Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Developing an emergency preparedness plan for the physically disabled,1984,29,1,43-47,Carver Occupational health hazards in hospitals,1980,24,12,11-14,Rose Saving lives boosting production cutting insurance costs,1986,31,8,33-35, Accident investigation procedure--some guidelines for classification,1985,30,8,30-33,Adams Safety and health management: professional development of the staff,1985,30,8,21-24,Spain Quality circles and safety committees,1984,29,4,33-36,Cole Microcomputers and the safety and health professional,1984,29,3,31-35,Greenberg Energy conservation hazards in buildings,1983,28,10,13-16,Oldendorf Safety promotion campaigns can work: one company's success story,1983,28,6,15-18,Parmenter Worker/employer training in occupational safety and health: a summary of OSHA's efforts during the period 1971-1981,1983,28,4,50-55,Heath Safety performance analysis,1983,28,4,21-4 45-6,Earnest Benefits from your risk control program,1983,28,3,34-38,Coletta A modern approach to injury record keeping,1983,28,1,21-24,Fragala An updated index of safety performance,1982,27,12,23-28,Weaver New dimensions in the tortious failure to warn,1982,27,11,23-29,Philo Accident investigation and analysis: an evaluative review,1982,27,10,53-57,Manuele Safety review: a system of program development and evaluation,1982,27,10,27-29,Harner Health factors relationship to accident rates,1982,27,9,37-40,Lindell Managing your risk control program,1982,27,9,20-26,Coletta Prevention of slip and fall injuries: part II,1982,27,7,30-35,Ryan Fall accident patterns: characterization of most frequent work surface-related injuries,1982,27,6,16-22,Cohen Proper staffing of an occupational safety and health office,1982,27,3,20-24,Fine Risk reduction strategies: Past present and future,2007,52,1,24-30,Jensen Effective grounding: the key to personnel protection,1981,26,2,16-21,Cantwell Consider a safety audit program,1983,28,4,47-49,Swartz Revisiting pneumatic nail gun trigger recommendations,2015,60,4,30-33,Evanoff Forklift Safety - Pilot Study Evaluation of Retrofit Lights,2020,65,12,41-45,Bobick