Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Clinical correlates and repetition of self-harming behaviors among female adolescent victims of sexual abuse,2005,14,2,49-68,Cyr Ethnicity and child sexual abuse experiences of female college students,2005,14,3,67-89,Filipas An examination of the relationship between child sexual offending and psychopathy,2005,14,3,49-66,Rosenberg Adolescent females who have sexually offended: comparisons with delinquent adolescent female offenders and adolescent males who sexually offend,2002,11,3,63-83,Kubik The Colorado Sex Offender Risk Scale,2002,11,2,77-96,English Perceptions of child sexual abuse: victim and perpetrator characteristics treatment efficacy and lay vs. legal opinions of abuse,2002,11,1,53-74,Reynolds Authority as coercion:when authority figures abuse their positions to perpetrate child sexual abuse,2002,11,1,27-51,Weiss A study of the cycle of abuse among child molesters,2002,10,4,111-118,Coxe Patterns among sexual assault victims seeking treatment services,2002,10,1,89-108,Green Adult perpetrator gender asymmetries in child sexual assault victim selection: results from the 2000 national incident-based report system,2005,14,4,1-24,McCloskey Against the odds:the impact of woman abuse on maternal response to disclosure of child sexual abuse,2005,14,4,95-113,Alaggia Sexual Abuse and Subsequent Suicidal Behaviour. Exacerbating Factors and Implications for Recovery,2006,15,2,1-21,Curtis The process of coping with domestic violence in adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse,2006,15,2,23-41,Griffing Boundaries and family practices: implications for assessing child abuse,2003,12,3-4,103-125,Johnson The effects of interviewer race and child race on sexual abuse disclosures in forensic interviews,2006,15,3,99-116,Wherry Multiple sexual victimizations among adolescent boys and girls: Prevalence and associations with eating behaviors and psychological health,2003,12,1,17-37,Ackard Childhood physical and sexual abuse in China,2005,14,4,115-126,Chen Social reactions to child sexual abuse disclosures: a critical review,2003,12,1,89-121,Ullman Child sexual abuse evaluations: adherence to recommendations,2002,11,4,17-34,Lane The association between suicidal ideation and childhood and adult victimization,2002,11,3,49-62,Conner Reporting suspected child abuse: a pilot comparison of middle and high school counselors and principals,2002,11,2,59-75,Kenny Attachment theory and child abuse:some cautions,2002,11,1,125-129,Olafson Child sexual abuse and attachment theory:are we rushing headlong into another controversy?,2002,11,1,95-124,Bolen What makes sex offenders confess? An exploratory study,2002,10,4,31-49,Henry Stockholm syndrome and child sexual abuse,2005,14,3,107-129,Jülich Differences in childhood sexual abuse experience between adult Hispanic and Anglo women in a primary care setting,2005,14,2,85-95,Burge The gender identity of pedophiles: what does the outcome data tell us?,2005,14,1,57-74,Van Gijseghem Childhood sexual abuse patterns psychosocial correlates and treatment outcomes among adults in drug abuse treatment,2005,14,1,39-55,Boles Involvement in high-profile child sexual abuse controversies: costs and benefits,2004,13,1,99-120,Mildred Measuring child sexual abuse in children and youth,2004,13,1,39-68,Trocme Childhood sexual and physical abuse and adult vulnerability to PTSD: the mediating effects of attachment and dissociation,2004,13,1,17-38,Twaite Commentary on how child protective service investigators decide to substantiate mothers for failure to protect in sexual abuse cases,2006,15,4,105-110,Vieth Caregiver support and child sexual abuse: Why does it matter?,2006,15,4,97-103,Malloy Comments on How Child Protective Services Investigators Decide to Substantiate Mothers for Failure-to-Protect in Sexual Abuse Cases,2006,15,4,83-95,Shadoin How Child Protective Services Investigators Decide to Substantiate Mothers for Failure-to-Protect in Sexual Abuse Cases,2006,15,4,61-81,Coohey Therapy for child sexual abuse: Women talk about helpful and unhelpful therapy experiences,2006,15,4,35-59,Thomas Sibling incest: Reports from forty-one survivors,2006,15,4,19-34,Carlson Parental knowledge of child sexual abuse symptoms,2006,15,4,1-18,Pullins The real controversy about child sexual abuse research contradictory findings and critical issues not addressed by Rind Tromovitch and Bauserman in their 1998 outcomes meta-analysis,2001,9,3-4,157-182,Tice Including siblings in the treatment of child sexual abuse,2002,10,3,1-16,Baker A critical appraisal of the 1998 meta-analytic review of child sexual abuse outcomes reported by Rind Tromovitch and Bauserman,2001,9,3-4,135-155,Tice Exposing Misinformation Concerning Child Sexual Abuse and Adult Survivors,2001,9,3/4,1-8,Whitfield Issues inherent in the multicultural feminist couple treatment of African-American same-gender loving female adult survivors of child sexual abuse,2002,10,3,17-34,Parks Resiliency factors in the relation between childhood sexual abuse and adulthood sexual assault in college-age women,2007,16,1,1-17,Walsh Sin Vergenza: Addressing Shame with Latino Victims of Child Sexual Abuse and Their Families,2007,16,1,61-83,Fontes Relationship to Perpetrator Disclosure Social Reactions and PTSD Symptoms in Child Sexual Abuse Survivors,2007,16,1,19-36,Ullman Community notification: perceptions of its effectiveness in preventing child sexual abuse,2002,10,3,91-116,Redlich Childhood sexual abuse dissociation and adult self-destructive behavior,2002,10,3,75-90,Rodriguez-Srednicki Extension of the sexual abuse questionnaire to other abuse categories: The initial psychometric validation of the Binghamton Childhood Abuse Screen,2007,16,1,107-125,Castelda Paradigm shift: implementing MEGA a new tool proposed to define and assess sexually abusive dynamics in youth ages 19 and under,2007,16,1,85-106,Rasmussen Sexual abuse histories of young women in the U.S. child welfare system:a focus on trauma-related beliefs and resilience,2007,16,2,97-113,Breno The Experience of Trauma Recovery: A Qualitative Study of Participants in the Women Recovering from Abuse Program (WRAP),2007,16,2,55-77,Parker Juror perceptions of child eyewitness testimony in a sexual abuse trial,2007,16,2,79-95,Holcomb Efficacy of a group intervention for adult women survivors of sexual abuse,2007,16,4,37-61,Hebert Hiding behind the cloth:child sexual abuse and the Catholic Church,2007,16,3,59-74,Alpert Myths about the Country Walk case,2007,16,3,95-116,Cheit Mandatory reporting of childhood sexual abuse in Israel: What happens after the report?,2007,16,4,1-22,Oz The Relationship of Child Maltreatment and Self-Capacities with Distress When Telling One's Story of Childhood Sexual Abuse,2007,16,4,63-80,Spiegel Interpreting the intentions of Internet predators: An examination of online predatory behavior,2007,16,4,99-114,Marcum Sexual victimization and physical health: an examination of explanatory mechanisms,2008,17,2,117-132,Follette Gender differences in silencing following childhood sexual abuse,2008,17,2,133-143,O'Leary Restorative mediation: the application of restorative justice practice and philosophy to clergy sexual abuse cases,2008,17,3-4,377-396,Noll A single-case study of rabbinic sexual abuse in the Orthodox Jewish community,2008,17,3-4,270-289,Neustein The impact of the clergy abuse scandal on parish communities,2008,17,3-4,290-300,Kline A theoretical foundation for understanding clergy-perpetrated sexual abuse,2008,17,3-4,301-328,Clarke In their own voices: a qualitative study of men abused as children by catholic clergy,2008,17,3-4,201-215,Isely Perceptions of blame and credibility toward victims of childhood sexual abuse: differences across victim age victim-perpetrator relationship and respondent gender in a depicted case,2009,18,1,78-92,Davies African-American undergraduates' perceptions and attributions of child sexual abuse,2009,18,1,61-77,Perrino Prevalence characteristics and associations of sexual abuse with sociodemographics and consensual sex in a population-based sample of Swedish adolescents,2009,18,1,19-39,Svedin Preventing sexual abuse of children in the Twenty-First Century: preparing for challenges and opportunities,2009,18,1,1-18,Wurtele Beyond Munchausen by proxy: A proposed conceptualization for cases of recurring unsubstantiated sexual abuse allegations,2009,18,2,206-220,Lindahl Jury selection in child sex abuse trials: a case analysis,2009,18,2,190-205,Brodsky Recidivism among child sexual abusers: Initial results of a 13-year longitudinal random sample,2009,18,2,123-136,Marsh Risk assessment of sexual offenders for extended supervision orders in New Zealand: basic principles and current practice,2009,18,2,174-189,Vess A comparative study of two groups of sex offenders identified as high and low risk on the static-99,2009,18,2,137-153,Coxe The recovered memory controversy: a representative case study,2009,18,1,103-121,Colangelo Pathological dissociation as measured by the child dissociative checklist,2009,18,1,93-102,Wherry Nonoffending parent expectations of sexually abused children: predictive factors and influence on children's recovery,2009,18,1,40-60,Perry Introduction to special issue on betrayal and recovery: understanding the trauma of clergy sexual abuse,2008,17,3-4,197-200,Keane Perception of teacher sexual misconduct by age of student,2008,17,2,163-179,Fromuth An exploratory study of group therapy for sexually abused adolescents and nonoffending guardians,2008,17,2,101-116,Smith The use of the NICHD protocol to enhance the quantity of details obtained from children with low verbal abilities in investigative interviews: a pilot study,2008,17,2,144-162,Cyr Vicarious trauma:predictors of clinicians' disrupted cognitions about self-esteem and self-intimacy,2007,16,4,81-98,Way The frequency of sexual abuse and depression in a sample of street children of one of deprived districts of Tehran,2007,16,4,23-35,Ahmadkhaniha Correlates of male and female juvenile offender abuse experiences,2007,16,3,75-94,Dembo Sex differences in the experience of unwanted sexual attention and behaviors during childhood,2007,16,3,41-58,Jackson Family environment in Hispanic college females with a history of childhood sexual abuse,2007,16,3,19-40,Kenny The production of therapy:the social process of construction of the mother of a sexually abused child,2007,16,3,1-18,Joyce Parental support and outcome in sexually abused children,2007,16,2,33-54,Bolen Predatory online behavior: modus operandi of convicted sex offenders in identifying potential victims and contacting minors over the internet,2007,16,2,23-32,Malesky Mother-blaming in the shadow of incest: Commentary on "motherhood in the shadow of incest" by Rachel Lev-Wiesel,2007,16,1,129-136,Faller Perpetuating mother-blaming rhetoric: a commentary,2007,16,1,137-143,Koverola Women's perceptions of power and control in sexual abuse counseling,2007,16,1,37-60,Koehn In their own voices: women who were sexually abused by members of the clergy,2008,17,3-4,216-237,Flynn Non-abusive mothers of sexually abused children. The role of rumination in maternal outcomes,2006,15,2,103-122,Plummer Intergenerational transmission of sexual abuse? Motherhood in the shadow of incest,2006,15,2,75-101,Lev-Wiesel "Speaking of mothers. . ."How does the literature portray mothers who have a history of child sexual abuse?,2006,15,2,57-74,Breckenridge Factors that predict how women label their own childhood sexual abuse,2006,15,2,43-54,Burge Child molesters vs. rapists as reflected in their self-figure drawings: a pilot study,2006,15,1,105-117,Witztum Increasing the usability of cognitive processing therapy for survivors of child sexual abuse,2006,15,1,87-103,House Vicarious trauma: an exploratory study of the impact of providing sexual abuse treatment on clinicians' trust and intimacy,2006,15,1,69-85,Way Countertransference reactions in therapeutic work with incestuous sexual abusers,2006,15,1,51-68,Friedrich Sexual abuse histories of youth in child welfare residential treatment centers: analysis of the Odyssey Project population,2006,15,1,29-49,Curtis Signs of resilience in sexually abused adolescent girls in the foster care system,2006,15,1,1-28,Edmond Ethnic differences in symptom presentation of sexually abused girls,2006,15,3,79-98,Clear Sexual abuse and sexual functioning in a chronic pelvic pain sample,2006,15,3,61-78,Randolph Attributions and coping in sexually abused adolescents referred for group treatment,2006,15,3,35-59,Hebert History of child abuse and severity of adult depression: the mediating role of cognitive schema,2006,15,3,19-34,Cukor The relationship between childhood sexual abuse complex post-traumatic stress disorder and alexithymia in two outpatient samples: examination of women treated in community and institutional clinics,2006,15,3,1-17,Jackson Factors influencing the degree and pattern of parental involvement in play therapy for sexually abused children,2009,18,4,455-474,Hill Clerics who commit sexual offenses: offender offense and victim characteristics,2009,18,4,442-454,Firestone Perceptions of child sexual abuse in a hypothetical cybersexploitation case: the importance of perpetrator honesty outcome type and respondent gender,2009,18,4,422-441,Davies Child sexual abuse post-traumatic stress disorder and substance use: predictors of revictimization in adult sexual assault survivors,2009,18,4,367-385,Filipas Are males and females sexually abused as children socially anxious adults?,2009,18,4,355-366,Rojas Sibling family practices: guidelines for healthy boundaries,2009,18,3,339-354,Johnson Child sexual abusers' views on treatment: a study of convicted and imprisoned adult male