Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author State-building and the logic of violence in Iraq,2009,10,Suppl 1,48,Ward Violence against Women in Scandinavia: a Description and Evaluation of two new Laws Aiming to Protect Women,2005,5,2,220-235,Lindström Rape shame and pride -- address to Stockholm Criminology Symposium 16 June 2006,2006,7,Suppl 1,2-16,Braithwaite Constructing Victims and Villains: Unintended Outcomes of Contact Prohibition Orders,2004,5,1,85-107,Sahlin The Relation Between Crime News and Fear of Violence,2006,7,2,211-227,Kivivuori Who Is Most at Risk of Becoming a Convicted Rapist? The Likelihood of a Rape Conviction among the 1966 Birth Cohort in Denmark,2005,6,1,39-56,Christoffersen Preventive Policing and Security Plans: The Reception of New Crime Prevention Strategies in Three Finnish Cities,2005,6,2,106-127,Törrönen Crime is Part of the Problem: Contexts of Lethal Violence in Finland and the USA,2000,1,1,41,Messner Homicide and infanticide in Stockholm 1920–1939,2003,3,2,135-143,Kaspersson Violence against women as conveyed by surveys – the Finnish case,2003,3,2,173-193,Piispa Negotiating a Victim Identity: Young Men as Victims of Violence,2009,10,1,37-54,Åkerström Violent Life Events and Social Disadvantage: A Systematic Study of the Social Background of Various Kinds of Lethal Violence Other Violent Crime Suicide and Suicide Attempts,2007,8,2,157-184,Christoffersen Violence at Work in Finland; Trends Contents and Prevention,2007,8,1,22-40,Heiskanen The use and abuse of special measures: giving victims the choice?,2007,8,Suppl 1,33-53,Hall Crime Victims and the Social Services: Social Workers' Viewpoint,2007,8,2,138-156,Ljungwald Children's Meaning-Conciliation of their Fathers' Violence Related to Fathers and Violence in General,2007,8,1,41-55,Cater Criminal Violence and Youth in Sweden: A Long-term Perspective,2000,1,1,56,Von Hofer Violence Talk and Gender in Youth Residential Care,2007,8,1,56-76,Pösö Victim-offender mediation in cases of intimate relationship violence—Ideals attitudes and practices in Finland,2010,11,2,189-207,Uotila Justice or welfare? Nordic women's shelters and children's rights organizations on children exposed to violence,2010,11,1,66-85,Eriksson Violence at Work—The Emergence of a Social Problem,2010,11,1,46,Nilsson Bullying in School and Violence on the Streets: Are the Same People Involved?,2001,2,1,31-49,Andershed Intimate partner violence victimization and household financial strain,2014,15,2,159-166,Salmi Penal policies in the Nordic countries 1960-2010,2012,13,Suppl 1,85-111,Lappi-Seppälä Epi-criminological responses to human trafficking of young women and girls for involuntary prostitution in South Africa,2009,10,Suppl 1,59-78,Lutya The international traffic in women: Scandinavia and the League of Nations inquiry of 1927,2013,14,Suppl 1,64-80,Knepper Parenthood in murder-suicide news. Idealized fathers and murderous mums,2006,7,2,164-184,Nikunen Crime and psychiatry in problematic coexistence: Four domestic homicides and the nineteenth-century courts,2009,10,1,55-74,Drugge