Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author The specificity of torture as trauma: the human wilderness when words fail,2005,86,Pt 2,311-333,Vinar On aggressiveness and violence in adolescence,2005,86,Pt 5,1391-1403,Flechner Splitting and the psychodynamics of adolescent and young adult suicide attempts,1997,78,6,1199-1208,Chabrol Approaches to prevention of intergenerational transmission of hate war and violence,2007,88,Pt 2,507-514,Pender Identity destiny and terrorism: the effect of social terror on identity formation,2006,87,Pt 6,1709-1711,Akhtar Thinking extreme social violence: The model of the literary plague,2007,88,Pt 6,1457-1472,Priel The Background of Safety,1960,41,4-5,352-356,Sandler Reality game: contemporary violence and denaturization of language,2008,89,5,1047-1055,Minerbo Self-realization and social definition two aspects of identity formation,1967,48,1,68-75,Tabachnick From psychosocial equilibrium to catastrophic breakdown: Cyprus 1955-1974,2008,89,4,845-866,Galatariotou Biographical truths and their clinical consequences: understanding 'embodied memories' in a third psychoanalysis with a traumatized patient recovered from severe poliomyelitis,2008,89,6,1165-1187,Leuzinger-Bohleber The influence of extreme traumatization on body mind and social relations,2007,88,Pt 6,1527-1542,Rosenbaum The intersubjective links in perversion,2007,88,Pt 5,1135-1152,Eiguer Adolescent depression,1967,48,1,53-60,Lorand Suicidal impulse in depression and paranoia,1967,48,3,433-438,Allen When a patient commits suicide: an empirical study of psychoanalytic clinicians,2006,87,Pt 1,159-177,Tillman Sexual abuse: the abusive family unit,2006,87,Pt 3,853-856,Marcano Children in genocide: extreme traumatization and the 'affect propeller',2006,87,Pt 3,725-746,Kaplan The origin of certain forms of pre-oedipal guilt and the implications for a psychoanalytic theory of affects,1971,52,4,337-346,Modell On aggression,1972,53,2,285-290,Sinha Body image and depression,1972,53,2,259-263,Peto Attempted suicide and self-mutilation in adolescence: some observations from a psychoanalytic research project,1972,53,2,179-183,Glasser Mysticism and violence: the case of Nikos Kazantzakis,1974,55,2,205-213,Hartocollis A discussion of the paper by Ralph R. Greenson on 'transference: Freud or Klein',1974,55,0,49-51,Rosenfeld Fusion with the victim and suicide,1974,55,4,531-4L,Orgel Some comments on "Aggression turned against the self" a brief communication,1974,55,3,365-367,Sandler Spatial representations of transparency and the suicide potential,1974,55,2,287-296,Roth Transference and defence in manic states,1974,55,2,261-271,Klein Transparency and the suicide potential: a reply to the discussion by Olivier Flournoy,1975,56,2,255-257,Roth Psychoanalytic observations on the last painting and suicide of Vincent van Gogh,1976,57,1-2,71-84,Heiman The body as a stage for criminal acting out,1991,72,Pt 3,499-510,Rabih The concept of the death drive: A clinical perspective,2009,90,5,1009-1023,Kernberg Phallic patheticness,1993,74,Pt 3,519-534,Spero Knowing and not knowing massive psychic trauma: forms of traumatic memory,1993,74,Pt 2,287-302,Laub A psychological study of murder,1951,32,2,117-127,Bromberg Stages in the development of control over fire,1952,33,4,416-420,Grinstein On street fear,1953,34,3,232-240,Miller A new hypothesis concerning the relationship of libidinal and aggressive instincts,1954,35,2,234-237,Scott Biological remarks on fears originating in early childhood,1954,35,1,57-67,Szekely Homicide during a