Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Triage and initial treatment of house fire victims,2005,1,29,1905-1909,Gremion Content and efficacy of remedial interventions with drinking and driving offenders,2005,1,26,1717-8 1720-5,Schmukle OSAS and driving capacity,2005,1,23,1561-2 1564,Frey Attempted suicide in Switzerland: from practice to prevention,2006,2,68,1487-1490,Zoupanos Is it possible to run suicide prevention interventions within the school setting?,2006,2,69,1518-1521,Michaud Detection and coping of violence in care,2006,2,85,2473-2476,Balahoczky Obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome,2005,1,23,1556-1560,Simon The brutality of James Bond and the global influence of violence in the media,2007,3,103,774-775,Vincent On sleep apnea and automobile accidents,2006,2,86,2574,Nau Stalking: a new traumatic syndrome?,2008,4,144,398 400-2,Andreoli Alcohol-related injuries--an emergency department study in the Lausanne University Hospital,2007,3,123,1964-1967,Gmel Are young people really always taking risks? Screening and counselling strategies for primary care professionals,2008,4,161,1451-1455,Narring About suicide in Huntington's disease: A review,2009,5,195,646-648,Millet New ways of treatment of borderline patients with suicidal crisis,2009,5,190,345-6 348-50,Burnand Individual and community psychological consequences of terrorism,2008,4,173,2115-2119,Yersin Terrorist bomb attacks: injuries and response,2008,4,168,1831-1835,Yersin Fitness to drive: which assessment by doctors in 2008?,2008,4,164,1594-1598,Favrat Why is the scope of abuse underestimated and the patients insufficiently treated?,2008,4,147,611-614,Gauthier Driver fatigue,2007,3,134,2635-2636,Rochat Professionals' reactions to patient's suicide,2007,3,125,2092-2094,Kaufmann Didisheim Terrorism: the effect on public health and the impact for community medicine,2007,3,116,1602 1604-7,Yersin Diabetes mellitus and driving,2007,3,114,1437-8 1440-1,Jornayvaz Violence and humanity,2007,3,109,1152,Kiefer Fall prevention: a challenge in the strategy of fracture prevention in the elderly,2009,5,207,1318-20 1322-4,Ferrari Carbon monoxide intoxication: an update in 2009,2009,5,213,1606-1609,Schaub Terrorism and turning to physicians: management of a mass casualty situation,2006,2,91,2876-2879,Yersin Falls in the elderly: think about cervical fracture!,2009,5,224,2195-6 2198-9,Morisod Partner violence: women trust health professionals,2010,6,239,526-529,Hofner Prevention in sexology--some critical issues,2010,6,241,606-609,Kjellberg Disaster medicine: mission Haiti,2010,6,248,973-977,Gamulin Hope in the treatment of snake bites and other venomous animals,2007,3,138,2919-2920,Petite Adolescents Internet and new technologies: a new wonderland?,2010,6,253,1230 1232-5,Michaud When should a patient in suicidal crisis be referred to the emergency ward?,2010,6,259,1555-1557,Perogamvros The bullfight: a fight to the death,2007,3,122,1921,Nau Drowning,2007,3,121,1834-1838,Niquille Psychotherapy and forensic psychiatry,2010,6,263,1774-1778,Gravier Forensic toxicology a growing scientific discipline,2008,4,164,1605-1608,Augsburger Elderly of today and elderly of tomorrow,2007,3,107,1015,Abraham Driving competence expert evaluation in cases involving alcohol,2009,5,230,2582-2584,Michiels Medical secret regarding driving capacity or aptitude,2009,5,220,1999-2001,Michiels Terrorism and medicine of first aid: chemical risk,2008,4,165,1677-1681,Yersin Terrorism: nuclear and radiologic risks,2008,4,148,669-70 672-5,Yersin The physician's role a privileged player in front of terrorism,2006,2,78,2066-2070,Carron Practical picking up of elderly people in case of falls,2010,6,270,2130-2134,Espolio Desbaillet Pit falls in the emergency walk in clinic: upper limb,2010,6,276,2443-2447,Abrassart A combined medical-psychiatric unit for the management of complex cases,2009,5,190,366-369,Andreoli