Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Prevalence of suicidality during pregnancy and the postpartum,2005,,,,Lindahl Psychological and physical sequelae of intimate partner violence among women with limitations in their activities of daily living,2005,8,4,248-256,Cohen Intimate partner violence and health outcomes in mid-life women: a population-based cohort study,2006,9,6,317-324,Schei Infanticide: contrasting views,2005,8,1,15-24,Spinelli Childhood abuse and non-suicidal self-harm behavior in adulthood among the mothers of children in psychiatric treatment,2007,10,1,35-36,Sansone Brief detection and co-occurrence of violence depression and alcohol risk in prenatal care settings,2007,10,4,155-161,Marcus Neonaticides may be more preventable and heterogeneous than previously thought - neonaticides in Finland 1980-2000,2007,10,1,15-23,Santtila Suicidal ideation in pregnancy: assessment and clinical implications,2007,10,5,181-187,Ragan Screening for maternal depression in a low education population using a two item questionnaire,2007,10,6,277-283,Roth Postpartum psychoses due to other diseases with a specific link to childbirth,2007,10,5,241-242,Brockington Delusions related to infant and their association with mother-infant interactions in postpartum psychotic disorders,2006,9,5,285-288,Chandra Maternal depressive symptoms in the postnatal period are associated with long-term impairment of mother-child bonding,2006,9,5,273-278,Resch Severe disorders of the mother-infant relationship: definitions and frequency,2006,9,5,243-251,Fraser Neighborhood socioeconomic environment and risk of postpartum psychosis,2006,9,2,81-86,Johansson Review of screening instruments for postpartum depression,2005,8,3,141-153,Boyd Impact of domestic violence and drug abuse in pregnancy on maternal attachment and infant temperament in teenage mothers in the setting of best clinical practice,2005,8,3,191-199,Quinlivan Trafficked female sex workers awaiting deportation: comparison with brothel workers,2004,7,4,243-249,Cwikel Pediatricians' views of postpartum depression: a self-administered survey,2004,7,4,231-236,Burke Moroccan women with a history of child sexual abuse and its long-term repercussions: a population-based epidemiological study,2004,7,4,237-242,Kadri Trauma and PTSD - an overlooked pathogenic pathway for premenstrual dysphoric disorder?,2003,6,4,293-297,Wittchen Violence against women in North America,2003,6,3,185-191,Erlick Robinson Violence against women in South Asian countries,2003,6,3,173-184,Niaz Violence against women in Arab and Islamic countries,2003,6,3,165-171,Douki From Marianism to terrorism: The many faces of violence against women in Latin America,2003,6,3,157-163,Rondon International perspectives on violence against women - Introduction,2003,6,3,155-156,Robinson Gender and perversion: What constitutes a "bad mother",2003,6,2,109-114,Fischer Neurobiological effects of childhood abuse: implications for the pathophysiology of depression and anxiety,2003,6,1,15-22,Heim Screening women for postpartum depression at well baby visits: resistance encountered and recommendations,2002,5,2,79-82,Tam Postpartum depression: prevalence and determinants in Lebanon,2002,5,2,65-72,Kaddour Intoxication and violent women,2009,12,1,15-25,Putkonen Women reporting intimate partner violence in India: Associations with PTSD and depressive symptoms,2009,12,4,203-209,Carey Antenatal depression and suicidal ideation among rural Bangladeshi women: a community-based study,2009,12,5,351-358,Ali New mothers' thoughts of harm related to the newborn,2008,11,3,221-229,Fairbrother Maternal depression and filicide-case study of ten mothers,2008,11,3,201-206,Kumpulainen Identifying Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) during the postpartum period in a Greek sample,2010,13,6,467-476,Brown Depression and treatment with inner city pregnant and parenting teens,2007,10,5,199-210,Miller A national audit of joint mother and baby admissions to UK psychiatric hospitals: an overview of findings,2004,7,1,65-70,Webb Recent intimate partner violence as a prenatal predictor of maternal depression in the first year postpartum among Latinas,2011,14,2,135-143,Rodriguez An interpersonally based intervention for low-income pregnant women with intimate partner violence: a pilot study,2011,14,1,55-65,Capezza Two types of classification in female alcoholism,2009,12,5,291-299,Modestin Antenatal reports of pre-pregnancy abuse is associated with symptoms of depression in the postpartum period,2010,13,5,411-415,Silverman Gender differences in the prevalence of childhood sexual abuse and in the development of pediatric PTSD,2004,7,2,111-121,Stein Metformine for psychosis associated with the menstrual cycle