Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author
Sleep paralysis sexual abuse and space alien abduction,2005,42,1,113-122,McNally
Cultural traits and immigration: hostility and suicidality in Chinese Canadian students,2004,41,4,514-532,Daigle
Karo-kari: a form of honor killing in Pakistan,2008,45,4,683-694,Patel
Daily stressors war experiences and mental health in Afghanistan,2008,45,4,611-638,Miller
Culture power and practice in a psychosocial program for survivors of torture and refugee trauma,2007,44,3,482-503,McKinney
No refuge from terror: the impact of detention on the mental health of trauma-affected refugees seeking asylum in Australia,2007,44,3,359-393,Silove
The Validity and Clinical Utility of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder in Afghanistan,2009,46,2,219-237,Miller
A Qualitative Study of Mental Health Problems among Children Displaced by War in Northern Uganda,2009,46,2,238-256,Bolton
The Cultural Formulation: A Model to Combine Nosology and Patients’ Life Context in Psychiatric Diagnostic Practice,2009,46,3,406-428,Bäärnhielm
A Qualitative Study of Clinicians’ Use of the Cultural Formulation Model in Assessing Posttraumatic Stress Disorder,2009,46,3,429-450,Fortuna
Clinical Pitfalls in the Diagnosis of Ataque de Nervios: A Case Study,2009,46,3,463-486,Oquendo
Letter to the Editor: What do we mean by "Asian"?,2009,46,3,531-535,Babbar
Communal violence and child psychosocial well-being: qualitative findings from Poso Indonesia,2010,47,1,112-135,de Jong
Truth and reconciliation commissions: problems in transitional justice and the reconstruction of identity,2010,47,1,33-49,Avruch
Peace studies and conflict resolution: the need for transdisciplinarity,2010,47,1,20-32,Galtung
Peace Conflict and Reconciliation: Contributions of Cultural Psychiatry,2010,47,1,5-19,Kirmayer
"Look Me in the Eye": Empathy and the Transmission of Trauma in the Refugee Determination Process,2010,47,1,70-92,Rousseau
When I know who "we" are I can be "me": The primary role of cultural identity clarity for psychological well-being,2010,47,1,93-111,Usborne
Shared Death: Self Sociality and Internet Group Suicide in Japan,2010,47,3,392-418,Ozawa-De Silva
Raves Psychosis and Spirit Healing,2010,47,3,491-501,Seeman
Women trafficked into prostitution: determinants human rights and health needs,2007,44,3,338-358,Stewart
The pathway between conflict and reconciliation: coexistence as an evolutionary process,2010,47,1,55-69,Sluzki
The McDonaldization of Childhood: Children's Mental Health in Neo-liberal Market Cultures,2010,47,5,686-706,Timimi
Social Ecology of Child Soldiers: Child Family and Community Determinants of Mental Health Psychosocial Well-being and Reintegration in Nepal,2010,47,5,727-753,Tol
The Role of Acculturation in Suicidal Ideation among Second-Generation Immigrant Adolescents in France,2010,47,5,812-832,Rodgers
Multicultural Evidence-Based Assessment of Child and Adolescent Psychopathology,2010,47,5,707-726,Achenbach
Women's aggressive use of genital power in Africa,2006,43,4,592-599,Stevens
Cultural challenges to psychosocial counselling in Nepal,2005,42,2,317-333,Tol
Reconceptualizing the sequelae of political torture: limitations of a psychiatric paradigm,2004,41,1,46-61,Kagee
Institutionalization and psychological suffering: notes on the mental health of institutionalized adolescents in Brazil,2004,41,2,281-293,Leite
Do South African former detainees experience post-traumatic stress? Circumventing the demand characteristics of psychological assessment,2004,41,3,323-336,Kagee
Impact of September 11 on refugees and those seeking asylum,2007,44,4,566-580,Keane
Difficulties and coping strategies of Sudanese refugees: a qualitative approach,2008,45,3,489-512,White
Prostitution in Vancouver: Violence and the Colonization of First Nations Women,2005,42,2,242-271,Farley
Colonialism and Countertransference: Two Cases of the Sexual Abuse of Women by Doctors,2006,43,2,235-242,Littlewood
Shifting Identities and Transcultural Psychiatry,2002,39,2,173-195,Miyaji
From PTSD to "national trauma": The case of the Israel Trauma Center for Victims of Terror and War,2011,48,4,416-436,Bilu
The meanings of suicidal behaviour to psychology students in Ghana: A qualitative approach,2011,48,5,643-659,Hjelmeland
Distancing: A traditional mechanism of dealing with suicide among the Baganda Uganda,2011,48,5,624-642,Hjelmeland
Cultural psychiatry and epidemiology: Researching the means methods and meanings,2011,48,1-2,90-103,Bhui
Self-immolation suicide and self-harm in Buddhist and Western traditions,2011,48,3,299-317,Kelly
The impact of stressors on second generation Indian residential school survivors,2011,48,4,367-391,Anisman
