Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Heterosexuals' attitudes toward hate crimes and hate speech against gays and lesbians old-fashioned and modern heterosexism,2005,49,2,67-82,Cowan Description of a domestic violence measure for Puerto Rican gay males,2005,50,1,155-173,Rodriguez Madera Violence Against Bisexuals Gays and Lesbians in Mexico City,2005,50,4,113-140,Ortiz-Hern 225 Ndez Negotiating Limits. The Legal Status of S/M in the United States,2006,50,2-3,189-216,Ridinger Factors associated with 'feeling suicidal' -- the role of sexual identity,2006,51,1,59-80,Crawford Understanding the experiences of lesbian bisexual and trans survivors of domestic violence: A qualitative study,2006,51,1,159-181,Fawcett Suicide among homosexual youth,2002,42,4,107-117,Lebson Suicide among gay and lesbian adolescents and young adults: a review of the literature,2000,40,1,1-29,Kulkin Sexuality and school shootings: What role does teasing play in school massacres,2006,51,4,39-62,Klein Attempted suicide among transgender persons: The influence of gender-based discrimination and victimization,2006,51,3,53-69,Katz Documenting prejudice against lesbians and gay men on campus: The Yale Sexual Orientation Survey,1993,25,4,15-30,Herek Chicken kills hawk: Gay murders during the eighties in Amsterdam,1994,26,4,149-174,van Gemert A review of research on violence in same-gender couples: a resource for clinicians,2007,53,4,71-87,Williams Reduction of intimate partner violence in a gay couple following alcohol treatment,2008,54,4,439-448,Stuart Blame toward male rape victims in a hypothetical sexual assault as a function of victim sexuality and degree of resistance,2008,55,3,533-544,Davies The Violence of Heteronormativity in Communication Studies: Notes on Injury Healing and Queer World-Making,2003,45,2/3/4,11-59,Yep Intimate partner violence among sexual minorities in Japan: Exploring perceptions and experiences,2009,56,2,121-146,Distefano Empirical research about same-sex intimate partner violence: a methodological review,2009,56,3,361-386,Murray Sexual coercion among gay and bisexual men in Aotearoa New Zealand,2009,56,3,336-360,Schmidt The social political and legal construction of the concept of child pornography,2009,56,2,233-267,Mirkin The political use and abuse of the "pedophile",2008,55,3,350-387,Hunter Gay Abuse Screening Protocol (GASP): screening for abuse in gay male relationships,2008,54,4,423-438,Chan Sex and the unspoken in male street prostitution,2007,53,1-2,37-73,Kaye Discrimination of SM-identified individuals,2006,50,2-3,217-231,Wright Differences and similarities between gay and straight individuals involved in the sadomasochistic subculture,2006,50,2-3,41-57,Sandnabba The spanner trials and the changing law on sadomasochism in the UK,2006,50,2-3,167-187,White Erotic imagery and self-castration in transvestism/transsexualism: a case report,1977,2,4,359-356,Money Males as sexual assault victims: multiple levels of trauma,1982,7,2-3,145-162,Anderson Gay SM in pornography and reality,1987,13,2-3,111-119,van Naerssen Suicide among homosexual adolescents,1987,13,4,111-117,Kourany The stigmatization of the gay and lesbian adolescent,1988,15,1-2,163-183,Martin Sodomy at sea and at the Cape of Good Hope during the eighteenth century,1988,16,1-2,229-235,Oosterhoff Sodomy in enlightenment Prussia: from execution to suicide,1988,16,1-2,163-175,Steakley Homosexuality suicide and parasuicide in Australia,1988,15,1-2,113-129,Buhrich Negative sexual experiences with men among heterosexual women and lesbians,1990,19,1,105-110,Brannock Substance use as a correlate of violence in intimate lesbian relationships,1990,19,3,51-65,Lie Man-boy relationships: different concepts for a diversity of phenomena,1990,20,1-2,5-12,Brongersma Man-boy friendships on trial: on the shift in the discourse on boy love in the early twentieth century,1990,20,1-2,47-70,Maasen The historic origins of penal statutes concerning sexual activities involving