schizophrenic episode,1955,36,1,43-52,Sheehan-dare Psycho-analytic reflections on the development of ball games particularly cricket,1956,37,2-3,185-192,Stokes The awarding of a penis as compensation for rape; a demonstration of the clinical relevance of the psychoanalytic study of cultural data,1957,38,6,398-401,Devereux An Irish legend as proof of Freud's theory of joint parricide,1957,38,2,117-120,Veszy-Wagner A psycho-analytic approach to the treatment of the murderer,1960,41,,532-539,Williams Postponing trauma: The dangers of telling,2009,90,6,1319-1340,Rosenblum Symposium on 'Reinterpretations of the Scheber case: Freud's theory of paranoia'. IV. Schreber parricide and paranoid-masochism,1963,44,,208-212,Nydes Traumatic effects of political repression in Chile: a clinical experience,2005,86,Pt 5,1317-1328,Cordal Perverse relationships: the perspective of the perpetrator,2005,86,Pt 3,755-773,Filippini Trauma terrorism--man's inhumanity to man,2004,85,Pt 4,983-986,Elmendorf Sanctioned social violence: A psychoanalytic view--part I,2003,84,Pt 3,683-698,Kernberg Murder on the mind: Tyranical power and other points along the perverse spectrum,2010,91,1,141-162,Tuch Problems of technique in the analysis of a juvenile delinquent. Therapeutic alliance and transference neurosis,1967,48,3,439-447,Zavitzianos Delusional fixity sense of conviction and the psychotic conflict,1967,48,4,475-495,Frosch Terror persecution dread--a dissection of paranoid anxieties,1968,49,2,396-401,Meltzer A provisional theory of aetiology in male homosexuality. A case of preoedipal origin,1968,49,1,27-37,Socarides On the genesis of acting out and psychopathic behaviour in Sophocles' Oedipus. Notes on Filicide,1968,49,2,390-394,Rascovsky A speculation on perversion and hallucination,1993,74,Pt 1,81-92,Adair The Italian Red Brigades and the structure and dynamics of terrorist groups,2010,91,3,541-560,Tarantelli The Kore complex: the myths and some unconscious fantasies,1994,75,Pt 2,243-263,Fairfield The confusion of tongues and psychic trauma,1994,75,Pt 5-6,871-882,Blum A core phantasy in violence,1995,76,Pt 6,1215-1231,Perelberg The prohibition of incest filicide and the sociocultural process,1972,53,2,271-276,Rascovsky Psychoanalytic reflections on the body in racism homophobia and misogyny,2007,88,Pt 6,1543-1549,Lieberman Listening to Narcissus (when words alone do not suffice ...),1996,77,Pt 3,497-508,Dufresne Revenge and resentment in the 'Oedipus situation',1996,77,3,433-443,Steiner Musical pleasure,1993,74,2,383-391,Galimany The 'uncanny' the sacred and the narcissism of culture: the development of the ego and the progress of civilization,2007,88,Pt 4,1019-1037,Andrade Metaphor and the violent,2005,86,Pt 3,802-823,Campbell The metapsychology of autoscopic phenomena,1960,41,,619-625,Ostow Curse and consequence: King Lear's destructive narcissism,2010,91,6,1503-1521,Schafer The effects of trauma on young children: a case of 2-year-old twins,1995,76,Pt 3,595-607,Osofsky Unprovoked assaults--making sense of apparently random violence,1995,76,Pt 3,565-575,Sohn Understanding the violent patient: the use of the body and the role of the father,1995,76,Pt 3,487-501,Fonagy Prototypical expectations of safety: a developmental approach to the assessment of the psychoanalytic process,1995,76,Pt 6,1245-1255,Seganti The ontogeny of a sexual fetish from birth to age 30 and memory processes. A research case report from a prospective longitudinal study,1997,78,Pt 4,755-771,Massie Libido and lethe. Fundamentals of a formalised conception of