Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author A review of policy-relevant strategies and interventions to address the burden of alcohol on individuals and society in South Africa,2005,8,1,20-24,Parry Trauma in African women and children: A study of the Kenyan experience as illustration of the phenomenon,2007,10,1,27-30,Njenga Certification rates: A closed unit's experience,2004,7,4,31-32,Subramaney Euthanasia: A problem for psychiatrists,2004,7,1,10-18,McLean The effect of geomagnetic storms on suicide,2003,6,3,24-27,Berk Early non-psychotic deviant behaviour as an endophenotypic marker in bipolar disorder schizo-affective disorder and schizophrenia,2005,8,4,153-159,Karayiorgou Suicide in the Transkei region of South Africa,2006,9,1,61-62,Meel Non-fatal suicidal behaviour at the Johannesburg General Hospital,2005,8,3,104-107,Jeenah