Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Detecting suicidal ideation in older patients:identifying risk factors within the general practice setting,2005,55,513,269-273,Pfaff The prevention of suicide in later life: a task for GPs?,2005,55,513,261-262,Iliffe A qualitative study of help seeking and primary care consultation prior to suicide,2005,55,516,503-509,Owens Promoting child safety in primary care: a cluster randomised controlled trial to reduce baby walker use,2005,55,517,582-588,Woods Epidemiology of unintentional injuries in childhood: a population-based survey in general practice,2005,55,517,630-633,Otters Preventing accidental injuries in children: champions needed in primary care,2005,55,517,579-580,Carter The acceptability of routine inquiry about domestic violence towards women: a survey in three healthcare settings,2006,56,525,258-261,Boyle Responding to intimate partner violence: what role for general practice?,2006,56,525,243-244,Feder Domestic violence in context,2006,56,527,469,Fitzpatrick Accidents among children under five years old: a general practice based study in north Staffordshire,1993,43,369,159-163,Jones Accidents among children,1993,43,374,395,Kendrick General practitioner contacts with patients before and after deliberate self harm,2003,53,490,365-370,Townsend Suicide and attempted suicide in France: results of a general practice sentinel network 1999-2001,2004,54,501,282-284,Flahault Access to health care prior to suicide: findings from a psychological autopsy study,2004,54,501,279-281,Campbell The role of primary care in the prevention of suicide and accidental deaths among young men: an epidemiological study,2004,54,501,254-258,Taylor Differences between general practices in hospital admission rates for self-inflicted injury and self-poisoning: influence of socioeconomic factors,1995,45,398,458-462,Smith Potential for suicide prevention in primary care? An analysis of factors associated with suicide,1998,48,436,1759-1763,Charlton Dog bites in Bosnia,1997,47,420,435-437,Archer Driving after severe head injury: the need for assessment,1999,49,441,301-302,Newby Domestic violence in practice,2006,56,532,884,Duxbury Hot water bottles and diabetic patients--a cautionary tale,2005,55,512,222-223,Jose Medicalising domestic violence,2007,57,534,68,Fitzpatrick Health risk appraisal in older people 1: are older people living alone an 'at-risk' group?,2007,57,537,271-276,Swift Essay - self-inflicted injury .,2007,57,537,329,Darnton Medicalising domestic violence,2007,57,536,243-244,Duxbury Self-harm and suicide associated with benzodiazepine usage,2007,57,538,407-408,Smith Driving while under the influence of insulin,2003,53,487,149,King Driving under the influence of insulin,2002,52,485,1024-1025,Hill-Smith GPs' attitudes to benzodiazepine and 'Z-drug' prescribing: a barrier to implementation of evidence and guidance on hypnotics,2006,56,533,964-967,Siriwardena Prevalence and predictors of occupational violence and aggression towards GPs: a cross-sectional study,2007,57,545,967-970,Boyle Role of the primary health care team in preventing accidents to children,1994,44,385,372-375,Kendrick Poverty violence and child protection,2008,58,554,658-659,Roberts Routine mortality monitoring for detecting mass murder in UK general practice: test of effectiveness using modelling,2008,58,550,311-317,Macleod Case-control study of GP attendance rates by suicide cases with or without a psychiatric history,1997,47,417,211-215,Gordon Physical and social predictors of partner abuse in women attending general practice: a cross-sectional study,2008,58,552,484-487,Taft Utilisation of health care by women who have suffered abuse: a descriptive study on medical records in family practice,2007,57,538,396-400,Romkens Lessons from the past learning for the future: safeguarding children in primary care,2007,57,536,238-242,Carter Patient-doctor relationship: duet or duel? A physicians' perspective,2002,52,483,855,De Leo Case finding of lifestyle and mental health disorders in primary care: validation of the 'CHAT' tool,2008,58,546,26-31,Goodyear-Smith Recognising domestic violence in clinical practice using the diagnoses of posttraumatic stress disorder depression and low self-esteem,2006,56,525,294-300,Duxbury Increased awareness of intimate partner abuse after