Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Lightning: A bolt out of the blue,2005,292,5,64-71,Dwyer Waging a new kind of war. a scourge of small arms,2000,282,6,48-53,Boutwell Taming the killing fields of Laos,2001,285,2,66-71,Lovering Athletic clothing,1986,254,3,104-110,Kyle Violence drugs guns (and Switzerland),2001,284,2,12-12,Kleck Violent pride,2001,284,4,96-101,Baumeister Predicting wildfires,2007,297,2,46-51 54-5,Andrews Desperate measure: Does violence need its own institute?,1994,271,1,24,Beardsley Genes and crime: A U.S. plan to reduce violence rekindles an old controversy,1993,268,2,24 26 29,Horgan Do helmets attract cars to cyclists?,2007,297,4,116,Swaminathan Brain mechanisms of visual attention,1982,246,6,124-135,Robinson Driving toward crashless cars,2008,299,6,86-92 94,Ashley Didn't hear it coming. Must hybrid cars be louder to be safe for pedestrians?,2008,299,2,22 24,Simpson Saving gas and lives,2007,297,4,20 23,Alpert Enhanced armor,2006,294,5,22 24,Ashley Thwarting nuclear terrorism,2006,294,2,56-63,Glaser Murdercide,2006,294,1,34,Shermer The prompt and delayed effects of nuclear war,1979,241,1,35-47,Lewis Flight simulation,1986,255,1,96-103,Haber Trojan horse. Did a protective peptide exacerbate Bhopal injuries?,1992,266,3,27-28,Rennie The prevention of murder,1949,180,6,50-55,Wertham Hard times. Occupational injuries among children are increasing,1993,269,4,14-16,Holloway All fall down,1988,259,3,32,Horgan The future of cars. Inteview by Stuart F. Brown,2009,301,5,88-90 92,Burns Re-entry from space,1961,204,,49-57,Becker The master switch of life,1963,209,,92-106,Scholander The effects of observing violence,1964,210,,35-41,Berkowitz Toxic substances and ecological cycles,1967,216,3,24-31,Woodwell The diving women of Korea and Japan,1967,216,5,34-43,Hong Experiments in water-breathing,1968,219,2,66-74,Kylstra Risk analysis and management,1993,269,1,32-5 38-41,Morgan The great radium scandal,1993,269,2,94-99,Macklis Crime and punishment. Meeting on genes and behavior gets only slightly violent,1995,273,6,19 22,Beardsley Alcohol in American History,1996,274,4,78-83,Musto How does geothermal drilling trigger earthquakes?,2010,303,3,100, Terror in a vial,2010,302,6,28, Taming the urge to war,2009,300,5,16-17,Horgan A better defense,2006,295,4,18 20-1,Biello Storm before the calm. Can knockout gases really be nonlethal?,2003,288,2,17-18,Dupont Weapons of mass disruption,2002,287,5,76-81,Levi The vigilance defense,2002,287,4,88-89,Morse Technology against terror,2002,287,4,82-87,Casagrande Seeing the invisible. Liquid crystals may be enlisted to create pocket bioweapons detectors,2002,286,1,32,Martindale Lockerbie insurance. Hardened luggage containers can neutralize explosives,2002,286,1,15-16,McMullin Deaths caused by alcohol,1996,275,6,30-31,Doyle Marihuana,1969,221,6,17-25,Grinspoon Fear and its consequences,2011,304,2,14, Drowning New Orleans,2001,285,4,76-85,Fischetti Flying and the bends,1997,277,3,22 24,Zorpette Managing human error in aviation,1997,276,5,62-67,Helmreich The physiology of decompression illness,1995,273,2,70-77,Vann The functional organization of the brain,1970,222,3,66-72 passim,Luria Single mothers and welfare,1996,275,4,60-3 66-7,Buckner What's wrong with this picture?,2001,284,5,80-87,Wood The American terrorist,2001,284,6,28,Doyle Scars that won't heal: the neurobiology of child abuse,2002,286,3,68-75,Teicher Attacking anthrax,2002,286,3,48-50 54-9,Young Innocence lost. Is enough being done to keep biotechnology out of the wrong hands?,2002,286,1,14-15,Gibbs The social psychology of modern slavery,2002,286,4,80-88,Bales Combating the terror of terrorism,2002,287,2,70-77,Herman Coping with crowding,2000,282,5,76-81,de Waal Waging a new kind of war. Children of the gun,2000,282,6,60-65,Boothby Waging a new kind of war. Invisible wounds,2000,282,6,54-57,Mollica Violent