Women who jump into wells: Reflections on suicidality in women from conflict regions of the Indian subcontinent,2011,48,5,585-603,Guzder
The mental health and psychosocial effects of organized violence: A qualitative study in northern Haiti,2012,49,3-4,590-612,Bolton
Immigrants and refugees: the psychiatric perspective,2006,43,4,577-591,Kinzie
Unaiza Niaz wars insurgencies and terrorist attacks: a psycho-social perspective from the Muslim world,2012,49,3-4,642-644,Ekblad
Are suicide attempts by young Latinas a cultural idiom of distress?,2012,49,5,718-734,Zayas
Men in despair: A qualitative psychological autopsy study of suicide in Northern Uganda,2012,49,5,696-717,Hjelmeland
Can sociocultural and historical mechanisms influence the development of borderline personality disorder?,2013,50,1,140-151,Lis
Internet suicide: Communities of affirmation and the lethality of communication,2013,50,2,303-322,Niezen
Integration of sexual trauma in a religious narrative: Transformation resolution and growth among contemplative nuns,2013,50,1,21-46,Leavey
The relationship of PTSD to key somatic complaints and cultural syndromes among Cambodian refugees attending a psychiatric clinic: The Cambodian Somatic Symptom and Syndrome Inventory (CSSI),2013,50,3,347-370,Hofmann
Internet suicide in Japan: A qualitative content analysis of a suicide bulletin board,2013,50,2,280-302,Ikunaga
Violence against women in intimate relations: insights from cross-cultural analyses,1996,33,4,435-465,Krane
Prevalence and risk factors of problematic Internet use: a cross-national comparison of Japanese and Chinese university students,2013,50,2,263-279,Yamawaki
Ethnic and religious discrimination: The multifaceted role of religiosity and collective self-esteem,2013,50,4,475-492,Hassan
Did Christianity lead to schizophrenia? Psychosis psychology and self reference,2013,50,3,397-420,Dein
Digital media the developing brain and the interpretive plasticity of neuroplasticity,2013,50,2,192-215,Choudhury
Collective trauma processing: Dissociation as a way of processing postwar traumatic stress in Guinea Bissau,2013,50,5,644-661,Reis
The social construction of violence among Northern Plains tribal members with antisocial personality disorder and alcohol use disorder,2014,51,1,23-46,Beals
A comparison of the prevalence and risk factors of suicidal ideation and suicide attempts in two American Indian and a general population sample,2014,51,1,3-22,Enns
"Rebuilding our community": Hearing silenced voices on Aboriginal youth suicide,2014,51,1,47-72,Walls
Dead-baby dreams transfiguration and recovery from infant death trauma in northeast Brazil,2013,50,5,662-682,Nations
Suicidal ideation in an ethnically mixed highland Guatemalan community,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Pezzia
Frequent mental distress (FMD) in Irish Travellers: Discrimination and bereavement negatively influence mental health in the All Ireland Traveller Health Study,2013,50,4,559-578,Malone
Prevalence of suicide ideation and attempts among Black Americans in later life,2014,51,2,190-208,Taylor
Local responses to trauma: Symptom affect and healing,2013,50,5,607-621,Hinton
Back from the edge of existence: A critical anthropology of trauma,2013,50,5,753-762,Lester
Children enacting idioms of witchcraft and spirit possession as a response to trauma: Therapeutically beneficial and for whom?,2013,50,5,622-643,Reis
The intergenerational effects of Indian Residential Schools: implications for the concept of historical trauma,2014,51,3,320-338,Anisman
Community resilience factors among indigenous Sámi adolescents: A qualitative study in Northern Norway,2014,51,5,651-672,Spein
Rethinking historical trauma,2014,51,3,299-319,Gone
Ethnic differences in suicide behavior in Singapore,2014,52,1,3-17,Mak
Attaining khinem: challenges coping strategies and resilience among Eveny adolescents in northeastern Siberia,2014,51,5,632-650,Ulturgasheva
The Durkheim-Tarde debate and the social study of aboriginal youth suicide,2014,52,1,96-114,Niezen
"I felt sad and did not enjoy life": cultural context and the associations between anhedonia depressed mood and momentary emotions,2015,52,5,616-635,Ryder
Calming the mind: Healing after mass atrocity in Cambodia,2015,52,4,543-560,Agger
Daya Somasundaram Scarred Communities. Psychosocial Impact of Man-Made and Natural Disasters on Sri Lanka Society,2015,52,6,NP10-NP11,Fernando
Cannabis use and violence in three remote Aboriginal Australian communities: Analysis of clinic presentations,2015,52,6,827-839,Conigrave
Exploring domestic violence and social distress in Australian-Indian migrants through community theater,2015,53,1,24-44,Colucci