Trends in psychiatry,2008,4,140,158-60 162-5,Barbe Adolescence and sexuality,2006,2,58,792-796,Kjellberg Psychiatry,2006,2,47,61-66,Bryois Antidepressants and suicidal risk,2005,1,18,1244,Nau An unidentified body in the lake,2009,5,212,1582,de Vevey An observatory of child abuse and neglect: an interactive way to look at this issue,2006,2,54,538-541,Cheseaux Zinedine Zidane-suspended for his part in World Cup head-butting,2006,2,75,1868,Nau Interdisciplinary an undisciplined practice?,2005,1,34,2205-2207,Baud The price of desire,2005,1,24,1648,Luthy New challenges in forensic psychiatry,2008,4,164,1600-1604,Niveau Spousal abuse: the physician's responsibility,2010,6,262,1738,Vannotti Brain concussion and prostitution,2010,6,269,2108-2109,Nau Sexuality and violence,2011,7,287,665-668,Abraham Interest and costs of neurorehabilitation of brain injury patients,2011,7,293,948-951,Vuadens "Jaques-Dalcroze eurhythmics" improves gait and prevents falls in the elderly,2011,7,299,1305-1310,Herrmann Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) and osteoporosis,2011,7,299,1299-1304,Rizzoli Alcohol and violence: reflection on care and response-ability,2011,7,302,1455-1457,Jones Massive alcoholic poisoning in the emergency department: How many who what and how?,2011,7,302,1445-1449,Yersin Positional asphyxia a cause of death insufficiently known,2011,7,303,1511-1514,Schrag Driving and cognitive impairment: how best to anticipate?,2011,7,316,2184-2189,von Gunten War and medicine,2005,1,8,592,Kiefer Alcohol and tobacco regulation in Great Britain and Cuba,2005,1,7,520,Nau Hiking and useful advices to patients (Part 2),2011,7,319,2356-2361,Cornuz Hiking and useful advices to patients (Part 1),2011,7,319,2348-50 2352-4,Cornuz Mood disorders in HIV patients: a challenge for liaison psychiatry consultation,2012,8,328,362-4 366-7,Maccaferri Diabetes and driving: thoughts and educational perspectives,2012,8,344,1204-8 1210,Gastaldi Young and migrants: a multidisicplinary approach in a youth clinic in Geneva,2012,8,345,1286 1288-91,Haller Trauma in the elderly,2012,8,350,1554-1558,Niquille Older people admitted to emergency department after a fall: what to do?,2012,8,350,1539-1543,Sautebin How to have a clear vision when considering all the different recommandations of moderate alcohol consumption?,2012,8,355,1831-1835,Pasche Suicide attempt: encounter evaluation orientation,2013,9,374,410 412-4,Stephan Children's exposure to domestic violence. A multidisciplinary model of detection assessment and management,2013,9,374,398-401,Cheseaux Gait balance and muscle assessment in older adults,2013,9,390,1265-1271,Hars Anterior cruciate ligament injuries in children,2013,9,393,1408-1413,Tercier Mushroom poisoning,2013,9,394,1465-1470 1472,Carron Aptitude to drive: what road to take?,2012,8,325,176-177,Favrat Cognitive effects of opioids,2009,5,208,1356-8 1360-3,Grisart Treatement of sex offenders: limits and possibilities,2014,10,422,647-650,Soldati Public health of sex life?,2014,10,422,638-641,Papart Fatigue and reduction in motor performance in sportspeople or overtraining syndrome,2014,10,428,962 964-5,Gremion Prevention of binge drinking in adolescents: do family doctors have a role to play?,2014,10,430,1062 1064-7,Haller The major issues of an "assault and battery" report for an adolescent,2014,10,434,1292 1294-6,Depallens School-detected child abuse in Geneva: outlook on the past 10 years,2014,10,438,1517-1521,Mpinga Rugby confronted by alcohol,2011,7,314,2110-2111,Nau Minarets football and tsunamis,2009,5,229,2530-2531,Nau Requirements on vision for driving: to see more clearly,2014,10,452,2252-4 2256-7,Favrat Shuttle Challenger disaster: what lessons can be learned for management of patients in the operating room?,2015,11,460,367-370,Suva Intermittent hemodialysis irreplaceable in specific cases of severe poisoning,2015,11,463,499-504,Ventresca