Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Interpersonal dependency in suicide attempters,2005,38,3,140-143,Nuns Why Do People Injure Themselves?,2005,39,1,10-18,Haas Seasonal variation in suicidal deaths in Chile: its relationship to latitude,2006,39,2,75-79,Heerlein Clinical Correlates of Self-Mutilation in Turkish Male Substance-Dependent Inpatients,2006,39,5,248-254,Evren Defense styles impulsivity and suicide attempts in major depression,2003,36,6,279-284,Reynaud Misclassification of suicide-the contribution of opiates,2001,34,3,140-146,De Leo Which types of aggressive behaviour are associated with suicidal and self-injurious behaviour at the time of admission?,2004,37,1,41-49,Grube Life events and psychopathology in a group of suicide attempters,2004,37,1,36-40,Osvath Changing patterns of attempted suicide in Greece: clinicoepidemiological and psychodynamic data,1998,31,6,281-292,Ierodiakonou The Impact of Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder on the Suicidal Risk of Patients with Mood Disorders,2007,40,3,184-190,Raja Delusional misidentification syndromes and dangerousness,1994,27,3-5,215-219,Klein Posttraumatic syndromes in children and adolescents after road traffic accidents--a prospective cohort study,2006,39,4,159-164,Barkmann Influence of punishment emotional rejection child abuse and broken home on aggression in adolescence: An examination of aggressive adolescents in Germany,2001,34,4,167-173,Barnow Religious Delusions: Finding Meanings in Psychosis,2008,41,3,165-172,Bhugra Self-injurious behavior in adolescent girls. Association with psychopathology and neuropsychological functions,2008,41,4,226-235,Schuch A Comparison of Life Events in Adolescents with Major Depression Borderline Personality Disorder and Matched Controls: A Pilot Study,2008,41,5,300-306,Horesh Intermittent Explosive Disorder in South Africa: Prevalence Correlates and the Role of Traumatic Exposures,2009,42,2,92-98,Stein Bullying Behavior Is Related to Suicide Attempts but Not to Self-Mutilation among Psychiatric Inpatient Adolescents,2009,42,2,131-138,Hakko Hallmarks of Posttraumatic Stress: Symptom Z-Scores in a Tsunami-Affected Tourist Population,2009,42,3,157-164,Sandvik Fourteen-Year Prospective Follow-Up Study of Positive and Negative Symptoms in Chronic Schizophrenic Patients Dying from Suicide Compared to Other Causes of Death,2009,42,3,185-189,Loas Predictive Factors for Acute Stress Disorder and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder after Motor Vehicle Accidents,2009,42,4,236-241,Ozkan Temperament and personality dimensions in suicidal and nonsuicidal psychiatric inpatients,2008,41,5,313-321,Lester Phenomenological investigation of despair in depression,2008,41,3,147-156,Bürgy Validation of a severity threshold for the Mania Rating Scale: a receiver-operating characteristic analysis,2007,40,6,453-460,Akiskal Facial expression and experience of emotions in psychodynamic interviews with patients with PTSD in comparison to healthy subjects,2007,40,5,296-302,Kirsch Is the bipolar spectrum the psychopathological substrate of suicidality in heroin addicts?,2007,40,5,269-277,Rihmer Profiles of Suicidality and Clusters of Hungarian Adolescent Outpatients Suffering from Suicidal Behaviour,2009,42,5,299-310,Csorba Personality disorders and self-perceived quality of life in an elderly psychiatric outpatient population,2003,36,2,78-83,De Leo Seasonal variation in suicide in a predominantly Caucasian tropical/subtropical region of Australia,2000,33,6,303-306,Cantor The role of psychopathology and suicidal intention in predicting suicide risk: a longitudinal study,2000,33,3,143-150,De Leo Suicide attitude in breast cancer patients,1991,24,2,115-119,De Leo Assessment of severity of suicide attempts. 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I. 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