metapsychology,1997,78,Pt 4,683-697,Schmidt-Hellerau Femininity and masculinity: clinical notes on mutual fears,1997,78,Pt 2,369-372,Fandiño Filho On psychoanalysis and sociology,1970,51,1,33-48,Horn Psychoanalytic reflections on the psychiatry of the poor,1970,51,4,503-509,Bychowski Paradise lost: a case of hysteria illustrating a specific dynamic of seduction trauma,1994,75,3,499-510,Adams-Silvan Death in the afternoon,2006,87,Pt 1,204-217,Chassay Thinking under fire,2006,87,Pt 1,1-10; discussion 11-5 17-23,Quinodoz Intergenerational transmission of trauma: what we have learned from our work with mother and infants affected by the trauma of 9/11,2006,87,Pt 2,555-557,Pierce My life is a longing: child abuse and its adult sequelae. Results of the Brody longitudinal study from birth to age 30,2006,87,Pt 2,471-496,Massie Vicissitudes in adult life resulting from traumatic experiences in adolescence,2006,87,Pt 5,1239-1257,Maldonado 'The newspaper reader': on the meaning of concrete objects in a psychoanalytic treatment,2006,87,Pt 6,1629-1647,Selow Julie's museum: the evolution of thinking dreaming and historicization in the treatment of traumatized patients,2006,87,Pt 6,1569-1585,Brown Framing and interpretation in the analysis of adolescents,2005,86,Pt 1,159-162,Gómez Psychoanalysis on the frontiers of terror: experiences in the USA Israel and Peru,2005,86,Pt 1,147-149,MacGaffin Sibling loss guilt and reparation: a case study,2007,88,Pt 1,41-54,Christian On: metaphor and the violent act,2005,86,Pt 4,1200-1; author reply 1201-3,Aubry The relevance of psychoanalysis to an understanding of terrorism,2005,86,Pt 4,957-62: discussion 963-7 969-73,Twemlow On: The relevance of psychoanalysis to an understanding of terrorism,2005,86,Pt 5,1479-1480,Sonnenberg Trauma and sexuality,1998,79,1,144-147,Jordán-Moore On violence. A preliminary communication,1998,79,5,887-902,Glasser 'Killing the angel in the house': creativity femininity and aggression,1998,79,4,757-774,Parker Colonial aggression and collective aggressor trauma,2009,90,5,1157-1168,West-Leuer A note on Mafia movies,2009,90,3,661-664,Frosch A contemporary child-case discussion,2009,90,1,27-34,Ungar Performative and enactive features of psychoanalytic witnessing: the transference as the scene of address,2009,90,6,1359-1372,Reis Trauma theory in Sándor Ferenczi's writings of 1931 and 1932,2009,90,6,1217-1233,Gutiérrez Peláez Murdered father; dead father: revisiting the Oedipus complex,2009,90,4,713-732,Perelberg On: the concept of death drive and aggression,2010,91,3,641-642,Kapusta Notes on the beating fantasy,2010,91,3,505-519,Sirois Prospero's paper,2001,82,Pt 6,1235-1246,Hildebrand On: Verdi's Rigoletto: the dialectic interplay of the psychic positions in seemingly 'mindless' violence,2004,85,Pt 1,199-200; author reply 200-1,Pacheco e Silva Filho Institutional responses to boundary violations: the case of Masud Khan,2004,85,Pt 1,27-42,Sandler The descent into suicide,2004,85,Pt 3,653-667,Maltsberger The Middle East crisis: psychoanalytic reflections,2004,85,Pt 5,1265-1268,Silverman Working with psychotic and non-psychotic patients in situations of terror and military dictatorships,2004,85,Pt 5,1247-1249,Kogan Narcissistic configurations: violence and its absence in treatment,2004,85,Pt 5,1065-1079,Perelberg The problems of technique with severely ill patients,2002,83,Pt 3,704-707,Minerbo From the theory of seduction to traumatic seduction: incest,2002,83,Pt 2,504-507,Castellano Why aggression? Metapsychological clinical and technical considerations,2002,83,Pt 