children and adolescents,1990,20,1-2,41-46,Killias Objectivity and ideology: criticism of Theo Sandfort's research on man-boy sexual relations,1990,20,1-2,297-312; discussion 313-8,Bauserman The study of intergenerational intimacy in North America: beyond politics and pedophilia,1990,20,1-2,275-295,Jones Man/boy love and the American gay movement,1990,20,1-2,251-274,Thorstad Understanding childhood sexualities,1990,20,1-2,231-249,Plummer A model for group counseling with male pedophiles,1990,20,1-2,189-198,van Zessen Man-boy lovers: assessment counseling and psychotherapy,1990,20,1-2,175-187,van Naerssen Boy-lovers and their influence on boys: distorted research and anecdotal observations,1990,20,1-2,145-173,Brongersma 'The main thing is being wanted': some case studies on adult sexual experiences with children,1990,20,1-2,129-143,Li Foreword: the debate on pedophilia,1990,20,1-2,1-4,Schmidt Male intergenerational intimacy: historical socio-psychological and legal perspectives,1990,20,1-2,1-318, Homosexuality and police terror in Turkey,1993,24,3-4,159-169,Yuzgun On a "minority complex",1993,25,3,283-292,Scherer A visitation of difference: Randall Kenan and black queer theory,1993,26,2-3,221-232,McRuer The gay bashing scene chez Proust,1993,26,1,175-178,Campbell Behavioral risk disparities in a random sample of self-identifying gay and non-gay male university students,2009,56,8,1083-1100,McCoy The violence of heteronormativity in communication studies: notes on injury healing and queer world-making,2003,45,2-4,11-59,Yep Perceptions of domestic violence in lesbian relationships: stereotypes and gender role expectations,2010,57,3,429-440,Terrance Wearing pink as a stand against bullying: why we need to say more,2010,57,3,347-363,Naugler Victim blame in a hate crime motivated by sexual orientation,2010,57,2,267-286,Plumm Paederasty and political life in archaic Greek cities,1993,25,1-2,147-164,Sergent The Contribution of School to the Feeling of Acceptance and the Risk of Suicide Attempts among Austrian Gay and Bisexual Males,2010,57,7,819-841,Ploderl Homosexual inmates in the Buchenwald Concentration Camp,1996,31,4,1-28,Röll Heterosexual Men's Anger in Response to Male Homosexuality: Effects of Erotic and Non-Erotic Depictions of Male-Male Intimacy and Sexual Prejudice,2010,57,8,1022-1038,Parrott Hazardous journey in intimacy: HIV transmission risk behaviors of young men who are victims of past sexual abuses and who have sexual relations with men,2004,48,2,103-124,Dorais Description of a Domestic Violence Measure for Puerto Rican Gay Males,2005,50,1,155-173,Toro-Alfonso Sexual attraction status and adolescent suicide proneness: the roles of hopelessness depression and social support,2011,58,1,52-82,Langhinrichsen-Rohling Suicide and suicide risk in lesbian gay bisexual and transgender populations: review and recommendations,2011,58,1,10-51,Russell Introduction to special issue on suicide mental health and youth development,2011,58,1,4-9,Eliason Barriers to optimal care between physicians and lesbian gay bisexual transgender and questioning adolescent patients,2010,57,6,730-747,Kitts Adolescent same-sex attraction and mental health: the role of stress and support,2010,57,2,287-309,Teasdale From "Male Bonding Rituals" to "Suicide Tuesday": A qualitative study of issues faced by gay male ecstasy (MDMA) users,2006,51,3,7-32,Klitzman Educating gay male youth: since when is pornography a path towards self-respect?,2004,47,3-4,83-128,Kendall Health risk-factors for gay American Indian and Alaska Native adolescent males,2003,46,1-2,137-157,Barney Life on the seesaw: a qualitative study of suicide resiliency factors for young gay men,2003,45,1,1-22,Harre Gay youth and gay adults: bridging the generation gap,2002,44,1,15-41,Bohan Self-esteem and supportiveness as predictors of emotional distress in gay male and lesbian youth,1998,35,2,25-39,Grossman Lesbian uses of and satisfaction with mental health services: results from Boston