Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author 1/6 traffic accidents the key numbers,2005,,692,59-60,Fabregas Risk in trauma,1999,,636,63-64,Pascal Hospitalization of young persons committing suicide in France,2000,2000,644,11-13,Alvin Suicide prevention and the creation of national violence database is the order of the day,2003,,675,16,Trabacchi 6/6 how to stay a good driver,2005,,697,55-56, 5/6 a driver always in control,2005,,696,59-60, Asphyxiating facial injuries,1981,,2,23-24,Hadjean Ethics and violence,2007,,715,53,Herve Tackling violence with nursing students to improve prevention,2007,,715,51-52,Michon Violence in institutions a phenomena to interprete by discourse analysis,2007,,715,48-50,Michel Otherness and off-centering to prevent violence in care,2007,,715,45-47,Ferradji What sense can we make of violence?,2007,,715,42-44,Durand Burnout in nurses and abuse in the hospital,2007,,715,39-41,Mauranges Violence in health establishments legal clarification,2007,,715,37-38,Ponte Violent situations in the hospital and prevention,2007,,715,34-36,Forissier Measurement and sociological analysis of violence in French contemporary society,2007,,715,30-33,Robert Complicated regulations for better child welfare,1978,23,11,2,Kurz The child victims of cruelty,1978,23,11,19-22,Chabrolle The abusing parents: psychological approach sociological approach,1978,23,11,13-17,Straus Suicidal behavior in adolescents,1979,24,9,23-28,Brusset Hanging--strangulation,1981,,5-6,85-87,Szmajer A regional experience in preventive and therapeutic action for alcoholism,1983,,407,45-48,Etain Wounding agents. Their consequences on anatomic-pathologic lesions and on triage of the wounded,1984,,443-444,5-10,Courbil Advice to a medical assistant witnessing a terrorist act,1984,,443-444,46,N'guyen Van Loc Psychiatric reactions to urban terrorism,1984,,443-444,35-45,Moutet Emergency management of burned assault victims and of nuclear accident victims,1984,,443-444,21-34,Guilbaud Psychosomatic study of flight disorders in flight personnel,1984,,432,43-47,Hadni Psychological approach to passengers during an aircraft flight,1984,,431,19-23,Digo Abusive treatment of children: legislation characteristics assumption of responsibility,1984,,424,36-41,Seailles The nurse and the child victim of cruelty. Experience of a pediatric hospital team,1984,,424,31-35,Sobczak Abused children. Foreword,1984,,424,3,Girodet Screening for and prevention of child abuse in the maternity department,1984,,424,25-30,Girodet Alcoholic emergencies: intoxication and alcoholic coma,1984,,421-422,i-ii contd,Cottin An association of previous drinkers within a business. Role of an occupational health nurse,1989,,529,43-44,Leroux Nurses and suicide,1991,,555,63-64,Cayla Drowning,1972,17,6,29-31,Labrune Accidents among children,1971,16,8,362-369,Labrune The traffic accident victim,1971,16,4,187-190,Broutart Suicide,1993,,570,20-22,Billion Occupational accidents and occupational diseases (2),1986,,474,43-44,Savin Occupational accidents and occupational diseases (1),1986,,473,31-32,Savin Committee for Hygiene Safety and Working Conditions,1985,,462,41-42,Guillard Committee for Hygiene Safety and Working Conditions,1985,,457-458,53-54,Guillard Drowning,1983,,416,47-50 52,Hubert Prevention and rehabilitation of work accidents and occupational diseases,1982,,395-396,73-76, Violence: a social ill or the coded expression of an expectation,1998,,624,3-4,Duffé Epidemiology prevention and organization of care,1993,,575-576,14-18,Wassermann The risk of suicide and its prevention in the elderly,1997,,621,41-44,Nguyen Parents "at risk",1985,,445-446,23-25,Buffel The campaign to prevent violence against women a priority to defend,2010,,746,S6,Haroche Violence and care. Talking about violence to better control it,2007,,715,29, 1/4 Preventing violence in health care,2005,,698,51-52, Nurses and violence in emergency services,2002,,664,39-42,Renoleau Violence and nursing care,1998,,630,21-22,Giraud Violence as a counter attitude,1998,,624,21-23,Vignat Violence in psychiatric emergencies. Improving and making the best of the care of a violent patient,1998,,624,18-20,Zimmermann The Public Assistance--Hospitals of Paris: an institution fighting violence. Interview by Isabelle Levy,1998,,624,16-17,Clerc Institutional policies on violence,1998,,624,13-15,Vignat The violent interlocutor and the professional,1998,,624,10-12,de La Haye Aggression violence how to deal with them,1998,,624,5-9,Bonnet Epilepsy and daily life. Scholarship profession leisure activities and sports automobile driving,1990,,540,29-30,Gastaut French Road Assistance,1971,16,9,421-422, Management in cases of caustic product ingestion,2001,,656,55-56,Crevoisier Management of the patient who has fallen out of a window,2001,,657,55-56,Belotte A particular case of suicidal risk,1999,,640,46-47,Vérot Claire's anorexia nervosa,1979,24,9,37-42,Rogez Identity crisis in adolescents,1979,24,9,3-8,Schmit Professional-patient relations,1978,23,12,47-52, Burns. Who when how?,1997,,618,8-10,Perro Burns. A physical psychological and social disruption,1997,,618,5-6,Sanchez An ordinary and exemplary pathology,1997,,618,4,Goddet Alcohol. Between Bacchus and Apollo,1997,,617,5,Barbier Prevention of burnout and ergonomics,1997,,616,18-21,Estryn-Béhar III--Cares at the level of the family. 