Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Does violence in the media cause violent behavior?,2001,18,3,5-7,Miller What is Münchhausen's syndrome by proxy and why is it not in the DSM-IV?,2008,25,2,8,Miller The risk for PTSD: new findings. New studies explore the high rate of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in women and an unexpected association between IQ and PTSD risk,2007,23,8,1-5, Intervention reduces dating violence perpetrated by boys,2009,26,6,7, Domestic violence: not always one sided,2007,24,3,6, What causes post-traumatic stress disorder: two views,2002,19,4,8, Second-step treatments for adolescent depression. The TORDIA study suggests options when initial drug treatment fails,2010,27,4,6, Antidepressants and suicide. The history of a controversy--and where it stands today,2007,24,1,1-4, Should children take antidepressants?,2003,20,6,5-7, Suicides are not a model,2002,18,9,6-7, Depression in children--Part II,2002,18,9,1-4, Firearms and suicide,2001,18,1,4-5,Thienhaus Suicide and homosexual youth,1998,15,6,6, Violence as a medical issue,2006,23,4,8,Miller Names will often hurt you,2007,23,10,6-7, When children assault children,2007,23,10,4-5, Torture by any other name,2007,24,2,7, The perils of perfectionism. Often evident at the holidays this personality trait has a dark side,2007,24,5,6, Protecting children and teens from cyber-harm. Certain patterns of behavior confer risk; here's what the research shows,2008,25,1,4-5, School-based safety interventions. Identifying children and teens at risk for depression or violence,2008,25,3,1-3, Dissociation and sexual abuse,1999,15,8,6-7, Catching up,1999,15,9,7, Narcissism self-esteem and aggression,1999,15,12,7, Blind to betrayal: new perspectives on memory for trauma,1999,15,12,4-6,Freyd Violence and aggression in psychiatric patients,1999,15,11,6-7, Memories lost and found - Part II,1999,16,2,1-5, Memories lost and found - part I,1999,16,1,1-5, Trauma and post-traumatic stress in severe mental illness,1999,16,4,6-7, What becomes of aggressive school-children?,1998,14,10,8,Eron The seriousness of child's play,1998,14,10,6,Emde Suicide assisted suicide and medical illness,2000,16,7,4-7,Hendin General review: violence and mental health - part I,2000,16,7,1-4, Violence and mental health - part II,2000,16,8,1-4, Commentary. Concussions in football,2010,26,7,8,Miller Forum. How should suicidal behavior be managed?,2000,16,9,e8,Mann Placebos and suicide,2000,17,2,e6, Lithium prevents suicide,1999,15,8,e6, Predicting suicides and other deaths,1999,15,10,6-7, Depression and suicide: what is the true risk?,2001,17,10,5-6, Dialectical behavior therapy,2002,19,2,1-3, Placebos and suicide,2002,18,8,6-7, Confronting suicide. Part I. Vulnerable people and perilous circumstances,2003,19,11,1-4, Confronting suicide. Part II,2003,19,12,1-5, Lithium the lifesaver,2004,20,8,e7, Questions & answers. What is the significance of the FDA's new advisory about the use of antidepressant medications? Should people be more concerned about the risk of suicide and more cautious about starting one of these drugs?,2004,20,12,e8,Miller Questions & answers. Does the acne drug isotretinoin (Accutane) cause depression and suicide or are the psychiatric risk exaggerated?,2005,22,4,e8,Miller What are the real risks of antidepressants?,2005,21,11,1-4, Antidepressants for children and adolescents: an update,2006,22,12,4-5, BMI and suicide,2006,22,12,e7, What is the significance of the new warnings about suicide risk with Strattera?,2005,22,6,e8,Miller Suicidal thoughts in college,2008,25,5,e7, Supporting survivors of suicide loss. Family friends co-workers and mental health clinicians are all affected,2009,26,5,4-5,