Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Agency Response to Female Victims of Domestic Violence: The British Approach,2006,19,1,45-60,Joseph Individual Neighborhood and Situational Factors Associated with Violent Victimization and Offending,2005,18,3,215-235,Sklar ‘Why is a Woman Still Not Safe When She's in Her Home?’ : Seven Years of NIBRS Data on Victims and Offenders of Intimate Partner Violence,2005,18,2,125-146,Stohr Women Drugs and Crime,2006,19,4,337-352,Moe Knowledge Sharing in Criminal Investigations: An Empirical Study of Norwegian Police as Value Shop,2006,19,4,423-437,Dean Social Capital Human Capital and Reaching Out for Help with Domestic Violence: A Case Study of Women in a Vietnamese-American Community,2007,20,4,375-390,Morash Seeking Help from the Police: Battered Women’s Decisions and Experiences,2007,20,1,15-41,Campbell Explaining Homicide Clearance: An Analysis of Chicago Homicide Data 1965–1995,2007,20,1,3-14,Jiao Deaths in Custody: The Utility of Data Collected from County Coroners,2007,20,1,65-78,Pelfrey Community Partners: ‘Doing Doors’ as a Community Crime Prevention Strategy,2007,20,3,295-312,Jones American Indian Executions in Historical Context,2007,20,4,315-373,Baker Planning for crime reduction,2010,23,1,51,Abu-Lughod The ecological theory of police response: a state police agency test,2010,23,2,119,Johnson Using injuries of race in child abuse and homicide trials,2009,22,3,299-311,Gurevich Violence in educational establishments: cause effect and response,2012,25,1,41-65,Kingshott The effects of treatment exposure on prison misconduct for female prisoners with substance use mental health and co-occurring disorders,2014,27,1,43-62,Belenko Exploring gender differences in constellations of problem behaviors and associated health-related factors during adolescence,2014,27,1,20-42,Childs Assessing sheriff's office emergency and disaster website communications,2014,27,1,4-19,Schmalzried Editorial: Public health and criminal justice,2014,27,1,1-3,Smith Race economy and punishment: inequity and racial disparity in imprisonment 1972-2002,2014,27,2,226-243,Jackson Unpacking collective efficacy: the relationship between social cohesion and informal social control,2014,27,2,210-225,Gau An assessment of risk factors for early death among a sample of previously incarcerated youth,2014,27,2,191-209,Stoddard-Dare Types of crimes committed by repeat DUI offenders,2014,27,2,159-171,Hallstone Examining the relationship between school suspensions/expulsions and felonies,2014,27,2,149-158,Forsyth The 'pains' of electronic monitoring: a slap on the wrist or just as bad as prison?,2014,27,2,133-148,May Researcher-practitioner partnerships: a case of the development of a long-term collaborative project between a university and a criminal justice agency,2014,27,3,294-307,Bales Community-engaged scholarship: the experience of ongoing collaboration between criminal justice professionals and scholars at the University of Saskatchewan,2014,27,3,264-277,Wormith Build to sustain: collaborative partnerships between university researchers and criminal justice practitioners,2014,27,3,249-263,Rudes Developing and sustaining collaborative research partnerships with universities and criminal justice agencies,2014,27,3,245-248,Childs Rush-hour traffic: self-presentation of defendants in speedy traffic court cases,2014,27,4,439-456,Monk-Turner The intersection of race and gender: an examination of sentencing outcomes in North Carolina,2014,27,4,419-438,Engen Obscuring sexual crime: examining media representations of sexual violence in Megan's law,2014,27,4,402-418,Shelby Biosocial criminology and its discontents: a critical realist philosophical analysis,2015,28,1,124-140,Wright Melding theoretical perspectives: a gendered look at low-resting heart rate and developmental trajectories of antisocial behavior,2015,28,1,104-123,Kosloski Psychosocial and genetic risk markers for longitudinal trends in delinquency: an empirical assessment and practical discussion,2015,28,1,61-83,Sullivan Understanding the influence of neurodevelopmental disorders on offending: utilizing developmental psychopathology in biosocial criminology,2015,28,1,39-60,Hughes DAT1 and alcohol use: differential responses to life stress during adolescence,2015,28,1,18-38,Stogner The future of biosocial criminology,2015,28,1,6-17,Beaver Biosocial criminology: the emergence of a new and diverse perspective,2015,28,1,1-5,Boutwell Administering a victim impact curriculum to inmates: a multi-site replication,2015,28,2,226-238,Gaboury Intimate partner assault and structural-level correlates of crime: exploring the relationship between contextual factors and intimate partner violence,2015,28,2,186-210,Jasinski Violent video game legislation as pseudo-agenda,2015,28,2,170-185,Copenhaver The role of the sociologist as mitigation expert in a sentencing hearing,2015,28,2,161-169,Forsyth Protection motivation theory as a theoretical framework for understanding the use of protective measures,2015,28,3,336-355,Hinkle The belief that guns deter crime and support for capital punishment,2015,28,3,314-335,Britto Factors that influence death penalty support among university students in Bosnia and Herzegovina,2015,28,3,297-313,Muftić Convenience stores and routine activities in a summer tourist destination,2015,28,3,280-296,White The point break effect: an examination of surf crime and transitory opportunities,2015,28,3,257-279,Dario The social organization of masculine violence in nighttime leisure scenes,2015,28,3,239-256,Kavanaugh Psychological and neuropsychological assessment in