offenders,2009,18,3,320-338,Roberts Advantages of group therapy for adolescent participants in the same gang rape,2009,18,3,302-319,Etgar Public attitudes toward sexual offenders and sex offender registration,2009,18,3,290-301,Foster Legal and social service responses to child sexual abuse: a primer and discussion of relevant research,2009,18,3,267-289,Wiley Factor structure of the Adolescent Clinical Sexual Behavior Inventory,2009,18,3,233-246,Sim Incest and parental contact: a psychologist' s personal case and literature review,2008,17,1,1-12, Service patterns of adult survivors of childhood versus adult sexual assault/abuse,2009,18,6,655-672,Lundy The Relationship between a History of Childhood Sexual Abuse and Gender Role Attitudes,2009,18,6,641-654,Norton A preliminary examination of specific risk assessment for sexual offenders against children,2009,18,6,583-593,Proeve Externalizing behavior among adopted boys with preadoptive histories of child sexual abuse,2009,18,5,553-573,Hinterlong Discrepancies in reporting of physical and sexual abuse among homeless young adults,2009,18,5,513-531,Tyler The impact of childhood sexual abuse and other forms of childhood adversity on adulthood parenting,2009,18,5,489-512,Barrett The convergent validity of the trauma symptom checklist for young children for a sample of sexually abused outpatients,2008,17,1,38-50,Wherry Therapeutically managing reunification after abuse allegations,2008,17,1,17-19,Hewitt Impaired sensory-emotional integration in a violent adolescent sex offender,2003,12,1,1-15,Kennedy Girls' sexual development in the inner city: from compelled childhood sexual contact to sex-for-things exchanges,2003,12,2,73-96,Johnson Female and male undergraduates' attributions for sexual offending against children,2002,10,2,61-82,Ward Attributions of responsibility in a child sexual abuse (CSA) vignette among respondents with CSA histories: the role of abuse similarity to a hypothetical victim,2010,19,2,171-189,Jackson Laughing through this pain: medical clowning during examination of sexually abused children: an innovative approach,2010,19,2,128-140,Lev-Wiesel Magazine coverage of child sexual abuse 1992-2004,2010,19,1,99-117,Cheit Abuse and parental characteristics attributions of blame and psychological adjustment in adult survivors of child sexual abuse,2010,19,1,79-98,Fitzgerald Coping strategies used by survivors of childhood sexual abuse on the journey to recovery,2010,19,1,62-78,Townshend Sexual Risk-Taking among High-Risk Urban Women with and without Histories of Childhood Sexual Abuse: Mediating Effects of Contextual Factors,2010,19,1,43-61,Smith Treatment of individuals and families affected by child sexual abuse: defining professional expertise,2010,19,1,1-19,Oz Mild intellectual disability associated with a progeny of father-daughter incest: genetic and environmental considerations,2010,19,3,337-344,Ansermet Teachers' attitudes toward reporting child sexual abuse: problems with existing research leading to new scale development,2010,19,3,310-336,Walsh Perceptions of child sexual abuse-a qualitative interview study with representatives of the socio-legal system in urban Tanzania,2010,19,3,290-309,Mbwambo The effect of severe child sexual abuse and disclosure on mental health during adulthood,2010,19,3,275-289,Coohey Stifled voices: barriers to help-seeking behavior for South African childhood sexual assault survivors,2010,19,3,255-274,Marks Health professionals' responses to disclosure of child sexual abuse history: female child sexual abuse survivors' experiences,2010,19,3,239-254,Jülich Exploring the overlap in male juvenile sexual offending and general delinquency: trauma alcohol use and masculine beliefs,2010,19,4,450-468,Brown A description of sexual offending committed by Canadian teachers,2010,19,4,403-418,Firestone Cultural issues in disclosures of child sexual abuse,2010,19,5,491-518,Fontes Sexual abuse by men who work with children,2010,19,3,345-364,Roberts Consider the source: a commentary on incest and parental contact,2008,17,1,13-16,Boat The other side of child neglect charges: what happens when there are no standard criteria for charging a non-offending mother with neglect?,2006,15,4,111-115,Neustein The role of disclosing child sexual abuse on adolescent adjustment and revictimization,2005,14,2,25-47,Kogan Characteristics of child sexual abuse cases referred for psychological services in Hong Kong:a comparison between multiple incident versus single incident cases,2004,13,2,21-39,Ma Child (sexual) abuse: a universal problem and Sri Lanka is no exception,2002,11,2,115-124,Lamers-Winkelman Child sexual abuse in Sri Lanka: the current state of affairs and recommendations for the future,2002,11,2,97-113,de Zoysa Empathy intimacy loneliness and locus of control in child sex offenders: a comparison between familial and non-familial child sexual offenders,2002,11,2,41-57,Day An evaluation of residential treatment for sexually aggressive youth,2002,10,1,1-21,Shapiro Cultural and religious influences in maternal response to intrafamilial child sexual abuse: charting new territory for research and treatment,2002,10,2,41-60,Alaggia Exploring Nonoffending Caregiver Satisfaction with a Children's Advocacy Center,2010,19,6,687-708,Bonach Extended evaluations in cases of child sexual abuse: how many sessions are sufficient?,2010,19,6,648-668,Faller Sentencing outcomes of convicted child sex offenders,2011,20,1,94-108,Marsh Differences between Sexually Victimized and Nonsexually Victimized Male Adolescent Sexual Abusers: Developmental Antecedents and Behavioral Comparisons,2011,20,1,77-93,Burton Efficacy of a group therapy for sexually abused adolescent girls,2005,14,4,71-93,Hébert Chronic avoidance helps explain the relationship between severity of childhood sexual abuse and psychological distress in adulthood,2005,14,4,25-41,Rosenthal Psychiatric comorbidity in women with a history of childhood sexual abuse,2005,14,3,91-105,Kellogg The "Wall of Fear": the bridge between the traumatic event and trauma resolution therapy for childhood sexual abuse survivors,2005,14,3,23-47,Oz Anatomical dolls: their use in assessment of children who may have been sexually abused,2005,14,3,1-21,Faller Children's protective services and law enforcement: fostering partnerships in investigations of child abuse,2005,14,2,97-111,Newman Holocaust child survivors and child sexual abuse,2005,14,2,69-83,Amir Factors related to childhood sexual abuse among gay/bisexual male Internet escorts,2005,14,2,1-23,Bimbi What sex abusers say about their treatment: results from a qualitative study on pedophiles in treatment at a Canadian penitentiary clinic,2005,14,1,91-115,Drapeau An analysis of females convicted of sex crime in the state of Florida,2005,14,1,75-89,Ferguson Childhood sexual abuse and psychosomatic symptoms in irritable bowel syndrome,2005,14,1,27-38,Ross The sexual abuse questionnaire: a preliminary examination of a time and cost efficient method in evaluating the presence of childhood sexual abuse in adult patients,2005,14,1,1-26,Levis Brief report: attitudes about responding to survey questions concerning childhood sexual abuse by Hispanic female college students,2009,18,5,574-581,Ernst The efficacy of a condensed Seeking Safety intervention for women in residential chemical dependence treatment at 30 days posttreatment,2009,18,5,475-488,Johnson Exploring posttraumatic outcomes as a function of childhood sexual abuse,2009,18,6,623-640,Shakespeare-Finch Prevalence of sexually abusive experiences in childhood and adolescence among a community sample of Latinas: a descriptive study,2009,18,4,405-421,Ulloa The clinical correlates of reported childhood sexual abuse: an association between age at trauma onset and severity of depression and PTSD in adults,2010,19,2,156-170,Mello A preliminary evaluation of a massage program for children who have been sexually abused and their nonabusing mothers,2010,19,2,141-155,Powell Difficulties in diagnosing sexual abuse in children with condyloma acuminata in Turkey,2010,19,1,35-42,Soyer Helping parents address their child's sexual behavior problems,2002,10,3,35-57,Heiman Exploring the multiplicity of childhood sexual abuse with a focus on polyincestuous contexts of abuse,2002,10,4,91-110,Crowley Sexual abuse victimization and psychological distress among adolescent offenders,2002,10,4,81-90,Kingree Trauma specific versus generic measurement of distress and the validity of self-reported symptoms in sexually abused children,2002,10,4,51-66,Fricker Integrating cognitive-behavioral and expressive therapy interventions: applying the trauma outcome process in treating children with sexually abusive behavior problems,2002,10,4,1-29,Rasmussen Partner abuse among women whose children have been sexually abused: an exploratory study,2002,10,1,109-118,Hiebert-Murphy Relationships of sexual physical and emotional abuse to emotional and behavioral problems among incarcerated adolescents,2002,10,1,73-88,McGarvey Conceptualizing child sexual abuse in interpersonal context: recovery of people not memories,2002,10,1,51-71,Gold Experimental avoidance and high-risk sexual behavior in survivors of child sexual abuse,2002,10,2,101-120,Aban Acute stress reactions to everyday stressful life events among sexual abuse survivors with PTSD,2002,10,2,83-99,Classen Incest and women of color: a study of experiences and disclosure,2002,10,2,17-39,Tyagi Recovered memories: ethical guidelines to support professionals,2002,10,2,1-15,Crozier Child sexual abuse: Community concerns in urban Tanzania,2011,20,2,196-217,Emmelin Undergraduate students' attributions of depicted adult-adolescent and adolescent-adolescent sexual interactions,2011,20,2,157-181,Renk Testing an etiological model for male juvenile sexual offending against females,2004,13,3-4,33-55,Knight A spiritual framework in incest survivors treatment,2004,13,2,105-120,Beveridge Sexual trauma spirituality and psychopathology,2004,13,2,85-103,Simonich Treatment outcome research with the non-offending parents of sexually abused children: a critical review,2004,13,2,59-84,Corcoran Remembering and forgetting childhood sexual abuse,2004,13,2,1-19,Edwards A videotape series for teaching physicians to evaluate sexually abused children,2004,13,1,87-97,Worthington Assessing the long-term effects of EMDR: results from an 18-month follow-up study with adult female survivors of CSA,2004,13,1,69-86,Edmond Trauma symptoms sexual behaviors and substance abuse: correlates of childhood sexual abuse and HIV risks among men who have sex with men,2004,13,1,1-15,Gore-Felton Community corrections officers' attributions for sexual offending against children,2002,11,4,101-123,Purvis Differences between sexually abused and non-sexually abused adolescent girls in foster care,2002,11,4,73-99,Edmond Child sexual abuse victims' perception of paternal support as a significant predictor of coping style and global self-worth,2002,11,4,53-72,Guelzow Confronting abusers: the opinions of clinicians and survivors,2002,11,4,35-52,Freshwater Effects of group therapy on female adolescent survivors of sexual abuse: a pilot study,2002,11,4,1-16,Thun Relationships between maternal adult attachment security child perceptions of maternal support and maternal perceptions of child responses to sexual abuse,2002,11,3,107-124,Leifer Further understanding the systemic effects of childhood sexual abuse: a comparison of two groups of clinical couples,2002,11,3,85-106,Nelson Re-traumatization among adult women sexually abused in childhood: exploratory analyses in a prospective study,2002,11,3,19-48,Banyard The trans-theoretical stages of change model and motivational interviewing for building maternal supportiveness in cases of sexual abuse,2002,11,3,1-17,Corcoran The relationship of trauma exposure to sex offending behavior among male juvenile offenders,2002,11,2,25-40,McMackin Women's report of unwanted sexual attention during childhood,2002,11,1,75-93,Whealin Providing sexual education to victims of child sexual abuse:what is a clinician to do?,2002,11,1,1-25,Gilbert Treatment of incarcerated sexually-abused adolescent females: an outcome study,2003,12,1,123-139,Arnold Emotional closeness with perpetrators and amnesia for child sexual abuse,2003,12,1,67-88,Schultz Cherish your exceptions,2003,12,2,133-135,Putnam The overlapping problems of prosecution sample bias and systematic exclusion of familial child sex abuse victims from the criminal justice system,2003,12,2,129-132,Murphy Drawing conclusions: confusion between data and theory in the traumatic memory debate,2003,12,2,123-128,Silberg Predicting memory for childhood sexual abuse: "non-significant" findings with the potential for significant harm,2003,12,2,113-121,Becker-Blease The limitations of a prospective study of memories for child sexual abuse,2003,12,2,105-111,Cheit Memory for abuse: what can we learn from a prosecution sample?,2003,12,2,97-103,Freyd The process of coping following child sexual abuse:a qualitative study,2003,12,2,41-72,Oaksford Personality disorders coping strategies and posttraumatic stress disorder in women with histories of childhood sexual abuse,2003,12,2,19-39,Johnson Sexual at-risk behaviors of sexually abused adolescent girls,2003,12,2,1-18,Cyr Assessing posttraumatic stress disorder using the trauma symptom checklist for young children,2008,17,1,89-100,Wherry Exploring the relations among the nature of the abuse perceived parental support and child's self-concept and trauma symptoms among sexually abused children,2008,17,1,51-70,Reyes Presentation of victims in the press coverage of child sexual abuse in Croatia,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Popović The clinical-forensic