Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Use of dental impression technic in the construction of individual tooth protectors and their significance in the prevention of sports injuries,1985,78,1,1-4,Simon Epidemiologic study of mid-face fractures in a 14-year (1977-1990) material of the authors' clinic,1993,86,11,359-363,Szontágh Dental problems in traffic safety,1971,64,10,370-371,Schranz Effect of dental interventions on driving ability,1978,71,10,296-301,Berényi Facial injuries in the light of traffic accident statistics,1979,72,6,163-166,Ackermann Dynamics of traffic accidents and facial injuries,1973,66,3,84-89,Ackermann Data on maxillofacial injuries,1971,64,10,383-385,Ackermann Survey of a three-and-a-half-year case load at a traumatology department,1989,82,6,173-176,Büki Injuries of agricultural origin treated at the Stomatological Clinic of the Debrecen University during the last 10 years,1952,45,12,364-367,Csepura Causes of jaw fractures,1967,60,3,65-71,Biro Analysis of jaw fractures treated during 1956-1965 with special reference to mandibular fractures,1968,61,10,311-318,Bohátka Incidence of injuries to deciduous teeth,1997,90,10,307-309,Hidasi Changing approaches to traumatic injuries to primary and permanent teeth based on the reports published in 'Fogorvosi Szemle' in the past 100 years,2009,102,1,3-6,Tarján Late orthodontic management and prosthetic rehabilitation of a child after accidental injuries,1987,80,11,347-350,Werner Accidental injuries and therapy of permanent front teeth in children,1976,69,9,273-275,Csorogi A rare case of gunshot wound of the tongue,1974,67,9,261-262,Pongrácz The role of sexual trauma as a cause of orofacial symptoms. Case report,2004,97,1,37-40,Kaán Bite injury of the tongue,1967,60,12,375-377,Szabó Hazards of swallowing of broken denture parts and its prevention,1977,70,3,92-95,Csorba A rare case of fatal outcome due to extensive facial trauma caused by dogbite,2009,102,5,187-190,Ruszin [Extensive intraoral cicatrization treated by microsurgery],1998,91,3,87-90,Redl