6,1269-1289,Schmidt-Hellerau The work of the psychoanalyst in the field of psychosis,2007,88,Pt 2,407-421,Balestriere Sanctioned social violence: a psychoanalytic view. Part II,2003,84,Pt 4,953-968,Kernberg Verdi's Rigoletto: the dialectic interplay of the psychic positions in seemingly 'mindless' violence,2003,84,Pt 5,1295-1313,Bergstein On James Herzog's 'Blood and love',2000,81,Pt 3,595-597,Ferro Glycaemic dysregulation and relational/affective dysregulation in a patient with diabetes mellitus,2000,81,Pt 2,291-305,Solano A new look at the theory of Melanie Klein,1990,71,Pt 3,499-511,Stein Analysis of a little girl with an autistic syndrome,1990,71,Pt 3,403-410,Cecchi Therapy with a sexually abused woman,1991,72,3,403-415,Eyre Freud's Irma dream: a psychoanalytic interpretation,1991,72,2,275-286,Mautner Mourning and erotic transference,1992,73,3,527-539,Kavaler-Adler The interplay between identifications and identity in the analysis of a violent young man: issues of technique,1999,80,1,31-45,Perelberg On violence,1999,80,3,626-628,Meloy Between physical desire and emotional involvement: Reflections on Frédéric Fonteyne’s film Une Liaison Pornographique1,2009,90,6,1441-1447,Sabbadini Cliniques de la délinquance [Clinical Studies of Delinquency],2009,90,1,160-167,Driant Is feminine masochism a concept worth reviving?,2009,90,4,867-882,Steyn The death drive: Conceptual analysis and relevance in the Spanish psychoanalytic community1,2009,90,2,263-289,Armengou Behind the sun: From blind vengeance to freedom,2009,90,1,135-143,Brearley Verdi's Rigoletto: The dialectic interplay of the psychic positions in seemingly ‘mindless’ violence,2003,84,5,1295-1313,Bergstein My life is a longing: Child abuse and its adult sequelae Results of the Brody longitudinal study from birth to age 30,2006,87,2,471-496,Massie ‘Are you a woman—or a flower?’: The capacity to experience beauty1,2007,88,6,1491-1506,Sweetnam ‘Don't save her’– Sigmund Freud meets Project Pat: The rescue motif in hip‐hop1,2008,89,4,727-742,Fulmer Aesthetic experience,2008,89,1,127-142,Sirois Approaches to prevention of intergenerational transmission of hate war and violence1,2007,88,2,507-514,Pender Between memory and destiny: Repetition1,2007,88,2,309-328,Marucco Brodeuses [Sequins] (2005): The sparkle in a mother's eyes1,2007,88,1,242-252,Faucher Creativity and dialectical phenomena From dialectical edge to dialectical space1,2007,88,3,591-607,Israelstam David Cronenberg’s Spider : Between confusion and fragmentation,2008,89,2,427-432,Sabbadini Film Essay

Michel Deville’s La lectrice: Honouring or deriding Freud’s theories through bibliotherapy?,2008,89,6,1237-1250,Schaub Film Essay

Reality game: Contemporary violence and denaturization of language,2008,89,5,1047-1055,Minerbo Freud's prehistoric matrix‐Owing ‘nature’ a death,2007,88,6,1345-1373,Raphael‐Leff From Dream story (Schnitzler) to Eyes wide shut (Kubrick) From identity through meaning formation to identity through excitation1,2007,88,3,735-751,Danckwardt Grievance: The underlying oedipal configuration,2008,89,4,743-758,Feldman Hunger and love: Schiller and the origin of drive dualism in Freud's work1,2007,88,1,167-182,Cotti Immersion versus interactivity and analytic field1,2008,89,2,279-298,Civitarese Leaps of faith: Is forgiveness a useful concept?,2008,89,5,919-936,Smith Little Hans and the thought police: The ‘policeman fantasies’ as the first reported supervisory transference fantasies,2008,89,1,71-88,Wakefield Performance as annihilation or integration?1,2007,88,5,1117-1133,Danckwardt