dichotomy in sexual abuse evaluations: moving toward an integrative model,2010,19,5,590-608,Tishelman Allegations of sexual abuse of a child: what to do when a single forensic interview isn't enough,2010,19,5,572-589,Faller The use of anatomical dolls as a demonstration aid in child sexual abuse interviews: a study of forensic interviewers' perceptions,2010,19,5,519-553,Hlavka Forensic cultural and systems issues in child sexual abuse cases--part 1: an introduction,2010,19,5,485-490,Tishelman Setting course: the case for the credentialing of forensic interviewers,2010,19,6,709-727,Vieth The role of the medical provider in the evaluation of sexually abused children and adolescents,2010,19,6,669-686,Newton Child sexual abuse myths: attitudes beliefs and individual differences,2010,19,6,618-647,Goldsmith Forensic cultural and systems issues in child sexual abuse cases--part 2: research and practitioner issues,2010,19,6,609-617,Tishelman Effect of student vulnerability on perceptions of teacher-student sexual involvement,2010,19,4,419-433,Fromuth Educator sexual abuse: two case reports,2010,19,4,387-402,Burgess Teacher sexual misconduct: grooming patterns and female offenders,2010,19,4,371-386,Knoll Educator sexual abuse: introduction and overview,2010,19,4,367-370,Morgenbesser Family Experiences of Young Adult Sex Offender Registration,2010,19,2,204,Kernsmith Disclosure of sexual abuse in sport organizations: A case study,2011,20,3,322-337,Parent Early marriage rape child prostitution and related factors determining the psychosocial effects severity of child sexual abuse in Ethiopia,2011,20,3,305-321,Wondie Child abuse early maladaptive schemas and risky sexual behavior in college women,2011,20,3,264-283,Messman-Moore Sexual Offending in Adolescence: A Comparison of Sibling Offenders and Nonsibling Offenders across Domains of Risk and Treatment Need,2011,20,3,245-263,Scalora The association of maternal depressive symptoms with child externalizing problems: The role of maternal support following child sexual abuse,2011,20,4,467-480,Rakow Healing from childhood sexual abuse: a theoretical model,2011,20,4,435-466,Martsolf Differences in perceptions of child sexual abuse based on perpetrator age and respondent gender,2011,20,4,396-412,Giglio Childhood Sexual Abuse Severity Reconsidered: A Factor Structure of CSA Characteristics,2011,20,4,373-395,Riggs Sibling Sexual Abuse: An Empirical Analysis of Offender Victim and Event Characteristics in National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) Data 2000-2007,2011,20,4,353-372,Krienert Medical evaluation of suspected child sexual abuse: 2011 update,2011,20,5,588-605,Adams Neurodevelopmental biology associated with childhood sexual abuse,2011,20,5,548-587,Hooper Healing of genital injuries,2011,20,5,537-547,Berkowitz Timing of the medical examination,2011,20,5,505-520,Christian Medical advances in child sexual abuse,2011,20,5,481-485,Alexander Crisis or creation?a systematic examination of "false memory syndrome",2001,9,3-4,9-36,Dallam A sexual assault primary prevention model with diverse urban youth,2011,20,6,708-727,Smothers Conceptualization of the complex outcomes of sexual abuse: A signal detection analysis,2011,20,6,677-694,Pechtel The impact of child family and child protective services factors on reports of child sexual abuse recurrence,2011,20,6,657-676,Sinanan The medical analysis of child sexual abuse images,2011,20,6,631-642,Cooper Enhancing victim empathy for sex offenders,2003,12,3-4,255-276,Carich Treatment of adult sexual offenders: a therapeutic cognitive-behavioural model of intervention,2003,12,3-4,195-232,Yates The current role of post-conviction sex offender polygraph testing in sex offender treatment,2003,12,3-4,175-194,Kokish Policy interventions designed to combat sexual violence: community notification and civil commitment,2003,12,3-4,17-52,Levenson Comment on Cross Fine Jones and Walsh (2012): we are now on the same page,2012,21,2,240-243,Goldstein "Nobody's Perfect"-Partial Disagreement with Herman Faust Bridges and Ahern,2012,21,2,203-209,Myers Father-daughter incest: data from an anonymous computerized survey,2012,21,2,176-199,Kuo Shame and guilt in men exposed to childhood sexual abuse: a qualitative investigation,2012,21,2,155-175,Dorahy Part II: Differences between Sexually Victimized and Nonsexually Victimized Male Adolescent Sexual Abusers and Delinquent Youth: Further Group Comparisons of Developmental Antecedents and Behavioral Challenges,2012,21,3,315-326,Burton At Risk: The Relationship between Experiences of Child Sexual Abuse and Women's HIV Status in Papua New Guinea,2012,21,3,273-294,Lewis Understanding child sexual abuse by Catholic priests from a situational perspective,2012,21,4,437-455,Freilich Sexual revictimization in adult women: examining factors associated with their childhood and adulthood experiences,2012,21,5,593-611,Postmus Child sexual abuse and women's sexual health: the contribution of CSA severity and exposure to multiple forms of childhood victimization,2012,21,5,571-592,Tremblay Parenting in females exposed to intimate partner violence and childhood sexual abuse,2012,21,6,684-700,Jaffe An investigation of successfully treated adolescent sex offenders,2004,13,3-4,295-317,Crumpton Franey Treatment effectiveness for male adolescent sexual offenders: a meta-analysis and review,2004,13,3-4,281-293,Walker Recidivism and resilience in juvenile sexual offenders: an analysis of the literature,2004,13,3-4,257-279,Freeman An integrated experimental approach to treating young people who sexually abuse,2004,13,3-4,193-213,Longo Cognitive-behavioral treatment for adolescents who sexually offend and their families: individual and family applications in a collaborative outpatient program,2004,13,3-4,157-192,Kolko Working with parents to reduce juvenile sex offender recidivism,2004,13,3-4,139-156,Zankman Treatment of juveniles who sexually offend: an overview,2004,13,3-4,125-138,Freeman Interviewing strategies with sexually abusive youth,2004,13,3-4,107-123,Lambie Emerging strategies for risk assessment of sexually abusive youth: theory controversy and practice,2004,13,3-4,83-105,Prescott Differentiating youth who sexually abuse: applying a multidimensional framework when assessing and treating subtypes,2004,13,3-4,57-82,Rasmussen Characteristics of youth who sexually offend,2004,13,3-4,15-32,Righthand Introduction: assessment and treatment of youth who sexually offend: an overview,2004,13,3-4,1-13,Geffner Sexually violent predators and civil commitment laws,2004,13,2,41-57,Cheung Arab parents' reactions to child sexual abuse: a review of clinical records,2013,22,1,52-71,Abu-Baker Childhood sexual abuse adult psychiatric morbidity and criminal outcomes in women assessed by medium secure forensic service,2013,22,2,191-208,Dolan Physical versus sexual abuse as reflected in adolescents' self-figure drawings: a preliminary study,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lev-Wiesel Child sexual abuse academic functioning and educational outcomes in emerging adulthood,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Becker-Blease Brother-sister incest: data from anonymous computer-assisted self interviews,2013,22,3,255-276,Kuo Perceptions of juvenile sexual abuse victims: a meta-analysis on vignette-based studies on the effects of victims' age and respondents' gender,2013,22,5,593-611,Font The relationship between knowledge and child and caregiver distress during the medical examination for child sexual abuse,2013,22,5,552-571,Resnick Treatment implications arising from a qualitative analysis of letters written by the nonoffending partners of men who have perpetrated child sexual abuse,2013,22,6,720-741,Duff Sister-sister incest: data from an anonymous computerized survey,2013,22,6,695-719,Kuo A study of shame from sexual abuse within the context of a Norwegian incest center,2013,22,6,677-694,Pettersen Exploring mental health adjustment of children post sexual assault in South Africa,2013,22,6,639-657,Jewkes Attitudes toward the punishment of juvenile and adult sexual offenders in Canada: the roles of sentencing goals and criminal justice motivations,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sparks Counseling for young people and families affected by child sexual exploitation and abuse: a qualitative investigation of the perspective of young people parents and professionals,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Young Is it love or sexual abuse? Young adults' perceptions of statutory rape,2013,22,7,858-877,Reppucci The Seven Pillars of Quality Care in a Statewide Pediatric Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner Program,2013,22,7,777-795,Cross Internet-initiated sexual assault among U.S. Adolescents reported in newspapers 1996-2007,2013,22,8,987-999,Merchant No place is safe: Sexual abuse of children in rural Bangladesh,2013,22,8,901-914,Kabir Coping emotion regulation and self-blame as mediators of sexual abuse and psychological symptoms in adult sexual assault,2014,23,1,74-93,Ullman Differentiating single and multiple victim child sexual abuse cases: A research note considering social disorganization theory,2014,23,1,38-54,Tewksbury A descriptive analysis of public school educators arrested for sex offenses,2014,23,2,217-228,Ratliff Using child advocacy center tracking data to examine criminal disposition times,2014,23,2,198-216,Jones The influence of childhood sexual abuse on adolescent outcomes: The roles of gender poverty and revictimization,2014,23,4,367-386,Jonson-Reid Sexual abuse in Malawi: patterns of disclosure,2014,23,3,278-289,Kennedy Predicting suicidal ideations in sexually abused female adolescents: a 12-month prospective study,2014,23,4,387-397,Chagnon Parental opinions of their child's experience in the legal process: an interpretative analysis,2014,23,3,290-303,Berterö Breaking the silence of child sexual abuse in the Caribbean: a community-based action research intervention model,2014,23,3,256-277,Reid Educating physicians internationally in the diagnosis of child sexual abuse: evaluation of a brief educational intervention in Malawi,2014,23,3,247-255,Miller Through the eyes of the wounded: a narrative analysis of children's sexual abuse experiences and recovery process,2014,23,5,538-557,Foster Emergence of nonsexual crimes and their relationship to sexual crime characteristics and the deviant arousal of male adolescent sexual offenders: an exploratory study,2014,23,5,595-613,Burton Differences in caregiver self-efficacy and satisfaction related to sexual abuse of offspring,2014,23,5,504-518,Wolfteich Knowledge regarding hymens and the sex education of parents,2014,23,6,674-689,Starling Child sexual abuse in the context of the Roman Catholic Church: a review of literature from 1981-2013,2014,23,6,635-656,Fegert Interpersonal and affective traits of psychopathy in child sexual abusers: evidence from a pilot study sample of Italian offenders,2014,23,7,853-860,Caretti Forensic evaluation in alleged sibling incest against children,2014,23,7,755-767,Magalhães The use of humor to cope with secondary traumatic stress,2014,23,7,840-852,Craun Perpetration revictimization and self-injury: traumatic reenactments of child sexual abuse in a nonclinical sample of South African adolescents,2014,23,6,708-726,Collings How ineffective family environments can compound maldevelopment of critical thinking skills in childhood abuse survivors,2014,23,6,690-707,Gold The influence of narrative practice techniques on child behaviors in forensic interviews,2014,23,6,615-634,Gilgun An exploratory study of domains of parenting concern among mothers who are childhood sexual abuse survivors,2014,23,8,885-899,Wright Interpreting child sexual abuse: the impact of victim response,2014,23,8,977-990,Buck "It all depends on the guy and the girl": a qualitative study of youth experiences with statutory victimization relationships,2014,23,8,935-956,Jones Child Sexual Abuse Survivors with Dissociative Amnesia: What's the Difference?,2013,22,4,462-480,Nochajski Evaluation of an Innovative Tool for Child Sexual Abuse Education,2013,22,4,379-397,Rowland Adolescent and Young Adult Male Sex Offenders: Understanding the Role of Recidivism,2013,22,1,9-31,Pegram The Effectiveness of Group Treatment for Female Adult Incest Survivors,2013,22,2,143-152,Brown Identification of Sexually Abused Female Adolescents at Risk for Suicidal Ideations: A Classification and Regression Tree Analysis,2013,22,2,153-172,Chagnon Sexual Abuse Images in Cyberspace: Expanding the Ecology of the Child,2013,22,4,398-415,Alaggia Parental Employment Status and Symptoms of Children Abused during a Recession,2013,22,4,416-428,Tobey Perceptions of Childhood Sexual Abuse Survivors: Development and Initial Validation of a New Scale to Measure Stereotypes of Adult Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse,2013,22,3,358-378,Zafar Post-traumatic stress disorder and quality of life in sexually abused Australian children,2013,22,3,277-296,Gospodarevskaya Social Service Professionals' Perceptions of Nonoffending Caregivers in Child Sexual Abuse Cases,2013,22,4,429-443,Wolfteich Maltreatment and depression in adolescent sexual offenders with an autism spectrum disorder,2013,22,1,72-89,Crothers Impact evaluation of a cognitive behavioral group therapy model in Brazilian sexually abused girls,2013,22,2,173-190,Habigzang Cognitive abuse within the incestuous family as a factor in the development of dissociative identity disorder,2013,22,4,444-461,Reed-Gavish Young people who sexually abuse: a historical perspective and future directions,2013,22,1,119-141,Rasmussen Predictors of support for juvenile sex offender registration: educated individuals recognize the flaws of juvenile registration,2013,22,2,231-254,Smith Knowledge of juvenile sex offender registration laws predicts adolescent sexual behavior,2013,22,1,103-118,Wiley Denying denial in children with sexual behavior problems,2013,22,1,32-51,Reicher Parents of minors who have sexually abused: legal liability and clinical interventions,2013,22,1,90-102,Oz Use of APTIMA Combo 2: The Experience of a Child Advocacy Center,2013,22,3,297-311,Scribano The illusions and juxtapositions of commercial sexual exploitation among youth: identifying effective street-outreach strategies,2013,22,3,326-340,Saewyc An Exploratory Study of the Effects of Teacher Attractiveness on Undergraduates' Perceptions of Teacher-Student Sexual Involvement,2013,22,3,341-357,Fromuth Adolescents' lifetime experience of selling sex: development over five years,2013,22,3,312-325,Wadsby Support and Profiles of Nonoffending Mothers of Sexually Abused Children,2013,22,2,209-230,Cyr Female offenders in child sexual abuse cases: a national picture,2015,24,1,97-114,McLeod How parents manage the risk of child sexual abuse: a grounded theory,2015,24,1,55-76,Babatsikos A case study of social cognitive treatment of PTSD in a South African rape survivor: the central role of case formulation,2015,24,2,174-194,Edwards Mediators of sexual revictimization risk in adult sexual assault victims,2015,24,3,300-314,Ullman A national survey of child advocacy center directors regarding knowledge of assessment treatment referral and training needs in physical and sexual abuse,2015,24,3,280-299,Wherry Preservice teachers' sources of information on mandatory reporting of child sexual abuse,2015,24,3,238-258,Grimbeek Prevalence of sexual abuse in childhood: some critical methodological reflections,2015,24,4,401-411,De Tychey Interpreting child sexual abuse: empathy and offense-supportive cognitions among child sex offenders,2015,24,4,354-368,Buck Prevalence of sexual trauma history using behaviorally specific methods of assessment in first year college students,2015,24,5,484-505,Sigmon Childhood sexual abuse and adult sexual risk behavior: a review and critique,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Macintosh Sexual offenses among children in the north of Jordan: an exploratory study,2015,24,5,538-554,Shotar A single-case study of resiliency after extreme incest in an Old Order Amish family,2015,24,5,526-537,McGuigan Child sexual abuse sexual anxiety and sexual satisfaction: the role of self-capacities,2015,24,5,464-483,Godbout Female juvenile sexual offenders: understanding who they are and possible steps that may prevent some girls from offending,2015,24,6,698-715,Oliver Investigating the role of child sexual abuse in intimate partner violence victimization and perpetration in young adulthood from a propensity score matching approach,2015,24,6,659-681,Gover Family or caregiver instability parental attachment and the relationship to juvenile sex offending,2015,24,6,641-658,Felizzi Does having children moderate the effect of child sexual abuse on depression?,2015,24,6,607-626,Zeglin Juvenile offender recidivism: an examination of risk factors,2012,21,3,257-272,Calley Guidelines for conducting a victim-sensitive interview,2015,24,7,717-730,Thakkar Exploring the Role of the Internet in Juvenile Prostitution Cases Coming to the Attention of Law Enforcement,2012,21,3,327-342,Mitchell Unacknowledged rape: the influences of child sexual abuse and personality traits,2015,24,8,975-990,Scarpa Peritraumatic tonic immobility and trauma-related symptoms in adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse: the role of posttrauma cognitions,2015,24,8,959-974,Weierich Eating disordered behaviors and body disapproval in adolescent males adjudicated for sexual and nonsexual crimes,2015,24,8,922-942,Burton Turkish school counselors' experiences of reporting child sexual abuse: a brief report,2015,24,8,908-921,Sivis-Cetinkaya Perceptions of the role of mothers in the disclosure and nondisclosure of child sexual abuse: a qualitative study,2015,24,8,887-907,Hunter Forensic interviews for child sexual abuse allegations: an investigation into the effects of animal-assisted intervention on stress biomarkers,2015,24,8,873-886,Krause-Parello Curriculum development around parenting strategies to prevent and respond to child sexual abuse in sub-Saharan Africa: a program collaboration between families matter! And global dialogues,2015,24,8,839-852,Saul Prevalence of child sexual abuse in the Nordic countries: a literature review,2016,25,1,37-55,Svedin Psychosocial profile of children having participated in an intervention program for their sexual behavior problems: the predictor role of maltreatment,2016,25,2,127-141,Tourigny Winning a race: narratives of healing and psychotherapy in children and adolescents who have been sexually abused,2016,25,1,73-92,Capella Investigating the victim pseudomaturity effect: how a victim's chronological age and dress style influences attributions in a depicted case of child sexual assault,2016,25,1,1-19,Rogers Lifetime prevalence and characteristics of child sexual victimization in a community sample of Spanish adolescents,2016,25,2,142-158,Guilera The nature of posttraumatic growth in adult survivors of child sexual abuse,2016,25,2,201-220,Hartley The levels of cortisol oxidative stress and DNA damage in the victims of childhood sexual abuse: a preliminary study,2016,25,2,175-184,Uysal The disclosure experiences of male child sexual abuse survivors,2016,25,2,221-241,Collin-Vézina Prevention and outcomes for victims of childhood sexual abuse,2015,24,1,35-54,Ulloa Psychological symptoms of sexually victimized children and adolescents compared with other maltreatment subtypes,2016,25,3,326-346,Goldbeck Does information about neuropsychiatric diagnoses influence evaluation of child sexual abuse allegations?,2016,25,3,276-292,Lindblad Attitudes toward juvenile sex offender legislation: the influence of case-specific information,2016,25,4,466-482,Jeglic Maladaptive schemas as mediators in the relationship between child sexual abuse and displaced aggression,2016,25,4,449-465,Estévez Contributions of child sexual abuse self-blame posttraumatic stress symptoms and alcohol use to women's risk for forcible and substance-facilitated sexual assault,2016,25,4,428-448,Messman-Moore Gender differences in sexually abused children and adolescents: a multicenter study in Turkey,2016,25,4,415-427,Tufan Prevalence and correlates of sex exchange among a nationally representative sample of adolescents and young adults,2016,25,5,524-537,Salazar Mental health and behavioral outcomes of sexual and nonsexual child maltreatment among child welfare-involved youth,2016,25,5,483-503,Wu The continuum of disclosure: exploring factors predicting tentative disclosure of child sexual abuse allegations during forensic interviews and the implications for practice policy and future research,2016,25,4,382-402,Anderson Children's experiences of completing a computer-based violence survey: Finnish child victim survey revisited,2016,25,5,556-576,Ellonen Teachers' knowledge and beliefs about child sexual abuse,2016,25,5,538-555,Márquez-Flores Characteristics of sexually abused children and their nonoffending mothers followed by child welfare services: the role of a maternal history of child sexual abuse,2016,25,5,504-523,Tourigny Caregiver needs following disclosure of child sexual abuse,2016,25,4,403-414,Seymour Investigative interviewing of Aboriginal children in cases of suspected sexual abuse,2016,25,4,363-381,Powell Impact of repeated questioning on interviewers: learning from a forensic interview training project,2016,25,4,347-362,Cheung A summary of selective experimental research on psychosocial interventions for sexually abused children,2016,25,5,597-617,Kim Behavioural differences between online sexual groomers approaching boys and girls,2016,25,5,577-596,Lamb Effects of school-based risk and protective factors on treatment success among youth adjudicated of a sexual crime,2016,25,3,310-325,Yoder Gender differences in psychosocial predictors of attitudes toward reporting child sexual abuse in the United Kingdom,2016,25,3,293-309,Boduszek Analyses of child sex abuse cases in Turkey: a provincial case,2016,25,3,262-275,Kucuk Emotional language used by victims of alleged sexual abuse during forensic investigation,2016,25,3,243-261,Katz "As time went on i just forgot about it": thematic analysis of spontaneous disclosures of recovered memories of childhood sexual abuse,2016,25,1,56-72,Collin-Vézina Psychophysiological reactivity in child sexual abuse,2016,25,2,185-200,Wolmer Effects of duration on perceptions of teacher sexual misconduct,2016,25,2,159-174,Fromuth The lived experience of the adolescent sex offender: a phenomenological case study,2016,25,1,93-109,Crump Posttraumatic stress and depression in the nonoffending caregivers of sexually abused children: associations with parenting practices,2016,25,1,110-125,Hanson I knew it all along: the sexual grooming behaviors of child molesters and the hindsight bias,2016,25,1,20-36,Jeglic Research with adolescent victims of child sexual abuse: evaluation of emotional impact on participants,2015,24,8,943-958,Pereda Stop It Now! A pilot study into the limits and benefits of a free helpline preventing child sexual abuse,2015,24,8,853-872,Webster Improving empathy in the prevention of sexual abuse against children and youngsters,2015,24,7,796-815,Böhm Demographic and motivation differences among online sex offenders by type of offense: an exploration of routine activities theories,2015,24,7,753-771,Jasinski Disclosure and psychological well-being of sexually abused adolescents in Hong Kong,2015,24,7,731-752,Lam The dialectic of chaos and control in the experience of therapists who work with sexually abused children,2015,24,7,816-836,Buchbinder Comprehending and rehabilitating Roman Catholic clergy offenders of child sexual abuse,2015,24,7,772-795,Anderson An exploration of differences between small samples of female sex offenders with prepubescent versus postpubescent victims,2015,24,6,682-697,Pflugradt Body-related emotions in posttraumatic stress disorder following childhood sexual abuse,2015,24,6,627-640,Dyer Is laughing at the expense of victims and offenders a red flag? Humor and secondary traumatic stress,2015,24,5,592-602,Craun Training mental health professionals in child sexual abuse: curricular guidelines,2015,24,5,572-591,Kenny Family resilience resources in coping with child sexual abuse in South Africa,2015,24,5,555-571,Greeff Experiences of mothers who are child sexual abuse survivors: a qualitative exploration,2015,24,5,506-525,Koopman The relationship between perceptions of response to disclosure of childhood sexual abuse and later outcomes,2015,24,5,445-463,Gilbert Participatory action research on help-seeking behaviors of self-defined ritual abuse survivors: a brief report,2015,24,4,429-443,Barron Structured therapeutic games for nonoffending caregivers of children who have experienced sexual abuse,2015,24,4,412-428,Misurell Pilot study on childhood sexual abuse diurnal cortisol secretion and weight loss in bariatric surgery patients,2015,24,4,385-400,Hulme Disclosure of child sexual abuse: the case of Pacific Islanders,2015,24,4,369-384,Xiao Sentencing male sex offenders under the age of 14: a law reform advocacy journey in hong kong,2015,24,4,333-353,Cheung Prevalence of childhood sexual abuse among lesbian gay and bisexual people: a meta-analysis,2015,24,3,315-331,Xu The NICHD Investigative Interview Protocol: a meta-analytic review,2015,24,3,259-279,Stein Group treatment for child sexual abuse: treatment referral and therapeutic outcomes,2015,24,3,217-237,Misurell Understanding sexual paraphilic and gender dysphoria disorders in DSM-5,2015,24,2,210-215,DeFeo Response to Ross's "Commentary: Problems with the sexual disorders sections of DSM-5",2015,24,2,202-209,Miccio-Fonseca Commentary: Problems with the sexual disorders sections of DSM-5,2015,24,2,195-201,Ross "From that moment on my life changed": turning points in the healing process for men recovering from child sexual abuse,2015,24,2,152-173,Willis The influence of child sexual abuse on the self from adult narrative perspectives,2015,24,2,135-151,Robinson Men's sexual interest in children: one-year incidence and correlates in a population-based sample of Finnish male twins,2015,24,2,115-134,Sandnabba School-based child sexual abuse prevention programs: moving toward resiliency-informed evaluation,2015,24,1,77-96,Barron Child sexual abuse and the media: a literature review,2015,24,1,16-34,Weatherred Prevalence and nature of child sexual abuse in the Netherlands: ethnic differences?,2015,24,1,1-15,Bogaerts Difficulties in emotion regulation as a mediator of the relationship between child sexual abuse victimization and sexual aggression perpetration in male college students,2016,25,6,674-685,Parkhill A psychosocial understanding of child sexual abuse disclosure among female children in South Africa,2016,25,6,636-654,Abrahams The impact of high-profile sexual abuse cases in the media on a pediatric emergency department,2016,25,6,627-635,Flannery Sexual abuse in Cameroon: a four-year-old girl victim of rape in Buea case study,2016,25,6,619-626,Chishugi Prevention of child sexual abuse by targeting pre-offenders before first offense,2016,25,7,719-737,Levine Perceived needs for support program for family with child sexual abuse victim in South Korea: focus group interview with therapists and mothers,2016,25,7,738-756,Han Socialization processes and clergy offenders,2016,25,8,846-865,Anderson Impact of perpetrator type on attributions of