in a patient with polycystic ovary syndrome,2008,11,5-6,387-388,Karavatos PTSD and postpartum mental health in a sample of Caucasian Asian and Pacific Islander women,2009,12,6,393-400,Goebert Posttraumatic stress disorder and depression among new mothers at 8 months later of the 2008 Sichuan earthquake in China,2012,15,1,49-55,Xu Violence as a risk factor for postpartum depression in mothers: a meta-analysis,2012,15,2,107-114,Chen Information and support needs during recovery from postpartum psychosis,2012,15,3,155-165,Jones Fear of childbirth mental health and medication use during pregnancy,2012,15,3,203-209,Eberhard-Gran A latent modeling approach to genotype-phenotype relationships: maternal problem behavior clusters prenatal smoking and MAOA genotype,2012,15,4,269-282,Cook Patterns of attention and experiences of post-traumatic stress symptoms following childbirth: an experimental study,2012,15,4,289-296,Slade A review of domestic violence and women's mental health,1998,1,2,83-89,Stewart Maternal-foetal bonding: the impact of domestic violence on the bonding process between a mother and child,1999,2,4,183-189,Zeitlin Psychological/verbal abuse and utilization of mental health care in perinatal women seeking treatment for depression,2012,15,5,361-365,Zlotnick Immigrant status antenatal depressive symptoms and frequency and source of violence: what's the relationship?,2012,15,5,387-396,Zunzunegui Impact of intimate partner violence on anxiety and depression amongst women in Ile-Ife Nigeria,2013,16,1,11-18,Mapayi Risk factors for intimate partner violence during pregnancy and postpartum,2013,16,1,19-27,Stuart Psychometrics of the overall anxiety severity and impairment scale (OASIS) in a sample of women with and without trauma histories,2013,16,2,123-129,Stein Self-harm in postpartum depression and referrals to a perinatal mental health team: an audit study,2013,16,3,237-245,Morriss A prospective study of thoughts of self-harm and suicidal ideation during the postpartum period in women with mood disorders,2013,16,6,483-488,Campbell Women's perspectives on postpartum depression screening in pediatric settings: a preliminary study,2013,16,5,429-432,Biebel A cross-sectional study of antenatal depression and associated factors in Malawi,2014,17,2,145-154,Creed Resilience in international migrant women following violence associated with pregnancy,2014,17,4,303-310,Stewart Rate and predictors of postpartum depression in a 22-year follow-up of a cohort of earthquake survivors in Armenia,2014,17,3,229-237,Demirchyan Psychosocial assessment of expectant fathers,2008,11,1,27-32,Fletcher Are women with a history of abuse more vulnerable to perinatal depressive symptoms? A systematic review,2014,17,5,343-357,San Psychophysiology and posttraumatic stress disorder symptom profile in pregnant African-American women with trauma exposure,2014,18,4,639-648,Ressler Childhood sexual abuse and posttraumatic stress disorder among pregnant and postpartum women: review of the literature,2014,18,1,61-72,Williams Risk profiles associated with postnatal depressive symptoms among women in a public sector hospital in Mexico: the role of sociodemographic and psychosocial factors,2014,18,3,463-471,de Castro Intimate partner violence and suicidal ideation in pregnant women,2015,18,4,573-578,Alhusen Postnatal care: a cross-cultural and historical perspective,2010,13,6,459-466,Eberhard-Gran Avoidance as an obstacle to preventing depression among urban women at high risk for violent trauma,2015,19,1,63-70,Cabral History of childhood sexual abuse and risk of prenatal and postpartum depression or depressive symptoms: an epidemiologic review,2015,18,5,659-671,Williams The importance of intimate partner violence and suicidal ideation in pregnant women,2015,18,4,571-572,Stewart Suicidality among pregnant women in Brazil: prevalence and risk factors,2015,19,2,343-348,Nicolato The relationship between alcohol consumption and menstrual cycle: a review of the literature,2015,18,6,773-781,Larimer A pilot randomized controlled trial comparing prenatal yoga to perinatal health education for antenatal depression,2015,19,3,543-547,Miller Child abuse and neglect by mothers hospitalized for mental disorders,2015,18,6,833-834,Konishi Coping strategies for postpartum depression: a multi-centric study of 1626 women,2015,19,3,455-461,Gratacòs A case of female hypersexuality and child abuse and a review,2015,19,4,701-703,Delavenne Anxiety and physical health problems increase the odds of women having more severe symptoms of depression,2015,19,3,491-499,Flynn Suicidal behavior-related hospitalizations among pregnant women in the USA 2006-2012,2015,19,3,463-472,Williams Posttraumatic stress disorder among low-income women exposed