Playing with unreality: Transference and computer1,2008,89,1,111-126,Lingiardi Psychoanalysis science and art: Aesthetics in the making of a psychoanalyst1,2007,88,2,489-505,Frayze‐Pereira Psychoanalytic transformations1,2007,88,6,1375-1389,Riolo Puberta e adolescenza. Il tempo della trasformazione: segnali di disagio tra gli 11 e i 14 anni [Puberty and Adolescence. The Period of Change: Signs of Difficulty in 11–14 year‐olds]1,2008,89,2,464-467,Tabanelli Racial fantasies and the primal scene of miscegenation,2008,89,1,55-70,Calvo Remembrance trauma and collective memory: The battle for memory in psychoanalysis,2007,88,2,329-352,Bohleber Repression and splitting: Towards a method of conceptual comparison1,2008,89,3,503-521,Hinshelwood Si l'analyste passe à l'acte [What Happens When the Analyst Acts Out?]1,2008,89,2,460-464,Llopis‐Salvan Space and time in psychoanalytic listening1,2007,88,6,1473-1490,Perelberg The analyst’s implicit alpha‐function trauma and enactment in the analysis of borderline patients,2008,89,1,161-180,Cassorla The body in the analytic session: Focusing on the body–mind link1,2008,89,1,89-110,Lombardi The destruction of time in pathological narcissism,2008,89,2,299-312,Kernberg The impact of intrusive identification in the analytic process: Some implications of real trauma and phantasy1,2007,88,3,627-642,Zaslavsky The influence of extreme traumatization on body mind and social relations,2007,88,6,1527-1542,Rosenbaum The internal world of Don Giovanni,2008,89,1,181-194,Rusbridger The language of absence,2008,89,3,561-578,Gurevich The paedophile and his inner world: Theoretical and clinical considerations on the analysis of a patient1,2007,88,1,147-165,Masi The superego narcissism and Great Expectations,2007,88,3,753-768,Ingham The work of the psychoanalyst in the field of psychosis1,2007,88,2,407-421,Balestriere Torment Me But Don’t Abandon Me: Psychoanalysis of the Severe Neuroses in a New Key,2008,89,6,1274-1280,Robertson Transference to the analyst as an excluded observer1,2008,89,1,39-54,Steiner Two faces of Thanatos: Broken flowers (2005) and Ai no corrida (1976)1,2007,88,3,777-790,Minerbo Unravelling the riddle of exhibitionism: A lesson in the power tactics of perverse interpersonal relationships,2008,89,1,143-160,Tuch The role of the father in a pre-suicide state,1995,76,2,315-323,Campbell Play experimentation and creativity,1996,77,5,859-869,Caper Sexual masochism: a case report,1971,52,4,469-478,Lihn Biotrauma fear of death and aggression,1972,53,2,291-299,Stern An ego-psychological approach to the problem of oral aggression,1972,53,1,77-82,Clerk Some thoughts on the essence of the tragic,1998,79,5,955-964,Arvanitakis Psychic changes in the paternal image,1992,73,4,757-771,Rosenfeld Adolescence and borderline pathology: characteristics of the relevant psychoanalytic process,1992,73,4,739-755,Paz A perversion named desire,1991,72,1,73-92,Torres 'To be the best or not to be that is the question ...' On enactment play and acting out,1991,72,3,539-551,Van Waning A discussion of the paper by William A. Binstock on purgation through pity and terror,1974,55,,67-70,Yorke A discussion of the paper by William A. Binstock on 'purgation through pity and terror',1974,55,0,67-70,Yorke Aggression error and truth: a reply to the discussion by Samuel Ritvo,1975,56,2,249-251,La Porta Perversion idealization and sublimation: a reply to the discussion by André Lussier,1975,56,2,233-235,Chasseguet-Smirgel Purgation through pity and terror: a reply to the discussion by Clifford Yorke,1975,56,2,225-227,Binstock