mother fault in child sexual abuse,2016,25,8,827-845,Cummings Children's knowledge of genital anatomy and its relationship with children's use of the word "inside" during questioning about possible sexual abuse,2017,26,1,23-39,Nugent Conflict resolution styles as mediators of female child sexual abuse experience and heterosexual couple relationship satisfaction and stability in adulthood,2017,26,1,58-77,Knapp Study of cases of child sexual abuse referred for medico-legal examination in Cairo and Giza Egypt2007-2011,2017,26,3,308-318,Azab Posttraumatic stress disorder and suicidal ideation among sexually abused adolescent girls: the mediating role of shame,2017,26,2,158-174,Cyr Comparison of psychopathological symptoms in adolescents who experienced sexual violence as a victim and/or as a perpetrator,2017,26,4,373-387,Allroggen Obstacles to help-seeking for sexual offenders: implications for prevention of sexual abuse,2017,26,2,99-120,Levenson Some epidemiological characteristics of perpetrators and victims of incest in contemporary Ghana: analysis of media reports,2017,26,2,121-139,Osafo Persistent complications of child sexual abuse: sexually compulsive behaviors attachment and emotions,2017,26,2,140-157,Cohn Common beliefs about child sexual abuse and disclosure: a college sample,2017,26,2,175-194,London The effect of gender on perceptions of credibility in child sexual assault cases: a systematic review,2017,26,2,195-212,Klettke Child sexual behaviors in school context: age and gender differences,2017,26,2,213-231,Di Blasio Judicial decision-making and juvenile offenders: effects of medical evidence and victim age,2017,26,4,388-406,Alexander Child and adolescent sexual abuse in women seeking help for sexual and reproductive mental health problems: prevalence characteristics and disclosure,2017,26,3,246-269,Cobo The effect of case severity on sentence length in cases of child sexual assault in Canada,2017,26,3,319-333,Connolly Childhood maltreatment and child protective services involvement among the commercially sexually exploited: a comparison of women who enter as juveniles or as adults,2017,26,3,352-371,Kennedy Do participants detect sexual abuse depicted in a drawing? Investigating the impact of betrayal trauma exposure on state dissociation and betrayal awareness,2017,26,3,233-245,Gobin High betrayal child sexual abuse and hallucinations: a test of an indirect effect of dissociation,2017,26,5,507-518,Freyd Edutainment as a strategy for parental discussion with Israeli children: the potential of a children's play in preventing sexual abuse,2017,26,5,553-572,Lev-Wiesel Sexual desire among an online sample of men sexually attracted to children,2017,26,6,643-656,Galupo Predicting time spent in treatment in a sample of Danish survivors of child sexual abuse,2017,26,5,535-552,Elklit Baseline characteristics of dependent youth who have been commercially sexually exploited: findings from a specialized treatment program,2017,26,6,692-709,Dollard "A very steep climb": therapists' perspectives on barriers to disclosure of child sexual abuse experiences for men,2017,26,6,731-751,Willis Sexual Abuse Prevention Mobile Application (SAP_MobAPP) for primary school children in Korea,2017,26,5,573-589,Moon Child sexual abuse and adult mental health sexual risk behaviors and drinking patterns among Latino men who have sex with men,2018,27,3,237-253,Fernandez Advocacy journey promoting child sexual abuse prevention in Hong Kong,2017,26,8,957-969,Cheung Victims' retrospective explanations of sibling sexual violence,2017,26,7,874-888,McDonald Linguistic analysis as a method for assessing symptoms after sexual trauma among female adolescent psychiatric inpatients,2017,26,8,910-926,Sharp The fears and futures of boy victims of sexual abuse: an analysis of narratives,2017,26,6,710-730,Foster Comparing female- and male-perpetrated child sexual abuse: a mixed-methods analysis,2017,26,6,657-676,Burgess-Proctor "I am not a victim. I am a survivor": resilience as a journey for female survivors of child sexual abuse,2017,26,8,927-947,Newsom A case study approach to reducing the risks of child sexual exploitation (CSE),2017,26,7,769-784,Egan "She got spoilt": perceptions of victims of child sexual abuse in Ghana,2017,26,7,818-838,Böhm Exploring the relationship between adverse childhood experiences and hope,2017,26,8,948-956,Hellman Child sexual abuse attributions among undergraduate psychology students in Singapore,2017,26,7,839-852,Hawkins It happened to me: a qualitative analysis of boys' narratives about child sexual abuse,2017,26,7,853-873,Foster Recovering process from child sexual abuse during adulthood from an integrative approach to solution-focused therapy: a case study,2017,26,7,785-805,Gonzalez "Otis": a case study of an online attempt to purchase children for sex,2017,26,7,806-817,Bach Child sexual abuse and intimate partner violence victimization in adulthood: sex-differences in the mediating influence of age of sexual initiation,2018,27,1,53-69,Masho The role of early maladaptive schemas in the appearance of psychological symptomatology in adult women victims of child abuse,2017,26,8,889-909,Estévez Children's disclosure of sexual abuse: a systematic review of qualitative research exploring barriers and facilitators,2018,27,2,176-194,Wilson "What will my friends think?" social consequences for Danish victims of sexual assaults in peer groups,2018,27,3,217-236,Clasen Child-parent relationship therapy with extra-familial abused children,2018,27,4,386-402,Green Outcry consistency and prosecutorial decisions in child sexual abuse cases,2018,27,4,424-438,Bracewell Advancing child sexual abuse prevention in schools: an exploration of the effectiveness of the Enough! online training program for K-12 teachers,2019,28,2,144-159,Robinson Victimization and violence: an exploration of the relationship between child sexual abuse violence and delinquency,2018,27,6,699-717,Gushwa Preventing school employee sexual misconduct: an outcome survey analysis of making right choices,2019,28,2,129-143,Mueller Sexual violence against children in sports and exercise: a systematic literature review,2018,27,4,365-385,Szabo Passing the trash: absence of state laws allows for continued sexual abuse of K-12 students by school employees,2019,28,1,84-104,Grant Interventions that foster healing among sexually exploited children and adolescents: a systematic review,2018,27,4,403-423,Saewyc Educating Australia's Jewish communities about child sexual abuse,2018,27,5,523-536,Crisp The prevalence of sexual abuse by K-12 school personnel in Canada 1997-2017,2019,28,1,46-66, Exposing school employee sexual abuse and misconduct: shedding light on a sensitive issue,2019,28,1,26-45,Grant Exploring gender and racial/ethnic differences in the effects of child sexual abuse,2018,27,5,570-587,Gray Situational factors related to childhood sexual abuse in the Orthodox Jewish community among adult and juvenile offenders,2018,27,5,537-553,Eisen Colonized silence: confronting the colonial link in rural Alaska Native survivors' non-disclosure of child sexual abuse,2018,27,6,589-611,Braithwaite Child sexual abuse news: a systematic review of content analysis studies,2018,27,7,752-777,Popović The indirect effect of child maltreatment severity on adult PTSD symptoms through anxiety sensitivity,2018,27,6,682-698,Wilson The characteristics of child sexual abuse in the school environment in Turkey,2018,27,7,852-869,Koçtürk Individual differences in children's suggestibility: an updated review,2018,ePub,ePub,1-25,Klemfuss Prosecution of child sexual abuse cases involving preschool-aged children: a study of Swedish cases from 2010 to 2014,2018,27,7,832-851,Landström Traumatic brain injury and sexually offensive behaviors,2018,27,8,972-977,Blasingame Adverse childhood experiences and healthcare costs in adult life,2019,28,5,511-525,Loxton Reliability and validity of the Trauma Symptom Checklist for Children and Trauma Symptom Checklist for Young Children screeners in a clinical sample,2018,27,8,998-1010,Wherry High betrayal adolescent sexual abuse and nonsuicidal self-injury: the role of depersonalization in emerging adults,2019,28,3,318-332,Gómez The prevalence of sexual abuse in adolescence in Suriname,2019,28,4,435-451,van der Kooij Attributions of blame among victims of child sexual abuse: findings from a community sample,2019,28,3,301-317,Bogaerts The use of tools and checklists to assess the risk of child sexual exploitation: lessons from UK practice,2018,27,8,978-997,Brown Childhood sexual abuse profiles and psychological functioning in adult males,2019,28,5,544-563,Romano Sexual abuse and exploitation of preK-12 students by school personnel,2019,28,1,2-6,Mueller Increasing child serving professionals' awareness and understanding of the commercial sexual exploitation of children,2019,28,4,417-434,Kenny Experiences of young people with harmful sexual behaviors in services: a qualitative study,2019,28,6,649-666,Hackett Grooming hurts too: the effects of types of perpetrator grooming on trauma symptoms in adult survivors of child sexual abuse,2019,28,3,345-359,Wolf Out and in harm's way: sexual minority students' psychological and physical health after institutional betrayal and sexual assault,2019,ePub,ePub,1-15,Freyd Healing from childhood sexual abuse: a meta-synthesis of qualitative studies,2019,28,4,383-399,Jeong Boys abused in a community setting: an analysis of gender relationship and delayed prosecutions in cases of child sexual abuse,2019,28,5,586-607,Price A novel screening tool for assessing child abuse: the Medical Somatic Dissociation Questionnaire-MSDQ,2019,28,5,526-543,Lev-Wiesel Is female psychopathy linked with child abuse? An empirical investigation using a person-centered approach,2019,28,6,708-725,Boduszek Trauma and adolescents who engage in sexually abusive behavior: a review of the literature,2019,28,6,629-648,Dillard Relationships between early life victimization antisocial traits and sexual violence: executive functioning as a mediator,2019,28,6,667-689,Grady Childhood sexual abuse and lifetime aggression,2019,28,6,690-707,King Intrafamilial child sexual abuse: a unique silent epidemic. Perspectives of victim-friendly court professionals in Marondera District Zimbabwe,2019,ePub,ePub,1-25,Musiwa Child sexual abuse victimization prevention programs in preschool and kindergarten: implications for practice,2019,28,6,745-757,Manheim Child sexual abuse exam results in West Alabama,2019,ePub,ePub,1-22,Higginbotham Psycho-social effects of father-daughter incest: views of South African social workers,2019,ePub,ePub,1-20,Gqgabi Evaluation of incest cases: 4-years retrospective study,2019,ePub,ePub,1-11,Celbis Exploration of the relationship between severe and complex disabilities and child sexual abuse: a call for relevant research,2019,ePub,ePub,1-22,Allardyce Reading the child within: how bibliotherapy can help the victim of child sexual abuse,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kirschen "I despise myself for thinking about them." a thematic analysis of the mental health implications and employed coping mechanisms of self-reported non-offending minor attracted persons,2019,ePub,ePub,1-22,Wood Child sexual abuse and situational context: children's experiences in post-conflict northern Uganda,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Nyangoma Emotion dysregulation in sexually abused preschoolers: insights from a story completion task,2019,ePub,ePub,1-22,Hébert Gendered perceptions of sexual abuse: investigating the effect of offender victim and observer gender on the perceived seriousness of child sexual abuse,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,West Adolescents' perception of the threat of sexual harassment: the development of an index,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Soliman Survival and resilience of female street children experiencing sexual violence in Bangladesh: a qualitative study,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sinanan Media coverage of child sexual abuse: a framework of issue-specific quality criteria,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Döring Female-perpetrated child sexual abuse: prevalence rates in Germany,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rassenhofer "It's just the abuse that needs to stop": professional framing of sibling relationships in a grounded theory study of social worker decision making following sibling sexual behavior,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Yates Shadows into light: the investigative utility of voice analysis with two types of online child-sex predators,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Stathis Protective and supportive injunctions for children exposed to sexual abuse: the first data from Turkey,2020,ePub,ePub,1-11,Bağ Media framing of Larry Nassar and the USA Gymnastics child sex abuse scandal,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Smith Young people's perceptions of sexual assault in residential care: "It does happen a lot",2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,McArthur Worker perceptions of the Multi-Agency Investigation & Support Team (MIST): a process evaluation of a cross-agency response to severe child abuse,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bromfield Children's knowledge and skills related to self-protection from sexual abuse in central Java Indonesia,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wulandari Child sexual abuse: the need for a perpetration prevention focus,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Letourneau Perceived skill and willingness to address child sexual abuse: assessing Serbian and Montenegrin pediatricians,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Stevanovic How do childhood and parental anxiety features affect the consequences of child sexual abuse?,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bağ Relationship between child sexual abuse psychiatric disorders and infectious diseases: a matched-cohort study,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Daigneault Sexual abuse prevention education for preschool-aged children: parents' attitudes knowledge and practices in Beijing China,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Li The "Who Do You Tell?"