Neurological diseases and suicide: from neurobiology to hopelessness,2015,11,461,402-405,Weber Risk communication in travel medicine,2015,11,473,1006 1008-11,Auer Fifty feminine shades of domestic violence: time for doctors to get involved!,2015,11,487,1761-1765,Escard Risk assessment in forensic psychiatric reports: what kind assessment instrument? What indicator? What practical?,2015,11,486,1710 1712-4,Moulin Arson and pyromania update 2015,2015,11,486,1706-1709,Palix Anticoagulation for atrial fibrillation in the patient at risk for falls,2015,11,490,1899-1903,Petreska Adolescent and physical activity: addi(c)tive excesses,2016,12,522,1144-1147,Depallens Dog bites in Switzerland,2010,6,262,1736,Bocion Using the HEADSSS guide to teach students diagnostic skills in adolescent health: views from students participating in interprofessional courses,2017,13,562,996-1000,Navarro Heart and sport,2017,13,564,1077-1082,Gabus Suicide and mental institutions the Lausanne example,2016,12,531,1574-1578,Gasser Men and violence a subject little known by general practitioners,2016,12,532,1620-1623,Escard Sport-related concussion,2017,13,569,1329-1332,Bonfanti Astronomical bodies disasters and superstitions,2017,13,570,1385-1388,Hugli "Golden hour" and the Sellick manoeuvre in emergency care: we must not throw out the baby with the bathwater,2017,13,570,1373-1377,Yersin Housing first : at home recovery of severe mental disorder,2017,13,575,1605-1609,Golay Fitness to drive: specific supports in 2017,2017,13,581,1882-1890,Favrat Prevention of suicide at emergency room: from the " interpersonal theory of suicide " to the connectedness,2018,14,593,335-338,Bondolfi Hamstring injury prevention,2018,14,613,1354-1357,Edouard Adolescent sport medicine : do simple injuries really exist in youth athletes ?,2018,14,613,1346-1351,Ambresin Return to sport and to competition after anterior crusiate ligament reconstruction,2018,14,613,1340-1345,Tscholl "Doctor my child swallowed water can he die from dry drowning ?" An update on drowning in 2018,2018,14,617,1565-1567,Scartezzini Driving rules : first seizure and epilepsy,2019,15,648,866-869,Seeck Abuse and non-accidental violence in the adolescent athlete : how to detect and assess ?,2019,15,657,1329-1332,Depallens Equestrian related injuries and pathologies,2019,15,658,1383-1386,Hochart Winter sports : from an emergency service to a general practitioner's office,2019,15,658,1374-1379,Correia From running amok to mass shootings: a psychopathological perspective,2019,15,663,1671-1674,Eytan Suicidal crisis and suicide prevention : psychopharmacological aspects,2020,16,681,314-317,Prada Psychiatry in the time of pandemic : forging new ways without getting lost,2020,16,691-2,855-858,Gasser Fatigue after acquired brain injury and its impact on socio-professional reintegration,2020,16,692,901-903,Guggisberg COVID-19: does the end of semi-confinement match with the beginning of the revelations of child abuse ?,2020,16,701,1459-1461,Cheseaux "Her problem is she hasn't been laid ": medical students fighting against sexist behaviours during training and clinical practice,2021,17,744-2,1250-1253,Aubry The gender paradox in suicide : some explanations and much uncertainty,2021,17,744-2,1265-1267,Brovelli The toxicological testing in the emergency room in the era of choosing wisely,2021,17,746,1360-1363,Haxhimeri ASSIP: a new therapy following suicide attempt,2021,17,751,1602-1605,Gysin-Maillart Harassment: definition and basic concepts,2021,17,752,1638-1641,Nunez Gomez Harassment: a legacy in the medical field,2021,17,752,1645-1648,Fritschi Harassment and social context: how to identify allies?,2021,17,752,1656-1659,Braillard Victims of harassment : Role of the primary care physician,2021,17,752,1665-1669,Escard Taking an inclusive sexual health history of adolescents,2022,18,778,750-754,Roulet Mobbing amongst students : from detection to