Narcissism continuity and the uncanny,1975,56,1,77-86,Bach The mutual influences of the positive cohesive self mental representational structures and interactive behaviour in the child's involvement with peers,1976,57,4,461-475,Horner Incestuous failure. Studies of transference phenomena with young psychotic patients and their mothers,1976,57,4,277-281,Conran Depersonalization: a self-relations perspective,1977,58,3,325-331,Sacks Childhood seduction parental pathology and hysterical symptomatology: the genesis of an altered state of consciousness,1979,60,1,109-116,Silber Some reflections on a case of mother/adolescent son incest,1980,61,Pt 4,461-476,Shengold A severe form of breakdown in communication in the psychoanalysis of an ill adolescent,1990,71,2,309-319,Kennedy Perverse relationships between parts of the self: a clinical illustration,1982,63,Pt 2,241-251,Steiner Dreams and dreaming in relation to trauma in childhood,1982,63,Pt 2,157-166,Dowling Anxiety and the restitutional function of homosexual cruising,1984,65,1,45-53,Calef The dark continent and its enigmas,1984,65,2,179-189,Zak de Goldstein Some implications of former massive traumatization upon the actual analytic process,1984,65,3,273-281,De Wind The Holocaust,1998,79,2,376-379,Scharff Chronicle of an incest foretold,1998,79,2,317-331,Michelena Bilaterality: hemispheric specialisation and integration,1998,79,3,565-578,Pally Sexuality sublimation and psychic activity,1998,79,4,802-805,Amati-Mehler Attachment representations in adult years: implications for psychoanalysis,1998,79,4,798-801,Bernardi On: Miscarriages of psychoanalytic treatment with suicidal patients,2004,85,Pt 1,198-199,Schwaber A psychoanalytical phenomenology of perversion,2004,85,Pt 1,65-81,Jiménez The role of pre-oedipal and oedipal factors in psychic life,2006,87,Pt 1,219-236,Kancyper Putting into words putting to rest and putting aside the ancestors. How an analysand who was heir to the Armenian genocide of 1915 worked through mourning,1999,80,3,439-448,Altounian Listening psychoanalytically to the Shoah half a century on,1999,80,3,429-438,Wilgowicz The impact of a war experience on the inner world of a young child,1999,80,6,1147-1164,Goldie Male gender identity and sexual behaviour,1999,80,6,1105-1117,Chused Being in love and object loss,1973,54,1,1-8,Bak Bion's discovery of alpha function: Thinking under fire on the battlefield and in the consulting room,2012,93,5,1191-1214,Brown The psychodynamic of panic attacks: a useful integration of psychoanalysis and neuroscience,2004,85,Pt 2,311-336,De Masi Gaze dominance and humiliation in the Schreber case,2004,85,Pt 2,269-284,Steiner Submission inhibition and sexuality: masochistic character and psychic change in Austen's Mansfield Park,2005,86,Pt 2,483-501,Hanly Destruction and guilt: splitting and reintegration in the analysis of a traumatised patient,2005,86,Pt 2,353-373,Henningsen Los Degradados: out down dead. Transmitted and inflicted trauma as encountered in the analysis of a 6-year-old girl,2005,86,Pt 2,291-310,Herzog The ego the ocular and the uncanny: Why are metaphors of vision central in accounts of the uncanny?,2013,94,3,453-476,Rahimi The rape of Medusa in the temple of Athena: aspects of triangulation in the girl,2002,83,Pt 4,895-911,Seelig Reflections on the gender of violence,2013,94,6,1198-1200,Mauss-Hanke Instincts and hostile affects,1978,59,2-3,149-156,Hanly Wilhelm Reich's self-censorship after his arrest as an enemy alien: The chilling effect of an illegal imprisonment,2014,95,2,341-364,Bennett