Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Experiences of anticholinesterase pesticide poisonings in an Australian tertiary hospital,2005,33,4,469-476,Roberts A longitudinal study of 100 consecutive admissions for carbon monoxide poisoning to the Royal Adelaide Hospital,1992,20,3,311-316,Gorman Near-hanging as presenting to hospitals in Queensland: recommendations for practice,2006,34,6,736-745,Boots The Bonnievale disaster of 1907,2008,36,Suppl 1,28-31,McGlew Earthquake injuries and the use of ketamine for surgical procedures: the Kashmir experience,2006,34,4,489-494,Mulvey Self poisoning with dieldrin: a case report and pharmacokinetic discussion,1974,2,4,369-374,Black Psychiatric aspects of drug overdose in adults,1974,2,4,310-311,Burrows Editorial: Toxins poisons and overdoses,1974,2,4,287, Mortality and cost outcomes of elderly trauma patients admitted to intensive care and the general wards of an Australian tertiary referral hospital,2009,37,5,773-783,Clarke A simple introduction to electrical safety,1974,2,2,164-170,Grant Strychnine poisoning--alive and well in Australia!,1993,21,6,876-877,Thompson Acute dapsone poisoning,1993,21,3,349-351,Bhattacharya Some prehistory of New Zealand intensive care medicine,2009,37,Suppl 1,16-29,Trubuhovich Are anaesthetists prone to suicide? 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