care : How to work together ?,2022,18,778,755-758,Depallens Management of domestic violence by primary care physician,2022,18,781,954-959,Fracasso Relevance of interventions and support for relatives of an individual who made a suicide attempt,2022,18,786,1224-1227,Michaud Driving under the influence…,2022,18,787,1244-1247,Broers Suicide attempts in detention during the pandemic: lessons learned,2022,18,789,1343-1344,Wolff Independent monitoring of prisons: the work of the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture in Switzerland,2022,18,789,1365-1368,Wolff Maternal suicide a little-known reality that can be prevented,2023,19,814,314-318,Prada Abuse: emergency department management,2023,19,837,1443-1447,Ramlawi Spinal injury related to alpine winter sports,2023,19,852,2263-2266,Fournier SECURE: a tool for assessing minors who are victims of domestic violence,2023,19,855,2412-2415,Depallens Pediatrics. Consultation in pediatric for children exposed to domestic violence,2024,20,856-7,92-95,Depallens Violence against caregivers: the increase in bonuses has crystallized tensions,2024,20,870,e813,Colombé Management of suicidal crisis: mentalizing as a team,2023,19,814,319-323,Prada Another opinion. On the topic: "Suicide assistance: Factors to consider by the medical practitioner",2007,3,132,2561-2562,Collet Children and adolescents in a neglectful environment early detection as the first response to their needs,2024,20,875,1046-1049,Depallens Assisted suicide: Do not prohibit but be careful of "free- service",2009,5,211,e1533,Martin The capacity to be alone,2011,7,278,172-173,De Haan Sexual health in female under treatment for opiate dependence using diacetylmorphine,2024,20,877,1115-1118,Zullino [Assisted suicide in houses for elderly: must it be legislated?],2014,10,451,e2231,Roselli [The pain of the world],2014,10,443,e1795,Hurst [Work and suicide: indications and contraindication],2014,10,454,2388-2389,Nau Is assisted suicide in prison possible in Switzerland?,2015,11,458,226-227,Mansour [Not Available],2020,16,681,334-335,Nau [Health crisis and suicidal crisis: mirrored lighting],2020,16,694,1057-1059,Prada [About the use of ketamine in emergency psychiatric settings],2021,17,725,303-306,Bondolfi [The gender paradox in suicide : some explanations and much uncertainty],2021,17,744-2,1265-1267,Brovelli [ASSIP: A new therapy following suicide attempt],2021,17,751,1602-1605,Gysin-Maillart [[Intensive care a risk factor for self-harm]?],2021,17,750,e1586,Leuzinger [Blind spot],2005,1,33,e2192,Kiefer [Trends in drug therapy],2006,2,48,155-159,Buclin [An epidemic unlike any other...],2007,3,98,e379,Andreoli [Tamiflu suicides and seasonal influenza],2007,3,105,e895,Nau [Antiobesity drugs--new limitations],2007,3,135,e2753,Nau [Forensic imaging],2008,4,164,1609-1614,Mangin [To understand or to make someone understand?],2008,4,163,e1582,Vannotti [Depression in the elderly],2009,5,216,1785-1789,Lleshi [Caregivers of elderly patients suffering from mental disorders],2010,6,244,770-773,von Gunten [Suicide in hospital],2010,6,249,e1040,Luthy [Acne: a risk factor for suicide],2010,6,273,e2325,Berney [Intentional self-harm by ingestion of foreign bodies: psychiatric perspectives],2011,7,279,232-234,Damsa [Suicidal behavior associated with atrophied corpus callosum in the elderly],2011,7,295,1114-1115,Nau [Demoralization and meaning in life in suicidal ideation : a role for patients suffering from chronic pain?],2019,15,656,1282-1285,Bondolfi [Meeting suicidal patient : ongoing actions in French speaking Switzerland],2019,15,643,644-649,Dorogi [Not Available],2019,15,673,2215-2216,Bellégo Heat-related illnesses: advice for clinicians and healthcare professionals,2024,20,882,1342-1348,Brocherie Finger injuries in athletes,2024,20,882,1349-1353,Niederhauser K-taping (coloured sticking adhesive bands): myth or reality?,2024,20,882,1360-1364,Menetrey