From fantasy to reality in the transference (or the double aspect of the psychoanalyst),1974,55,4,471-481,Berry-Bertrand Hostility and mystery in perversion,1974,55,3,425-434,Stoller A discussion of the paper by Rose Edgcumbe and Joseph Sandler 'Some comments on "Aggression turned against the self": a brief communication',1974,55,3,369-370,Ritvo Further contributions to the treatment of narcissistic personalities,1974,55,2,215-247,Kernberg A borderline case: ego synthesis and cognition,1974,55,0,13-19,Atkin A discussion of the paper by Ernesto M. La Porta on "Agression error and truth",1974,55,3,383-384,Ritvo Aggression error and truth,1974,55,3,379-381,La Porta On 'the fear of death' as the primary anxiety: How and why Klein differs from Freud,2014,95,4,613-627,Blass An appraisal of self psychology,1985,66,Pt 1,95-107,London Defensive anality and anal narcissism,1985,66,Pt 1,47-73,Shengold The shame of existing: an extreme form of shame,2014,95,4,695-717,Wille Doubt in the psychoanalysis of a paedophile,2014,95,3,441-463,Campbell The active and passive fantasy of rape as a specific determinant in a case of acrophobia,1986,67,Pt 4,467-473,Adams-Silvan Two complementary cases of identification involving 'Third Reich' fathers,1986,67,Pt 3,317-327,Eckstaedt The psychodynamics of apocalyptic: discussion of papers on identification and the Nazi phenomenon,1986,67,Pt 3,277-285,Ostow On identification and its vicissitudes,1986,67,Pt 3,267-276,Blum Identification and its vicissitudes as observed in the perversions,1986,67,Pt 1,9-17,Glasser Identification and its vicissitudes in relation to the Nazi phenomenon,1986,67,Pt 1,53-64,Rosenfeld Identification and its vicissitudes in the context of the Nazi phenomenon,1986,67,Pt 1,33-44,Eickhoff Primal repression: clinical and theoretical aspects,1986,67,Pt 3,337-355,Cohen The longest pleasure: a psychoanalytic study of hatred,1987,68 ( Pt 3),,371-378,Galdston Analytic work with adolescents: terminable and interminable,1988,69 ( Pt 2),,179-187,Burgner The personal myth as a defence against internal primitive aggression,1988,69 ( Pt 4),,475-482,Beratis The paternal function in Winnicott: the psychoanalytical frame,2014,95,4,629-640,Faimberg Debt shame and violence in adolescence: reactions to the absent father in the film Bullet Boy,2014,95,5,1011-1020,Campbell Anna Freud and the Holocaust: mourning and survival guilt,2014,95,6,1183-1210,Hartman The 'too muchness' of excitement: sexuality in light of excess attachment and affect regulation,2015,96,1,39-63,Benjamin Metapsychological and clinical issues in psychosomatics research,2015,97,1,89-113,Press Psychotic functioning in adolescence: the perverse solution to survive,2015,96,5,1335-1353,Nicolò Delusion and bi-ocular vision,2015,96,5,1189-1211,De Masi 'Though he slay me yet will I trust in him': a critical reconstruction of Winnicott's theory of value,2015,97,4,1035-1056,Groarke A discussion of the paper "Hostility and mystery in perversion",1974,55,3,435-438,Uchôa M by Fritz Lang (Germany 1931) Phenomenology of Evil: a serial killer and his social group,2015,96,5,1423-1439,Secchi Primary shame mortal wound and tragic circularity: some new reflections on shame and shame conflicts,2015,96,6,1615-1634,Wurmser Revisiting the crisis in Freud's libido theory and Abraham's concept of the oral-sadistic phase as a way out of it,2016,97,5,1263-1278,Dahl Further considerations of theory technique and affect in child psychoanalysis: two prelatency cases,2016,97,5,1279-1297,Holinger The invasion of reality (or of