Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Children with signs of abuse: when is it not child abuse?,2005,123,Suppl,S119-24,Laposata Katrina the Tsunami and Point-of-Care Testing: Optimizing Rapid Response Diagnosis in Disasters,2005,126,4,1-8,Kost Carisoprodol: an unrecognized drug of abuse,2002,117,3,396-400,Bailey Aviation Safety: Pathologists Role,1964,42,5,516,Davidson Firearms injury research. The role of the practicing pathologist,1969,52,3,277-288,Petty Missile wounds caused by tear-gas pen guns,1969,52,3,270-276,Davis Shotgun wound patterns,1969,52,3,258-269,Breitenecker Autopsy verification of suicide by digitalis. Report of a case with successful chemical identification of digitalis glycosides in gastric contents,1967,47,2,180-185,Jelliffe Chemical analysis of massive crystalluria following primidone overdose,1972,58,5,583-589,Bailey Evaluation of deaths from drug overdose. A clinicopathologic study,1974,61,6,778-784,Froede The new and old diseases: A study of mortality trends in the United States 1900-1969. Ward Burdick Award address,1975,63,4,453-474,Peery Professional responsibilities and liabilities of the pathologist concerning the problem drinker,1980,74,5,751-754,Labowitz Munchausen syndrome by proxy documented by discrepant blood typing,1991,95,2,232-233,Yomtovian Medicolegal examination of bodies recovered from burned buildings,1949,19,7,599-607,Dutra Simulated homicide; report of a case of obstructive laryngeal papilloma in a child,1949,19,6,565-569,Speman Enzymatic changes in asphyxia experimental pulmonary edema and drowning,1969,51,1,102-106,Spitz The significance of diatom demonstration in the diagnosis of death by drowning,1967,48,4,377-382,Greendyke Enzymologic approach to the diagnosis of death by drowning. Preliminary report,1967,47,6,704-708,Spitz Alcohol's impact on man's activities. Its role in unnatural death,1980,74,5,755-758,Weston Carboxyhemoglobin concentrations in flash fire victims: report of six simultaneous fire fatalities without elevated carboxyhemoglobin,1977,68,3,317-320,Hirsch Cerebral residua of acute carbon monoxide poisoning,1952,22,10,925-935, A practical method for storing organs in cases of fatal poisoning,1952,22,9,866-869, Fatal poisoning due to a cationic detergent of the quaternary ammonium compound type,1952,22,7,656-661, Pathologic findings in patients dead of common poisons,1952,22,6,509-519,Adelson Poisoning by methyl-parafynol (dormison); fatal suicidal overdose of 3-methyl-pentyne-ol-3 a new hypnotic,1952,23,2,129-133,Newman Medical evidence in fatal gunshot injuries,1953,23,8,758-767,Adelson A microscopic study of dermal gunshot wounds,1961,35,,393-402,Adelson Use of thin layer chromatography in the diagnosis of poisoning,1963,40,,576-582,Sunshine Innominate arterial aneurysms occurring after blunt trauma,1964,42,,69-74,Campbell The autopsy and the law,1978,69,2 Suppl,235-238,Gantner Spinal injury related to the syndrome of sudden death ("crib-death") in infants,1968,49,4,562-567,Towbin The burn autopsy. Fatal complications of burns,1969,52,1,1-13,Foley "Spinal injury" and sudden infant death. A second look,1969,52,3,289-295,Adelson Determinants of the autopsy decision: a statistical analysis,1997,108,2,175-183,Kurland The present status of meprobamate ingestion. A five-year review of cases with serum concentrations and clinical findings,1981,75,1,102-106,Bailey Muddy lung,1985,83,2,240-244,Noguchi Respiratory colonization with Pseudomonas putrefaciens after near-drowning in salt water,1975,64,3,382-384,Rosenthal Bioterrorism. Clinical recognition and primary management,2002,117,Suppl,S116-S123,Branda Splenic pathology in different forms of traumatic injury,1996,106,5,695,Drachenberg Laboratory diagnosis of ethylene glycol poisoning: The cup is half full?,2011,136,2,165-166,Jialal Sliding caliper for medicolegal autopsies,1973,60,2,283-284,Gross Effects of green pit viper (Trimeresurus erythrurus and Trimeresurus popeorum) venoms on blood coagulation platelets and the fibrinolytic enzyme systems: studies in vivo and in vitro,1973,60,5,654-662,Mitrakul A rapid method for the diagnosis of poisoning caused by the mushroom Lepiota morgani,1973,60,6,823-825,Eilers Soft-tissue injury by mercury from a broken thermometer. A case report and review of the literature,1974,61,2,296-300,Rachman Serum osmolality and its applicability to drug overdose,1973,60,5,695-699,Robinson Levels of mercury in urine correlated with the use of skin lightening creams,1973,59,1,36-40,Barr Drowning in gasoline,1945,15,8,342-343,Mead The avoidance of biologic variables in breath tests for alcohol in blood,1959,32,1,34-40,Smith Prostatic acid phosphatase. Current assessment in vaginal fluid of alleged rape victims,1976,66,6,944-952,Schumann Identification of semen in 500 patients seen because of rape,1977,68,6,740-746,Dahlke Postmortem vitreous humor chemistry in sudden infant death syndrome and in other causes of death in childhood,1979,71,2,219-223,Catherman The medium not the message: how tattoos correlate with early mortality,2014,142,1,99-103,Carson Serum diazepam concentrations in overdose. Their significance,1979,72,4,571-577,Bailey Phencyclidine abuse. Clinical findings and concentrations in biological fluids after nonfatal intoxication,1979,72,5,795-799,Bailey Acute toxicology of ethanol ingestion. Role of the clinical laboratory,1980,74,5,721-724,Jatlow Serum osmolality in acute intoxication,1986,85,3,393,Kanter Hemorrhage in the middle-ear and mastoid in drowning,1963,40,,281-283,Niles The specificity of the test for alcohol in body fluids,1934,4,2,182-188,Heise Morphologic markers of acute and chronic stress in child abuse,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Flomenbaum Workplace bullying in pathology and laboratory medicine,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jia Can spironolactone and canrenone interference in digoxin assays be eliminated by ultrafiltration? (multiple letters),2003,119,2,306-307,Dasgupta Medical examiners' findings in deaths from shooting stabbing cutting and asphyxia,1934,4,1,66-160,Martland The carbon monoxide content of the blood under various conditions,1940,10,9,603-616,Gettler