5. Helping the family to express fear aggression or an anticipation of fear,2005,,699,57-58,Rioufol Psychology. The nurse and the violence of intimacy,2001,,652,49-50,Marc Negligence and role change,2002,,670,33,Colantonio Nursing responsibility. 9/13--The responsibility of the pediatric nurse,1999,,641,53-54,Fournel Snake and insect bites and stings in France,1971,16,7,293-295,Labrune Femoral neck fractures,1972,17,10,29-36,Beneux Spinal fractures,1972,17,7,16-24,Beneux Psychiatry in the general hospital. Emergency psychiatric medicine and violence,1972,17,4,23-25,Grivois Ingestion of caustics,1991,,544,55-57,Danel Skiing accident: open leg fracture,1979,24,1,41-48,Rogez Transcultural aspects of alcoholism,1984,,421-422,39-44,Alonso-Fernández Clinical aspects of abuse,1984,,424,7-10,Girodet Suicide and unemployment,1998,,623,V-VI, Public health. Can one prevent suicide?,2001,,652,24-25,Trabacchi The number of nurse victims of workplace violence,2001,,652,15, How does one ask about wounds and scars?,2001,,652 Suppl,24,Téot Scab wounds 2001,2001,,652 Suppl,1,Téot What to do in case of a traffic accident,1999,,634,61-62,Belotte Risk of trauma,1999,,637,47-48,Pascal Injuries and pregnancy,1976,21,19,7-9,David The role of the family of a patient with a head injury,2012,,763,58-59,Hamon-Mekki A medical-social programme specialized to support head trauma victims,2012,,763,52-55,Bonaventur Head trauma anatomy and physiopathology clinical and paraclinical diagnoses,2012,,763,34-37,Seizeur Epidemiology of head injuries,2012,,763,32-33,Seizeur Physiopathology and evolution of burns,2012,,767,23-26,Meunier Epidemiology of burns in France,2012,,767,20-22,Latarjet Traffic safety and health professionals. 3/6 An always attentive driver,2005,,694 Pt 1,57-58, Disaster medicine organisation and management,2013,,777,30-31,Ducassé Physiopathology of multiple trauma,2013,,778,29-31,Usselio Epidemiology of multiple trauma,2013,,778,26-28,Garric Heat stroke,1977,22,13-14,45-48,de Miramon Work of muscles muscular incidents and accidents in sports,1977,22,23,35-37,Andrivet Barbiturate addiction,1977,22,24,25-28,Charles-Nicolas L.S.D. - myths and realities,1977,22,24,13-18,Maguer Psychological development of the child,1978,23,11,3-11,de Laulay Not-to-be neglected minor accidents,1979,24,6,2,Kurz Management of victims of crime in a medico-legal unit,2014,2014,783,21-24,Vasseur The multiple injured: first of all ensure survival,1981,,1,2,Kurz The importance of the hand from a psychological viewpoint,1981,,3,45,Armaingaud Transportation facilities offered by the S.N.C.F. (National Railway Services) to the handicapped and to young children traveling alone,1979,24,8,55-56,Messé Scrotal contusions,1982,27,10,15,Berbérian The child and alcohol,1980,25,13-14,35-37,Lardenois Alcohol and women : the alcoholic woman,1980,25,13-14,29-33,Fontan Psychological factors in alcohol-induced disorders,1980,25,13-14,25-27,Fouquet Etiology of burns,1979,24,19,7-8,Krastinova Medical problems in the evolution of burns,1979,24,19,41-46,Rohan Psychological repercussions of severe burns,1979,24,20,29-33,Mole Understanding the burn patient,1979,24,20,25-28,Dutour Severe burns: understanding the burn patient well; need for high level specialized surgery,1979,24,20,2,Kurz Aggression in professional-patient relations,1981,26,20,47-48,Brunschwig Penal responsibility of medical auxiliaries in cases of physical injuries of patients,1981,26,21,43-45,Dorsner-Dolivet Alcohol drinking alcoholism and risk,1989,ePub,523,3-4,Craplet Nurses and prehospital CBRN risk,2014,ePub,788,40-43,Travers States of acute stress of soldiers in operational situations,2014,ePub,788,22-25,Daudin Nurses with the Paris Fire Brigade,2014,ePub,788,37-39,Tourtier States of acute stress of soldiers in operational situations,2014,,788,22-25,Daudin Wounded in action: the platinum ten minutes and the golden hour,2014,ePub,788,14-15,Lenoir "The nurses have helped me regain my appetite for life",2016,61,805,56-57,Poiroux Types of and reasons for violence in