Editorial: Refugees and forced migration: hardening of the arteries in the global reign of insecurity,2007,44,3,307-310,Kirmayer
Does trauma type relate to posttraumatic growth after war? A pilot study of young Iraqi war survivors living in Turkey,2015,53,1,110-123,Kılıç
Indigenous identity transformations: the pivotal role of student-to-student abuse in Indian residential schools,2016,53,5,551-573,Anisman
Violence addiction recovery: an anthropological study of Mexico's anexos,2016,53,4,445-464,Garcia
Recovery stories: An anthropological exploration of moral agency in stories of mental health recovery,2016,53,4,427-444,Myers
Special competencies for psychological assessment of torture survivors,2016,54,2,239-259,Huminuik
Mass fainting in garment factories in Cambodia,2017,54,2,155-178,Eisenbruch
"In our community a friend is a psychologist": an ethnographic study of informal care in two Bhutanese refugee communities,2017,54,3,400-422,Sapkota
A community-based qualitative study of intergenerational resilience with Palestinian refugee families facing structural violence and historical trauma,2017,54,3,357-383,Atallah
"Our lifestyle is a mix-match": traditional healers talk about suicide and suicide prevention in South Africa,2018,55,1,73-93,Swartz
The use of pathological grief outcomes in bereavement studies on African Americans,2017,54,3,384-399,Granek
Risk factors for multiple suicide attempts among Roma in Hungary,2018,55,1,55-72,Adam
Trauma complexity and child abuse: a qualitative study of attachment narratives in adult refugees with PTSD,2017,54,5-6,840-869,Riber
What is at stake? Exploring the moral experience of stigma with Indian-Australians and Anglo-Australians living with depression,2018,55,2,178-197,Brijnath
'Ayn mika: Traumatic experience social invisibility and emotional distress of sub-Saharan women with precarious status in Morocco,2018,ePub,ePub,1363461518757798,Mekki-Berrada
Testimonial psychotherapy in immigrant survivors of intimate partner violence: a case series,2018,55,5,585-600,Polatin
Understanding Indigenous suicide through a theoretical lens: a review of general culturally-based and Indigenous frameworks,2018,55,6,775-799,Wingate
Loss of loved ones or home due to a disaster: effects over time on distress in immigrant ethnic minorities,2018,55,5,648-668,Kleber
"Please do not act violently towards the staff": expressions and causes of anger violence and aggression in Israeli cancer patients and their families from the perspective of oncologists,2018,ePub,ePub,1363461518786162,Granek
Pathways to and results of psychiatric consultation for patients referred from the emergency department. Are there differences between migrant and native patients?,2019,56,1,167-186,Zeppegno
Reasons for attempting suicide: an exploratory study in Ghana,2019,56,1,233-249,Hjelmeland
"I think I am worth it. I can give up committing suicide": pathways to recovery for Chinese-Canadian women with a history of suicidal behaviour,2019,56,2,305-326,Zaheer
"We are children like others": Pathways to mental health and healing for children born of genocidal rape in Rwanda,2019,56,3,510-528,Kahn
Community leaders' attitudes towards and perceptions of suicide and suicide prevention in Ghana,2019,56,3,529-551,Boakye
History violence and collective memory: implications for mental health in Ecuador,2019,ePub,ePub,1363461519834377,Moncrieff
Group dynamics as a predictor of dissociation for Black victims of violence: an exploratory study of cultural betrayal trauma theory,2019,ePub,ePub,1363461519847300,Gómez
Suicidal behaviors among American Indian/Alaska Native firefighters: evidence for the role of painful and provocative events,2019,ePub,ePub,1363461519847812,Gray
Depression and suicidality in an Afghan refugee: a case report,2019,ePub,ePub,1363461519847314,Morrow
Collective identity social adversity and college student sympathy for violent radicalization,2019,ePub,ePub,1363461519853653,Hassan
Life after armed group involvement in Nepal: a clinical ethnography of psychological well-being of former "child soldiers" over time,2019,ePub,ePub,1363461519850338,Shrestha
Loneliness adolescence and global mental health: Soledad and structural violence in Mexico,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jenkins
Adolescents' perspectives on the psychological effects of natural disasters in China and Nepal,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Leaning
To strive to seek to find and not to yield: narratives on the road to asylum,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hocking
Rehabilitating the mind: Avatar (2009) Inception (2010) and the science fiction imagining of lucid dreaming in the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder in the U.S. military,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Smith