the juvenile justice system: recommendations for protocols,2012,25,3,239-249,Aalsma Presidential rhetoric on cybercrime: links to terrorism?,2016,29,2,163-177,Marion Monitoring high-risk sex offenders with GPS,2016,29,1,1-20,Gies The effects of supervisor education and training on police use of force (Comment),2016,29,1,88,Lee 'What to do with the cutters?' - Best practices for offender self-injurious behaviors,2016,29,1,57-76,Smith The effects of supervisor education and training on police use of force,2015,28,4,444-463,Lee "A lot of people go insane behind that": coping with the trauma of being wrongfully convicted,2016,29,3,199-213,DeShay Official incidents of inmate-on-inmate misconduct at a women's prison: using importation and deprivation theories to compare perpetrators to victims,2016,29,3,214-231,Lahm Perceived accountability and public attitudes toward local police,2016,29,3,232-252,Wolf A feminist analysis of the American criminal justice system's response to human trafficking,2016,29,3,272-287,Jones A city-level analysis of property crime clearance rates,2017,30,1,45-62,Roth 'Losing my religion:' an exploration of religion and spirituality in men who claim to have desisted from sexual offending,2017,30,2,101-116,Harris We fought tooth and toenail: exploring the dynamics of romantic relationships among sex offenders who have desisted,2017,30,2,117-135,Lytle The role of formal social control mechanisms in deterring sex offending as part of the desistance process,2017,30,2,136-157,Sample An examination of a cycle of coping with strain among registered citizens' families,2017,30,2,158-180,Sample 'Nobody worries about our children': unseen impacts of sex offender registration on families with school-age children and implications for desistance,2017,30,2,181-201,Kilmer Sex offender legislation and social control: an examination of sex offenders' expectations prior to release,2017,30,2,202-222,Jeglic Does breaking gender stereotypes contribute to victimization at school?,2017,30,3,257-275,Peguero Barriers to the ballot: implications for the development of state and national crime policies,2017,30,3,276-288,Schildkraut Fear of crime while camping: examining perceptions of risk safety precautions and victimization effects,2017,30,3,307-319,Evans Examining heroin use and prescription opioid misuse among adolescents,2017,30,3,320-329,Chen The integrity of the game: exploring attitudes of professional male athlete criminality,2017,30,4,346-364,Stallings Adolescent use of opioids and stimulants: testing the influence of peers self-control and sports participation,2017,30,4,365-380,Schaefer Is it all about race? Intergroup threat and perceptions of racial profiling,2017,30,4,401-420,Brown The community corrections perspective toward sex offender management policies and collateral consequences: does contact with sex offenders matter?,2018,31,1,1-17,Call Victim age and capital sentencing outcomes in North Carolina (1977-2009),2018,31,1,62-79,Bjerregaard Armed but too dangerous? Factors associated with citizen support for the militarization of the police,2018,31,2,113-127,Lockwood Researching the registered: challenges and suggestions for researchers studying sex offender populations,2018,31,2,192-211,Sample Disproportionate minority contact in juvenile justice: today's and yesterdays problems,2018,31,3,230-248,Mallett Examining the link between bullying participation psychopathy and empathy in a large retrospective sample of university students,2018,31,3,249-266,Krienert All part of the process? A qualitative examination of change in online child pornography behaviors,2018,31,3,279-296,Lytle Are we interested? a trend analysis of sex offender internet registries,2018,31,3,297-309,Makin Systemic error: measuring gender in criminological research,2018,31,4,333-351,Pfeffer The nexus between attribution theory and racial attitudes: a test of racial attribution and public opinion of capital punishment,2018,31,4,352-367,Trahan Police use of force: an examination of the minority threat perspective,2018,31,4,368-387,Berthelot Examining the effect of witness-offender and witness-victim relationship on crime-reporting behavior,2019,32,4,317-329,Avdija Developmental patterns of drunk/high driving among juvenile offenders: the role of peer group assortment based on self-control,2019,32,4,386-403,Wojciechowski Averted targeted school killings from 1900-2016,2019,32,3,222-238,Stallings Carrying the misery to adulthood: the impact of childhood sexual abuse on adulthood impulse control through depression and suicidal thoughts,2019,32,3,239-263,Barnes Self-harming behaviors in prison: a comparison of suicidal processes self-injurious behaviors and mixed events,2019,32,3,264-286,Kaminski Fieldwork protocol as a safety inventory tool in public places,2019,32,2,165-188,Ceccato Examining the link between assault victimization and ADHD among college men,2019,32,1,16-31,Snyder The methodological struggles of racial profiling research: a causal question that automobile stop data has yet to answer,2019,32,1,32-49,Fallik Today was not a good day: offender accounts of the incidents that led to their admission to drug court,2018,31,4,388-401,Copes An inmate's right to die: legal and ethical considerations in death row volunteering,2013,26,2,139-150,Schildkraut Factors related to recidivism for youthful offenders,2013,26,1,84-98,Fukushima Bullied youth: suicide attempts planning ideation and pre-ideation,2020,33,2,170-177,Chen Barriers to help-seeking among correction officers: examining the influence of institutional culture and structure,2021,34,4,423-440,Frost