,Lang The Unbearable Burden of Suffering: Moral Crisis or Structural Failure?,2019,19,10,46-47,Campbell "When the Fall Is All There Is…": Refocusing on the Critical (Unique?) Characteristic of "Dying" in Physician Aid-in-Dying,2019,19,10,43-46,Finder Why Normative Judgment Is Inescapable,2019,19,10,48-50,den Hartogh When a Theoretical Commitment to Broad Physician Aid-in-Dying Faces the Reality of Its Implementation,2019,19,10,65-68,Lemmens