"If somebody could just understand what I am going through it would make all the difference": conceptualizations of trauma in homeless populations experiencing severe mental illness,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gilmoor
A network analysis of culturally relevant anxiety sensitivity and posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms in Cambodians,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Harachi
Substance use affective symptoms and suicidal ideation among Russian Somali and Kurdish migrants in Finland,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Niemela
Analyzing predisposing precipitating and perpetuating factors of militancy through declassified interrogation summaries: a case study,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Krishan Aggarwal
What factors are truly associated with risk for radicalisation? A secondary data analysis within a UK sample,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bhui
Prevalence and predictors of psychopathology in the war-afflicted Syrian population,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Knaevelsrud
Suicidal ideation among North Korean refugees in South Korea: exploring the influence of social network characteristics by gender,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lee
Neighborhood characteristics and ataque de nervios: the role of neighborhood violence,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lemon
The impact of alcohol misuse on fathering in Northern Uganda: an ethnographic study of fathers,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wieling
"My own corner of loneliness:" social isolation and place among Mexican immigrants in Arizona and Turkana pastoralists of Kenya,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Pike
Rethinking sense of coherence: perceptions of comprehensibility manageability and meaningfulness in a group of Palestinian health care providers operating in the West Bank and Israel,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Veronese
Non-suicidal self-injury and its association with identity formation in India and Belgium: a cross-cultural case-control study,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Claes
Hopelessness and shame in relation to suicide attempts by Cuban adolescents,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Koller
Beliefs about causal factors for suicide in rural Alaska Native communities and recommendations for prevention,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Skewes
"Look at it carefully now": Athenian tragedy and the "talking cure",2020,57,6,753-762,Mills
Treatment considerations for foreign-born victims of human trafficking: practical applications of an ecological framework,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Coverdale
Transnational evaluation of the Sympathy for Violent Radicalization Scale: measuring population attitudes toward violent radicalization in two countries,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Brennan
Psychological distress and terrorist engagement: measuring correlating and sequencing its onset with negative life events social factors and protective factors,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gill
Dying in a foreign land: a study of completed suicides among foreign workers in Singapore,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wong
Radicalization to violence: a view from cultural psychiatry,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kirmayer
Evaluation of a training program on the prevention of violent radicalization for health and education professionals,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rousseau
Gender-based violence among refugee women referred to a Cultural Consultation Service in Montreal,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Miquel
"I put a stone on my heart and kept going": an explanatory model of how distress is generated and regulated among Indian women from slums reporting gender-based violence,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Newman
"I thought that I had to be alive to repay my parents": filial piety as a risk and protective factor for suicidal behavior in a qualitative study of Chinese women,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Eynan
Psychosocial concerns in a context of prolonged political oppression: Gaza mental health providers' perceptions,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kagee
Orphans in post-conflict Liberia: seeking care in fractured communities,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Borba
Elevated trauma exposure and mental health burden among men who have sex with men in Vietnam,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sullivan
