Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Amnesia for violent crime among young offenders,2009,20,1,85-106,Mezey The role of mental illness in homicide-suicide in New Zealand 1991 – 2000,2006,17,3,417-430,Simpson Changes to (un)fitness to plead and insanity proceedings,2006,17,4,603-610,Morris Domestic violence recidivism in high-risk Taiwanese offenders after the completion of violence treatment programs,2009,20,3,458-472,Lin The effect of training on the quality of HCR-20 violence risk assessments in forensic secure services,2009,20,3,473-480,Reynolds Violence risk assessment: the use of the PCL-SV HCR-20 and VRAG to predict violence in mentally disordered offenders discharged from a medium secure unit in Scotland,2009,20,4,523-541,Thomson Cognitive therapy for violence: reaching the parts that anger management doesn't reach,2009,20,2,174-201,Walker False inflated self-esteem and violence: a systematic review and cognitive model,2009,20,1,1-32,Walker Targets of violence and psychosocial problems in psychotic offenders detained under the Dutch Entrustment Act,2008,19,4,561-575,Buitelaar The predictive validity of the Structured Assessment of Violence Risk in Youth (SAVRY) among institutionalised adolescents,2008,19,3,352-370,Kaltiala-Heino The psychology of female violence: crimes against the body,2009,20,3,493-494 AB-,Patel Underlying dimensions of ICD-10 personality disorders: Risk factors childhood antecedents and adverse outcomes in adulthood,2007,18,1,44-58,Ullrich Risk typologies of serious harm offenders managed under MAPPA: Mental health personality disorders and self-harm as distinguishing risk factors,2007,18,4,470-481,Wood Psychopathy and offending behaviour: Findings from the national survey of prisoners in England and Wales,2007,18,1,23-43,Coid Confidence and accuracy in assessments of short-term risks presented by forensic psychiatric patients,2010,21,1,1,Nicholls Murder by numbers: monetary costs imposed by a sample of homicide offenders,2010,21,4,501,DeLisi Homicide convictions in different age-groups: a national clinical survey,2010,21,3,321,Rodway Shame Guilt and Remorse: Implications for Offender Populations,2011,22,5,706-723,Tangney Schizophrenia with and without homicide: a clinical comparative study,2012,23,1,95-107,El-Hadidy What mediates psychopathology in stalking victims? The role of individual-vulnerability and stalking-related factors,2012,23,3,361-370,Mullen Why do girls freak out? Exploring female rage among adolescents admitted to adolescent forensic psychiatric inpatient care,2013,24,1,83-110,Kaltiala-Heino Assessing the risk of imminent aggression in institutionalized youth offenders using the dynamic appraisal of situational aggression,2012,23,2,168-183,Daffern Exploring the potential of stricter gun restrictions for people with serious mental illness to reduce homicide in the United States,2014,25,3,362-369,Solomon Using the MMPI-A in identifying trauma symptoms among juvenile offenders,2013,24,3,337-352,Murray Psychiatric disorders in adolescent boys in detention: a preliminary prevalence and case-control study in two Chinese provinces,2012,23,5/6,664-675,Fazel Screening with young offenders with an intellectual disability,2012,23,5/6,676-688,McKenzie 'It's deemed unmanly': men's experiences of intimate partner violence (IPV),2016,27,3,404-418,Morgan Substance Related Offending Behaviour Programme (SROBP): an exploration of gender responsivity and treatment acceptance issues for female prisoners,2015,26,6,798-823,Karatzias Ethical issues in child and adolescent forensic psychiatry: a review,2015,26,6,759-780,Kaltiala-Heino Shifting the paradigm of prison suicide prevention through enhanced multi-agency integration and cultural change,2015,26,6,737-758,Forrester The testosterone/cortisol ratio moderates the proneness to anger expression in antisocial and borderline intimate partner violence perpetrators,2016,27,1,135-144,Moya-Albiol Investigation of the labial photoplethysmograph (LPG) in the idiographic assessment of female sexual interest: its viability in the forensic context,2016,27,1,110-134,Staunton Examining psychopathy from an attachment perspective: the role of fear of rejection and abandonment,2016,27,1,92-109,Verschuere Validation of the full and brief Externalizing Spectrum Inventory in Dutch forensic