negotiation): the psychoanalytic ethic and extinction anxiety,2016,98,5,1311-1332,Nociforo 11 September an attack at the limits of thought,2016,98,5,1359-1384,Patalano On fascination and fear of annihilation,2016,98,3,633-655,Thys 'For Beauty is nothing but the barely endurable onset of Terror': outline of a general psychoanalytic aesthetics,2017,98,3,657-681,Leikert Black Swan - the sacrifice of a prima ballerina: psychosexual (self-)injuries as the legacy of archaic experiences of violence,2017,98,4,1233-1244,West-Leuer Panel Report IPA Congress Buenos Aires 2017: Courage to fight violence against women: Perversion of intimacy Part II,2017,98,6,1807-1811,Monder Oedipality and oedipal complexes reconsidered: on the incest taboo as key to the universality of the human condition,2019,100,1,7-31,Barratt Delusion and reparation,2018,99,5,1057-1074,Bronstein Necessary violence necessary pleasure: the common ground of literature and psychoanalysis,2020,101,2,288-299,Chaplin "Operational" concepts in the phenomenon of Islamist radicalization: from the subject to the apocalypse,2021,102,2,315-340,Jaccard Psychoanalysis and social violence: Civilization and Its Discontents revisited,2020,101,6,1248-1263,Jozef Perelberg Violent emotions and the violence of life,2020,101,5,863-878,Bergstein Freud's Why War? Revisited,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chetrit-Vatine Violence in infancy and its relationship with perverse aspects in the development of a child,2021,102,3,543-559,Lerner Siblings sex and shame: the film Shame (2011),2021,102,3,603-616,Schiller We are looking deeper than Freud … on the departure from the primacy of the sexual in Berlin and London between 1920 and 1925,2022,103,2,328-349,May Transgenerational violence and immunological deficits a psychosomatic hypothesis,2022,103,2,307-327,Papazian The correspondence between Albert Einstein and Sigmund Freud in "Why War" and the socio-political perspective of Alfred Adler,2022,103,3,480-494,White The murder of the dead father: the Shoah and contemporary antisemitism,2022,103,5,851-871,Perelberg Self-harm,2022,103,6,1089-1103,Persano Reflections on masochism: an introduction,2022,103,6,1025-1037,Bronstein On brutal gestures: trauma destruction and forms of mental illness,2023,104,1,122-136,Coelho Junior The dynamics of violence in everyday living - an Indian context,2023,104,3,546-555,Basak Understanding and responding early to childhood trauma,2023,104,3,565-573,Marans Panel on: "Terror at the gates: on psychoanalysis and fascism amnesia",2023,104,5,941-943,McAfee Terrorism: The impact on the fabric of our communities and in our consulting rooms,2023,104,5,933-935,Velt Perversion annihilates creativity and love: A passion for destruction in The Piano Teacher (2001),2005,86,4,1205-1212,Haneke Developments on the concept of the super-ego in Bion's work,2020,101,4,757-768,Braga Miscarriages of psychoanalytic treatment with suicidal patients,2003,84,Pt 2,249-261,Gabbard On 'Miscarriages of psychoanalytic treatment with suicidal patients',2003,84,Pt 4,1062-1063,Morra On: Miscarriages of psychoanalytic treatment with suicidal patients,2003,84,Pt 5,1363-1364,Da Silva On: death in the afternoon,2006,87,Pt 3,863; author reply 863-864,Bishara Trauma and depression,2006,87,Pt 3,859-861,Blum Marie Bonaparte her first two patients and the literary world,2010,91,4,879-894,Amouroux Two modalities of manic defences: their function in adolescent breakdown,2010,91,3,583-600,Bronstein War terror and mourning. 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