Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Mandatory reporting,2008,27,1,10-11, Compulsory reporting of suspected abuse of residential aged care residents,2007,26,4,11, Domestic violence,1991,10,6,9, Violence in the workplace--predictable and preventable,1991,10,2,18 20,Vidovich Women's experience of crimes of personal violence: a gender analysis of the 1991 Queensland crime victims' survey,1992,11,5,6, Help stop the violence. 'Handle with care',1993,12,2,16, Report on the QNU/TUTA health and safety/industrial democracy course,1987,6,6,26-27,Haberecht Shoulders to the wheel on back problems,1987,6,6,22,Collins Violence against nurses. Reporting and responding,2010,29,1,25,Gilbert Domestic violence protocols in Queensland health,1994,13,1,24-25, Occupation health and safety. Manual handling info sheet series: women workers and team lifting,1996,15,3,28-29, No easy fix for alcohol problem,2009,28,6,19, Violent patients--what to do,2009,28,1,22-23, Are nurses safe? The spectre of workplace hazards for remote area nurses,2008,27,2,6-7, Safety and security always an imperative,2008,27,2,3,Hawksworth Nurses live in fear as attacks grow,2005,24,4,2,Mandy International Council of Nurses joins new initiative against workplace violence in health sector,2003,22,1,20, Occupational health and safety news,2002,21,4,19, Zero tolerance to violence--a right at work,2002,21,2,14, Adolescence to adulthood--a journey or a struggle?,1999,18,1,20-21,Byrne Lifeline provides first aid training for youth suicide,1998,17,5,15, How to deal with youth suicide. Advice for professionals,1997,16,5,16,De Vere Dealing with the fallout,2008,27,3,6-7, Tests force recall of fire doors,1999,18,3,3, Mandatory reporting of child abuse and neglect,2014,33,2,32-33,Simpson Freedom from fear,2014,33,5,3,Mohle How to deal with youth suicide. Advice for professionals,1997,16,5,e16,De Vere