Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Use of automobile restraining devices for infants,1980,29,5,281-284,Ford Dating violence in college women: associated physical injury healthcare usage and mental health symptoms,2005,54,4,235-242,Amar Goal setting and health risk reduction,1985,34,5,283-288,Alexy Secondary Prevention of Intimate Partner Violence: A Randomized Controlled Trial,2006,55,1,52-61,McFarlane An explanatory model of variables influencing postinjury disability,1997,46,5,262-269,Richmond Measuring the Direct Healthcare Costs of a Fall Injury Event,2007,56,4,283-287,Findorff Cost Analysis of Obtaining Postintervention Results in a Cohort of High-Risk Adolescent Girls,2007,56,4,269-274,Ahmed Construct Validity of the Korean Women's Abuse Intolerance Scale,2008,57,1,40-50,Figueredo Physical injuries reported on hospital visits for assault during the pregnancy-associated period,2008,57,3,144-149,Kotelchuck Childhood sexual abuse by a family member salivary cortisol and homicidal behavior of female prison inmates,2008,57,3,166-174,Burgess Getting "to the point": the experience of mothers getting assistance for their adult children who are violent and mentally ill,2008,57,3,136-143,Heilemann Mental health after sexual violence: the role of behavioral and demographic risk factors,2008,57,3,175-181,Mueller Effect of violence exposure on health outcomes among young urban adolescents,2008,57,3,157-165,Campbell Use of brief tools to measure depressive symptoms in women with a history of intimate partner violence,2008,57,3,150-156,Kernic Nurturing the research vision: violence injury and human safety,2008,57,3,135,Hendrickson Planning for mass disaster in the 1950s: Harriet H. Werley and Nursing Research,2008,57,4,237-244,Leifer Risks and resources associated with antepartum risk for depression among rural southern women,2007,56,6,378-386,Jesse The mediating and moderating roles of the cognitive triad on adolescent suicidal ideation,2007,56,4,252-259,Chang Changes in childhood risk taking and safety behavior after a peer group media intervention,2009,58,4,264-273,Kennedy Factors related to continued suicidal behavior in dyadic relationships,1966,15,1,72-75,Harris Factors contributing to child abuse,1975,24,4,293-295,Miller Responses to life events as predictors of suicidal behavior,1980,29,6,362-369,Papa A theoretical framework for nursing research in child abuse and neglect,1981,30,2,78-83,Millor A decision-making model for diagnosing and intervening in elder abuse and neglect,1985,34,3,134-139,Phillips A protocol of safety: research on abuse of women. Nursing Research Consortium on Violence and Abuse,1990,39,4,248-250,Ulrich Agonizing questioning: experiences of survivors of suicide victims,1990,39,4,224-229,Van Dongen Parental stress response to sexual abuse and ritualistic abuse of children in day-care centers,1990,39,1,25-29,Kelley Physical and emotional abuse in pregnancy: a comparison of adult and teenage women,1993,42,3,173-178,McFarlane Teetering on the edge: a substantive theory of postpartum depression,1993,42,1,42-48,Beck Testing women's propensities to leave their abusive husbands using structural equation modeling,2009,58,6,435-443,Choi Attitudes of nursing students and nursing faculty toward death,1974,23,1,50-53,Lester Bullying (Ijime) Among Japanese Hospital Nurses: Modeling Responses to the Revised Negative Acts Questionnaire,2010,59,2,110-118,Abe Health behaviors as mediators for the effect of partner abuse on infant birth weight,2004,53,1,36-45,Hawkins Relationships between psychosocial factors and abusive parenting attitudes in low-income single mothers,2002,51,3,158-167,Lutenbacher A Meta-Analytic Study of Predictors of Anger in Adolescents,2010,59,3,178-184,Mahon An Interventional Approach for Patient and Nurse Safety: A Fatigue Countermeasures Feasibility Study,2010,59,4,250-258,Rogers Predicting alcohol use in rural children: a longitudinal study,1993,42,2,79-86,Long Drug combinations and potential for risk of adverse drug reaction among community-dwelling elderly,1994,43,1,44-49,Forster Re: 'Physical and emotional abuse in pregnancy: a comparison of adult and teenage women',1994,43,3,190-191,Webster Abuse during pregnancy: associations with maternal health and infant birth weight,1996,45,1,37-42,McFarlane An intervention to increase safety behaviors of abused women: results of a randomized clinical trial,2002,51,6,347-354,McFarlane Depression Among Women Experiencing Intimate Partner Violence in a Chinese Community,2011,60,1,58-65,Humphreys Where reality meets methodology in conducting nursing intervention research with women,1997,46,4,240-243,Harris Correspondence analysis: a graphical technique for examining categorical data,1997,46,4,235-239,Watts Reducing assaults against nursing home caregivers,2005,54,2,119-127,Gates Mothers' potential for child abuse: the roles of childhood abuse and social resources,1998,47,2,87-95,Rayens The effects of maternal psychosocial factors on parenting attitudes of low-income single mothers with young children,1998,47,1,25-34,Hall Effect of sexual and physical abuse on symptom experiences in women with irritable bowel syndrome,2001,50,1,15-23,Taylor Academic record as a predictor of future job performance of nurses,1972,21,5,457-462,Saffer The impact of physical-physiological activity on infants' growth and development,1972,21,3,210-219,Porter Physiologic/psychologic changes reported by USAF female flight nurses during flying duties,1973,22,1,31-36,Farrell Psychological reactions of nurses in disaster,1973,22,4,343-347,Laube Crisis and counseling requests of rape victims,1974,23,3,196-202,Burgess