™ child sexual abuse education program: eight years of monitoring,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tutty Group intervention with parents of juvenile sex offenders,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bustnay Knowledge attitude and practice of child sexual abuse prevention among parents of children with hearing loss: a pilot study in Beijing and Hebei Province China,2019,28,7,781-798,Chen Barriers to utilization of mental health services amongst male child sexual abuse survivors: service providers' perspective,2019,28,7,819-839,Evans Therapists' personal experiences in their work with clients who have sexually offended against children: a phenomenological study,2019,28,7,799-818,Hardeberg Bach How do Jewish communities respond to manifestations of institutional child sexual abuse? A case study of Malka Leifer and Adass Israel in Melbourne Australia,2019,28,8,927-944,Mendes Non-offending minor-attracted persons: professional practitioners' views on the barriers to seeking and receiving their help,2019,28,8,945-967,Pearson Psychopathy neuroticism and abusive behavior in low risk child sex offenders,2019,28,8,990-1006,Graf Safeguarding culture in the Catholic Church of England and Wales in the twenty-first century: an examination of progress,2019,28,8,885-906,Rashid Early sexual experiences mental health and risk behavior among Black non-Hispanic and Hispanic / Latino men who have sex with men,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Benoit Self-blame shame avoidance and suicidal ideation in sexually abused adolescent girls: a longitudinal study,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cyr Invading deeply into self and everyday life: how oral health-related problems affect the lives of child sexual abuse survivors,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Willumsen Traumatic childhood experiences and psychiatric outcomes of adolescent mothers in Turkey,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bağ Children's Knowledge of Abuse Questionnaires (CKAQ)- Short: two brief ten-item measures of knowledge about child sexual abuse concepts,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tutty Child sexual abuse and the moralization of purity,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rabinovitz The relationship between social dominance orientation and child sexual abuse credibility assessment,2019,28,4,400-416,Alcantara Betrayed and broken: a study of the experiences of victims of child sexual abuse in the Ga Community in Accra Ghana,2019,28,4,472-488,Markwei Qualitative study on the impact of child sexual abuse: perspectives of children caregivers and professionals in Indian context,2019,28,4,489-510,Satapathy The prevalence of child sexual abuse among Slovak late adolescents,2019,28,4,452-471,Karkoskova The lived experiences of non-offending fathers with children who survived sexual abuse,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Vladimir Pathways to understanding - how adult survivors of child sexual abuse came to understand that they had been sexually abused,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Stige Why the focus of clerical child sexual abuse has largely remained on the Catholic church amongst other non-Catholic Christian denominations and religions,2019,28,5,564-585,Rashid Grooming: a case study,2019,28,5,608-627,McElvaney Adolescent's perceptions of sexual relationships between students and teachers,2019,28,1,67-83,Hughes A standard of care for the prevention of sexual misconduct by school employees,2019,28,1,105-124,Shakeshaft Educator sexual misconduct and Texas educator discipline database construction,2019,28,1,7-25,Thompson K-12 school employee sexual abuse and misconduct: an examination of policy effectiveness,2019,28,2,200-221,Grant Prevention of preK-12 school employee sexual misconduct and abuse,2019,28,2,125-128,Mueller Adaptation and psychometric evaluation of the Children's Knowledge of Abuse Questionnaire (CKAQ-RIII) in Greek elementary school children,2019,28,2,222-239,Gangos "It's my responsibility but…" a qualitative study of perpetrators' understanding of child sexual abuse,2019,28,2,240-258,Nivison Using root cause analysis and occupational safety research to prevent child sexual abuse in schools,2019,28,2,187-199,Lundberg Keeping students out of harm's way: reducing risks of educator sexual misconduct,2019,28,2,160-186,Kenny Teacher outcomes from the Second Step Child Protection Unit: moderating roles of prior preparedness and treatment acceptability,2019,28,6,726-744,Livingston Perceived loss of social contact and trauma symptoms among adolescents who have experienced sexual abuse,2019,28,3,333-344,McDonald An exploration of coping with childhood sexual abuse in Arab American women,2019,28,3,360-381,Lewin Perspectives of young child abuse survivors on confidentiality: an exploratory literature review,2019,28,3,280-300,Matthew Maternal emotional support following the disclosure of child sexual abuse: a qualitative study,2019,28,3,259-279,Cyr Do foster parents and care workers recognize the needs of youth in family foster care with a history of sexual abuse?,2018,27,7,811-831,Grietens The Roman Catholic Church: a centuries old history of awareness of clerical child sexual abuse (from the first to the 19th century),2018,27,7,778-792,Rashid Resilience in non-offending mothers of children who have reported experiencing sexual abuse,2018,27,7,793-810,Ronken The diagnostic utility of the Child Sexual Behavior Inventory for sexual abuse: a systematic review,2018,27,7,729-751,Brilleslijper-Kater Neuropsychological risk factors to consider when assessing for sexually abusive youth,2018,27,8,936-954,Karsten Scientific evolution of clinical and risk assessment of sexually abusive youth: a comprehensive review of empirical tools,2018,27,8,871-900,Miccio-Fonseca The cutting edge of forensic interviewing,2020,29,2,129-137,Coulborn Faller Preventing child sexual abuse using picture books: the effect of book character and message framing,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Huang The sexual abuse and neglect of "left-behind" children in rural China,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wang Does maternal support mediate or moderate the relationship between sexual abuse severity and children's PTSD symptoms?,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wamser-Nanney Child's play or sexual abuse? Reviewing the efficacy of the justice framework in dealing with child on child sexual abuse in the United Kingdom,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Craig Insecure attachment and therapeutic bond as mediators of social relational and social distress and interpersonal problems in adult females with childhood sexual abuse history,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lawson Considerations of dissociation betrayal trauma and complex trauma in the treatment of incest,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lawson Is my sex life ok? The mediating role of sexual anxiety in the association between childhood sexual abuse and sexual coercion against women,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hébert Can legislation alone protect Devadasi girls from child sexual abuse and exploitation?,2020,29,5,606-625,Wilson Child sexual abuse myth scale: validity and reliability evidence in the Portuguese context,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Antunes Creative interventions for preparing and disclosing trauma narratives in group therapy for child sexual abuse,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Shuman Disordered eating attitudes and behaviors in maltreated children and adolescents receiving forensic assessment in a child advocacy center,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Brewerton Validation of the sexual grooming model of child sexual abusers,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jeglic The relevance of certain case characteristics in the successful prosecution of child sexual abuse cases in Indonesia,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,De Ruiter A review of mediators in the association between child sexual abuse and revictimization in romantic relationships,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hébert The effects of childhood sexual abuse: the role of anxiety and alcohol use among Haitian women living with HIV,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jean-Gilles Associations between childhood sexual abuse and sexual well-being in adulthood: a systematic literature review,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bergeron A systematic review of the relationship between child sexual abuse and substance use issues,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Fletcher Raising the awareness of students in a child development department regarding the prevention of child sexual abuse,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sebahat Experiences and perceptions of online sexual solicitation and grooming of minors: a retrospective report,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jeglic Victims/survivors' perceptions of helpful institutional responses to incidents of institutional child sexual abuse,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Katz Attention problems and comorbid symptoms following child sexual abuse,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hansen Designing effective digital advertisements to prevent online consumption of child sexual exploitation material,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Henry Suffering whether you tell or don't tell: perceived re-victimization as a barrier to disclosing child sexual abuse in Zimbabwe,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Pichon Estimation of the development of depression and PTSD in children exposed to sexual abuse and development of decision support systems by using artificial intelligence,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Özcan The implications of self-definitions of child sexual abuse for understanding socioemotional adaptation in young adulthood,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Yates Efficacy of a sexual abuse prevention program with children on an Indian reservation,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Edwards Possible factors supporting cross-agency collaboration in child abuse cases: a scoping review,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Walsh Couple and parenting functioning of childhood sexual abuse survivors: a systematic review of the literature (2001-2018),2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,MacIntosh Associations between family support and online sexual abuse in Chilean adolescents: the mediational role of online risk behaviors,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Guerra Responsible behavior with younger children: examining the feasibility of a classroom-based program to prevent child sexual abuse perpetration by adolescents,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Schaeffer Stewards of children: a qualitative study of organization and community impact,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Schnabler Views and attitudes about youth self-produced sexual images among professionals with expertise in child sexual abuse,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Martin Healthcare professionals' views for the content of the Teddy Bear Hospital for a child sexual abuse prevention module,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rashid Child sexual abuse and adult sexual assault among emerging adults: exploring the roles of posttraumatic stress symptoms emotion regulation and anger,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Howell Using Q-methodology to explore what is valued from child sexual exploitation services: the importance of safety,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Barrow What forms of media do we need for preventing child sexual abuse? A qualitative study in Yogyakarta Special Region Indonesia,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Dewi Child sex offender mind-set and grooming strategies: a discourse analysis of sex offender narratives from South Africa,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Van Hout News portrayals of child sexual abuse in China: changes from 2010 to 2019,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Yu Child sexual abuse in Pakistan schools: a non-systematic narrative literature review,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Matthew How do judges discuss memory failures in childhood sexual abuse cases? A brief report,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Price The experience of mothers from the Israeli Jewish Ultra-Orthodox sector after disclosure of their child's sexual abuse as manifested in drawings and narratives,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Goldner Where are we now? A consolidation of the research on long-term impact of child sexual abuse,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,MacIntosh