Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Lighting and visual hygiene,1961,19,,598-603,Hermans Carbon monoxide poisoning in the Brussels metropolitan area. Home survey technics and proposals for action,1989,47,1-4,24-28,Lagasse Suicide in the province of Antwerp. Analysis of some data for the periods 1961-1964 and 1973-1975,1976,34,9-10,590-599,Seynnaeve Alcohol and traffic: official detection of drunken drivers the top of the iceberg,1976,34,2,79-86,van den Oever Morbidity by accidents in childhood,1967,25,5,313-326,Gerardy Homonymous hemianopsia due to acute methanol poisoning,1967,25,2,111-116,Sucs The road the automobile and the road user,1970,28,5,365-371,Raveschot Towards tractor safety and comfort test (TSACT). 2,1970,28,3,190-224,Weiser Absenteeism in an automobile assembly plant,1969,27,9,622-644,Maréchal Double blind study of the criteria to distinguish tendancy to traffic offences from tendency to be the victim of traffic accidents,1967,25,9,631-639,Lambert Emergency care rendered to victims of traffic accidents,1967,25,6,430-443,Cara Emergency care rendered to victims of traffic accidents in Great Britain,1967,25,6,421-429,Capener Disadvantages of the salts on the roads in winter,1972,30,7,468-481,van de Voorde Suicide in medical circles. An unusual case,1974,32,1,33-38,Timperman Suicide and suicide prevention,1976,34,9-10,600-611,Seynnaeve The impact of violent televized scenes on children,1979,37,5,301-305,Dopchie The result of Belgian forensic pathology in identification tasks in mass disasters,1979,37,1,9-20,Timperman Statistical data on traffic accidents and offenses in Belgium and applicability of the data,1970,28,4,285-294,de Wijs-Koppen Towards tractor safety and comfort test (TSACT),1970,28,2,117-144,Weiser Approach to the prevention of accidents on the way to work,1968,26,4,268-277,Gerardy Tractors and children,1968,26,3,216-221,Weiser Emergency care in traffic accidents. Organization and function of a resuscitation center,1967,25,7,462-86 concl,Hanquet Emergency care rendered to victims of traffic accidents,1967,25,6,404-420,Gogler The incidence of technical factors in the prevention of industrial accidents,1966,24,4,225-232,Malter Investigation of home accidents in primary school age children,1973,31,5,289-306,Lechat Social costs of energy,1980,38,9-10,617-625,Desayere Technical aspects of risks connected with energy production,1980,38,9-10,568-585,Jaumotte The effect of alcohol and blood alcohol content,1976,34,7,427-434,van de Voorde Hit-and-run a special traffic accident,1976,34,4,238-246,van de Voorde Housing problems for the elderly,1981,39,5,301-305,Hellemans Case of toluene poisoning,1951,9,7-8,296-298,Proyard Acute poisoning from arsine causing anuria and methods for its prevention,1951,9,1,28-30,Firket A case of peracute poisoning by monochloracetic acid,1951,9,1,19-22,Zeldenrust Case of toluol poisoning,1951,9,1,8-13,Proyard General organization of medical control of sports in Belgium,1952,10,5,264-277,Dubois Electroencephalography in acute carbon monoxide poisoning,1955,13,10,689-701,Noel Diagnosis treatment and prevention of injuries caused by radiations,1955,13,10,666-688,Desaive Intoxication with parathion and its toxicological investigation,1955,13,7,429-436,Demey-Ponsart Swimming and infantile paralysis,1956,14,7,366-373,Van den Bossche Biochemical disorders in industrial toxicology; mechanism of poisonings caused by lead volatile hydrocarbons and carbon disulfide,1956,14,4,194-222,Merlevede Beating and wounds or natural death,1956,14,3,128-130,Desoignies Poisoning caused by phthalic anhydride maleic anhydride and phthalates,1957,15,10,445-457,Merlevede Fire in the Bois du Cazier coal fields at Marcinelle: hygienic measures,1957,15,2,94-99,Houyet Poisoning from mushrooms,1958,16,4,182-184,Baeken Myocardial infarct secondary to a thoracic traumatism,1960,18,,527-533,Muller Carbon monoxide poisoning,1960,18,,201-207,Stassen Present status of research carried out under the guidance of the Communaute Europeenne du Charbon et de l'Acier in the field of carbon monoxide poisoning,1960,18,,176-187,Coppee Apropos of incest,1960,18,,228-231,André Mortality and morbidity due to accidents in children in Europe,1960,18,,42-58,Tuyns Prevention of accidents in childhood,1960,18,,59-65,Graffar The problem of accidents in children in the Netherlands,1960,18,,33-41,van den Berg Research on the human factor in work accidents,1961,19,,51-62,Coppee-Bolly Investigation of the real frequency of accidental poisonings in children,1963,21,,380-387,Malchair Sociological aspects of alcoholism. Investigation into drinking habits of ghent university students,1965,23,,5-16,Prove Carbon disulfide poisoning in workers in a leather-working plant,1962,20,,221-251,Merlevede The industrial physician in face of safety problems,1962,20,,252-270,Lechien A case of poisoning by toluene diisocyanate,1967,25,7,449-454,Staquet Physiological heat equilibrium during work in a hot environment in the automobile industry. Adaptation of the WBGT index,1979,37,7,404-422,Rogowsky Findings in the analysis of 1347 blood alcohol samples in the Louvain arrondissement,1974,32,9-10,593-605,van de Voorde Chemical epidemiological aspects of pesticides,1971,29,4,244-253,Maes Consumption of various drinks by migrant workers in Belgium,1972,30,9,615-623,Decrucq Skeletal age and physical development of 12-year-old boys,1972,30,2,102-119,Ostyn Alcoholic beverage consumption in a sample of school children and students from Brussels,1976,34,1,32-38,Sand Toxicology of disinfectants and antiseptics,1973,31,8,501-508,Lafontaine Method of determining the cartridge residue around the hole of entry on clothing,1977,35,3,192-200,Van den Oever Postmortem alcohol concentration in blood and vitreous humor,1977,35,3,181-191,Van den Oever Survey of Belgian adolescents. Results and conclusions for health education,1978,36,5,296-301,Reginister-Haneuse Occupational methylbromide poisoning,1978,36,6,353-369,van den Oever Blood alcohol after a meal washed down with some wine,1978,36,6,333-339,Nicaise Television and mental health,1979,37,5,281-285,Sand Television and the child. Point of view of someone responsible for television,1979,37,5,273-280,Hubert Television and the child. Reflections by way of introduction,1979,37,5,266-272,Van Hout Carboxyhemoglobin in mother and fetuses in fatal accidental carbon monoxide poisoning,1978,36,8,504-511,Timperman Medico-legal anthropology,1978,36,9-10,597-631,Gortz Assessment of biological risks associated with nuclear power production,1980,38,9-10,586-591,Pochin