Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Sustained performance and some effects on the design and operation of complex systems,1990,327,1241,529-541,Allnutt Healthcare utilization and mortality among veterans of the Gulf War,2006,361,1468,553-569,Kang Review. Psychophysiological correlates of aggression and violence: an integrative review,2008,363,1503,2543-2555,Patrick Neurobiology and the development of violence: common assumptions and controversies,2008,363,1503,2491-2503,Pardini Review. Violent behaviour among people with schizophrenia: a framework for investigations of causes and effective treatment and prevention,2008,363,1503,2505-2518,Hodgins Review of effective interventions for reducing aggression and violence,2008,363,1503,2577-2597,McGuire The neurobiology of violence: implications for prevention and treatment. Introduction,2008,363,1503,2485-2489,Rutter Human error on the flight deck,1990,327,1241,503-511,Green Auditory warning sounds in the work environment,1990,327,1241,485-492,Patterson The contribution of latent human failures to the breakdown of complex systems,1990,327,1241,475-484,Reason The logic of failure,1990,327,1241,463-473,Dorner The 'problem' with automation: inappropriate feedback and interaction not 'over-automation',1990,327,1241,585-593,Norman Automating assistance for safety critical decisions,1990,327,1241,555-567,Fox Human error and the problem of causality in analysis of accidents,1990,327,1241,449-60; discussion 460-2,Rasmussen Human factors in hazardous situations,1990,327,1241,449-593, Artificial neural networks simulating visual texture segmentation and target detection in line-element images,1995,350,1334,401-412,Foster Talent in the taxi: a model system for exploring expertise,2009,364,1522,1407-1416,Woollett Spatial and temporal response properties of residual vision in a case of hemianopia,1994,343,1304,157-166,Weiskrantz Blast injuries to the lung: epidemiology and management,2011,366,1562,295-299,Mackenzie The epidemiology of blast lung injury during recent military conflicts: a retrospective database review of cases presenting to deployed military hospitals 2003-2009,2011,366,1562,291-294,Smith Characterization of the response to primary blast injury,2011,366,1562,286-290,Kirkman End-to-end military pain management,2011,366,1562,268-275,Moore The injured mind in the UK Armed Forces,2011,366,1562,261-267,Wessely The injured eye,2011,366,1562,251-260,Scott Traumatic brain injury,2011,366,1562,241-250,Menon The role of trauma scoring in developing trauma clinical governance in the Defence Medical Services,2011,366,1562,171-191,Harrison In-vehicle extremity injuries from improvised explosive devices: current and future foci,2011,366,1562,160-170,Clasper Blast injury research models,2011,366,1562,144-159,Kirkman The development of a quick-running prediction tool for the assessment of human injury owing to terrorist attack within crowded metropolitan environments,2011,366,1562,127-143,Pope The structure and mechanical design of rhinoceros dermal armour,1992,337,1282,419-428,Shadwick Understanding development and prevention of chronic physical aggression: towards experimental epigenetic studies,2008,363,1503,2613-2622,Tremblay The dynamics of threat fear and intentionality in the conduct disorders: longitudinal findings in the children of women with post-natal depression,2008,363,1503,2529-2541,Hill Aggression in young children with concurrent callous-unemotional traits: can the neurosciences inform progress and innovation in treatment approaches?,2008,363,1503,2567-2576,Dadds Punishment and spite the dark side of cooperation,2010,365,1553,2635-2650,Jensen The biological effects of high pressures: underlying principles,1984,304,1118,5-16,Smith Hydrostatic pressure effects on the central nervous system: perspectives and outlook,1984,304,1118,17-30,Brauer Norwegian deep diving trials,1984,304,1118,143-149,Tønjum U.K. deep diving trials,1984,304,1118,119-141,Harris Probing the limits of human deep diving,1984,304,1118,105-117,Bennett Parasite stress promotes homicide and child maltreatment,2011,366,1583,3466-3477,Thornhill Disgust: the disease-avoidance emotion and its dysfunctions,2011,366,1583,3453-3465,Davey Neuropsychological studies of perception and visuomotor control,1998,353,1373,1375-1384,Milner Cross-modal links in spatial attention,1998,353,1373,1319-1331,Driver Converging levels of analysis in the cognitive neuroscience of visual attention,1998,353,1373,1307-1317,Duncan Feature binding attention and object perception,1998,353,1373,1295-1306,Treisman How do we select perceptions and actions? Human brain imaging studies,1998,353,1373,1283-1293,Frith The pathogenesis of autism: insights from congenital blindness,2003,358,1430,335-344,Hobson Why is joint attention a pivotal skill in autism?,2003,358,1430,315-324,Charman Evolution and the psychology of intergroup conflict: the male warrior hypothesis,2012,367,1589,670-679,Navarrete The puzzle of monogamous marriage,2012,367,1589,657-669,Henrich Spatial attention and neglect: parietal frontal and cingulate contributions to the mental representation and attentional targeting of salient extrapersonal events,1999,354,1387,1325-1346,Mesulam Failures of metacognition and lack of insight in neuropsychiatric disorders,2012,367,1594,1379-1390,David Face to face with the social brain,2012,367,1597,1901-1908,Dobson The evolution of female ornaments and weaponry: social selection sexual selection and ecological competition,2012,367,1600,2274-2293,Tobias Sexual selection is a form of social selection,2012,367,1600,2266-2273,Montgomerie The serotonergic system in mood disorders and suicidal behaviour,2013,368,1615,20120537,Mann The neurobiology of depression--revisiting the serotonin hypothesis. II. Genetic epigenetic and clinical studies,2013,368,1615,20120535,Benkelfat Imaging the serotonin 