training: a randomised controlled trial,2006,56,525,249-257,Lo Fo Wong GPs' role in the detection of psychological problems of young people: a population-based study,2009,59,566,e308-14,Michaud Medical and social aspects of sexual assault of males: a survey of 100 victims,1990,40,341,502-504,Harris Psychological intervention for victims and helpers after disasters,1990,40,337,345-348,Alexander General practice consultation patterns before and after intentional overdose: a matched control study,1990,40,332,102-105,Gorman Psychological sequelae of sexual abuse in childhood,1990,40,330,29-31,Hooper Victims of violence--a health promotion clinic,1991,41,343,81-82,Cembrowicz Suicidal behaviour: a continuing cause for concern,1992,42,364,482-485,Aldridge Suicide rates,1993,43,369,177,Gunnell General practitioners' beliefs about their role in the prevention and treatment of accidents involving children,1993,43,376,463-465,Jones Primary care contact prior to suicide in individuals with mental illness,2009,59,568,825-832,Miles Suicide mitigation: time for a more realistic approach,2010,60,570,1-3,Lepping Suicide in later life,2010,60,571,129-130,Iliffe Outcome of knee injuries in general practice: 1-year follow-up,2010,60,571,56-63,Koes Impact of motor vehicle accidents on neck pain and disability in general practice,2008,58,554,624-629,Koes Domestic violence in the Bengali community,2005,55,518,715-716,O'doherty Injury management by GPs in Australia,1996,46,402,47,McClure Holiday travel and morbidity reported to general practitioners,1994,44,380,105-108,Beale Effectiveness of exercise-referral schemes to promote physical activity in adults: systematic review,2007,57,545,979-986,Wilkinson Domestic violence: a hidden problem for general practice,1996,46,405,239-242,Feder Managing violence in the practice,1995,45,391,109,Stark Child neglect,2010,60,571,129,Allister Child neglect: what does it have to do with general practice?,2010,60,570,5-7,Wilson Beyond the specific child. What is 'a child's case' in general practice?,2010,60,570,e4-9,Hølge-Hazelton Incidence of oronasal haemorrhage in infancy presenting to general practice in the UK,2008,58,557,877-879,McIntosh GPs and child protection,2002,52,482,764-765,Alexander GP involvement in child protection,2002,52,481,678,Caan GP involvement in child protection,2002,52,481,677-678,Beech Women who experience domestic violence and women survivors of childhood sexual abuse: a survey of health professionals' attitudes and clinical practice,2001,51,467,468-470,Feder What role for the general practitioner in child protection?,2000,50,461,977-981,Khan Safety of doctors at work: lessons learnt from personal experience,2008,58,551,439,Langmead Screening for domestic violence,2003,53,495,809-10; author reply 810,Feder Managing violence in primary care: an evidence-based approach,2003,53,492,557-562,Wright Screening for domestic violence in general practice: a way forward?,2003,53,492,515-518,Goodyear-Smith Factors influencing help seeking in mentally distressed young adults: a cross-sectional survey,2004,54,501,248-253,Donovan Can suicide in young men be prevented by improving access and delivery among primary care services?,2004,54,501,242-243,Tylee Unresolved grief in young offenders in prison,2000,50,456,569-570,Finlay Ten year follow-up of depression after diagnosis in general practice,1998,48,435,1643-1646,Zitman Overdose and termination of pregnancy,1997,47,416,184,Gbolade Overdose and termination of pregnancy: an important association?,1996,46,413,737-738,Jacobson Role of doctors in the prevention of suicide: the final consultation,1994,44,385,345-348,Matthews Fatal methaemoglobinaemia in a dental nurse. A case of sodium nitrite poisoning,1990,40,340,470-471,Gowans Fear of aggression at work among general practitioners who have suffered a previous episode of aggression,1994,44,386,390-394,Hobbs Sensible drinking: were GPs influenced by the Government report?,1997,47,422,593-594,Heather Chronic bullous disease of childhood--another cause for potential misdiagnosis of sexual abuse?,1997,47,421,507-508,Coleman Do GPs agree with 'old' sensible drinking limits?,1997,47,417,253-254,Taylor Facing unpalatable truths: 2,2009,59,564,553,Roberts Victims of violence and the general practitioner,1998,48,426,906-908,King Changing the response of