Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Falls and fear of falling among community-dwelling seniors: the dynamic tension between exercising precaution and striving for independence,2004,23,4,307-318,Ward-Griffin Risk Factors for Falling among Community-Dwelling Veterans and Their Caregivers,2005,24,3,261-274,Crilly Holding On and Letting Go: The Perspectives of Pre-seniors and Seniors on Driving Self-Regulation in Later Life,2006,25,1,65-76,Chipman Access to bathtub grab bars: evidence of a policy gap,2006,25,3,295-304,Murphy Housing and living arrangements of South Asian immigrant seniors in Edmonton Alberta,2007,26,3,185-194,Ng Implementing a community-based falls-prevention program: from drawing board to reality,2007,26,3,213-225,Robitaille Seniors Falls Investigative Methodology (SFIM): A Systems Approach to the Study of Falls in Seniors,2007,26,3,281-290,Vandervoort Iconic sign comprehension in older adults: the role of cognitive impairment and text enhancement,2008,27,3,253-265,Klein The elderly driver's perception of risk: do older drivers still express comparative optimism?,2008,27,2,159-167,Spitzenstetter Gender and transportation access among community-dwelling seniors,2007,26,2,149-158,Wolfson Disrespect and isolation: elder abuse in Chinese communities,2006,25,2,141-151,Tam Fear of Falling among Elderly Patients with Dizziness and Syncope in a Tilt Setting,2009,28,2,157-163,Rodriguez Perceiving falls within a family context: a focused ethnographic approach,2008,27,4,331-345,Ward-Griffin The effects and costs of a multifactorial and interdisciplinary team approach to falls prevention for older home care clients 'at risk' for falling: a randomized controlled trial,2010,29,1,139-161,Roberts A cross-sectional study of the prevalence correlates and costs of falls in older home care clients 'at risk' for falling,2010,29,1,119-137,Roberts Priorities for an age-friendly bus system,2010,29,3,435-444,McKenna Transportation use in community-dwelling older adults: association with participation and leisure activities,2010,29,4,491-502,Lefebvre Unintentional Falls in Older Adults: A Methodological Historical Review,2011,ePub,ePub,1-12,Speechley Psychosocial issues in Engaging Older People with Physical Activity Interventions for the Prevention of Falls,2011,ePub,ePub,1-11,Nyman Epidemiology of Falls in Older Age,2011,30,1,7-19,Peel The Role of Culture and Diversity in the Prevention of Falls among Older Chinese People,2011,30,1,57-66,Horton Older People in Canada: Their Victimization and Fear of Crime,2011,30,3,423-436,Hayman Naturalistic Study of Winter Driving Practices by Older Men and Women: Examination of Weather Road Conditions Trip Purposes and Comfort,2011,30,4,577-589,Myers How Much Are We Willing to Pay to Prevent A Fall? Cost-Effectiveness of a Multifactorial Falls Prevention Program for Community-Dwelling Older Adults,2012,31,2,121-137,Speechley Estimating the Cost of Serious Injurious Falls in a Canadian Acute Care Hospital,2012,31,2,139-147,Zecevic Drinking habits of older Canadians: a comparison of the 1994 and 2004 national surveys,2012,31,4,379-393,Nadeau Interactions between Cold Ambient Temperature and Older Age on Haptic Acuity and Manual Performance,2013,32,2,195-202,Carnahan A profile of residents in Prairie nursing homes,2013,32,3,223-231,Cummings Older adults with acquired brain injury: Outcomes after inpatient rehabilitation,2013,32,3,278-286,Colantonio Falls risk and hospitalization among retired workers with occupational noise-induced hearing loss,2014,33,1,84-91,Girard Resident-to-resident abuse: a scoping review,2015,34,2,215-236,Hitzig "People are getting lost a little bit": systemic factors that contribute to falls in community-dwelling octogenarians,2015,34,3,397-410,Salmoni Perception and receptivity of caregivers towards intelligent video surveillance for the detection of falls of seniors at home,2015,34,4,445-456,Rousseau Hospitalization rates of nursing home residents and community-dwelling seniors in british columbia,2008,27,1,109-115,McGrail Life events and the elderly: a study of incidence structure stability and impact,1984,3,4,193-98,Stones Psychosocial constructs as possible moderators of self-reported driving restrictions,2016,35 Suppl 1,,32-43,Bedard Driving Task: How Older Drivers' On-Road Driving Performance Relates to Abilities Perceptions and Restrictions,2016,35 Suppl 1,,15-31,Charlton Antidepressants and driving in older adults: a systematic review,2016,35 Suppl 1,,7-14,Rapoport Do demographics and functional abilities influence vehicle type driven by older canadians?,2016,35 Suppl 1,,92-98,Bedard Ethics of clinical decision-making for older drivers: reporting health-related driving risk,2016,35 Suppl 1,,69-80,Marshall Retirement policies and support for emergency service personnel: the transition to retirement,2016,35,2,161-174,Mitchell Éditorial : Recherche sur la conduite automobile des personnes âgées : des preuves afin de guider le changement,2016,35,Suppl 1,4-6,Marshall Falls and Wrist Fracture: Relationship to Women's Functional Status after Age 50,2016,35,3,361-371,Basran Best-practice guideline on the prevention of abuse and neglect of older adults,2016,35,2,242-260,Podnieks Identifying fallers among home care clients with dementia and Parkinson's disease,2016,35,3,319-331,Hirdes Older driver safety: a survey of psychologists' attitudes knowledge and practices,2016,35,3,393-404,Tuokko