Suicide in cultural context: an ecosocial approach,2022,59,1,3-12,Kirmayer
The contagion of mental illness: Insights from a Sufi shrine,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sharan
The psychological impact of sexual torture: a gender-critical study of the perspective of UK-based clinicians and survivors,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Dehghan
Modalities of the psychedelic experience: microclimates of set and setting in hallucinogen research and culture,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hartogsohn
Psychometric properties of two mental health screening tools in southeast Liberia: the Liberian Distress Screener and Patient Health Questionnaire,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wagenaar
"I didn't do it!": Lived experiences of suicide attempts made without perceived intent or volition,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gearing
"I wanted to be a bride not a wife": accounts of child marriage in the Bedouin community in Israel,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Binyamini
Psychosocial health in adolescent unmarried motherhood in rural Uganda: Implications for community-based collaborative mental health education and empowerment strategies in the prevention of depression and suicide,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Webb
Collective case formulation in situations of violent radicalization: a critical perspective in training,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rousseau
The association between exposure to hate speech or perceived discrimination and mental health problems among Korean residents in Japan,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Matsumoto
Social zeitgeber and sleep loss as risk factors for suicide in American Indian adolescents,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bernert
"Trust in God but tie your donkey": Holy water priest healers' views on collaboration with biomedical mental health services in Addis Ababa Ethiopia,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Baheretibeb
Depression and intimate partner violence (IPV) in mothers 6 weeks to 12 months post-delivery in a rural setting in Kenya,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mutiso
Gender Culture and Suicidal Behavior,1998,35,2,163-190,Lester
Suicide and Gender in the People's Republic of China Taiwan Hong Kong and Chinese in the US,1998,35,2,235-251,Shiang
Suicide and the Internalization of Culture: ThreE Questions,1998,35,2,221-233,Kral
Suicidal Ideation and Suicide Attempts among Mexican Americans Puerto Ricans and Cuban Americans,1998,35,2,307-327,Ungemack
Suicide in Small-Scale Societies,1998,35,2,291-306,Tousignant
Suicide in Japan: PresenT State and Future Directions for Prevention,1998,35,2,271-289,Takahashi
The Relationship between Culture and Suicide: AN Analysis of African Americans,1998,35,2,253-269,Stack
Suicide in Emigrants from the Indian Subcontinent,2000,37,2,243-254,Lester
Ethnicity and Suicidal Behaviour in Malaysia: A Review of the Literature,2001,38,1,51-63,Morris
Religion and suicide rates,2001,38,1,143-144,Ineichen
In the eyes of others: Loneliness and relational meaning in life among Japanese college students,2020,57,5,623-634,Ozawa-de Silva
The content and meaning of war experiences: A qualitative study of trauma and resilience among Liberian young refugees in Ghana,2021,58,2,254-267,Punamäki
Conceptualizations of help-seeking for mental health concerns in First Nations communities in Canada: A comparison of fit with the Andersen Behavioral Model,2020,57,2,346-362,Mignone
When Cotard's syndrome fits the sociocultural context: The singular case of Per "Dead" Ohlin and the Norwegian black metal music scene,2022,59,2,225-232,Schenberg
The mental health impact of caste and structural inequalities in higher education in India,2021,58,3,392-403,Rao
Suicide Among Canadian Aboriginal Peoples,1994,31,1,3-58,Kirmayer
Widening the Psychiatric gaze: reflections on PsychoDoctor depression and recent transitions in japanese mental health care,2010,47,3,363-391,Vickery
"I felt so hurt and lonely": suicidal behavior in South Asian-Surinamese Turkish and Moroccan women in the Netherlands,2012,49,1,69-86,Smit
''What are you?'' A recurring question in a cross-cultural psychiatrist's life and career,2011,48,1-2,37-52,Hicks
The Role of Religion in Suicidal Behavior Attitudes and Psychological Distress Among University Students: A Multinational Study,2019,56,5,853-877,Voracek
The prevalence of distress depression anxiety and substance use issues among Indigenous post-secondary students in Canada,2020,57,2,263-274,Anderson