professionals to child abuse,1998,48,434,1609-1611,Munro Domestic violence: a hidden problem in general practice,1996,46,411,623-624,Stammers Ageing Britain--challenges and opportunities for general practice,2001,51,462,5-6,Drury Children and confidentiality,2001,51,466,422-423,Hodgkin Difficult behaviour in drug-misusing and non-drug-misusing patients in general practice--a comparison,2001,51,466,391-393,Thompson Reasons for patient removals: results of a survey of 1005 GPs in Northern Ireland,2001,51,469,661-663,Kelly Sexual violence in women attending general practice,2004,54,499,135-6; author reply 136,Robbé GPs' compliance with health and safety legislation and their occupational health needs in one London health authority,2002,52,482,741-742,Cockcroft Viewpoint - On doctors and bombs,2007,57,543,839,Saadi The role of primary care in bioterrorism epidemics and other major emergencies: failing to plan is planning to fail,2003,53,486,5-6,Hodgkin Sexual violence against adult women primary care attenders in east London,2003,53,496,858-862,Coid Domestic violence: the general practitioner's role,1999,49,441,317,Hayes Epilepsy mortality and risk factors for death in epilepsy: A population-based study,2011,61,586,271-278,Charlton Domestic violence PTSD and diagnostic enquiry,2011,61,589,496-497,Duxbury Risk communication methods in hip fracture prevention: A randomised trial in primary care,2011,61,589,469-476,Hudson Assessment of elderly people in general practice. 1. Social circumstances and mental state,1991,41,342,9-12,Haines Foreign body inhalation: a danger of metered dose inhalers,1990,40,330,43,Cohen Does the availability of prescribed drugs affect rates of self poisoning?,1998,48,433,1505-1506,Crombie Fatal toxicity associated with antidepressant use in primary care,2000,50,454,366-370,Eccles The Shipman inquiry: implications for the public's trust in doctors,2000,50,454,355-356,Pringle Ethical and research dilemmas arising from a questionnaire study of psychological morbidity among general practice managers,2001,51,462,32-35,Sheikh Harmful drinking and alcohol dependence: Advice from recent NICE guidelines,2011,61,593,754-756,O'Flynn Isotretinoin depression and suicide: a review of the evidence,2005,55,511,134-138,Magin Heading in soccer--time for a rethink?,1999,49,440,171,Kernick Emergency medical admissions in Glasgow: general practices vary despite adjustment for age sex and deprivation,1999,49,444,551-554,Capewell Costs of antidepressant overdose: a preliminary study,1999,49,446,733-734,Feldman Management of deliberate self harm in general practice: a qualitative study,1999,49,446,721-724,Prasad A RCT of three training and support strategies to encourage implementation of screening and brief alcohol intervention by general practitioners,1999,49,446,699-703,Heather A randomized trial of three marketing strategies to disseminate a screening and brief alcohol intervention programme to general practitioners,1999,49,446,695-698,Heather Medicine and the Holocaust - lessons for present and future physicians,2003,53,486,78-79,Reis Making a successful return to work: the UK burden of injury multicentre longitudinal study,2012,62,595,82-90,Coupland Preventing unintentional injuries: what does NICE guidance mean for primary care?,2012,62,595,62-63,Ward Viewpoint 2--GPs and child protection: time to grasp the nettle,2002,52,479,514,Carter A simple approach to improve recording of concerns about child maltreatment in primary care records: developing a quality improvement intervention,2012,62,600,478-486,Gilbert Steam inhalation therapy: severe scalds as an adverse side effect,2012,62,600,473-477,Nieuwenhuis Dance as a form of exercise,2007,57,535,166,Bremer Domestic violence: knowledge attitudes and clinical practice of selected UK primary healthcare clinicians,2012,62,602,647-655,Eldridge Recording concerns about child maltreatment,2012,62,602,463,Gordon Children at risk of medicinal and non-medicinal poisoning: a population-based case-control study in general practice,2012,62,605,827-833,Kendrick Orthostatic hypotension diabetes and falling in older patients: a cross-sectional study,2012,62,603,696-702,van der Meer Speaking for the dead to protect the living: the role of the coroner and the Shipman Inquiry,2004,54,500,162-163,Young Drinking to and gambling with our