to perinatal intimate partner violence,2015,19,3,521-528,Sharps Associations between intimate partner violence (IPV) during pregnancy mother-to-infant bonding failure and postnatal depressive symptoms,2016,19,4,623-634,Kamibeppu Domestic violence against women as a risk factor for depressive and anxiety disorders: findings from domestic violence household survey in Tehran Iran,2016,19,5,861-869,Davoudi Mental health care use in relation to depressive symptoms among pregnant women in the USA,2015,19,1,187-191,Byatt Objective and subjective sleep during pregnancy: links with depressive and anxiety symptoms,2015,19,1,173-181,Manber Trajectories of maternal depressive symptoms across the birth of a child: associations with toddler emotional development,2015,19,1,153-165,Lauterbach Maternal depression from pregnancy to 4 years postpartum and emotional/behavioural difficulties in children: results from a prospective pregnancy cohort study,2015,19,1,141-151,Brown Marijuana use and pregnancy: prevalence associated characteristics and birth outcomes,2015,19,1,105-111,Terplan Association between parental depressive symptoms and impaired bonding with the infant,2015,19,1,87-94,Skalkidou Identification of women at risk of depression in pregnancy: using women's accounts to understand the poor specificity of the Whooley and Arroll case finding questions in clinical practice,2015,19,1,41-49,McGowan "I didn't know it was possible to feel that tired": exploring the complex bidirectional associations between maternal depressive symptoms and fatigue in a prospective pregnancy cohort study,2015,19,1,25-34,Brown Maternal early-life trauma and affective parenting style: the mediating role of HPA-axis function,2015,19,1,17-23,Newport Maternal depression from pregnancy to postpartum and emotional/behavioural difficulties in children,2015,19,2,433,Suzuki Abuse survivor perspectives on trauma inquiry in obstetrical practice,2015,19,2,423-427,Danis Test-retest reliability of retrospective self-reported maternal exposure to childhood abuse and neglect,2015,19,2,415-421,Newport Estimated prevalence of antenatal depression in the US population,2015,19,2,395-400,Harper Lower prenatal vitamin D status and postpartum depressive symptomatology in African American women: preliminary evidence for moderation by inflammatory cytokines,2015,19,2,373-383,Schetter Routine antenatal maternal screening for current mental health: evaluation of a change in the use of the Edinburgh Depression Scale in clinical practice,2015,19,2,367-372,Matthey Childhood maltreatment and pre-pregnancy obesity: a comparison of obese overweight and normal weight pregnant women,2015,19,2,355-365,Stepan Impact of childhood trauma on postpartum depression: a prospective study,2015,19,2,337-342,Franck Altered stress patterns and increased risk for postpartum depression among low-income pregnant women,2015,19,2,317-328,Scheyer Development of the Perinatal Depression Inventory (PDI)-14 using item response theory: a comparison of the BDI-II EPDS PDI and PHQ-9,2015,19,2,307-316,Brodey Postpartum depression among visible and invisible sexual minority women: a pilot study,2015,19,2,299-305,Ross Anonymous birth law saves babies--optimization sustainability and public awareness,2015,19,2,291-297,Waldhoer Relationships between paranoid thinking self-esteem and the menstrual cycle,2015,19,2,271-279,Slade Perinatal psychosis in mothers with a history of major depressive disorder,2015,19,2,253-258,Honer PREPP: postpartum depression prevention through the mother-infant dyad,2015,19,2,229-242,Jiang Childbirth and symptoms of postpartum depression and anxiety: a prospective birth cohort study,2015,19,2,219-227,Golding Infant sleep and feeding patterns are associated with maternal sleep stress and depressed mood in women with a history of major depressive disorder (MDD),2015,19,2,209-218,Machan The prevalence and correlates of self-harm in pregnant women with psychotic disorder and bipolar disorder,2016,19,5,909-915,Howard Suicidal ideation in pregnancy: an epidemiologic review,2016,19,5,741-751,Williams Positive predictors of quality of life for postpartum mothers with a history of childhood maltreatment,2016,19,6,1041-1050,Rosenblum Suicidality in early pregnancy among antepartum mothers in urban India,2016,19,6,1101-1108,Chandra Vulnerability to intimate partner violence and poor mental health in the first 4-year postpartum among mothers reporting childhood abuse: an Australian pregnancy cohort study,2016,19,6,1091-1100,McDonald Perceived stress depressive symptoms and suicidal ideation in undergraduate women with varying levels of mindfulness,2016,20,1,129-138,Kapoor Suicide and filicide in postpartum psychosis,2016,20,1,63-69,Brockington Depression