Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Twin and genetic effects on life events,2005,8,3,224-231,Middeldorp Suicidal behavior in surviving co-twins,2006,9,5,642-645,Lester Update from Sri Lankan Twin Registry: establishment of a population-based twin register and ongoing project on common mental disorders alcohol abuse and suicidal ideations,2006,9,6,868-874,Hotopf Maternal risk factors for potential maltreatment deaths among healthy singleton and twin infants,2007,10,5,778-785,Luke Trauma exposure and stress response: exploration of mechanisms of cause and effect,2007,10,4,564-572,Stein Heritability of risk-taking in adolescence: a longitudinal twin study,2009,12,4,366-371,Heath The etiological moderation of aggressive and nonaggressive antisocial behavior by age,2009,12,4,343-350,Klump University of Washington Twin Registry: construction and characteristics of a community-based twin registry,2006,9,6,1023-1029,Goldberg Twins and transsexualism: an update and a preview; research reviews: conjoined twins angiographic lesions single versus double embryo transfer; headlines: school placement legislation Junior Taekwondo Olympics prosthetic ears murder victim,2007,10,6,894-897,Segal Laughter and resiliency: A behavioral genetic study of humor styles and mental toughness,2010,13,5,442-449,Martin Subtypes of illicit drug users: a latent class analysis of data from an Australian twin sample,2006,9,4,523-530,Bucholz Genetic contributions to subtypes of aggression,2005,8,5,483-491,Boomsma Twins' injuries: genetic and environmental risks / twin research reports / human interest stories,2011,14,2,213-216,Segal A family study of adult twins with and without a history of childhood abuse: stability of retrospective reports of maltreatment and associated family measures,2010,13,2,121-130,Madden Epigenetics of personality traits: an illustrative study of identical twins discordant for risk-taking behavior,2008,11,1,1-11,Feinstein Young Netherlands Twin Register (Y-NTR): A longitudinal multiple informant study of problem behavior,2007,10,1,3-11,Boomsma The heritability and genetic correlates of mobile phone use: a twin study of consumer behavior,2012,15,1,97-106,Wright Fear and attitudes towards torture and preventive war,2012,15,1,60-70,Stam The genetics of sexuality and aggression (GSA) twin samples in Finland,2013,16,1,150-156,Sandnabba Characteristics of fatal child maltreatment associated with multiple births in Japan,2013,16,3,743-750,Ooki The association between teenage motherhood and poor offspring outcomes: a national cohort study across 30 years,2013,16,3,679-689,Långström Comparative rating measures of health and environmental exposures: how well do twins agree?,2005,8,2,113-119,Gatz Heritability of DUI convictions: A twin study of driving under the influence of alcohol,2014,17,1,10-15,Anum Association between physical and motor development in childhood: a longitudinal study of Japanese twins,2014,17,3,192-198,Kaprio Genetic and environmental etiology of the relationship between childhood hyperactivity/inattention and conduct problems in a South Korean twin sample,2015,18,3,290-297,Hur Child maltreatment among singletons and multiple births in Japan: a population-based study,2015,18,6,806-811,Yokoyama Genetic and environmental overlap between childhood maltreatment and adult physical health,2015,18,5,533-544,South Epigenome-wide association study of aggressive behavior,2015,18,6,686-698,Boomsma Bullying and victimization: the effect of close companionship,2017,20,1,19-27,Boomsma Twinning in Norway following the Oslo Massacre: evidence of a "Bruce Effect' in humans,2016,19,5,485-491,Catalano Attitudes to gun control in an American twin sample: sex differences in the causes of variation,2017,20,5,371-373,Eaves Causality and pleiotropy in the association between bullying victimization in adolescence and depressive episodes in adulthood,2018,21,1,33-41,Kretschmer Gene-environment correlations affecting children's early rule-breaking and aggressive play behaviors,2018,21,4,285-288,DiLalla Age sex and genetic and environmental effects on unintentional injuries in young and adult twins,2018,21,6,502-506,Salminen Is apostasy heritable? A behavior genetics study,2019,22,2,88-94,Freeman Serbian twin registry,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Krstić Cannabis research,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Derks Erbb signaling pathway genes are differentially expressed in monozygotic twins discordant for sports-related concussion,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wright National trends in suicides and male twin live births in the US 2003 to 2019: an updated test of collective optimism and selection in utero,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bruckner Collective Optimism and Selection Against Male Twins in Utero,2020,23,1,45-50,Bruckner