hospital,2016,61,805,29-31,Le Grand-Sébille Psychological support for people bereaved by suicide,2017,62,814,47-48,Fouet Work-related suicide,2017,62,814,42-43,Fouet Suicide in the elderly,2017,62,814,39-41,Frénisy Suicide in adolescence,2017,62,814,36-38,Kahn The suicidal crisis in emergency departments,2017,62,814,33-35,Delmas The clinical manifestation of suicide and its process,2017,62,814,30-32,Jodier Suicide a social fact,2017,62,814,26-29,Baudelot Improving suicide prevention,2017,62,814,23-25,Debout Suicide in France a situational analysis,2017,62,814,18-22,Facy Mistreatment of students in hospitals,2017,62,818,56-59,Auslender Terrorism youth ideals and paranoia,2017,62,819,27-29,Bilheran Radicalisation and geopolitics the pathways to violence,2017,62,819,22-26,Guidère Impact of trauma on suicide prevention helpline operators,2018,63,827,30-33,Laimou The prevention of psychosocial risks in hospital,2018,63,830,41-44,Arnaud Expression context and impacts of violence in healthcare settings,2020,65,848,14-16,Terrenoir Violence a scourge to be eliminated from hospitals,2020,65,848,17-19,Delperdange Psychological roots of violence in hospitals,2020,65,848,20-22,Amar All forms of violence against health professionals are an offence,2020,65,848,23-27,Franzin-Garrec Hospital organisation one of the main forms of violence against caregivers,2020,65,848,28-29,London Violence in care: an organisational analyser,2020,65,848,30-34,Moulin The management of violence in a general hospital,2020,65,848,36-39,Courau-Courtois Guaranteeing the safety of home care providers,2020,65,848,40-42,Delattre Aggression in hospital or home-based care: similar psychological sequelae,2020,65,848,e43,Franzin-Garrec Student experience of patient violence,2020,65,848,50-52,Hervo Reflections on caregiver-initiated violence,2020,65,848,53-56,Bertram Corral Emergency response plans in France,2021,66,856,16-19,Lefort From domination to violence,2021,66,857,16-19,Petrucci Domestic violence: children victims in their own right,2021,66,857,23-25,Steinberg The law to combat violence against women,2021,66,857,28-31,Louisadat Coordination of different parties in the management of intrafamily violence,2021,66,857,35-37,Coste Nurse clinical attestation,2021,66,857,38-39,Gombert The home care nurse a resource to help combat intrafamily violence,2021,66,857,40-41,Ruelle Management of domestic violence in forensic emergency departments,2021,66,857,42-43,Vasseur Understanding violence against women to improve the support provided,2021,66,857,12-15,Ronai Working as a resilience mentor aside victims of domestic violence,2021,66,857,20-22,Stephan The social worker a partner in nursing care,2021,66,857,26-27,Fabre The role of nurses in supporting female victims of violence,2021,66,857,32-34,Jakovenko Identifying and preventing violence in healthcare settings,2021,66,858,16-21,Romano Multidisciplinary care for women victims with disabilities,2021,66,858,25-29,Martz The meaning of silence unspeakable violence sport and vulnerability,2021,66,858,35-38,Liotard Preventing elderly abuse,2021,66,858,39-41,Assor The hidden faces of school-based violence,2021,66,858,42-45,Salomé The orphan child and his family confronted with the violence of death,2021,66,858,46-50,Molinié Silence around incest victims,2021,66,858,51-57,Ben Salem Effects of make-up on mood and walking in elderly women,2021,66,859,34-38,Fall Multidisciplinary primary care management of victims of domestic violence,2022,67,866,48-50,Pagnier Transgender people and care,2022,67,869,39-43,Romano "Breaking the Silence Barrier" a simulation program to address psychological distress,2023,68,874,55-57,Nadon The fire department nurse and rescue in hazardous environments,2023,68,879,34-35,Taillade The benefits of PSI when dealing with large numbers of victims,2023,68,879,45-48,Noël-Peyronnet Families and transitions,2022,67,869,31-34,Hefez [Protecting the right to long-term care for the psychotic patient],2000,,650,e56, [Knowledge transmission a nursing competence to develop],2002,,667,42-45,Mestrallet [Public health. What happens after a suicide crisis?],2001,,654,19-20, The helping relation in clinical practice,2010,,745,49-50,Psiuk [Committee for Permanent Development of the Wellbeing of Caregivers],2011,,755,e10,Capuano [The nursing care of a suicidal patient],2017,62,814,44-46,Simon Le suicide n'est pas une fatalité,2017,62,814,17-51,Maroudy Quelles stratégies pour une prévention efficace du suicide ?,2017,62,814,e49,Courtet [Anorexia nervosa a familiar and complex pathology],2023,68,881,20-23,Bouchard Domestic violence among Quebec women during the health crisis: trends and risk factors,2024,69,887,15-19,Lessard