Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Injuries in minors: study in the emergency department,2004,40,4,447-454,De Felice Effect of socio-environmental isolation on brain biochemistry behaviour and psychoactive drug activity,1978,14,1,173-182,Valzelli Work-related injuries in young workers: an Italian multicentric epidemiological survey,2006,42,1,69-75,Tardivo Public health problems related to stray and wild dogs,1984,20,4,275-286,Biocca Profile of acute poisoning in Italy. 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What are we going to do about it?,2004,40,4,463-473,Tatarelli The role of high risk groups in environmental health research,2004,40,4,417-426,Fazzo Risk assessment of external events in nuclear facilities,2004,40,2,267-271,Tabet Female alcoholic consumption between search for equality and increase of risk: which prevention?,2004,40,1,41-46,Pala Epidemiology of alcohol consumption among women,2004,40,1,25-33,Scafato Women and alcohol: biological vulnerability,2004,40,1,19-23,Mancinelli Psychological aspects involved in alcohol consumption,2004,40,1,11-17,Bracalenti Epidemiology of home injuries: A large observational study among adult mothers in Italy,2013,49,4,376-382,La Torre Surveillance of toxic exposures: The pilot experience of the Poison Control Centers of Milan Pavia and Bergamo in 2006,2007,43,3,287-294,Davanzo Toxicologic profile of hexachlorobenzene,1987,23,1,147-163,Jori Exposure to high impulse noise: analytical methodology and experimental evaluation,1987,23,1,135-145,Cosa Acoustic impact of traffic noise in the Nomentano quarter of Rome,1987,24,2,323-329,Cosa Advances in the neurorehabilitation of severe disorder of consciousness,2014,50,3,234-240,Dolce Sexual behaviours and preconception health in Italian university students,2015,51,2,0,Ricciardi Risky behaviours among university students in Italy,2015,51,2,111-115,de Waure Incidence estimates of hand and upper extremity injuries in Italy,2015,51,4,305-312,Mamo Emerging trends in consuming behaviours for non-controlled substances by Italian urban youth: a cross sectional study,2016,52,1,104-113,Pacifici Gender disparity in addiction: an Italian epidemiological sketch,2016,52,2,176-183,Pacifici Problems associated with the coexistence of man and animals in urban areas,1978,14,2,265-271,Mantovani Educational action in the rehabilitation of severe acquired brain injuries: the role of self-awareness,2017,53,1,82-85,Formisano Illicit drugs in emergency department patients injured in road traffic accidents,2017,53,1,35-39,Papa The association between extreme weather conditions and work-related injuries and diseases. 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