One-time spinners and spin-thrill seekers in sex offenses against minors: is situational prevention possible?,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Geiger Jurors' gender and their fear of false child sexual abuse accusations are related to their belief in child victims' allegations,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bottoms Assessing the extent to which art therapy can be used with victims of childhood sexual abuse: a thematic analysis of published studies,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mulvihill Sexual abuse among female adolescent hawkers in selected markets in Ibadan Nigeria,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ajuwon Notice of correction; Using root cause analysis and occupational safety research to prevent child sexual abuse in schools,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,The editors Child sexual abuse by members of the Catholic Church in Italy and France: a literature review of the last two decades,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Marotta Development of a multi-session curriculum addressing domestic minor sex trafficking for high-risk male youth,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Moore Human trafficking cases presenting within child advocacy centers,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sullivan The criminalized victim: evaluating public perceptions of sex trafficked individuals,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Fondacaro The effect of children's sexual health education program on knowledge and attitude of primary school health care providers,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Khani Investigation of factors associated with the child marriage in Turkey,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Koçtürk Survey of the written child protection policies of the 32 U.S. archdioceses,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Dallam Experiences of disclosure and reactions of close ones from the perspective of child sexual abuse survivors: a qualitative analysis of gender specificities,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cousineau Childhood sexual emotional and physical abuse as predictors of dissociation in adulthood,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Middleton Evaluation of the child safety matters curriculum for improving knowledge about victimization among elementary school children: a randomized trial,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Whitaker Disclosures of sexual and physical abuse across repeated interviews,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Goodman Internalization and opposition to stigmatized social discourse among incest survivors,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bensimon Emotion regulation and mental health among men with childhood sexual abuse histories,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Romano Analysis of the written policies of the 32 U.S. archdioceses on the prevention of child sexual abuse,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hamilton Commercial sexual exploitation stigma and trauma: a detrimental trio for an altered sense of self,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Collin-Vézina 'To serve and be abused': the use of adolescent girls as waitresses in outdoor drinking bars in Lagos Nigeria,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Aborisade Parenting stress in non-offending caregivers of sexually abused children,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Davies Child sexual abuse and problems reported by survivors of CSA: a meta-review,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Boonmann Knowledge attitudes and practice of child sexual abuse prevention among primary school teachers: a study in a city of Guangdong Province of China,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chen Teaching safeguarding through books: a content analysis of child sexual abuse prevention books,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Craig Effectiveness of sexual abuse prevention training program developed by creative drama for preschoolers: an experimental study,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kemer Exploring sexual grooming in female perpetrated child sexual abuse,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jeglic Hiding under the Color of Authority: Eric Wess Uller and his decades-long rampage of child sexual abuse,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Abramson How plausible are the accounts of child victims of sexual abuse? A study of bizarre and unusual scripts reported by children,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Settanni Quality of victim statement in child sexual abuse in Turkey,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Eke Introduction to the special issue: The use of creative art therapies in the prevention screening and treatment of child sexual abuse,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lev-Wiesel "It made me so vulnerable": victim-blaming and disbelief of child sexual abuse as triggers of social exclusion leading women to homelessness,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cousineau A recurring nightmare: risk and protective factors for revictimization of child sexual abuse in Chile,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Contreras Taibo Confidence training and challenges for Canadian child advocacy center staff when working with cases of online and in-person child sexual exploitation,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Patten Evading detection: what do we know about men charged with extrafamilial child sexual abuse following delayed detection?,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kebbell Relation of non-suicidal self-harm to emotion regulation and alexithymia in sexually abused children and adolescents,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mohamed Facilitating children's informal disclosures of sexual abuse: the role of online counsellors at a national children's helpline,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Larner Sexual abuse as a risk factor for opioid misuse in pregnancy,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Macfie Polish catholics attribute trauma-related symptoms to possession: qualitative analysis of two childhood sexual abuse survivors,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Pietkiewicz "If you don't send me five other pictures I am going to post the photo online": a qualitative analysis of experiences of survivors of sextortion,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Walsh Transcultural adaptation and validity evidence of the Child Forensic Attitude Scale (CFAS) - Brazilian version,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Everson An exploratory study on mental health social problems and spiritual damage in victims of child sexual abuse by Catholic clergy and other perpetrators,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Pereda Reliability and validity of Arabic translation of Child Sexual Abuse Questionnaire for use in children and adolescents,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,El Nagar A hierarchical cluster analysis of childhood interpersonal trauma and dispositional mindfulness: heterogeneity of sexual and relational outcomes in adulthood,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Godbout Child sexual abuse of elite athletes: prevalence perceptions and mental health,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gelles Factors that influence mock jurors' perceptions of child credibility,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wingrove A content analysis of posts to an online support forum for "girl lovers",2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Angelone Virtual delivery of a school-based child sexual abuse prevention program: a pilot study,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Noll Pediatricians' attitudes toward child sexual abuse in the Republic of Srpska,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Stevanovic The lived experience of human-pet relationships among adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse: an interpretative phenomenological analysis,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lasiuk Perceptions of a plea agreement in cases of teacher and adolescent student sexual assault,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Golding Retrospective perceptions of grooming in same-sex versus opposite-sex child sexual abuse,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cash An examination of the synergy of age and PTSD on narrative coherence in child sexual abuse testimony,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Miragoli Psychiatric comorbidity in women with a history of child sexual abuse,2005,14,3,91-105,Kellogg Double-edged sisterhoods: transgender identity peer groups and the commercial sexual exploitation of transgender girls,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Trinidad Why didn't they intervene? Examining the role of guardianship in preventing institutional child sexual abuse,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,McKillop A Q methodology investigation of school counselors' beliefs and feelings in reporting suspected child sexual abuse,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Stickl Haugen Implementation of a care process model for pediatric traumatic stress in child advocacy centers: a mixed methods study,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kolko How does that make you feel? Development and pilot testing of two new instruments measuring emotional attributions to experiences of childhood sexual abuse,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bosetti Addressing the complexity of heterogeneity: profiles of adolescent girls who have been sexually abused,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tourigny Psychometric properties of the Korean version of the Child Sexual Behavior Inventory,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Choi Prevalence of child contact sexual abuse in the Spanish region of Andalusia,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ferragut Detecting grooming behaviors in same-sex versus opposite-sex child sexual abuse,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cash Physical disabilities and low cognitive ability increase odds of minor sex exchange among adolescent males in the United States,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Martin Brief report: child sexual abuse and somatic symptoms in older adulthood for men,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Easton Intergenerational continuity of child sexual abuse: comparison of mother and emerging adult dyads,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Fernet Recovery experiences from childhood sexual abuse among Black men: historical/sociocultural interrelationships,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Myrie The effects of childhood sexual abuse mental health and motives for sex on sexual risk-taking among United States men who have sex with women,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,George "I am a living testimony to the human spirit": a thematic analysis of middle aged and older adults' resilience after child sexual abuse,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wolf The Medical Somatic Dissociation Questionnaire assessment for childhood sexual abuse: a brief report,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lev-Wiesel Child sexual grooming of catholic clergy: a comparison between victims allegedly abused by clergy with single versus multiple victims,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jeglic The longitudinal effects of Second Step child protection unit on children: gender as a moderator,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kim Ignored components of sexuality: the need for competent clinical practice with child survivors of sexual abuse,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lanza The legacy of shame following childhood sexual abuse disclosures,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Alaggia Youth's experiences of cyber violence in intimate relationships: a matter of love and trust,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hébert Comparison of sorority and non-sorority women: risks for different sexual assault types,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tyler Knowledge transmission and skills building relating to child sexual abuse in China,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wang Child sexual abuse in Kaduna State Northwestern Nigeria: a review of 420 police-reported cases,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Suleiman Garba Does forgiveness enhance or detract from relationship quality among sexual abuse survivors?,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Fitzgerald The associations between self-silencing and delinquency in adolescent who experienced child sexual abuse,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hébert We are not adult convicted sex offenders; we are your youth! The call for developmentally-gender sensitive assessment of youth who are sexually abusive,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Miccio-Fonseca Impacts of victim resistance and type of assault on legal decision-making in child sexual assault,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Golding Knowledge and experience of sexual violence among female adolescents in public schools in Enugu State