Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Theological reflections on violence and abuse,2005,59,1-2,109-123,Nienhuis The adverse psychological outcomes of natural disasters: how religion may help to disrupt the connection,2008,62,3,289-292,Rezaeian The ripple effect,2008,62,4,397-398,Raines Suicide in a mental health setting: caring for staff clients and family members,2008,62,4,353-362,Soukoreff Tsunami and ghost stories in Thailand: exploring the psychology of ghosts and religious rituals within the context of Thai Buddhism,2007,61,4,343-349,Sorajjakool Insecure attachment in couples' relationships,2009,63,3-4,5-1-9,Gostecnik Empire matters: implications for pastoral care,2007,61,5 Suppl,421-37; discussion 439-44,LaMothe Exploring the meaning and role of spirituality for women survivors of intimate partner abuse,2009,63,3-4,3-1-13,Rountree Structuring chaos,2004,58,3,257-259,Koppel Verbatims and "Empire Matters",2008,62,3,285,Thomas What about pastoral counseling re. Empire matters?,2008,62,3,283,Duncombe Exploring the meaning and role of spirituality for women survivors of intimate partner abuse,2010,64,2,3.1-13,Rountree The relationship between spiritual distress PTSD and depression in Vietnam combat veterans,2011,65,1-2,6:1-11,Berg Self-mutilation: a spiritual endeavor,2003,57,4,447-458,Pinks Christian-based counseling for the suicide survivor: a guide for pastoral therapy,2003,57,4,387-394,Wilkens Process theology's relevance for older survivors of domestic violence,2011,65,3-4,1-9,Bowland He's home but he's not the same: a pastoral counseling impression of family care after combat related traumatic brain injury,2012,66,3-4,3,Alexander Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley's Frankenstein or the modern Prometheus: a psychological study of unrepaired shame,2013,67,3-4,5,Morrison Sticks and stones can break my bones but labels scar my soul,2014,68,3,1-10,Seitler When violence hits the religious home: raising awareness about domestic violence in seminaries and amongst religious leaders,2015,69,2,113-124,Nason-Clark Predictors of clergy's ability to fulfill a suicide prevention gatekeeper role,2016,70,1,34-39,Wines Scar tissue,2015,69,4,254-257,McLean Towards a faith-based understanding of moral injury,2017,71,4,217-219,Kopacz Spiritual counseling program for children with anxiety disorders: a multi-city experiment,2018,72,1,45-57,Pandya Examination of spiritual needs in Hurricane Sandy disaster recovery through clinical pastoral education verbatims,2018,72,1,8-21,Dunn Contemporary insights from Biblical combat veterans through the lenses of moral injury and post-traumatic stress disorder,2018,ePub,ePub,1542305018790218,Grimell A qualitative pilot study of spirituality in long-term recovery in acquired brain injury,2019,73,2,96-105,Gillespie Preventing soldiers' and veterans' suicide by pastoral counseling and mental health treatment,2019,73,3,176-182,Hirono The psychosocial aspect of burn patient recovery as it informs chaplain interventions,2020,74,3,175-181,Crandall Dear Unknown: A letter to a teenage gunshot victim,2021,75,1,e74,McCurry Clergy as suicide prevention gatekeepers,2021,75,2,84-91,Mason A chaplain's ministry to a grieving mother,2021,75,2,135-136,Close Th M Re-membering gun violence,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Dawn Hood-Patterson The importance of timing fundamental attitudes and appropriate interventions as key aspects of chaplain suicide prevention: a European expert panel of mental health chaplains,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Vandenhoeck Moral injury post-COVID-19: more than military? A theological perspective,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Shibaoka A ceremony for grieving,2002,56,1,63-68,Close The supervisor's burden,2008,62,1-2,159-161,Groen