1A receptor using [11C]WAY100635 in healthy controls and major depression,2013,368,1615,20120004,Parsey The effect of raising and lowering tryptophan levels on human mood and social behaviour,2013,368,1615,20110375,Young Developmental constraints on behavioural flexibility,2013,368,1618,20120350,Holekamp Proximate perspectives on the evolution of female aggression: Good for the gander good for the goose?,2013,368,1631,20130083,Rosvall The evolutionary psychology of women's aggression,2013,368,1631,20130078,Campbell Female competition in chimpanzees,2013,368,1631,20130077,Pusey Resolving social conflict among females without overt aggression,2013,368,1631,20130076,Cant Do we have an internal model of the outside world?,2014,369,1636,20130045,Land Measuring pesticide ecological and health risks in West African agriculture to establish an enabling environment for sustainable intensification,2014,369,1639,20130491,Jepson The graded and dichotomous nature of visual awareness,2014,369,1641,20130282,Cleeremans Multisensory constraints on awareness,2014,369,1641,20130207,Spence Bodily selves in relation: embodied simulation as second-person perspective on intersubjectivity,2014,369,1644,20130177,Gallese Hebbian learning and predictive mirror neurons for actions sensations and emotions,2014,369,1644,20130175,Keysers The brain timewise: how timing shapes and supports brain function,2015,370,1668,ePub,Hari Negotiation and appeasement can be more effective drivers of sociality than kin selection,2016,371,1687,20150089,Pen Cooperation and the common good,2016,371,1687,20150086,Johnstone Fire in the mind: changing understandings of fire in Western civilization,2016,371,1696,ePub,Pyne The discovery of fire by humans: a long and convoluted process,2016,371,1696,e0164,Gowlett The interaction of fire and mankind: introduction,2016,371,1696,e162,Roos Global trends in wildfire and its impacts: perceptions versus realities in a changing world,2016,371,1696,e0345,Doerr Using community archetypes to better understand differential community adaptation to wildfire risk,2016,371,1696,e344,Carroll People El Niño southern oscillation and fire in Australia: fire regimes and climate controls in hummock grasslands,2016,371,1696,ePub,Bliege Bird Wildfire policy and management in England: an evolving response from fire and rescue services forestry and cross-sector groups,2016,371,1696,e0341,Aylen Increasing western US forest wildfire activity: sensitivity to changes in the timing of spring,2016,371,1696,e178,Westerling In the line of fire: the peatlands of Southeast Asia,2016,371,1696,e176,Page The long road of statistical learning research: past present and future,2017,372,1711,e0047,Armstrong Modelling auditory attention,2017,372,1714,e101,Kaya Inhibitory dysfunction contributes to some of the motor and non-motor symptoms of movement disorders and psychiatric disorders,2017,372,1718,e0198,Rothwell Abandoning and modifying one action plan for alternatives,2017,372,1718,e2016.0195,Song Towards a unifying mechanism for cancelling movements,2017,372,1718,e0191,Noorani Not moving: the fundamental but neglected motor function,2017,372,1718,e190,Carpenter Dynamic modulation of sociality and aggression: an examination of plasticity within endocrine and neuroendocrine systems,2017,372,1727,e243,Kelly High sex ratios in rural China: declining well-being with age in never-married men,2017,372,1729,e20160324,Hesketh The surprising subtleties of changing fear memory: a challenge for translational science,2018,373,1742,e33,Kindt State-of-the-art and future directions for extinction as a translational model for fear and anxiety,2018,373,1742,e25,Vervliet Traits of empathy and anger: implications for psychopathy and other disorders associated with aggression,2018,373,1744,e155,Blair Chimpanzees and death,2018,373,1754,e257,Anderson The lure of death: suicide and human evolution,2018,373,1754,e269,Humphrey The integrated motivational-volitional model of suicidal behaviour,2018,373,1754,e268,O'Connor Consciousness without report: insights from summary statistics and inattention 'blindness',2018,373,1755,e354,Usher Relationships among impulsive addictive and sexual tendencies and behaviours: a systematic review of experimental and prospective studies in humans,2019,374,1766,e20180129,Potenza Neural circuitry and mechanisms of waiting impulsivity: relevance to addiction,2019,374,1766,e20180145,Dalley Why has evolution not selected for perfect self-control?,2019,374,1766,e20180139,Hayden Impulsivities and addictions: a multidimensional integrative framework informing assessment and interventions for substance use disorders,2019,374,1766,e20180137,Conrod Computational psychiatry of impulsivity and risk: how risk and time preferences interact in health and disease,2019,374,1766,e20180135,Glimcher Developmental perspectives on risky and impulsive choice,2019,374,1766,e20180133,Rosenbaum Risk taking and impulsive behaviour: fundamental discoveries theoretical perspectives and clinical implications,2019,374,1766,e20180128,Winstanley The evolution of infanticide by females in mammals,2019,374,1780,e20180075,Lukas Animal learning may contribute to both problems and solutions for wildlife-train collisions,2019,374,1781,e20180050,Murray Chemosensory communication of aggression: women's fine-tuned neural processing of male aggression signals,2020,375,1800,e20190270,Lübke Encoding fear intensity in human sweat,2020,375,1800,e20190271,Gottfried Some people just want to watch the world burn: the prevalence psychology and politics of the 'Need for Chaos',2021,376,1822,e20200147,Scotto The sociocognitive processes of ideological obsession: review and policy implications,2021,376,1822,e20200144,Bélanger Language evolution: examining the link between cross-modality and aggression through the lens of 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