during the COVID-19 pandemic,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Onyinyechi Maduakolam Gender differences in behavioral problems in child victims of sexual abuse: contribution of self-blame of the parent and child,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hébert Sexual victimization of children and adolescents: a qualitative study with Brazilian undergraduates on disclosure detection outcomes and consequences,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Monge Assessing sorority women's perceptions of barriers to reporting sexual assaults that occur within college campus Greek organizations,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Marcantonio Behavioral intentions of bystanders to image-based sexual abuse: a preliminary focus group study with a university student sample,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Scott Cultural determinants and parent-child communication as an effective tool to prevent child sexual abuse: a quick qualitative study,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Olutayo The unpopular victims: individuals who are sexually abusive - the black swans,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Miccio-Fonseca Youth sport coaches' perceptions of sexually inappropriate behaviors and intimate coach-athlete relationships,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Connaughton Development and evaluation of the Teacher Reporting Questionnaire for South African Foundation Phase Educators (TRQ-SA) in measuring teachers' intentions to report child sexual abuse suspicions,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rule Categorizing complainant-accused relationships in cases of child sexual abuse: the distinctive nature of community connections,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Price Diversity of profiles and coping among adolescent girl victims of sexual dating violence,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hébert Training male sexual abuse survivors as peer leaders to deliver motivational interviewing and trauma-informed affirmative care,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,O'Connell Ritual abuse survivors' perspectives on research participation: an exploratory mixed methods online study,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Matthew The trend of online child sexual abuse and exploitations: a profile of online sexual offenders and criminal justice response,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Choi Utilizing insights on shame to enhance empathy and support for CSA survivors in clinical practice,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wei Facilitators of sexual assault disclosure: a dyadic study of female survivors and their informal supports,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ullman Trauma-informed sentencing: how South Australian sentencing judges use information about defendants' child sexual abuse victimization and subsequent trauma,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,McLachlan Parental-led sexual abuse education amongst at-risk parents: associations with parenting practices and parent and child symptomology,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Zimmer-Gembeck Awareness incidence and psychological wellbeing of childhood sexual abuse as reported by ultra-orthodox mothers,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tuval Mashiach The role of coping behaviors and intoxication in trauma symptomology subsequent to sexual victimization,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Angelone Differential profiles of sexually abused adolescent boys,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wekerle Childhood and adult sexual violence exposures as predictors of PTSD dissociation and substance use in women in jail,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kaplan The knowledge perceptions and training needs about online sexual grooming of children and adolescents in a sample of professionals who work in Portugal,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Manita Understanding pedophilia: a theoretical framework on the development of sexual penchants,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Simons Participant acceptability of questionnaires impacts sexual victimization prevalence rates,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Anderson Do you see what I see? Emotion recognition competencies in sexually abused school-aged children and non-abused children,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hébert Men's experiences of self-conscious emotions following childhood sexual abuse,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Drewitt-Smith Development of a brief psychological trauma intervention for child sexual abuse in India,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Satapathy Exploring the role of prior sexual abuse in the commercial sexual exploitation of boys and young men,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Reid Characteristics of sexual assault among men receiving a forensic medical examination,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Daigle Complex trauma and sexual abuse: relations to caregiver-child symptom disagreement,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wamser Knowledge gains from the implementation of a child sexual abuse prevention program and the future of school-based prevention education,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Noll Exploring sexual orientation disparities regarding the interplay of childhood sexual abuse self-reported diabetes status and depression among adults in the United States,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Markham Knowledge of adult sexual orientation influences perceptions of adult-child interactions,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Russell Culturally competent interventions for child sexual abuse: a scoping review of the literature and the implications for American Samoa,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tuaau Preventive education outreach on social media: the quest to enroll community members in a child sexual prevention workshop,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Guastaferro Evaluating the effectiveness of a live musical theater-based approach to child sexual abuse prevention in elementary schools,2023,32,7,860-878,Young A non-clinical referral tool to help identify problematic child sexual behavior: development training and initial user feedback,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Perkins The lived experiences of female relatives of child sexual abuse material (CSAM) offenders in Ireland and the United Kingdom,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ryan How do survivor and mandatory reporter status correlate with program outcomes for an adult-focused child sexual abuse prevention program?,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Todahl Adjudicated adolescents located on a state sex offender registry website as adults: common denominators,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rasmussen Setting the record straight regarding tools that assess risk for youth with sexually abusive behavior,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Miccio-Fonseca A global outlook on child sexual abuse and sexually explicit material online during COVID-19: trends and interdisciplinary prevention methods,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Anillo It's more than a matter of trust: what parents and young children need to know to prevent intrafamilial child sexual abuse,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rayment-McHugh Child sexual abuse in pakistan: a phenomenological study on parental understanding and prevention strategies for child protection,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Khan Factors related to general sexual behavior of children under 10 years old in Korea,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Choi Child sexual abuse in the United States: a commentary on current policy approaches to prevention and aspirations for the future,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Klika Exploring the meanings of posttraumatic growth in Spanish survivors of clergy-perpetrated child sexual abuse: a phenomenological approach,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Pereda The relationship between childhood abuse and unintended pregnancy among married women of reproductive age in Bangladesh,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Islam Associations among online social reactions to disclosure of sexual victimization coping and social isolation,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Orchowski Relationship between sexual abuse and substance use among students from Caribbean Colombian,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Campo-Arias Pranks obscene chatters and ambiguous content: exploring the identification and navigation of inappropriate messages to a web-based sexual assault hotline,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Moylan Feasibility trial of a newly developed brief psychological trauma intervention for children surviving sexual abuse in India,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Satapathy The sexual grooming behaviors of youth who engage in harmful sexual behaviors,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jeglic PTSD symptoms among college students: linkages with familial risk borderline personality and sexual assault,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tyler How risky is online sexting by minors?,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Turner What is known about the magnitude trend and risk for child sexual abuse and the commercial sexual exploitation of children in the United States?,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rezey Correction. Associations among online social reactions to disclosure of sexual victimization coping and social isolation,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,The editors Community-level factors as positive and negative correlates of sexual aggression perpetration among adolescent boys,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Orchowski Determinants of referral outcomes for victim-survivors accessing specialist sexual violence and abuse support services,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bunce Gender differences in the characterization of child sexual abuse,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ballester-Arnal Child sexual abuse within the Catholic Church in Spain: a descriptive analysis of its characteristics and long-term impact,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Pereda Child sexual abuse victimization amongst detained adolescents and incarcerated young adults: findings from an Australian population-based birth cohort study,2024,,,1-20,Hurren Self-blame and self-destruction in women sexually abused as children,1997,5,4,19-33,Peters Onto the next generation: exploring the impact of mother's experiences of child abuse and commercial sex industry involvement on child custody outcomes,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Reid Evaluating child sexual abuse perpetration prevention efforts: a systematic review,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Seto Possible indicators of childhood sexual abuse for individuals in substance abuse treatment,1993,1,3,63-74,Berman Exploring the experiences of regional and rural revictimized women in a group empowerment program,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hooker "Unto the third generation" revisited: the impact of a national plan to end child abuse in the United States within three generations,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cross Accuracy acceptability and burden of an integrated screening approach to facilitate the delivery of tailored sexual assault prevention in the U.S. Air Force,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Martin Examining and comparing the first public Olympic and competitive sports misconduct registry with the National Sex Offense Registry,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Letourneau Prevention and intervention strategies for the sexual abuse and commercial sexual exploitation of children who run away from foster care: a scoping review,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Garcia A study of attitudes toward teacher-student sexual misconduct cases based on student age student gender and teacher gender,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wingrove Review of policies and practices to prevent technology-facilitated child sexual abuse within youth-serving organizations in the United States,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Willis Giving women the benefit of the doubt? Examining gender differences in schools' management of sexual allegations against employees,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Harris Preliminary evaluation of the SafeBAE youth-developed sexual violence prevention summit,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Orchowski An exploration of racial differences among male youth adjudicated for sexual offenses,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Leibowitz Development and validation of the Sexual and Negative Dating Inventory (SANDI): a measure of dating and sexual protective behaviors,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kaukinen Online child sexual exploitation and the role of computer-mediated communication: a scoping review,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Talwar