Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Are treatment emergent suicidality and decreased response to antidepressants in younger patients due to bipolar disorder being misdiagnosed as unipolar depression?,2005,65,1,39-43,Berk Suicide is probably more common in untreated youths than in those receiving treatment: The need for a retrospective epidemiological study,2005,,,,Brasic Loss of self-control in intertemporal choice may be attributable to logarithmic time-perception,2005,65,4,691-693,Takahashi Alcohol use and suicide rates,2005,65,6,1010-1012,Sher Sunshine and suicide: Bright light may lead to serotonin-driven behavioural activation without improvement in depressive cognitive deficits,2006,66,4,867-867,Sher A model linking biology behavior and psychiatric diagnoses in perpetrators of domestic violence,2006,67,2,345-353,George Violence in mental disorders and community sample: An evolutionary model related with dominance in social relationships,2006,67,4,930-940,Ramirez Contrasting patterns of hospital admissions and mortality during heat waves: are deaths from circulatory disease a real excess or an artifact?,2006,66,5,1025-1028,Hajat Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy/Fabricated and Induced Illness: Does the diagnosis serve economic vested interests rather than the interests of children?,2007,38,5,960-966,Wrennall May genetic factors play a role in the risk of antidepressant-induced suicide?,2007,69,6,1380-1381,Lu The serotonin transporter gene and alcoholism: the two pathways to suicidal behavior,2007,69,1,232,Sher The link between alcohol abuse and suicide: Possible role of selenium deficiency,2008,70,40,899-899,Sher The nature of shaken baby syndrome injuries and the significance of a "Lucid Interval",2008,71,1,117-121,Talbert Shaken baby syndrome: Does it exist?,2009,72,2,131-134,Talbert The hypothesis of an impact of ozone on the occurrence of completed and attempted suicides,2009,72,3,338-341,Biermann Immunohistochemical surfactant protein-a expression: fatal drowning vs. postmortem immersion,2009,72,4,413-415,Coklo Left-sided traffic directionality may be the safer "rule of the road" for ageing populations,2009,73,1,20-23,Foerch A model of suicidal behavior in war veterans with posttraumatic mood disorder,2009,73,2,215-219,Sher Toxicology and methods of committing suicide other than overdose,2009,73,5,809-810,Coklo Even very low but sustained lithium intake can prevent suicide in the general population?,2009,73,5,811-812,Okamoto Do sleep abnormalities related to disruption of synaptic homeostasis contribute to the pathophysiology of post-traumatic mood disorder and suicidal behavior?,2009,72,2,230,Sher Childhood abuse suicidal behavior and the concept of post-traumatic mood disorder,2008,71,5,809-810,Sher Suicide triggers as sex-specific threats in domains of evolutionary import: negative correlation between global male-to-female suicide ratios and average per capita gross national income,2007,68,3,692-696,Saad The histone deacetylase inhibitor FK228 may have therapeutic usefulness to prevent suicidal behaviour via upregulation of the guanosine triphosphatase Rap-1,2007,68,2,451-452,Emanuele Munchausen syndrome by proxy: more than "economic vested interests",2008,70,2,457,Sheridan The possible effect of altitude on regional variation in suicide rates,2009,73,4,587-590,Moskos Potential usefulness of N1N11-diethylnorspermine to prevent suicidal behaviour,2006,67,1,192,Martinelli Dopamine and the pathophysiology of suicidal behavior in alcoholism,2006,66,5,1043-1044,Sher Yohimbine may have a therapeutic role in prevention of suicide by regulation of glial fibrillary acidic protein expression,2006,67,6,1472,Emanuele Male female heart disease-relationship with vehicle travel,1979,5,12,1337-1346,Robinson Heart disease cancer and vehicle travel,1979,5,3,323-328,Robinson Does driving cause cancer and diabetes?,1979,5,1,175-184,Robinson The ambivalent role of the physician in the child abuse syndrome,1982,8,4,355-359,Thong Disturbances in the blood due to driving,1982,8,4,343-347,Robinson Diseases of malfunction of body mechanisms. 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