inpatients,2016,27,1,77-91,Patrick What does recovery mean to a forensic mental health patient? A systematic review and narrative synthesis of the qualitative literature,2016,27,1,38-54,Clarke Characteristics of male patients admitted to an adolescent secure forensic psychiatric hospital,2016,27,1,21-37,Hill Stalking harassment and aggressive/intrusive behaviours towards general practitioners: (2) associated factors motivation mental illness and effects on GPs,2016,27,1,1-20,Farnham Identifying deviant sexual interest in a sex offender sample using dual-target rapid serial visual presentation task,2016,27,2,281-307,Santtila Aggressive/intrusive behaviours harassment and stalking of members of the United Kingdom parliament: a prevalence study and cross-national comparison,2016,27,2,177-197,Farnham Service evaluation of electronic monitoring (GPS tracking) in a medium secure forensic psychiatry setting,2016,27,2,169-176,Fahy Violent women: a multicentre study into gender differences in forensic psychiatric patients,2016,27,2,145-168,Bouman Self-report rates of physical and sexual violence among Spanish inmates by mental illness and gender,2016,27,3,443-458,Wolff Effortful control negative emotionality and juvenile recidivism: an empirical test of DeLisi and Vaughn's temperament-based theory of antisocial behavior,2016,27,3,376-403,Piquero Executive functioning profiles of adult and juvenile male sexual offenders: a systematic review,2016,27,3,349-375,Adjorlolo Manipulative relational behaviour and delinquency: sex differences and links with emotional intelligence,2016,27,3,331-348,Bacon Harassment and stalking of Members of the United Kingdom Parliament: associations and consequences,2016,27,3,309-330,Evans Anxiety disorders and intimate partner violence: can the association be explained by coexisting conditions or borderline personality traits?,2016,28,5,639-658,Coid Suicidal ideation in a United States jail: demographic and psychiatric correlates,2016,27,5,698-704,Esposito-Smythers Mephitic projects: a forensic leisure science analysis of the BTK serial murders,2017,28,1,24-37,Williams The role of set-shifting ability in differentiating between subgroups of female violent offenders,2016,27,5,745-759,Weizmann-Henelius Short-term outcomes for forensic patients receiving an absolute discharge under the Canadian Criminal Code,2018,29,6,867-881,Simpson Psychopathy the Big Five and empathy as predictors of violence in a forensic sample of substance abusers,2018,29,6,882-900,Dudeck Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) in a forensic patient with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) resulting from homicide: a case study,2018,29,6,901-913,Fleurkens Contagion of violence and self-harm behaviors on a psychiatric ward,2018,29,6,989-1006,Beck Acting on delusions: the role of negative affect in the pathway towards serious violence,2018,29,5,691-704,Coid Mentally ill offenders eligible for diversion at local court in New South Wales (NSW) Australia: factors associated with initially successful diversion,2018,29,5,705-716,Dean Self-injury group psychotherapy intervention for young offenders: a pilot study,2018,29,5,733-743,Shaw An open trial of an anger management treatment in a correctional facility: preliminary effectiveness and predictors of response,2018,29,5,774-781,Dixon-Gordon Prevalence of generalized anxiety disorder and major depression among correctional officers in a Nigerian prison,2018,29,4,509-526,Abdulmalik Head banging as a form of self-harm among inpatients within forensic mental health and intellectual disability services,2018,29,4,557-573,Alexander Evaluating the utility of 'strength' items when assessing the risk of young offenders,2018,29,4,597-616,Daffern Patterns of violence and self-harm in women prisoners: characteristics co-incidence and clinical significance,2018,29,4,617-634,Bartlett The impact of sex offender's interpersonal style treatment readiness and the therapeutic alliance on treatment gain,2018,29,4,635-655,Daffern National study comparing the characteristics of patients diagnosed with schizophrenia who committed homicide vs. those who died by suicide,2018,29,4,674-689,Appleby The role of beliefs and trait aggression in prison bullying among young offenders,2018,29,3,351-367,Ireland Predicting fear of crime: personality outperforms prior victimisation,2018,29,3,403-418,Ellis Staff members' evaluation of inpatients' motivation for aggression - the roles of staff restrictions and aggression severity,2018,29,3,419-433,Gjestad What is the prevalence of abuse in the deaf/hard of hearing population?,2018,29,3,434-454,Rose Prison officers' experiences of working with adult male offenders who engage in suicide-related behaviour,2018,29,3,467-482,Clarbour A psychodynamic-behaviourist investigation of Russian sexual serial killer Andrei Chikatilo,2018,29,3,498-507,Boduszek The impact of an intensive inpatient violent offender treatment programme on intermediary treatment targets violence risk and aggressive behaviour in a sample of mentally disordered offenders,2018,29,2,163-188,Daffern Co-occurring serious mental illnesses and substance use disorders as predictors of assaultive infraction charges among adult male jail inmates,2018,29,2,189-210,Wood Popping the cultural bubble of violence risk assessment tools,2018,29,2,211-220,Anthony Self-reported versus diagnosed paraphilias in outpatient sexual offenders,2018,29,2,252-264,Wilpert Evaluating the Violence Prevention Program: group and individual changes in aggression anger self-control and empathy,2018,29,2,265-287,Chu Establishing a joint agency response to the threat of lone-actor grievance-fuelled violence,2018,29,1,37-52,Pathé The relationship between childhood traumatic events social support and mental health problems in prisoners,2018,29,1,72-85,Kuwert Validation of neuropsychological consequences in victims of intimate partner violence in a Spanish population using specific effort tests,2018,29,1,86-98,Hidalgo-Ruzzante Threats and violence in the lead-up to psychiatric mechanical restraint - a Danish complaints audit,2018,29,1,99-105,Birkeland The mental health and substance misuse needs of male ex-armed forces personnel in prison,2018,29,1,146-162,Shaw Validity and reliability of the self-report delinquency among a sample of at-risk youths,2019,30,1,1-16,DeLisi Personality traits in suicidal and homicidal subjects with schizophrenia,2019,30,1,76-88,Jovanovic Mission impossible? Assessing the veracity of a mental health problem as result of a road traffic accident: a preliminary review of UK experts' practices,2019,30,1,89-111,Roach Negative reactions to the sexually abused victims withdrawing the complaint and outcomes of the litigation: the first data from Turkey,2019,30,1,152-166,Koçtürk An exploratory study of women prisoners' attitudes towards their self-harm and the use of medical skin camouflage,2019,30,1,167-184,Abel Detection strategies for feigned psychopathology: test development and effects of criminal charge simulation design on response styles,2019,30,1,127-151,Arin What emotions do male prisoners experience in the lead-up to suicide and violence? A participatory visual method study,2023,34,2,193-215,Haddock An analysis of motivating factors in 1725 worldwide cases of mass murder between 1900-2019,2023,34,2,261-274,Appelbaum Depression and personality disorders among incarcerated offenders convicted of impulsive versus premeditated homicide,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Garofalo 'Coping with the job': prison staff responding to self-harm in three English female prisons: a qualitative study,2017,28,6,811-824,Shaw Demographic and clinical characteristics of 1092 consecutive police custody mental health referrals,2017,28,3,295-312,Samele Schizophrenia in a high-security hospital: long-term forensic clinical administrative & social outcomes,2017,28,4,525-547,Darjee The impact of collaborative case formulation with high risk offenders with personality disorder,2017,28,6,777-789,Higgins The WORSHIP II study: a pilot of psychodynamic interpersonal therapy with women offenders who self-harm,2017,28,2,158-171,Shaw The transfer of women offenders with mental disorder from prison to hospital,2004,15,1,108-123,Rutherford Aggression impulsivity and plasma sex hormone levels in a group of rapists in relation to their history of childhood attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder symptoms,2005,16,2,423-433,Giotakos Depression and somatic complaints among male juvenile offenders: Differentiating somatizers from non-somatizers with the Millon Adolescent Clinical Inventory (MACI),2005,16,3,566-576,Glaser Homicide-suicide in the Netherlands: A study of newspaper reports 1992-2005,2007,18,4,482-493,Liem Homicide followed by suicide: A cross-sectional study,2009,20,2,306-321,Kapur Suicides by foreign national prisoners in England and Wales 2007: Mental health and cultural issues,2009,20,6,886-905,Borrill Self-harm among UK female prisoners: A cross-sectional study,2009,20,5,741-751,Völlm Child murder and gender differences - a nationwide register-based study of filicide offenders in two European countries,2010,21,5,637-648,Putkonen Violence risk and psychopathology in institutionalised adolescents,2010,21,6,933-949,Kaltiala-Heino Factors associated with self-harm in community-based young offenders: The importance of psychological variables,2011,22,4,479-495,Townsend Familicide and suicide in a case of gambling dependence,2011,22,1,156-168,Anderson Identifying monitoring and managing prisoners at risk of self-harm/suicide in England and Wales,2011,22,1,22-51,Senior Near-lethal self-harm in women prisoners: Contributing factors and psychological processes,2011,22,6,863-884,Hawton A comparison of the standardised assessment of personality - abbreviated scale and the offender assessment system personality disorder screen in a probation community sample,2012,23,2,156-167,Shaw Disturbing communications and problematic approaches to the Dutch Royal Family,2012,23,5-6,571-589,van der Meer Institutional climate and aggression in a secure psychiatric setting,2013,24,6,713-727,Ros Incidents of hostage-taking in an English high-secure hospital,2013,24,1,16-30,Gibbon Socio-demographic characteristics of juvenile delinquents in Turkey,2013,24,6,688-698,Zeren Review of point-of-reception mental health screening outcomes in an Australian Prison,2014,25,4,480-494,Ogloff The predictive validity of the Depression Hopelessness Suicide screening form for self-harm among prisoners,2014,25,6,733-747,McKenzie Mass murderers in the United States: predictors of offender deaths,2015,26,5,586-600,Lankford Mental health expertise at prison reception,2015,26,1,107-115,Cullen Personality features of an adolescent female offending population,2015,26,3,297-308,Kennedy Sexually violent predators and civil commitment: is selection evidence based?,2015,26,5,652-666,McKee An integrated exploration of factors associated with psychological distress among older prisoners,2016,27,6,815-834,Baidawi Massachusetts Youth Screening Instrument for mental health needs of youths in residential welfare/justice institutions: identifying gender differences across countries and settings,2016,27,5,645-664,Schmid A systematic review of effective therapeutic interventions and management strategies for challenging behaviour in women in forensic mental health settings,2019,30,4,570-593,Gillespie Do homicide rates increase during weekends and national holidays?,2019,30,3,367-380,Ibrahim Predictors of engagement understanding and dropout from a community based cognitive skills programme,2019,30,6,993-1005,Shaw Pregnancy in prison mental health and admission to prison mother and baby units,2019,30,3,448-466,Dolan Analyzing suicidality in German forensic patients by means of the German version of the suicide crisis inventory (SCI-G),2020,31,5,731-746,Lutz Gender-based types of firesetting: clinical behavioural and motivational differences among female and male firesetters,2020,31,2,273-291,Ogloff Feeling hopeful: can hope and social support protect prisoners from suicide ideation?,2020,31,2,311-330,Pratt Prison staff's views and understanding of the role of emotions in prisoner suicide and violence,2020,31,6,868-888,Haddock Psychological autopsy: retrospective exploration of equivocal deaths in Bloemfontein South Africa,2020,31,4,582-595,Strating A qualitative exploration of the views of people with lived experience of suicide within the criminal justice system,2022,33,6,868-882,Senior Determining rates of death in custody in England and Wales,2022,33,1,1-13,Fazel Prevalence of mental health and suicide risk in prisons in low- and middle-income countries: a rapid review,2022,33,1,37-52,Robinson A rapid evidence review of clinical risk factors for poor perinatal mental health in women's prisons in England,2023,34,3-4,297-317,Soni Proposing a Novel Term: 'Preter-intentional Suicide',2023,34,5-6,560-561,Panarella