opposition,2000,282,2,32,Turville-Heitz Blood feud. Researchers begin fighting back against animal-rights activists,1990,262,6,17-18,Erickson Privacy in an age of terabytes and terror,2008,299,3,46,Brown Persistently toxic. The Union Carbide accident in Bhopal continues to harm,1995,272,6,16 18,Mukerjee Chemical weapons. Patent blunder,1998,279,5,42,Zorpette Stress in the wild,1990,262,1,116-123,Sapolsky Alcohol in the western world,1998,278,6,80-85,Vallee The most poisonous mushrooms,1975,232,3,90-101,Litten The effects of light on the human body,1975,233,1,69-77,Wurtman The metabolism of alcohol,1976,234,3,25-33,Lieber Toxins on the firing range,2000,282,6,18 20,Williams The decline of violence,2011,305,4,90,Shermer Drink to your health?,2003,288,2,74-81,Klatsky New research addresses the wrenching question left when someone ends his or her own life. Why? The neuroscience of suicide,2003,288,2,44-51,Ezzell The case of the unsolved crime decline,2004,290,2,82-89,Rosenfeld Fallout. New radiation-risk estimates prompt calls for tighter controls,1990,262,3,35-36,Beardsley A culture of death,2005,292,6,44-46,Martindale By the numbers. The roots of homicide,2000,283,4,22, The mechanism of lightning,1949,180,2,22-27,Loeb Gun science,2013,308,5,83,Shermer Repetitive processes in child development,1976,235,5,38-47,Bower Five myths of terrorism. Why terror doesn't work,2013,309,2,98,Shermer Firearms violence and public policy (Correction),1992,266,3,8,Zimring Firearms violence and public policy,1991,265,5,24-30,Zimring Targeting gun-control: reply,1992,266,4,10,Zimring The storm next time. The energy secretary talks about buffering infrastructure against the next Hurricane Sandy,2014,310,3,30,Biello Gun science: how data can help clarify the gun-control debate,2013,308,5,83,Shermer Firearms facts: reply,2013,309,3,6,Shermer Firearms facts,2013,309,3,6,Lott Induced seismicity: (n.) earthquakes caused by human activities,2014,311,3,30,Sneed The psychology of preferences,1982,246,1,160-173,Tversky Risky business,1989,260,5,35-36,Beardsley Grim expectations,1991,264,3,33-34,Yam Is global warming harmful to health?,2000,283,2,50-57,Epstein Gun science,2013,308,5,214,Shermer When science doesn't support beliefs,2013,309,4,95,Shermer The impending dam disaster in the Himalayan Mountains,2015,313,2,14 16,Mukerjee Madhusree Poison pot,2016,314,2,17,Greenspan Docs Glocks and stray bullets: new laws that muzzle doctors on gun safety are dangerous,2015,313,2,10,The editor(s) Gun Control,2015,313,6,8,Carney Anatomy of a mass murderer,2016,314,3,64-65,Lee A plan to prevent gun suicides,2016,314,6,25-26,Shute Attacking the roots of violence,2016,315,5,9,Wen Keep hospitals weapons-free,2016,316,1,8,Morris On witches and terrorists: why torture doesn't work,2017,316,5,77,Shermer Raise alcohol taxes reduce violence,2017,317,1,10,Sobowale The deadliest weapon,2017,318,1,14-15,Nuwer How to stop the epidemic of suicides: health workers are not trained to address patients' self-destructive impulses—but they should be,2018,318,4,10, Preventing suicide,2018,318,4,54-59,Denworth Income inequality and homicide,2018,319,5,9,Szalavitz Nice brains finish last: more "prosocial" brains are more prone to depression,2017,ePub,ePub,ePub,Turban Maximum load due to a crowd of people,1905,92,16,320, "Cyclone" or "tornado.",1904,91,16,263,Willey A bad case of warped railroad track,1904,90,22,421, A new motor cycle,1901,85,13,203, Construction of the simplon tunnel,1901,84,12,178-179, Disappearing coast-defense guns,1905,92,16,320-322, Fatal gun accident in the navy,1903,88,16,294, Nitro-cellulose vs. nitro-glycerine smokeless powders,1901,84,18,274, Protect the third rail,1903,88,16,294, Smokeless powder and gun erosion,1901,84,8,114, The armament of our latest warships,1900,82,3,41-42, The Quebec bridge disaster,1907,97,11,185, The so-called dangers of wireless