health,2005,55,513,317,Lakasing The validity of the diagnosis of depression in general practice: is using criteria for diagnosis as a routine the answer?,2000,50,453,284-287,Zitman When we justify apathy and homicide in Syria,2013,63,614,486,Saab Suicide risk among farming patients and the effects of HS2,2014,64,619,69-70,Ralphs Women's experiences of referral to a domestic violence advocate in UK primary care settings: A service-user collaborative study,2014,64,620,e151-8,Howell Epilepsy monitoring and advice recorded: general practitioners' views current practice and patients' preferences,1996,46,402,11-14,Robins Communicating risk using absolute risk reduction or prolongation of life formats: cluster-randomised trial in general practice,2014,64,621,e199-207,Kristiansen Time ladies and gentlemen!: 'this bewitching poison' alcohol and the royal college of physicians,2014,64,621,192,Davies Attitudes towards domestic violence in Lebanon: a qualitative study of primary care practitioners,2014,64,623,e313-e320,Feder Access to general practice and visits to accident and emergency departments in England: cross-sectional analysis of a national patient survey,2014,64,624,e434-9,Majeed Obesity pelvic inflammatory disease falls prevention and domestic violence,2014,64,625,411,Rashid A simple clinical coding strategy to improve recording of child maltreatment concerns: an audit study,2014,64,625,389-390,Woodman Do we have enough 'injidents'?,2002,52,479,454-455 457-458,Adams Child maltreatment: time to rethink the role of general practice,2014,64,626,444-445,Woodman Community hospitals geriatric teaching adolescent violence and mystery shopping,2014,64,628,583,Rashid What can GPs do for adult patients disclosing recent sexual violence?,2015,65,630,42-44,Kennedy Socioeconomic deprivation and accident and emergency attendances: cross-sectional analysis of general practices in England,2015,65,639,e649-54,Schofield Seeking support after hospitalisation for injury: a nested qualitative study of the role of primary care,2015,66,642,e24-31,Kendrick Experiences of suicide bereavement: a qualitative study exploring the role of the GP,2016,66,643,e92-e98,Fhailí Persistent problems 1 year after mild traumatic brain injury: a longitudinal population study in New Zealand,2016,66,642,e16-e23,McPherson Home remedy or hazard? Management and costs of paediatric steam inhalation therapy burn injuries,2016,66,644,e193-e199,Hemington-Gorse Yonder: self-harm repeat prescribing deprescribing and worry,2016,66,646,261,Rashid Yonder: workplace violence childhood obesity somatoform disorders and 'selfies',2016,66,648,374,Rashid GPs' experiences of dealing with parents bereaved by suicide: a qualitative study,2016,66,651,e737-46,Kapur Access to and experiences of healthcare services by trafficked people: findings from a mixed-methods study in England,2016,66,652,e794-e801,Zimmerman Yonder: acute kidney injury domestic violence allergy services and receptionists,2016,66,651,525,Rashid Childhood bullying: implications for general practice,2016,66,651,504-505,Dale Bullying and banter,2016,66,653,e605,Needham Juggling confidentiality and safety: a qualitative study of how general practice clinicians document domestic violence in families with children,2017,67,659,e437-e444,Hester Does torture work? Donald Trump and the CIA,2017,67,656,126,Lowth Predicting the onset of hazardous alcohol drinking in primary care: development and validation of a simple risk algorithm,2017,67,657,e280-e292,King Opiate addiction and overdose: experiences attitudes and appetite for community naloxone provision,2017,67,657,e267-e273,Klimas Psychological morbidity and return to work after injury: multicentre cohort study,2017,67,661,e555-e564,Morriss Making a difference: working at Freedom from Torture,2017,67,661,362,Lowth Self-harm in young people: a challenge for general practice,2017,67,665,542-543,Kemp Doctors and suicide,2018,68,669,168-169,Gerada Self-harm pictures on Instagram,2018,68,672,335,Rashid Diagnosing violence,2018,68,672,329,Hassanally Discontinuity of care: is it undermining our response to domestic violence and abuse?,2018,68,672,328,Pitt Poisoning substances taken by young people: a population-based cohort study,2018,68,675,e703-e710,Kendrick Hormonal contraception and suicide: a new dimension of risk,2018,68,676,512-513,Hughes