What are the circumstances of falls and fractures in long-term care?,2016,35,4,491-498,Roy Social isolation in Chinese older adults: scoping review for age-friendly community planning,2017,36,2,223-245,Hitzig Examining rural older adults' perceptions of cognitive health,2017,36,3,318-327,Jeffery A tool for raising awareness among senior drivers,2017,36,3,328-341,Levasseur Measurement of fall prevention awareness and behaviours among older adults at home,2017,36,4,522-535,Russell Association between falls and caregiving tasks among informal caregivers: Canadian Community Health Survey data,2018,37,1,70-75,Vaughon Staying out of the closet: LGBT older adults' hopes and fears in considering end-of-life,2018,37,1,22-31,Stinchcombe Fear of falling in older adults with diabetes mellitus: the IMIAS Study,2018,37,3,261-269,Deshpande Automated fall detection technology in inpatient geriatric psychiatry: nurses' perceptions and lessons learned,2018,37,3,245-260,Gutmanis Fall prevention mobile clinic: a novel fall prevention program for community-dwelling older adults,2018,37,4,482-495,Feldman We Are Caregivers: Social Identity Is Associated with Lower Perceived Stress among Rural Informal Caregivers,2019,38,1,59-75,Ysseldyk Problematizing sexual harassment in residential long-term care: the need for a more ethical prevention strategy,2019,ePub,ePub,1-11,Kontos Characteristics associated with the postprandial hypotensive response in falling older adults,2019,ePub,ePub,1-7,Madden The association between public transportation and social isolation in older adults: a scoping review of the literature,2019,ePub,ePub,1-13,Mirza Culturally safe falls prevention program for elders in Inuvik Northwest Territories Canada: considerations for development and implementation-ERRATUM,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Giles Interactive effects of quality of life and related factors on alcohol use outcomes,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Byrne Personal and clinical factors associated with older drivers' self-awareness of driving performance,2020,ePub,ePub,1-15,Charlton Evaluation of the predictive accuracy of the interRAI Falls Clinical Assessment Protocol Scott Fall Risk Screen and a supplementary falls risk assessment tool used in residential long-term care: a retrospective cohort study,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hirdes Building nutrition into a falls risk screening program for older adults in family health teams in north Eastern Ontario,2020,ePub,ePub,1-17,Laur Examining the feasibility of a mindfulness intervention for the prevention of falls: a pilot study,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kwan Aggression and older adults: news media coverage across care settings and relationships,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Spencer Age-friendly communities and cultural pluralism: examining Saskatoon's Chinese-Canadian social enclave,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rosenberg Speeding and speed modification of older drivers: does vehicle type make a difference?,2020,39,3,385-392,Bedard Scoping review of clinical practice guidelines for fall risk screening and assessment in older adults across the care continuum,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Crizzle Psychological resources and driving status: a study of current and former drivers 55 years of age and older,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bedard How do non-catastrophic natural disasters impact middle-aged-to-older persons? Using baseline Canadian longitudinal study on aging data to explore psychological outcomes associated with the 2013 Calgary flood,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hogan Barriers to help seeking among victims of elder abuse: a scoping review and implications for public health policy in Canada,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gill Randomized controlled trial of group exercise intervention for fall risk factors reduction in nursing home residents,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Dimitriadis Developing the patient falls risk report: a mixed-methods study on sharing falls-related clinical information from home care with primary care providers,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Giangregorio Personality is associated with driving avoidance in the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging (CLSA),2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bedard Using travel diaries to examine the extent to which older adult centres are a focal point for recreation and social activities,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Myers Suicidal ideation in canadian family caregivers for a person with dementia: a portrait of the situation,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lapierre Retrospective analysis of circumstances of falls and related injuries across levels of care in older adult retirement home facilities,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Laing Causes of geriatric suicide: An exploratory study,2003,22,2,197-205,Preville Research note: Describing Canada's residential continuing care population through an analysis of a national mortality dataset and a provincial hospital dataset,2003,22,1,127-131,Wilson Injury-related mortality in elderly people in developed countries during 1985-1989,1996,15,2,274-298,Bourbeau