alcohol use and stigma in younger versus older HIV-infected pregnant women initiating antiretroviral therapy in Cape Town South Africa,2016,20,1,149-159,Remien Perinatal suicidal ideation and behaviour: psychiatry and adversity,2016,20,2,321-331,Bantjes Childhood sexual abuse intimate partner violence during pregnancy and posttraumatic stress symptoms following childbirth: a path analysis,2016,20,2,297-309,Moraes The worldwide incidence of neonaticide: a systematic review,2017,20,2,249-256,Valença Poor early childhood outcomes attributable to maternal depression in Mexican women,2017,20,4,561-568,de Castro Early life maltreatment but not lifetime depression predicts insecure attachment in women,2017,20,4,477-486,Reck Rating scale item assessment of self-harm in postpartum women: a cross-sectional analysis,2017,20,5,687-694,Tripathi The association of experience of violence and somatization depression and alexithymia: a sample of women with medically unexplained symptoms in Turkey,2018,21,1,93-103,Anuk Trauma exposure and post-traumatic stress disorder in a cohort of pregnant Peruvian women,2018,21,2,193-202,Williams The association between maternal cortisol and depression during pregnancy a systematic review,2018,21,1,43-53,Williams Psychiatric comorbidity and intimate partner violence among women who inject drugs in Europe: a cross-sectional study,2018,21,3,259-269,Moskalewicz Correction to: Psychiatric comorbidity and intimate partner violence among women who inject drugs in Europe: a cross-sectional study,2018,21,3,271,Moskalewicz Maternal filicide in a cohort of English Serious Case Reviews,2019,22,1,139-149,Sidebotham PTSD of rape after IS ("Islamic State") captivity,2018,21,5,517-524,Kizilhan "Nobody came to help": interviews with women convicted of filicide in Malaysia,2019,22,1,151-158,Fisher Femicide trends in Brazil: relationship between public interest and mortality rates,2018,21,5,579-582,Vaez Pre- and postnatal exposure to intimate partner violence among South African HIV-infected mothers and infant developmental functioning at 12 months of age,2018,21,6,707-713,Peltzer Repeated neonaticide: differences and similarities to single neonaticide events,2019,22,1,159-164,Putkonen Gender differences in legal outcomes of filicide in Austria and Finland,2019,22,1,165-172,Putkonen Postpartum depression and resilience predict parenting sense of competence in women with childhood maltreatment history,2018,21,6,777-784,Martinez-Torteya Infanticide and American criminal justice (1980-2018),2019,22,1,173-177,Spinelli Characteristics of women calling the PANDA Perinatal Anxiety & Depression Australia National Helpline: a cross-sectional study,2018,21,6,801-812,Small Correction to: PTSD and gender: could gender differences in war trauma types symptom clusters and risk factors predict gender differences in PTSD prevalence?,2018,21,6,735-743,Farhood Suicide risk assessment: examining transitions in suicidal behaviors among pregnant women in Perú,2019,22,1,65-73,Williams Mental distress and sexual harassment in Italian university students,2019,22,2,229-236,Romito Adverse life experiences and common mental health problems in pregnancy: a causal pathway analysis,2019,22,1,75-83,Steingrimsdottir Abuse as a risk factor for prenatal depressive symptoms: a meta-analysis,2019,22,2,199-213,Harkness Foetal abuse,2018,ePub,ePub,ePub,Yoshida Filicide research in the twenty-first century,2019,22,1,135-137,Chandra Clinical and psychometric features of psychiatric patients after a suicide attempt in relation with menstrual cycle phases,2018,ePub,ePub,ePub,Markianos Disordered personality traits and psychiatric morbidity in pregnancy: a population-based study,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Howard Impact of intention and feeling toward being pregnant on postpartum depression: the Japan Environment and Children's Study (JECS),2018,,,,Iso The maternal reward system in postpartum depression,2018,,,,Leuner Letter to the editor: Selection bias not discussed concerning the article "PTSD of rape after IS (Islamic State) captivity" by J. I. Kizilhan published in: Archives of Women's Mental Health 2018 Oct; 21(5):517-524. doi: Epub 2018 Mar 10,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jäger Acute mental health symptoms among individuals receiving a sexual assault medical forensic exam: the role of previous intimate partner violence victimization,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gilmore Letter to the editor : Concerning the article "PTSD of rape after IS (Islamic State) captivity" by J. I. Kizilhan Published in: Archives of Women's Mental Health 2018 Oct;21(5):517-524. doi: 10.1007/s00737-018-0824-3. 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