Modern slavery: identifying victims in general practice,2018,68,677,e578,Gibson Exposure to domestic violence and abuse and consultations for emergency contraception: nested case-control study in a UK primary care dataset,2019,69,680,e199-e207,Feder Heading the ball in football: what do we tell our patients and why so long to action?,2019,69,678,25,Kernick Self-harm in young people: the exceptional potential of the general practice consultation,2019,69,681,168-169,Townsend Reducing risk following self-harm: the need for careful prescribing,2019,69,682,224-225,Webb GP views on their role in bullying disclosure by children and young people in the community: a cross-sectional qualitative study in English primary care,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Prasad We must oppose lethal autonomous weapons systems,2019,69,687,510-511,Armitage Role of primary care in supporting older adults who self-harm: a qualitative study in England,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chew-Graham Experiences of support from primary care and perceived needs of parents bereaved by suicide: a qualitative study,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Shaw Role of the GP in the management of patients with self-harm behaviour: a systematic review,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chew-Graham Suicide prevention in young people: optimising primary care,2020,70,692,104-105,Robinson Yonder: domestic violence norovirus palliative care referrals and quarantine adherence,2020,70,695,e298,Rashid Rapid access to brief psychological treatments for self-harm and suicidal crisis,2020,70,e695,274-275,Saini Inequalities in suicide rates associated with deprivation in England from 2004 to 2019,2020,70,Suppl 1,e20X711593,Hodgson Evaluating interprofessional education: initial learning from a domestic abuse conference,2020,70,Suppl 1,ePub,Yardley Domestic violence during COVID-19: the GP role,2020,70,696,e340,Gibson Managing older people's perceptions of alcohol-related risk: a qualitative exploration in Northern English primary care,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kaner Domestic abuse among female doctors: thematic analysis of qualitative interviews in the UK,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Santer Bullying during COVID-19: the impact on child and adolescent health,2021,71,704,122,Armitage Suicide prevention and COVID-19: the role of primary care during the pandemic and beyond,2021,71,706,200-201,Webb Asking about suicide and self-harm: moving beyond clinician discomfort,2021,71,706,e217,Norman Experiences of general practice care for self-harm: a qualitative study of young people's perspectives,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chew-Graham Factors affecting primary care practitioners' alcohol-related discussions with older adults: qualitative study,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kaner Lesser-known types of violence: helping professionals to signal and act,2022,72,720,345-347,Viergever Bandaging our own wounds: how do we support each other when a colleague dies by suicide?,2022,72,721,390,Stone Yonder: Psychotropic medication discontinuation post-migration stressors suicide prevention and role modelling,2022,72,725,e582,Rashid Improving the management of self-harm in primary care,2023,73,729,148-149,Kapur Recent GP consultation before death by suicide in middle-aged males: a national consecutive case series study,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rodway Adapting domestic abuse training to remote delivery during the COVID-19 pandemic: a qualitative study of views from general practice and support services,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Feder Suicide prevention targeting middle-aged males: the role of primary care,2023,73,732,292-294,Wetherall Can music therapy help the elderly with depression?,2023,73,Suppl 1,bjgp23X734193,Vaidyanathan Seasonal trends in antidepressant prescribing depression anxiety and self-harm in adolescents and young adults: an open cohort study using UK primary care data,2023,73,Suppl 1,bjgp23X733677,Hippisley-Cox Investigating the impact on GP facilitators of small group facilitation for an annual interprofessional domestic abuse conference 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