telegraphy,1903,88,16,294, Train brake results of high speed,1901,84,19,290,No Author(s) Listed The roots of human aggression: experiments in humans and animals have started to identify how violent behaviors begin in the brain,2019,320,5,65-71,Fields The rifle and its bullet: a short history of fireaarms and the bullets they use,1915,,Suppl 2077,208-209, The field of firearms forensics is flawed,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Scurich The science is clear: gun control saves lives,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,The editors Gunshot survivors and trauma surgeons welcome the bipartisan Safer Communities Act,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sakran How social turmoil has increased witch hunts throughout history,2023,238,5,,Federici Guns and violence,2014,310,2,e6,Lott Guns and suicide,2016,315,4,e8,Williams Legal child abuse must end,2019,321,6,e10,Ahmed Fire tornadoes,2019,321,6,e60,Forthofer Can cannabis fix the opioid crisis?,2019,321,1,e10,Stea Gun research needs more firepower,2019,321,2,e8,Editors A fanged crisis: more people die from snakebite envenomation than from almost any other neglected tropical disease,2023,329,3,e0,Willyard A Murder Mystery Puzzle: The literary puzzle Cain's Jawbone which has stumped humans for decades reveals the limitations of natural-language-processing algorithms,2023,329,4,e81,Hughes-Castleberry Bartenders and barbers could reduce gun suicides: some of the many suicide deaths in the U.S. might not have happened if nonprofessionals had been schooled to provide advice about gun safety,2024,330,3,e75,Novak Justice for Rape Victims,2020,323,1,e8,Editors Toxic feathers: two new poisonous birds have been discovered,2023,329,2,e12,Arnold Weaponization of disgust: vilifying a person or group of people is linked to increased violence against them,2023,328,5,e10,Nelson Make cities more walkable: reducing car use in the U.S. will save lives and reclaim streets for people,2024,330,5,e74,Editors Fireproof Fungi: Mycelium sheets could keep buildings from burning,2023,329,3,e16,Broderick Modernizing Nuclear Weapons Is Dangerous: The U.S. should back away from updating its obsolescent nuclear weapons in particular silo-launched missiles that needlessly risk catastrophe,2023,329,5,e72,Editors Striking back: scientists fire lasers at the sky to control lightning,2023,328,4,e14,Parshall The disasters science neglects: landslides kill and hurt thousands of people yet researchers seem uninterested,2023,328,4,e78,Oreskes The fire species: data reveal how California's wildfires start,2023,329,4,e12,Little Why we need scary play: monster movies and haunted houses are safe spaces that let us practice coping skills for disturbing real-world challenges,2023,329,4,e72,Scrivner Rethinking car culture: we can make society less dependent on the automobile,2024,330,3,e70,Editors The Invisible Toll: Mental health disorders spike in the aftermath of gun violence,2024,330,2,e12,Youmshajekian Fix disaster response now,2021,325,3,e8,Editors Patient care must include a gun talk,2021,325,1,e10,Kapoor Autonomous warfare: nations racing to acquire weapons that choose their own targets are ignoring the apocalyptic scenarios that can unfold when rivals catch up,2020,322,2,e52,Sharkey Kids need better places to play: to get children moving more we must invest in safe areas for outdoor fun,2023,329,1,e6,Editors Dangerous discomfort: extreme heat kills more people in the U.S. than hurricanes flash floods and tornadoes combined. But people don't tend to believe it puts them at risk,2023,329,1,e64,Adams-Fuller The New Tornado Alley: Tornado outbreaks are migrating eastward from Texas and Oklahoma toward Tennessee and Kentucky where people may not be prepared,2023,329,1,e70,Fischetti Furious about firearms: outrage not hope will move us to prevent gun violence,2023,329,1,e96,Oreskes