Self-schemas and possible selves as predictors and outcomes of risky behaviors in adolescents,1998,47,2,96-106,Stein Risk and Protective Factors for Suicidal Ideation Among Taiwanese Adolescents,2011,60,6,413-421,Wang Perceived family functioning and suicidal ideation: hopelessness as mediator or moderator,2011,60,6,422-429,Kwok The winding road from research to practice through theory,2011,60,6,367,Blegen The causal attributions of nursing students toward adolescent survivors of brain injury,2012,61,1,58-65,Linden Increasing meaning in measurement: a Rasch analysis of the child-adolescent teasing scale,2012,61,3,159-170,Vessey An Electronic Fall Prevention Toolkit: Effect on Documentation Quality,2012,61,4,309-313,Carroll Testing a fall risk model for injection drug users,2012,61,6,423-432,Goldberg Risk perception of musculoskeletal injury among critical care nurses,2013,62,1,36-44,Landry Effects of booster interventions on factory workers' use of hearing protection,2004,53,1,53-58,Eakin Survey methods and response rates among rural community dwelling older adults,2013,62,4,286-291,Edelman A Test of Two Explanatory Models of Women's Responses to Battering,1989,38,1,18-24,Campbell How nursing students' reactions to rape victims are affected by a perceived act of carelessness,1981,30,3,168-170,Damrosch Rape: the process of recovery,1979,28,5,272-275,Ipema Factors associated with self-concept in adolescent survivors of an 8.0-magnitude earthquake in china,2014,63,4,278-288,Zhang Feasibility of an online safety planning intervention for rural and urban pregnant abused women,2014,63,4,243-251,Glass Analyses of coping responses and adjustment: stability of conclusions,1987,36,2,94-97,Brown Leisure time activities of elementary school children,1997,46,5,246-253,Harrell Electronic alerts for triage protocol compliance among emergency department triage nurses: a randomized controlled trial,2015,64,3,226-230,Holmes Pain and aggression in nursing home residents with dementia: Minimum Data Set 3.0 analysis,2015,64,4,256-263,Ahn Future expectations attitude toward violence and bullying perpetration during early adolescence: a mediation evaluation,2015,64,6,422-433,Zimmerman Nonoccupational postexposure human immunodeficiency virus prophylaxis: acceptance following sexual assault,2016,65,1,47-54,Hauda Mental health disorders in elderly people receiving home care: prevalence and correlates in the national U.S. population,2016,65,2,107-116,Jia Workplace bullying job stress intent to leave and nurses' perceptions of patient safety in South Korean hospitals,2016,65,5,380-388,Oh Near-falls in elderly community-dwelling blacks from two out-patient clinics in Harlem,2017,66,1,49-53,Basler Students' perceptions of characteristics of victims and perpetrators of bullying in public schools in Jordan,2017,66,1,40-48,Gharaibeh Temporal patterns of in-hospital falls of elderly patients:,2016,65,6,435-445,Smolensky Fear and risk of falling activities of daily living and quality of life: assessment when older adults receive emergency department care,2017,66,4,330-335,Koç Conducting clinically based intimate partner violence research: safety protocol recommendations,2017,66,5,405-409,Campbell Alcohol or drug use and trauma recidivism,2017,66,5,399-404,Lardelli-Claret Simulated driving performance self-reported driving behaviors and mental health symptoms in adolescent novice drivers,2018,67,3,202-211,Fargo Item generation and content validity of the Child-Adolescent Bullying Scale,2018,67,4,294-304,Vessey Additive interactions between gender and bullying victimization on depressive symptoms and suicidality: Youth Risk Behavior Survey 2011-2015,2018,67,6,430-438,Pontes Diabetes distress depressive symptoms and cardiovascular health in adults with type 1 diabetes,2019,68,6,445-452,McCarthy Trends in depressive symptoms and suicidality: Youth Risk Behavior Survey 2009-2017,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Pontes Economic analysis of Brief Motivational Intervention following trauma related to drugs and alcohol,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Vilar-López Scoring interpersonal violence measures: methodological considerations,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Burton Nurse sensemaking for responding to patient and family safety concerns,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Williams Controlled drinking behaviors among Korean American and Korean male workers,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lowe Fear of falling cognition and physical function in community-dwelling older adult,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Zhang Adverse childhood experiences depression and intimate partner violence among Chinese immigrant women: mediation by social and partner support,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Li Overdosing in a motor vehicle: examination of human geographic and environmental factors,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lopez Mediation of psychological capital in youth experiencing homelessness,2024,73,3,188-194,Rew Sex Differences in Depressive Symptom Networks Among Community-Dwelling Older Adults,2022,71,5,370-379,Hu Suicide Risk Management Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial of Cardiac Patients Reporting Hopelessness,2021,70,1,72-79,Collins Voicing Jordanian Adolescents' Suicide,2021,70,1,E1-E10,Shahrour A nurse-facilitated depression screening program in an Army primary care clinic: an evidence-based project,2010,59,1 Suppl,S58-65,Yackel Hair Collection for Cortisol Among Youth Experiencing Homelessness,2023,72,5,371-376,Kelleher