Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Control of attention shifts between vision and audition in human cortex,2004,24,47,10702-10706,Shomstein Neural systems in the visual control of steering,2007,27,30,8002-8010,Wann Initiation of mauthner- or non-mauthner-mediated fast escape evoked by different modes of sensory input,2008,28,42,10641-10653,Kohashi Postmortem brain tissue of depressed suicides reveals increased Gs alpha localization in lipid raft domains where it is less likely to activate adenylyl cyclase,2008,28,12,3042-3050,Conley Neurobiology of escalated aggression and violence,2007,27,44,11803-11806,Miczek Dynamic computation of incentive salience: "wanting" what was never "liked",2009,29,39,12220-12228,Smith Effects of Lorazepam and citalopram on human defensive reactions: ethopharmacological differentiation of fear and anxiety,2009,29,40,12617-12624,Davis Neural correlates of value risk and risk aversion contributing to decision making under 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