Lesbian Health Project,1997,33,1,35-49,Sorensen Judgments toward male and transgendered victims in a depicted stranger rape,2011,58,2,237-247,Davies Homosexuality and the American left: the impact of Stonewall,1995,29,4,319-349,Thorstad The effects of death reminders on sex differences in prejudice toward gay men and lesbians,2011,58,3,402-426,Saucier Gay priests and other bogeymen,2006,51,4,1-13,Clark Psychotherapeutic issues with "kinky" clients: clinical problems yours and theirs,2006,50,2-3,281-300,Nichols Sexuality and human rights in europe,2005,48,3-4,107-139,Graupner Sexual and physical abuse: a comparison between lesbians and their heterosexual sisters,2009,56,4,407-420,Stoddard Gender violence: transgender experiences with violence and discrimination,2001,42,1,89-101,Malouf "Brutal passion" and "depraved taste": the case of Jacques-François Pascal,2001,41,3-4,85-103,Merrick Testosterone alcohol and civil and rough conflict resolution strategies in lesbian couples,2002,42,4,77-88,Dabbs Battered gay men: an exploration of abuse help seeking and why they stay,2000,39,2,1-30,Merrill Tolerance at arm's length: the Dutch experience,1990,20,1-2,199-229,Schuijer Love versus abuse: crossgenerational sexual relations of minors: a gay rights issue?,1999,37,4,23-56,Graupner Discrimination and victimization: parade for lesbian gay bisexual and 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Drag kings and monarchy in the UK,2002,43,3-4,263-284,Willox Seeing double thinking twice: the Toronto drag kings and (re-) articulations of masculinity,2002,43,3-4,251-261,Noble Erotic arguments and persuasive acts: discourses of desire and the rhetoric of female-to-male drag,2002,43,3-4,221-248,Pauliny Drag king magic: performing/becoming the other,2002,43,3-4,201-219,Rosenfeld Capital Drag: kinging in Washington DC,2002,43,3-4,99-123,Patterson Lesbian drag kings and the feminine embodiment of the masculine,2002,43,3-4,75-98,Schacht Attribution of rape blame as a function of victim gender and sexuality and perceived similarity to the victim,2002,43,2,39-57,Burt Detectability and perceptions of a transsexual: implications for therapy,1977,2,3,269-279,Litrownik Gay officers in their midst: heterosexual police employees' anticipation of the consequences for coworkers who come out,2012,59,8,1145-1166,Bernstein Portuguese adolescents' attitudes toward sexual minorities: transphobia homophobia and gender role beliefs,2012,59,10,1424-1442,Davies Beyond the castro: the role of demographics in the selection of gay and lesbian enclaves,2012,59,10,1327-1355,Compton The plight of gay visibility: intolerance in San Francisco 1970-1979,2013,60,1,105-119,Roberts Differences between previously married and never married 'gay' men: family background childhood experiences and current attitudes,2004,48,1,19-41,Higgins Exploring shame guilt and risky substance use among sexual minority men and women,2013,60,4,615-638,Hequembourg Attitudinal and individual differences influence perceptions of mock child sexual assault cases involving gay defendants,2013,60,5,734-749,Bottoms The influence of political jurisdiction age and sex on handholding in public by same-sex couples,2013,60,11,1635-1646,Wassersug Psychological violence experienced by men who have sex with men in Puducherry India: A qualitative study,2013,60,11,1581-1601,Essén Intimate partner violence minority stress and sexual risk-taking among U.S. MSM,2013,ePub,ePub,ePub,Stephenson Aging out: A qualitative exploration of ageism and heterosexism among aging African American lesbians and gay men,2014,61,1,145-165,Woody Sexual orientation and fear at night: Gender differences among sexual minorities and heterosexuals,2014,61,4,453-470,Meyer Sexual molestation and rape reported by homosexual and heterosexual women,1977,2,4,367-384,Gundlach Correlates of suicide ideation among LGBT Nebraskans,2014,61,8,1172-1191,Irwin The only gay in the village? 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